Why should I give way to the red cloud?

Chapter 85 The fierce beast strikes, Zixiao reunites

Chapter 85 The fierce beast strikes, Zixiao reunites

In the endless chaos, there are endless dangers lurking.

More than 50 chaotic beasts suddenly appeared in the chaos outside the prehistoric world. This is a group of fierce beasts, with the head of a bull and the body of a lion, four wings on the back, four-legged dragon claws, and the whole body is covered with scales. With a length of millions of feet and a violent aura, he actually possesses the strength of the Eighth Layer of the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal!
There are also five ferocious beasts, which also possess the second-tier strength of the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, and the remaining fifty ferocious beasts are all at the peak of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

These fierce beasts are full of hostility, there is no wisdom in their eyes, only killing and destruction, so although these fierce beasts have souls, they do not know how to use supernatural powers and magic weapons.

But they have a body that is much stronger than Zuwu!

The Chaos beast family is famous throughout Chaos for its physical strength.

56 ferocious beasts felt the breath of the prehistoric world, and flew straight towards the prehistoric world.

Tiandao sensed the violent breath of this beast, immediately felt a strong threat, and issued a strong warning.

Immediately, the whole prehistoric world began to tremble slightly, and a will of heaven blessed all living beings.

"What's the matter? What happened? Why did the Heavenly Dao issue such a strong warning? Did some terrible enemy appear in the chaos?"

"Something happened in the chaos!"

"Hurry up and tell the ancestor to go out!"


All the creatures in the prehistoric are in a hurry, and an unknown enemy appears. This is a disaster for the entire prehistoric, and it is much more dangerous than the internal strife in the prehistoric.

In Zixiao Palace, Ancestor Hongjun, who sat cross-legged on the Qingyun in the sky, opened his eyes, and a gleam shot out from his eyes: "The chaotic beasts have appeared! There are quite a few of them!"

Hong Yun, who was teasing the iron-eating beasts in the Lotus Palace, also felt it. He looked up at the sky, his eyes pierced through the void and looked into the chaos, reaching the approaching group of ferocious beasts, and there was a vaguely dangerous aura coming.

Hong Yun's eyes showed seriousness. The chaotic beast at the head made him feel a great threat. The ferocious aura emitted by this chaotic beast was even higher than him.

"The flesh body of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian Bazhong!" Hong Yun exclaimed, this is the most powerful species he has encountered so far.

Although Pan Gu practiced the Nine-Turn Mysterious Kungfu and his physical body reached the realm of heaven, he never really experienced it.

Even Dao ancestors, the physical body has just reached Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Most of the prehistoric creatures major in the primordial spirit, and only the ancestor witch can practice the physical body, but the ancestor witch's physical body is nothing compared to this group of chaotic beasts. , even the weakest chaotic beast can compete with Di Jiang, who is physically strongest.

"I don't know if my strength, plus the congenital treasure Reincarnation Zilian, can break the body of this Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian eightfold?" Hong Yun thought.

A figure appeared in front of Hongyun, it was Tiandao clone.

To say who is the most anxious, it is naturally the way of heaven, Hongyun Honghuang is his body, and he does not allow Hongyun to be harmed.

"Red Cloud! Chaos beasts are coming, I need you and Zhen Yuanzi to fight together!" Tiandao cut to the chase and stated his purpose directly.

"Of course I will attack! Hong Huang's strength is also related to my strength, but for this beast king, I need Daozu to attack with me. I am not an opponent alone!" Hong Yun knew that the situation was urgent, so he did not negotiate conditions with Tiandao.

"That's no problem, you and Hongjun deal with the beast king, Zhen Yuanzi suppressed fifty chaotic beasts of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal realm, and the other saints restrained five chaotic beasts of the second level of the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian!" Tiandao said.

When the way of heaven comes out of the wild, it will be suppressed by the will of the great way, and its strength is not as good as that of Hongyun today. Therefore, Hongyun and Hongjun are still two people in this battle. further.

Tiandao can only show its own strength in the wild, but Tiandao will not let the beasts enter the wild. Once the chaotic beasts wreak havoc on the flood, the loser is still the flood. Barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes, unless it is only Tiandao an enemy that can match.

Sanxiao next to them was too scared to make a sound by the terrifying aura of Tiandao. Fortunately, there was Hongyun beside them to relieve the pressure from Tiandao, but even so, they were too scared to make a sound.

After Tiandao left, the three breathed a sigh of relief and patted their thumping little hearts.

"Master, who is this person? The breath is so terrifying! I feel that you are stronger than Master!" Bi Xiao asked.

"The incarnation of the Dao of Heaven! Hey! Trouble has come again!" Hong Yun sighed.

"Incarnation of the Dao of Heaven? That's amazing!" Bi Xiao sighed, this kind of realm was out of reach for her.

"Master, is there a crisis in Honghuang?" Zhao Gongming has a keen sense of smell. First, Tiandao warned, and then Tiandao came to Hongyun to ask him to take action. From Tiandao's dignified tone, it can be seen that Honghuang is in a big crisis!
"Don't worry! Master will support you when the sky falls! Cultivate with peace of mind! I'm going to Zixiao Palace first!" Hong Yun showed a relaxed smile, as if he didn't care about it at all.

After speaking, Hong Yun left.

"Woo, we're so weak, we can't help at once!" Bi Xiao lowered her head, feeling that she was too weak for the first time.

"If you feel that you are weak, you should practice hard. You are usually playful, and the hair on Tuantuan's head is almost bald by you!" Yun Xiao said with a blank look at Bi Xiao.

Tuantuan is the giant panda that Bi Xiao asked for from Di Jun. Usually, Bi Xiao and Tuantuan often get bored with each other. want to run.

"Hmph, you're still talking about me, don't you guys also like to touch Tuantuan's head? And you, third sister, put all good things in its mouth, it's almost fattening into a ball..." Bi Xiao retorted.

"I don't agree with what you said..."

Before long, the three began to pinch each other.

In Zixiao Palace, Hongyun was the last one to arrive.

In addition to the nine saints (Hongjun, Sanqing, Xixi Erren, Nuwa, Hongyun, Zhenyuanzi) there are also hundreds of quasi-sages.

These hundred quasi-sages are Honghuang's second line of defense, to prevent the fish that slipped through the net of fierce beasts from breaking through and entering the Honghuang to destroy them.

The hundred quasi-sages are almost all the quasi-sages that the prehistoric world can fight today.

A small number of them were born after the Zixiao Palace preached, such as Duobao, Guangchengzi and other disciples of saints.

Most of the rest are the original three thousand listeners of Zixiao Palace, and now there are only a few dozen people who are still in the prehistoric period, most of them have fallen in the battle, and some monster races are about to die. Sheng, was taken away by Hongyun.

I have to lament the cruelty of the prehistoric, even the quasi-sages will fall, as for the strong men of Daluo Jinxian and below, I don’t know how many have fallen, they have flourished and declined, and several catastrophes have taken away the lives of countless strong men. All of them are cheaper for the Heavenly Dao, allowing the Heavenly Dao to reach the third level of the Heavenly Dao Realm from the first level of the Heavenly Dao Realm when the sky was opened.

(End of this chapter)

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