Chapter 84

The days went by day by day, and finally, the day of Haotian's ascension to the throne came.

Although he knew that these saints would not give him face to come in person, he still prepared nine thrones and greeted guests outside Lingxiao Palace early.

Now that Haotian has turned into a young man, the body of a boy is naturally unacceptable.

It's a pity that these saints didn't buy it even if they were as strong as the demon clan. Now, the saints don't give him face even more. You, Haotian, are just a little boy, and we are disciples of Daozu.

Soon, someone announced: "The Taiqing sage's great disciple Xuandu Zhenren came to congratulate His Majesty on his enthronement, and presented him with a nine-rank elixir!"

"Fellow Daoist Xuandu, welcome! Please come inside!" Haotian greeted him with a smile.

"Congratulations, Fellow Daoist, for keeping the clouds open and the moon shining, you have finally come out on top today!"

Xuandu is smoother, different from Lao Tzu's rigid, quiet and inactive personality.

The two arched their hands at each other, and Xuandu walked into the Lingxiao Palace to take a seat.

The arrival of Xuandu makes Haotian more happy, because he knows that he is just a boy, and compared with Lao Tzu, he is far behind. Maybe other quasi-sages will give him this face, but as saints, they are all disciples of Taoist ancestors. , compared with him as a boy, his status is too high.

Therefore, Xuandu, who is the eldest disciple of Lao Tzu, was able to come here, which is really rare.

Haotian finally showed a gleam of joy on his face.

"Red Cloud Sage has arrived! Send us the top-grade Xiantian Spirit Treasure Five Elements Emperor Seal!"

Haotian's eyes lit up, and there were saints to join him!
"See the saint!" Haotian was moved in his heart, the most approachable saint in the whole prehistoric world, he has no airs towards anyone.

Today's Hongyun has fully implemented the title of a good man, but this title is different from the previous one. At that time, he had no strength, and a good man was regarded as stupid by others. Now, sitting on an equal footing with Daozu, the attitude of the people in the prehistoric world has changed. Typical double standard.

"Well! You've finally made it through, work hard!" Hong Yun patted Haotian's shoulder.

Hong Yun walked in. He came here today with the attitude of watching a show, and only he has such a leisurely and playful mind. In the eyes of other saints, the battle between quasi-sages is like playing games. Saints The opponent can only be a saint.

Hong Yun is different. His soul is an authentic Chinese. What are the characteristics of Chinese people?In addition to being hardworking, simple, smart and capable, there is another point that I like to watch the excitement!

Hongyun came to the seat and sat down, picked up the melons and fruits on the table and ate them.

The people who had already entered the venue also pretended not to see it.

"Yuanshi sage's disciple, Master Huang Long, came to congratulate him and presented him with a pot of immortal wine!"

The smile on Haotian's face gradually disappeared, and it turned out that the real Huanglong!

Who doesn't know that Master Huanglong is the most disliked disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun. Although Master Huanglong is one of the most talented people in the new generation of Dragon Clan, he is still a member of the Yao clan.

If it weren't for Yuanshi seeing that he was doing well, and because he was sincere in his apprenticeship, he wouldn't have agreed to accept him.

Even after accepting him as a disciple, he was just a figure sitting on the bench.

Now the entire teaching has only sent real Huanglong to come, obviously looking down on Tianting, implying that Tianting is also the power behind the prehistoric crane!

Daoist Huang Long came in with a haughty face, and cupped his hands expressionlessly: "Congratulations, Fellow Daoist, on ascension to the throne! Fellow Daoist has Master Patriarch and Hongyun Sage as backers, and Huang Long will have to rely on Fellow Daoist in the future!"

There was a trace of disdain in the words.

Haotian's smile gradually froze. Looking at the real Huanglong, his words were a bit hurtful. It was obvious that Haotian had no ability, and only relied on Daozu and Hongyun to take the position.

Moreover, you Huanglong, a small Daluo Jinxian in the early stage, is commensurate with Haotian, a powerful Taoist friend in the late quasi-sage stage, what do you mean?
Even if Haotian is just a boy, he is still the same generation as Yuanshi. What are you, Huanglong?A disciple of a sage is just a disciple, not a sage himself.

Haotian was filled with anger, if Huanglong was not the disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, he would have been slapped to death a long time ago. An unpopular disciple still has no respect here.

"Please come inside!" Haotian said expressionlessly.

Huang Long walked in.

"Sage Tongtian's disciple Chang Er Ding Guangxian came to congratulate him and presented him with an innate spiritual root!"

"Hong Ze, a sage disciple of Western Zhunti, came to congratulate him and presented him with a golden lotus seed!"

Haotian's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot at this time, and the long-eared Dingguang Immortal was fine. Although he was not the first disciple of Tongtian, he was one of Tongtian's favorite disciples.

What kind of person is this quasi-mentor?When Haotian ascends the throne, you will send a disciple here?
At this time, Haotian was full of hatred in his heart, full of hatred for what the two religions did, and by the way, he also hated Tongtian's Jiejiao.

A big banquet ended in a hurry, Haotian was recognized by the Dao of Heaven, and his merits and virtues were lowered. Haotian's cultivation base broke through from the late quasi-sage to the peak of the quasi-sage.

After the guests dispersed, Haotian heaved a sigh of relief, his heart was depressed. At this time, the Heavenly Court was not even considered as an unrecognized force in the prehistoric world. In addition, the saints did not buy it. For the first time, he felt that the position of the Emperor of Heaven was not so easy to sit.

Hongyun patted Haotian on the shoulder and comforted him: "Don't be discouraged, everything has a cause and effect. If they planted bad causes today, they will bear bad fruits in the future. Your day is not far away!"

"Saint, they bullied me!" Like a child being bullied, Haotian regarded Hongyun as his parent, with a look of sadness on his face.

"If you are bullied, go to the Zixiao Palace and complain to Daozu!" Hong Yun said.

"Ah?" Haotian was puzzled.

"You are Daozu's person from beginning to end, Daozu will not ignore it, maybe you will teach them a big lesson!" Hong Yun said gloatingly.

Zhunti can promote the process of the Lich, and Hongyun can also promote the process of conferring the gods. In fact, the conferring of the gods and the battle of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties of the human race are not tied together. The last king of the human race was designed by Zhunti again, and wrote a humiliating hymn, which made Nuwa ashamed and indignant, and sent the three demons to the lower realm of Xuanyuan Tomb to destroy the luck of the Shang Dynasty.

Only then did they choose to use the Shang and Zhou Dynasties as the chessboard, and the disciples of several sects as the chess pieces to start the war.

But thinking about it, Tiandao should still choose the Shang and Zhou Dynasties to launch the catastrophe, and the variables will eventually return to the original point. Hongyun is not sure whether what he said to Haotian is useful, and he will not force it.

Thinking of this, Hong Yun thought of Di Xin, the last king of the controversial human race, who wanted to sleep with his wife, how could he bear it?Although he was framed and confused by Zhunti, he wrote the poem insulting Nuwa.

Can't bear it, can't bear it, but this incident hasn't happened yet, Di Xin is still many years away from his birth, and Hong Yun can't find a reason to trouble Di Xin.

Yes!Hongyun finally turned the target of hatred to Zhunti.

Damn Zhunti, let's see if I don't cheat you to death!

Zhunti, who was practicing, suddenly shuddered, as if he was being watched by something, and a bad feeling came to his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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