The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 202 The Poor Road 1 Always Keeping Clean

Chapter 202 Poor Dao has always kept himself clean

I saw that under the water, there was a group of beautiful women in long-sleeved dance clothes dancing lightly!

And among the women, there is a goddess who is the most shocking!
I saw that it was as graceful as a frightened bird, and graceful as a dragon swimming.Rongyao Qiuju, Huamao Chunsong.It seems as if the moon is covered by light clouds, and the snow flutters like the flowing wind.Looking at it from a distance, it is as bright as the sun rising from the morning glow; when observing it by force, it is as bright as a flower coming out of Lubo.The slenderness is complacent, and the length is shortened.If the shoulders are shaved, the waist is as usual.The neck is extended to show off the items, and the quality is revealed.There is no fragrance, and the lead is beautiful.Yunji E'e, eyebrow repairing and Juan.Red lips are bright on the outside, white teeth are fresh on the inside, bright eyes are good at gazing, and they are full of power.

With the beauty of her shape, one can know that she is the most beautiful god in the world without a single word!
None of the gods in the world can surpass their appearance!

Needless to say, she is the God of Luoshui, Luoshen!

Even if her beauty is compared to Qu Kong's, she is only three points inferior. As for Chang'e in the Moon Palace, Qing Luo has never seen it before, so she can't say who is more beautiful!
This concubine Luoshen Mi is definitely the most beautiful "god" among the gods, but she is not also the most beautiful among the immortals, Taoists and Buddhas!
At this time, Luoshen, such a beautiful god, was watching Qingluo dancing lightly with affection, a faint light flashed in her beautiful eyes, like water and tenderness!
Even Qing Luo's Dao heart is extremely firm, but she can't help becoming obsessed!
For a moment, he even forgot that he was here to persuade Luoshen to treat the human race well.

Qing Luo just stared at the astonishing beauty in front of her eyes, a peerless dancing pose appeared in front of her eyes!
Qing Luo's originally clear, spotless and spotless starry eyes also gradually revealed the long-silent lust!
For a moment, Qing Luo felt that her mind was completely attracted by this woman, her every eyebrow, every frown and every smile seemed to be the most perfect existence in her heart!
Gradually, a fairy dance ended.

All the dancers retreated one after another, only Luoshen walked towards him slowly!
Luoshen's lotus steps lightly moved to his side.

Suddenly, a soul-stirring fragrance came, making Qing Luo even more helpless!
Luoshen frowned, and touched Qing Luo's chest with her jade hand, slowly moved up, across his sexy and delicate collarbone and Adam's apple, touched his chin, and raised his head gently.

Then, Luoshen floated up gently, and half-closed and half-nuggled close to Qingluo's arms, her provocative laughter came into Qingluo's ears, and she only heard her say: "What a coincidence! There is a word Luo, it seems that it is God's will for us to meet each other!"

It's just that there is such an indifferent look deep in his eyes!

As she spoke, she wrapped her other hand around Qing Luo's neck, hooked his head and bowed down. . .

However, at this moment, a clear and crisp zither sound suddenly rang out into the bottom of the water. The sound of the zither was so clear that Hua Li woke up!

There was a gleam of clarity in Qing Luo's eyes!
Surprised on Luoshen's face, the dim light in his busy eyes flashed again, and he controlled Qing Luo again.

Then, raise your head and approach, your lips want to get closer!

As if dissatisfied, Qing Luo directly stretched his hands across Luoshen's waist, then lay down on the ground, holding his lower abdomen with one hand, and stroking his forehead with the other.

Luo Shen couldn't help but angrily said: "I didn't expect you to be so anxious!"

Then he closed his eyes, as if doing anything he wanted!

But after waiting for a long time, there was no movement.

She opened her eyes in dissatisfaction and saw that Qing Luo, who was supposed to be hugging her, was replaced by a figure of a man wrapped in a dark blue robe!
Luoshen was startled and wanted to mobilize his mana!

But as soon as she activated it, she felt that the magic power in her dantian was frozen, but her forehead was covered by this person's hand, and the power of the primordial spirit was imprisoned!

Luoshen turned pale with shock!

At this time, a clear voice came: "Luo Shen, please respect yourself, the poor have always kept themselves clean, and will not be contaminated by these lustful things!"

Luoshen was surprised: "How could you break my ghost pupil illusion?"

Naturally, Qing Luo wouldn't answer her, and walked out of You's body.

And asked You to control it and set up a forbidden law.

He wouldn't tell Luoshen that in his previous life, he had seen many tricks of this kind of spirit pupil illusion in anime!
Since Qing Luo came to Honghuang, she has firmly memorized all kinds of supernatural powers and fairy arts from novels, TV shows, and legends in her previous life, and used them as a reference for precautions.
This kind of spiritual pupil illusion is extremely miraculous, as long as you look into the eyes of the caster, you will be trapped in an illusion, and it is difficult to escape!

As soon as Fang entered the water and saw the scene of these girls dancing, he was already prepared, and then when Luoshen was dancing, he exchanged with You, he got into You's body, and let You transform from his Look, continue acting with Luoshen.

Qing Luo sighed and said: "You are already a Taoist couple, He Bo should see this scene,,,"

"I just let him know, make him regret, and make him blame himself." Luoshen said angrily.

Uh, the feeling is that she deliberately wants to give He Bo a cuckold, so that He Bo will blame himself and regret it!
It's just that he found himself. Fortunately, he was prepared for it, otherwise he would lose the innocence that he has guarded himself for 10 years!
Harmful, although it is not a loss to lose to such a beautiful god, but the key is that I am a third party, isn't this the mistress?
Who will bear He Bo's anger?Who will bear the infamy of Xiaosan?

This pot is too dark, although he can carry it, he doesn't want to carry it!
Luoshen, on the other hand, burst into tears and cried: "Do you know how long I waited for that stupid He Bo?

How many years has he not come to see me?

He still remembers me as a Taoist companion?

Is he still caring?

he still. . . . . . "

Luoshen actually started crying and cursing like a resentful woman, all her words meant to blame He Bo, saying that He Bo was a sinful and unforgivable person!
In desperation, Qing Luo pressed the Lingjue in his hand, and Luoshen was silenced immediately, unable to speak.

Then, he shook his head and said: "Although you have all kinds of grievances, if He Bo doesn't have you in his heart, it's only your grievance, one person's injury, and one person's pain!

If you still have He Bo in your heart, then go out and walk with him, the Taoist companions help each other, the zither and the zither sing in harmony, the two of you have one heart, why is there any dust?Why does anyone complain?
If you don't have him in your heart, you can directly find him for revenge, which can be regarded as offsetting your countless years of resentment.Then I broke up with him once and for all. Wouldn't it be beautiful to vent my anger and give up my thoughts?
Either of these two is the way to get rid of your obsessions, get rid of falsehoods, and see your original mind clearly.

Although your mana is powerful, if you stir up trouble again and steal and harm the human race, Pindao will have his own supernatural powers to capture you!Even though you are also a Daluoxian, you can't escape the karma of karma and love disputes!

Do it yourself! "

After finishing speaking, Qing Luo took You away, leaving only Luoshen who was surprised and lost in solitary thinking!
She mourned alone for a while, then suddenly raised her head and smiled, but that smile was full of indifference and sarcasm, and two tears flowed from her eyes!

Luoshen smiled miserably: "My yearning alone
one's cocoon

one's miss

After so many years of love, it’s a wrong payment.”

The tears condensed and flowed, before they melted into the water, they fell to the bottom of the river, staining the Baililing River black, and dissipating thousands of years of love.

Luoshen's tears, among all poisons in the world, there is one more poison, the poison of gods, Luoshen's tears!

(End of this chapter)

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