The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 204 In an instant, the country is exhausted

Chapter 204 In an instant, the country is exhausted

After the four of them finished their preparations, Qu Kong suddenly played the sound of the qin. The Guqin was not as leisurely and pleasant as in the past, but it had the meaning of bursting and contending. The golden phoenix and phoenix phantom, and then the phoenix and phoenix ignited raging fire, spread their wings, and submerged into the big swamp. Suddenly, the surface of the water below was like boiling water, and violently rolled up, evaporating the water into Pieces of smoke!

Although the golden phoenix is ​​mighty, the highly poisonous water in this lake is also quite powerful. It takes a lot of mana to resist, and it evaporates relatively slowly. The water seems to be endless.

But at this time Teng Liu made a move, she whispered a few words in her mouth, and then threw the spirit bottle into the air.

Immediately, the divine water bottle emitted a shining blue light, and a huge force sucked up the poisonous water in the water and put it into the bottle.

The water of Daze is like endless, and the same is true for the water bottle, as if it can hold endless water!
Then Xiaozhu and Shuode immediately got up and flew to the sky, releasing endless fiery light at the same time!
I saw Xiaozhu put the seven-colored mysterious beads behind her, combined with her own light, to form a seven-colored spiritual sun with a size of thousands of feet, emitting endless and powerful heat, and the approaching Daze water was finally visible to the naked eye. Speed, slowly descending.

And Shuo De just dodged and turned into the main body.A sky-covering giant crow more than [-] feet long originally had black feathers, but now [-] of them have turned into golden feathers burning with golden spiritual fire!
It suddenly let out a crow cry, and immediately countless flames burst out from its body, and the periphery of the huge sun formed by it was dyed with a layer of halo, turning into a golden red sun! .

In particular, the traces of golden flames echo with the sun star outside the sky, making the boundless real fire of the sun on the sun star more violent and raging. Although it cannot be pulled down, it also makes the sun star emit hotter light. Shine on the earth.

Under the combined effects of the flames of the two phoenixes, the suction power of the divine water bottle, the seven-colored spiritual sun, the golden-red spiritual sun, and the great sun of the middle sky, the water in the Poison Lake will dry up in an instant!
And at this moment, the monsters or human races around here were surprised to look at the direction of Poison Lake, where three suns actually appeared!One big and two small, exuding blazing flames that burned the sky, the momentum was astonishing.

Even some people thought it was going to repeat the ancient legend of the disaster that happened on the same day in ten days, and panicked!

How can Xiaozhu and the other four make such a big noise, hide it from the big witch Xiangliu?

But even though he was burning with anxiety, he couldn't get away from the thorns!

You know, it took him a lot of effort to form the Daze here. For a great witch like him who can trigger changes in the world as soon as he reveals his body, this place has an extremely good bonus to his combat power.

However, at this time, he was ruined by a few Taiyi-level juniors, how could he not be frightened and angry?
But how could Qingluo let Xiangliu get away?
Qing Luo called out the towering Fortune Orb, transforming into tens of thousands of thorns that are the same as the purple blood thorns, like ten thousand giant pythons encircling the range of thousands of feet!
As a result, Xiang Liu was trapped inside, making it difficult to distinguish the purple blood thorns, and he couldn't leave for a while!
Xiang Liu's face was extremely ugly, he didn't expect this Taoist to be so despicable and filthy, to plan and fight like this!
With a sudden change, he revealed the real body of the great witch, which was tens of thousands of feet tall, directly breaking through the siege of ten thousand thorns, but at the same time, he was inevitably entangled by 27 thorns!
But he didn't panic, a faint blue light flashed on his body, and his figure turned into a blur like water. When he stepped back, he flashed out of the range of the thorn attack!

Then, its nine huge heads sprayed out green highly poisonous water, and the poisonous rain that fell in the sky and the earth was so poisonous that it corroded the forests and trees, the giant rocky peaks!

Seeing this, Qingluo's eyes flashed, and his figure appeared next to Xiangliu's huge body, and then the Nine Profound Diagram unfolded, and the river of weak water that took away the rain master back then slowly flowed out, surrounding Xiangliu's body body, a huge force crushed his nine snake heads.

Simultaneously, Simu Wuxuan Ding also turned into a giant of one hundred thousand feet, and fell straight down like the sky collapsed. With such a huge force, even with the body of a great witch, it is extremely difficult to escape.

Seeing that Xiangliu was still able to withstand such a huge force, Qing Luo couldn't help being surprised. The strength of the ancient great witch is really amazing.

Even Qing Luo himself couldn't resist this kind of power with his physical body alone.

But he will not be soft on his opponents. He saw the Nine Profound Map unfold again, and the phantoms of the five holy beasts emerged out of thin air, standing on top of the giant cauldron one after another, pressing down Xiangliu's upright body with all his divine power. Bend down.

The earth has been cracked inch by inch, and the earth with a radius of ten thousand zhang directly collapsed.

Such a big momentum naturally alarmed many great powers!
In Huoyun Cave, Xuanyuan, who was injured due to the alien war while adjusting his breath, felt it, and praised: "Daoist Qingluo is really a good method, and the power to suppress such a peerless witch in the early days of Daluo is not enough. See Come to the person who chose to control the water at the beginning, it should be no problem!

Cang Jie, who was at the side, asked, "Then do I still need to help?"

Xuanyuan paused for a moment, and replied: "Let's go, lest fellow Taoist Qingluo complain that my human race gave him a hard job. Go and help him for me. If necessary, you can call Xuanyuan sword, gather the luck of the human race, and give him a hand. Liu fatal blow!"

After hearing this, Cangjie answered, and headed straight there!

But at this moment, Qing Luo in the battlefield had an ugly expression on his face.

Just now, when Xiangliu was under pressure, he released the five spirit gourd, intending to use the five extinction lights to give him a fatal blow!
But the result was unexpected!
Because, when the Five Extinct Lights were about to hit Xiang Liu's body, Xiang Liu's body was partially blurred and escaped the blow!

You must know that under such a huge pressure, it is almost extremely difficult to blur the space.

But Xiangliu was able to blur a part, and just happened to let the Five Extinction Lights pass through his blurred body, so he was unscathed!
On the contrary, the five extinction lights that hit the air directly interrupted the spiritual veins of a Lingshan, making Qingluo dare not use them at will. If it hits the dragon veins of later generations, the cause and effect will be great!
After all, at this time, no one knows where the dragon veins of the human race will be in the future!

Qing Luo then urged the purple blood thorns to wrap around his body.

But what surprised Qing Luo even more was that a phantom suddenly flew out of Xiang Liu's body, a phantom that was about to dissipate and could no longer see his face clearly.

It was this figure who just waved out a spirit pattern, and immediately, 27 Thorn went limp and fell to the ground!

Qing Luo was astonished, Xiang Liu, whose name was Wood, had something to do with his name in the prehistoric realm, how could Xiang Liu not be proficient in the way of wood?
Moreover, this phantom, Qing Luo has already guessed that it is the residual phantom of Jumang, the ancestor of the wood.

(End of this chapter)

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