Chapter 218

After the Xia Dynasty came the Shang Dynasty!

At the end of the Shang Dynasty, it was the catastrophe of the Conferred Gods that made the three religions tremble!It is also a catastrophe that will make all the immortals in the world tremble!

As long as he is not a quasi-sage, even a Da Luo Jinxian may die.Become a famous immortal on the list of gods, and then abandon the Tao and cultivate the gods, lose the freedom and freedom, and the road to progress!

At this time, Qingluo was already in the middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian, but he was still far away from the quasi-sage!
Even though he only took tens of thousands of years to become the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian.

This is mostly because of the power of merit!
If you really want to practice with peace of mind, one or two million years will be indispensable!

Those disciples of saints, the more famous disciples, such as Xuandu, Nanji Xianweng, Duobao, and Sanxiao were all accepted by saints before the Lich War. Even with the guidance of saints, there are few breakthroughs The presence!

The quasi-sage's great power in heaven and earth is truly beyond all kinds of disasters.Unless one is the central figure of the catastrophe, or provokes saints and some ancient powerhouses who can't hide from the world, it is an eternal existence!
As for those characters who survived the Great Tribulation of Chaos in the Primordial Era, they even escaped the supernatural power of Pangu, so how could it be possible that they all died in the battle between Hongjun and Luohu?

There must be some hidden powers who can survive in the prehistoric or chaotic!After all, the life-saving ability of the Almighty is the strongest!

These characters who have survived for an incalculable amount of time must not be provoked!
Even though Qing Luo had been preparing for the Great Tribulation of Conferring Gods since she was reborn, she was only half sure that she could pass through safely!

But afterward, Journey to the West, the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism, I am afraid that he will be on the cusp here!
After the end of the Conferred Gods, the Great Desolation repeats itself, scattered across the four continents!
Luoling Mountain is located in the southwest of Honghuang, and the four continents are divided. There are three possibilities for Luoling Mountain.

The first is to be classified as Xihe Niuzhou, and then be either destroyed, suppressed, or brought back by the Western religion!

This return is very likely to become a beast of enslavement like some Jin Guangxian or Qiushouxian!

The second is to just fall into the vast ocean of Xihe Niuzhou and Nanzhanbuzhou and become an island!Then, faced with the common threat from both Buddhism and Taoism, you fought against each other, and the result was shattered!
The third is to fall on the edge of Nanzhan Buzhou and become the southwest gateway of Taoism to resist the spread of Buddhism to the east!Naturally, it will be invaded by Taoism and become their puppet or cannon fodder to fight against Buddhism!
Or other possibilities, such as joining Buddhism or Taoism, not to mention whether it will be possible or not, even if it is possible, I am afraid that I will be free and have no more, and I will be driven from then on!

The five saints of heaven, earth, Taoism and Buddha are all difficult to enter!

If one wants to become a saint, the "most important" thing is not cultivation, not birth, but fate!
In the novel, there are almost no opportunities to directly meet the saints and become saints in the prehistoric world! ! !
A sage is the supreme one in the prehistoric world, how can he encounter it as soon as he meets him?If you say you accept apprentices, you accept apprentices?
Saints, what matters is fate!

Those who have a predestined relationship are formed with the Tao, teach the Tao, and obtain the true Dharma.

Those who have no destiny will not accept it even if they have been pursuing it for thousands of years, despite difficulties and obstacles.

The ability of a saint can't be counted as destined or missed?Those who are predestined will meet the sage, and if they are not predestined, they will pass by without knowing it!
Just like what Qinglan said back then, he once met the old man who solved her blood problem, who was suspected to be a sage of great purity, but he left without knowing it!

Apart from the Five Sages, there is also Empress Nuwa!
But in the Nuwa Temple back then, if the Nuwa Empress had the heart to accept disciples, she would have said so long ago!
It seems that I have no destiny with the Six Sages!

If you think about it, you can only find your own way!

Although Fengshen is very close, it is very likely that he will not lose his life.However, the Journey to the West and the Buddhist and Taoist struggle must be planned in advance!
Because, once the conferring of the gods is over, the four continents will be scattered, this is a key point!
Qing Luo thought hard for a long time!
Reach out and wave!
The Jiuxuan map is displayed, with mountains, rivers, lakes, forests and fields, and various terrains distributed on it.

This is the topographic map of the southwestern part of Honghuang!

He pondered for several days, and finally fixed his gaze on the Luoling Mountain Range!

Then point with one hand.

Immediately on the picture, the mountains and rivers collapsed, the earth trembled, and thousands of pieces were broken!
After a long time, three situations appeared on the map!
Naturally, Luoling Mountain was divided into three places!

Countless thoughts were spinning in Qing Luo's mind, and suddenly, something came to mind!
He set his sights on the situation that Luoling Mountain was divided into Nanzhan Buzhou.

Then, he looked at the southwestern end of Nanzhan Buzhou. The entire southwest part of it was in an irregular triangular shape. Extremely sharp and narrow!
A light flashed in Qing Luo's mind!A shocking idea finally took shape in my mind!

If Luoling Mountain is divided into Nanzhan Buzhou, it will be a battleground for Buddhism to spread to the east and Taoist defense!
Because, Dongsheng Shenzhou and Xihe Niuzhou, that is, the present prehistoric east and west, there are large areas of desolate land in these two parts, land without aura, and there are many ancient wild beasts!

The human race will not migrate there either!And without human habitation, without blessed land, caves, and wasteland without resources, then Buddhism and Taoism will naturally not directly conflict between things!

And later generations of Great Tang are located in Nanzhan Buzhou, so it will naturally be the center of the human race!
Since Buddhism wants to come in here, and Taoism wants to stay here, why not combine them?Come neutral?Can't help each other?

However, this requires enough power to support neutrality!
This, enough power, except for the five saints, naturally only. . .And if you ask him to take action, it would be more appropriate to start from the Yaozu side!
Qing Luo quietly pondered in the quiet room alone for several months, and finally walked out of the quiet room!

The brilliance of the Luoling divine pattern flashed, and the hearts of the monsters were all shaken!
As soon as the mountain lord is summoned, thousands of demons come to pay homage!

At this time, Qing Luo is sitting cross-legged in the sky of Zao Ling Island, with Luo Ling Qi Yun Qinglian coiled on the top, surrounded by thousands of demons from the Luo Ling Department!
The demon cultivators who had already transformed in the mountains all rushed to the shore of Linghu Lake!
In addition to the monsters included in the water control, the monsters have transformed into thousands of monsters!
At this time, when all the demons arrived, they all bowed to Qingluo and said, "Meet the mountain lord!"

Although there are only four characters, but thousands of mouths speak together, the voice is powerful and vibrating, resounding through the mountains for thousands of miles, and it lasts for a long time!

Seeing this, Qing Luo nodded in satisfaction.

Walk around and look at the cultivation bases of all the monsters.

The monks in the Taiyi realm, in addition to the three native demons of Luoling, Huangni, Minghou and another herring demon, there are six in total!
There are more demons in Golden Immortal Realm, 37 of them, 100 of Xuanxian and Tianxian, and the remaining [-] are Earth Immortals!
After all, all those who came were transformed monsters!

However, there are still very few monsters in the Earth Fairyland, and their aptitudes are generally the worst, and they all have many monster characteristics when they transform into forms, and they are not as complete as transforming!
He thought to himself, although these demon cultivators have some shortcomings, as long as they don't meet Da Luo, they can still stand on their own!
After Qing Luo patrolled around, he saw that all the monsters had a hint of respect on their faces, it seems that this timing is just right to say it!

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  Kneel without dignity, kneel, kneel, kneel!

  Three knocks and nine bows!

(End of this chapter)

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