Chapter 203 Qianli Ze Country
After passing through Luoshui, Qing Luo and the others rarely encountered powerful monsters, and most of them were ascetics who lived at the bottom of the water.

Therefore, Qing Luo asked them to swear the great oath of heaven, not to harm the human race at will and to guard the river, so they no longer made things difficult for them.

After all, Qing Shi is not killing innocent people indiscriminately!

Therefore, Qing Luo's forward speed is the fastest.After three or four years like this, Qing Luo finally led the crowd to clean up [-]% of the upstream river!
There is only one last place left, which has not been cleaned up!
And this place, originally a smooth river and lake connection, suddenly became a silted place more than ten years ago!
In this stagnant land, the water is extremely poisonous, and many creatures cannot enter.

Therefore, once the water here spreads, it will spread the poison to the water basin with a radius of one million miles, forcing the vicinity to be desolate and inhabited, as if it is not a human race.

This swamp is located at the junction of the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River, with a huge drop.Once the monsters in this lake stir up trouble, the harm will be much greater!

But with such a great harm, human monks could not go deep into it. Dozens of heavenly and mysterious human races died in it, and even Jinxian died a few times!
Qing Luo waited for everyone to reach the sky above, standing majesticly in the sky, looking down at Qianli Ze Country below!
Looking at this swamp, Qing Luo felt that there must be someone with high magic power here, who can control the poisonous swamp thousands of miles away!
Thinking about it in my heart, could it be that the water ape Wuzhi Qi family?
It is said that this monster was the most powerful demon in Dayu's control of the water. He led hundreds of thousands of spirits to fight Dayu, and finally defeated this monster with the help of Ying Long and other dragon clans!

But this demon is not good at poisoning?It also seems to be troublesome in the middle and lower reaches, then here,,,
He pondered for a moment, and recalled in his mind the memory of Dayu's water control that he didn't know much about in his previous life!
Although Qing Luo thinks that the Earth is unlikely to be in the prehistoric world, there are still many similarities. The legend of the Earth Huaxia is not groundless, and there are naturally some similarities!
He descended to the swamp alone, grabbed it with one hand, took a few drops of swamp water, and then looked at it, suddenly surprised!
When it comes to floods, how can we forget the Wu people?
Zuwu Gonggong's collision is not good enough, and the Tianhe River is filled with water!

However, there is another great witch under him, Xiang Liu!
Its snake has nine heads and cannibalize countless people. Wherever it goes, it will become the country of Ze.

Moreover, it did appear in Dayu's flood control, and was finally killed by Dayu.

It's just that now, I let myself meet in advance!
This water is bitter and spicy, which is exactly the characteristic of Xiangliu Zhishui!

Thinking of this, he was a little embarrassed.

This Xiangliu is a peerless great witch, a strong survivor from the ancient lich war!
In this place, it occupies a favorable location, and at this time, it is the flood season, so the timing and location are all taken up!
Fortunately, I occupy the harmony of people, isn't it said that the weather is not as good as the location, and the location is not as good as the harmony of people?

Moreover, if you get more help, you will get less help!

However, a big battle is inevitable!
He floated up to the clouds and said to the crowd: "The great lake here, according to the guess of the poor, should be made by the great witch Xiang Liu!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone looked shocked!Although they haven't seen the power of the great witch, many people in the ancestors of the human race know the tyranny of the great witch!
On the contrary, everyone in Luoling Mountain knew very little about it, so they didn't panic.

After panicking for a moment, Lu calmed down and said, "Since Senior told me to wait, I think I already have a way to deal with it?"

When the rest of the human race heard about it, they all looked at Qingluo with burning eyes.

Just as Qing Luo was about to speak, she stopped and transmitted a few words to Xiaozhu Qukong and the other four.

All four gods nodded in unison.

Then, he said to the rest of the people: "Leave this place for thousands of miles first, and let the poor Taoist meet for a while."

After all, without waiting for everyone to respond, Qing Luo swung out the Nine Profound Map, and the force of space in it suddenly sent everyone a hundred miles away.

Then, Qing Luo said with a smile that was not a smile: "Great Witch Xiangliu, since you are here, why do you need to hide?"

As soon as these words came out, the poisonous cloud in the water swirled, and a tall figure emerged, it was the Great Witch Xiangliu!
Xiang Liu said with hatred on his face: "You were the one who ruined the important affairs of our witch clan back then. Since you are here today, I will not keep you!"

Qing Luo was not angry, but still said with a smile: "Back then, Pindao didn't do anything to you, the great witch, but I did it to the Wu clan, to be honest, it was just to gain the merits of the human race!
The big witch shouldn't think too much about the poor Taoist, even if the poor Taoist didn't make a move back then, the witch clan could only be defeated!
Because, your witch race is not only fighting against the human race, but also the prehistoric situation.Dawu, you are still fighting against the human race at this time, and you will only harm yourself in the end.Please stop the witch! "

"Enough! Let your tongue bloom like a lotus flower, and I will take your life!" Xiang Liu snarled.

After finishing speaking, he directly changed into a huge wave, and the poisonous lake rolled, rolling towards Qingluo and others.

But the four of Xiaozhu did not retreat but advanced, and suddenly escaped the light and flew towards the center of Daze.

Seeing this, Xiang Liu didn't know what they meant, but he couldn't let their plans succeed!
Immediately he straightened his body, nine green snake heads appeared behind him, and flew out, pounced on the four people.

Qing Luo smiled and said, "Great Witch Xiangliu, your opponent is me.

Have you forgotten that the next one is also a snake, and it happens to be a green snake! "

As soon as Qing Luo unfolded the Nine Profound Picture, he collected nine green snake shadows, and then wrapped Xiangliu into the picture.

Seeing this, Xiang Liu snorted coldly, and with a move of his hand, boundless water rolled in, blocking Xuan Tu's spatial attraction.

Then, the pair of fists were thrown out suddenly, and two colossal forces rushed forward.

With a wave of Qingluo's sleeve robe, he released the Simu Wu Xuanding, stood in front of him, and took the blow.At the same time, he threw the five-spirit gourd and released purple blood thorns, and the thorns filled the sky instantly, like 27 long snakes and giant pythons all entangled Xiangliu.

As soon as Xiang Liu saw this object, his face became gloomy. He had seen the divine power of this object with his own eyes. Even the phantom of Pan Gu couldn't break free for a while, so he didn't dare to let this object get close.

Thus, Xiang Liu aroused endless waves, with such a powerful force that it was difficult to pierce these thorns for a while.

Xiang Liu gathered the boundless water waves again and turned into thousands of water shields to block in front of him. Whenever the thorns pierced one water shield, he instantly condensed two water shields.

Moreover, when these water shields are pierced by thorns, they will tightly bind the thorns for a few breaths.

As a result, it was difficult for Purple Blood Thorn to get close!

Seeing this, Qing Luo frowned, but she was not in a hurry, so she urged the thorns to pierce more violently, delaying Xiang Liu!

But at this moment, the four people who had arrived at the center of the lake inspected it, and Xiaozhu said first: "Let's start quickly! The master said it's better to finish it as soon as possible!"

All three nodded.

Then, Qu Kong took out the qin, Teng Liu took the divine water bottle in his hand, the shadow of the golden crow appeared faintly on Shuo De's body, and Xiao Zhu directly transformed into a goddess. . .

 Belated update, thank you for your votes, I am very touched, I feel that it is a very happy thing to have readers like you.

(End of this chapter)

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