Chapter 217

Qing Luo asked curiously: "What's the matter?"

"Didn't the disciple catch a big crocodile back then? But who would have thought that once he returned to the mountain, he would stop following me!" Xiaozhu could not help but smile in his eyes.

Looking at her like this, I knew there must be something different!

Qing Luo coughed lightly, and said, "If you have anything to say, just talk about it. Aren't you afraid that your master won't listen?"

"Hey, yes." Xiaozhu hurriedly responded, and continued: "Didn't you ask me, Qukong and the others to bring back those newly collected monsters a few months ago.

Then I naturally brought this big black crocodile back all the way!
In the end, who knew I hadn't seen that black crocodile for a few days, and he and Yue Ji became Taoist couples!It really blew my mind! "

uh, this. . .

Qing Luo felt that he was speechless!

Yueji is one of the three Taiyi Golden Immortals who helped Dayu control the water in Luoling Mountain, and Huanyuedie attained the Tao.

And this Heisha demon king is also a crocodile cultivator, and his supernatural powers are also impressive. If Xiaozhu hadn't used clever tricks back then, he might not have been able to take down this monster!

Although Qing Luo is more open-minded and accepting, and won't do those bloody clubs to beat mandarin ducks, he has to be careful to prevent his subordinates and disciples from being deceived by others!

Immediately, Qing Luo said bluntly: "Quickly call Yue Ji and that Kurosawa!"

Xiao Zhu naturally answered yes, but said: "Master, that little crocodile is not called Hei Ze anymore, he was fascinated when he saw Yue Ji, and even changed his name to Ming Hou!"

Qing Luo just nodded, and stood silently on the island, while Ge Kun on the side also closed his eyes again to bathe in the sunlight and fell asleep quietly.

Only ten or so breaths later, three escaping lights flew from the north of the mountain!

With a flash of inspiration, he arrived in front of Qing Luo!
Xiaozhu showed his figure and said: "Master, the two of them are here!"

Qing Luo hummed.

Then he raised his head and looked at the two demons Yue Ji.

The two demons hurriedly saluted and said: "Meet the mountain lord!"

Qing Luo's bottomless gaze stayed on the two of them without saying a word.

I saw that Yue Ji was still enchanting and beautiful as usual, while Kurosawa, no, it was Minghou who had changed into a light gray short jacket at the moment, to set off her powerful body, and her face was less bewitching, and on the contrary, she looked a bit heroic Qi!
At this time, Ming Hou bent down to salute nervously, Qing Luo didn't ask him to get up, so he naturally didn't dare to get up.

Qing Luo inspected it for a moment, thinking that it still looks good from the outside.

So he asked in a deep voice: "Yue Ji, do you know that Marquis Ming is a sinful and cruel demon, would you like to become a Taoist partner with him?"

Yueji replied respectfully: "Yes, Yueji is willing! I also hope that the mountain master will make it happen!"

After hearing this, Qing Luo neither agreed nor refused, turned to Ming Hou and asked in a cold voice: "What shameful trick did you use?"

Minghou hurriedly waved his hands and said: "No, I,,, Xiao Yao is sincere with Yue Ji!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his head slightly and glanced at Yue Ji, and at this time Yue Ji also glanced at him.

The four eyes meet each other, straight to the heart, the affection and love are all reflected in the eyes!

Qing Luo carefully scanned the two demons with his spiritual sense, and found that there were no crooked spells, so he felt more at ease, and looked back at Ge Kun, asking, "What do you think of the two of them?"

Yueji is fine, she has been in Luoling Mountain for a long time, but Minghou was taken aback, thinking that even the owner of the mountain would honor this person, it seems that the background must be huge, this Luoling Mountain looks a little complicated !
Ge Kun didn't answer, he was still closed his eyes and drowsy, but his right hand that was resting on his body suddenly fell off.

At the same time, there was a trace of red thread falling from the right hand, as soon as it fell, it flew to the two monsters, Yue Ji, and instantly entangled their wrists.

Seeing this, Qing Luo turned cold and said with a smile: "Hurry up and thank Mr. Ge for fulfilling your marriage!

The two demons suddenly came to their senses, and said with great joy: "Thank you, Senior Ge, for your fulfillment, and thank you, Lord Shan, for your fulfillment!"

Qing Luo said with a smile: "I hope you two can stay together forever, support each other, and cultivate the Dao together!" Since Yuelao's deity agreed, there is nothing wrong with it!

But thinking about it, my mountain gate really has special hobbies, Xiao Zhu has a good eye for Hei Feng, the bear spirit, and Yue Ji and this black crocodile have become a pair.

Live Beauty and the Beast!
Fortunately, there are no other young people in the mountains, and Shuo De's boyish appearance is considered safe.Although Qu Kong is peerless in appearance, he has no love in his heart, which is also reassuring.

Qing Luo then said to the two demons: "Go back and tell the other demons to rest for a while, after a while, there are still some things you need to deal with!
Get back! "

The two demons bowed to say goodbye, and left to take orders.

Xiao Zhu on the side asked curiously: "Master, you just returned to the mountain, is there anything else you need to do?"

Qing Luo gave her a blank look and said: "Don't ask any more questions, it's none of your business. I'll give you some guidance on your cultivation after a while, so you can go to seclusion, and don't leave the seclusion until you break through the mid-term." !"

After finishing speaking, he stepped out, teleported away, and entered the quiet room.

Only Xiaozhu was left with a bitter expression on his face, but he had nowhere to complain, and stood there dumbfounded!
Qing Luo went back to the quiet room, meditated for a few days, adjusted the state of her mind and mana, and began to meditate.

Tens of thousands of years ago, at the request of Cangjie, he helped Xuanyuan fight in the first battle, and now he has gone back to the mountain. He has experienced many ups and downs.

But all in all, it’s been a lot of fun!

The biggest gain, of course, is that it only took tens of thousands of years to break through to the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian!
Then there was a lot more meritorious power, and this life-saving talisman became more and more obvious!

Then there is the improvement of combat power!
Mastering the puppet of You, the strength of a half-shaman is enough to crush all ordinary Da Luo, even Da Luo, who is a disciple of the saint, has a high-grade spiritual treasure in his hand, and it is difficult to deal with it.

There are 27 purple blood thorns!

After absorbing the blood power and boundless evil spirit of the witch clan after Pan Gu's phantom was dispersed, its power is naturally extremely powerful, and it also absorbed a Sky Cracking Si from the Great Luo Realm.

In the battle of Wuzhiqi, in the end, the power of flesh and blood after the shattered formation was sucked up!You know, that big formation not only absorbed the physical primordial spirits of two alien Daluo Jinxians, but also melted a hundred thousand monsters into it, and Wuzhiqi's flesh and blood was also included in it.

The current Purple Blood Thorn is already terrifyingly powerful!Even ordinary quasi-sages and mighty men of heaven and earth are not so sure that they can defeat the Purple Blood Thorn.

With these two great strengths, among the Da Luo Jinxians, there are very few existences that can threaten Qing Luo!
Qing Luo was very satisfied.

However, for the upcoming Great Tribulation of Conferred Gods, this level of cultivation is still not enough.Even with merit protection, there are still some risks!
At this time, the period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors has passed!

Next, Dayu established the first dynasty!

In the history of China, the first dynasty.It is also the first unified dynasty in the prehistoric human race!
(End of this chapter)

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