Why should I give way to the red cloud?

Chapter 86 Assignment of tasks, all the saints take action

Chapter 86 Assignment of tasks, all the saints take action

Hong Yun randomly found a place to sit down, Daozu saw that everyone had come together, and said: "Now there are dozens of chaotic beasts coming to Honghuang, we have to destroy this group of chaotic beasts, otherwise Honghuang will definitely die." Devoured by this group of chaotic beasts, we will also lose our support, and can only wander in the chaos, and countless creatures in the prehistoric world will also die!"

After finishing speaking, he flipped his right hand, and a ball of light appeared in the palm of his hand: "This is information about the Chaos Beast. If you probe into it, you can learn important information about the Chaos Beast!"

Everyone probed their spiritual sense into it one after another, and soon, everyone showed serious expressions.

"You all know about the chaotic beasts, and you should know that they have no intelligence. Once Honghuang is locked by them, he will not change his target. Only by destroying them can Honghuang return to stability!" Daozu said this time, more than before. It adds up to more.

"Let me talk about the strategy against the enemy this time.

Styx, Kunpeng, the two of you lead a group of quasi-sages to guard the void above the nine heavens. If a beast of chaos enters the prehistoric world, I will ask you two! " Daozu gave death orders to Styx and Kunpeng.

"Yes! I will guarantee Honghuang's safety!" The two replied at the same time, and then looked at each other, feeling a sense of sympathy.

Kunpeng, who was originally the innate creature at the forefront of Honghuang, possessed the supernatural power known as the fastest in the world. Even if there is no magic weapon that can be obtained, relying on the supernatural supernatural power, he can still enjoy the prehistoric world.

However, just because he offended Hong Yun, he was driven back to the Sea of ​​Darkness by Hong Yun, and never dared to come out again.

As for Styx, because of his primordial purple energy, he was missed by Emperor Jun and Tai Yi, but was ambushed and killed, and he was seriously injured after self-explosion.

Later, Houtu built the underworld on top of the entire Nether Blood Sea, and was suppressed all day long. Fortunately, there was compensation, and I felt a little comforted.

Originally, he wanted to make a big disturbance in the heavenly court, bully those low-level heavenly soldiers and generals, so that the heavenly court would never have peace.

As a result, the Heavenly Court suddenly disappeared!Gone!

There is nowhere to vent the bad breath in my heart!It made Styx very depressed.

The circumstances of the two are somewhat similar, giving them a feeling of sympathy.

"Fellow Taoist Kunpeng!"

"Fellow Daoist Styx!"

The two looked at each other, and immediately felt a sense of sympathy for each other, and an inexplicable spark was sparked.

Regardless of the future development of Kunpeng and Styx.

Daozu then said to Sanqing and Xixi: "Among the group of beasts, there are five beasts of the second level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. The five of you should restrain them and don't let them enter the prehistoric world! We need to restrain the five beasts. After Hong Yun and I join forces to kill the beast king, we will work together to kill the five beasts!

Zhen Yuanzi, you need to contain the remaining fifty beasts of quasi-sage realm. Although they are only quasi-sages, they have a powerful body and are more difficult to deal with than ordinary quasi-sages, and there are a lot of them. Try to ensure that these chaotic beasts do not enter the prehistoric world! "

"Zhen Yuanzi understands!" Zhen Yuanzi cupped his hands.

Zhen Yuanzi has now reached the second level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and is the same Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian as Hongyun. He and Hongyun can mobilize more power of the Dao in the chaos, and their combat power is stronger than in the prehistoric .

"Nuwa is not good at fighting, so stay in the prehistoric world, and let the others go!" With a wave of Dao Zu's sleeve robe, he led all the saints through the earth's fetal membrane. , even Hongyun can't compare, now Daozu has reached the seventh level of saints, because of this fierce beast invasion, he has received strong support from the Heavenly Dao, it is rare to be able to mobilize the original power of the triple heavenly way, and the combat power is close to the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian Eighth Level !
After passing through the earth's membranes, he was already in chaos. As he moved away from the prehistoric world, Daozu felt that the blessing of heaven was slowly weakening. Although it was very slow, he could feel it.

Far from the prehistoric, deep into the chaos, came to a place where fierce beasts must pass, and ensured that the aftermath of the battle would not affect the prehistoric after fighting here, the saints stopped, waiting for the arrival of the ferocious beast.

Suddenly, Hong Yun seemed to think of something, and he said, "This chaotic beast was conceived in the chaos. Because of the influence of the chaotic qi, it has no sanity. It is similar to the birth method of the witch clan, but they are also a part of the chaos demon god." Some ferocious beasts may be bred with accompanying spirit treasures!"

After hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up except for Daozu, Zhunti Jieyin showed greed, and their desire for Lingbao was particularly strong.

Seeing that everyone's desire was aroused, Hong Yun continued to add fuel to the fire and said, "And the babies bred in chaos are at least the best innate treasures, and most of them are innate treasures. If you are lucky, there will be chaos spirit treasures." !"

"Wuliang Tianzun! Pindao suggests that no matter who kills this chaotic beast, if a spirit treasure is released, it will belong to the killer, and no one else can interfere!" Zhunti said first.

"Pindao thinks what my junior brother said is very true!" Jie Yin said in agreement.

"That's great. If it's a single kill, the treasure will belong to him. If it's a joint kill, let's discuss it!" Sanqing also nodded, whoever gets the credit goes to him, that's fine.

"Since you all think it's okay, then it's decided! Whoever contributes the most treasures will get them!" Hong Yun's purpose is not to treasure, but to use benefits to arouse the desire of the saints to fight, especially to guide and guide.

The two of them, cheating, cheating, not getting up early without benefit, if they are not allowed to see the real benefit, it is estimated that they will not do their best.

In the chaos, everyone's spiritual consciousness can't spread very far, and it is far from being compared with the prehistoric. Even Hongyun can only detect a range of five trillion miles, which is better than when Hongyun first entered the chaos and went to the fairy land. The mainland is five times stronger, but the distance of five trillion miles is too short for a saint.

Even if the saints are in the chaos and blocked by the energy of chaos, if they use all their strength, they can reach five trillion miles in just a moment.

The consciousness of other people can detect a trillion miles, which is considered remarkable. Because Daozu is far away from the prehistoric, he can only detect a range of three trillion miles.

I don't know how long the time has passed, Hong Yun suddenly said: "Here we come!"

In the chaos five trillion miles away, the air of chaos was lingering and flowing slowly. Suddenly, the calm air of chaos suddenly surged and rolled, and a bull's head with a million feet poked out!
Then there is the entire body of the beast, with the head of a bull and the body of a lion, with four wings on its back, four-legged dragon claws, and its whole body covered in scales, full of ferocious and terrifying colors.

While the whole body was walking, the surrounding chaotic air was pushed away by a force of law that Hong Yun was extremely familiar with, unable to touch the body of the beast.

"The law of the avenue of space!" Hong Yun was a little surprised. He didn't expect the beast to have the law of the avenue of companionship like the ancestor witch, or the law of the avenue of space.

However, just from this point of view, it is impossible to see how much the Beastmaster has control over the laws of the Dao of Space. It depends on the strength of the Beastmaster's transformation, because fierce beasts have no intelligence, and it is impossible to comprehend the power of the law by themselves. Can only be owned through Companions.

No matter how powerful it is after taking shape, the degree of control of the law by this fierce beast will be determined.

"Be careful! The chaotic fierce beast is accompanied by the law of the great way, and the king of beasts controls the law of the great way of space, so don't underestimate it!" Hong Yun turned to remind everyone.

Daozu was also slightly surprised, the law of space, and an extremely powerful physical body, it is difficult to deal with!

(End of this chapter)

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