Chapter 228 Nuwa Contract
In the center of prehistoric times, there is no legacy.

Qing Luo stood here and looked up at the sky above it.

Deep, vast, endless.

That above is 33 layers of sky.

Below this is the leftover vein of incompleteness.

Qing Luo looked around for a week, remembering that when he was looking for the way of Taiyi, all the things were near this Buzhou Mountain.

Thinking about it, somewhere, maybe I have a certain relationship with Pangu!
Facing the boundless and half-destroyed mountains, he bowed and saluted as a sign of respect.

Then, Qing Luo turned into a ray of light and flew straight to the 33rd heaven.

The scenery on the earth is getting smaller a little bit, and the clouds in the sky are getting bigger a little bit.

His height also gradually increased, quickly passing through one layer after another.

He didn't stop until he stood on the 33rd heaven!
With a wave of Qingluo's hand, the towering Fortune Orb floated above his head, emitting a thick blue light to protect his whole body.

Then, Simu Xuanwu Ding also flew above his head, releasing a layer of earthy yellow light.

Then, the purple blood thorns wrapped around Qingluo's body like giant pythons, and after a flash of purple light, it turned into a layer of purple armor to protect the whole body!

Only then did Qing Luo step out of the 33rd layer and enter the chaos.

Chaos, chaos.

Rampage, berserk.

Destroyed, annihilated.

I saw here, where the eyes are full of yellow, blue, blue, and red rays of light, the four forces of earth, feng, shui, and fire are entangled endlessly!

These four forces are the purest and most original Earth Feng Shui Fire!
They are here, without a trace of restraint, without a trace of hindrance, showing their powerful power!

Every time these four forces get entangled, they will trigger a monstrous destructive power, which is enough to coax the attack of Da Luo Jinxian!
Here, there is no time, and naturally there is no differentiation of past, future, and present.

The chaos here has always been like this, chaotic chaos, without stopping, without subsiding!
Qingluo walked out with strides, following the spirit pattern induction given by Qinglan.

Here, there is no direction at all, no boundaries, once lost in it, it will mean loss!Even Da Luo Jinxian can hardly escape!

In this way, Qing Luo endured the feng shui fire that erupted from time to time, enduring the raging power, and went to Wa Palace.

Since he didn't have time, he didn't know how long he had been gone, so the sense of confusion about the disappearance of time in his soul made him feel that he might have been gone for ten thousand years, or a Yuanhui, or just a few hours. !

This feeling of bewilderment is extremely insane!
Rao even if his Dao heart has been tempered and strengthened, he can't persist forever.

Until, he didn't know when, when he looked at the towering fortune beads and treasured tripod above his head, he finally arrived at the place!
I saw that the earth, wind, water and fire raging ahead suddenly stopped!
Shrouded in a layer of golden divine light, a majestic and resplendent, ancient majestic palace is in it!
In front of its numerous undulating halls and treasures, a huge palace gate stands, on which are inscribed three true patterns of the Great Dao: "Wahuang Palace!"

Qing Luo's expression was shocked, and hurriedly flew over.

When he reached the golden barrier, when he was about to pay his respects, the palace gate suddenly opened wide, and a woman in golden clothes came through.

She is the Jinfeng who gave Xuanyuan Sword back then!
Qing Luo hurriedly saluted and said: "Qing Luo has seen Senior!

Jinfeng smiled and said: "There is no need to be too polite. The empress is already waiting for you!"

Qing Luo was startled, hurriedly nodded in agreement, and entered with Jin Feng.

When Fang entered the palace, he immediately felt the feeling of time passing and turned around again, the directions of the four elements were once again distinguishable, and a different order of heaven and earth spread quietly here.

Qing Luo couldn't help admiring the sage's methods, it really is so incredible!

As for why Empress Nuwa summoned him, Qing Luo couldn't guess.

After all, is it so easy to guess the mind of a saint?But come to think of it, there's nothing bad about it.If the sage wants to destroy himself, why bother?

If this trip is possible, just tell me about that appeal, and see if you can get Dao Nuwa's support!
Thinking like this, not long after, Jin Feng brought him to the main hall.

I saw a woman in Yunni palace clothes sitting at the head of the hall!Needless to say, this is the only female saint in the world!
Qing Luo didn't dare to look directly at Sheng Yan, but just took a look at it for a while, and felt that at this time, the praise of her appearance was more than just beautiful words!

Nuwa's beauty is not the beauty of her body and face, but the praise from heaven and earth!
This kind of beauty is the beauty that everyone who sees it calls beauty, and it is a new interpretation of beauty!

Qing Luo came back to her senses, and wanted to kneel down and salute!

This ceremony, even if he is inhuman in this life and does not belong to the monster clan, he still should worship.

The explanation from the Nuwa Temple at the beginning, the opportunity to go to the Feng clan, to protect Qinglan from the oppression of the saint.

Nuwa can be regarded as half of the seniors who supported her on the road.

Moreover, this body of his own also came from Nuwa's supernatural powers.

He really deserves it!
However, just as Qing Luo was about to kneel down, he suddenly felt that his knees were fixed, so he could only bend down to salute instead of kneeling.

He couldn't help but wonder.

At this time, Empress Nuwa chuckled and said, "What I need is a peer who is equal to me, not an ant who can only bow to me!"

Qing Luo's heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly replied: "Nuwa Empress thinks highly of juniors, Qing Luo is just a mere big brother, why is she so virtuous?"

"It's not right now, but it doesn't mean it won't be ten million years later. You have your own destiny!

Compared with ordinary creatures, you have a little more possibility of becoming a saint, and a little more possibility of stepping into the extraordinary realm!Don't be self-deprecating. "Nvwa Empress said with raised eyebrows.

Qing Luo replied respectfully: "Then dare to ask my mother, what is the possibility that you mentioned? The junior has been wondering in his heart, and he can't figure it out!"

"Don't worry, you have reached the middle stage of Daluo, and the realm of quasi-sage is not far away. When you become a quasi-sage, all this will be clear!"

After hearing this, Qing Luo felt helpless. He also heard Nu Wa say this sentence twice, but he felt like a mystery, in a mystery, as if there was an unimaginably huge hand controlling Your own practice track!
Empress Nuwa twitched her brows slightly, and said in a flat voice, "This time I call you here, it's because I have made a contract with you!"

As soon as this remark was made, before Qing Luo could react, Nuwa's voice was instantly filled with supreme majesty, her voice was like the might of the sky, and her meaning was like the will of heaven.

At this moment, she is the master of this world, life and death are all under her control, without exception!
"Son of Daoxuan, Qingluo.

Would you like to be with me,
Heavenly Dao Saint, Nu Wa

Make a contract, on the avenue, beyond the extraordinary

If you follow my way, you will not change for billions of kalpas.

Even if I go away for a moment, I won't give birth to another heart, and I am willing to help me to achieve the extraordinary!
Er, wish it? "

At this moment, the heavenly majesty, the power of a sage, the heavens and the earth changed, and even the earth, wind, water and fire near Wa Palace stopped. At this moment, the long river of fate that flowed through ancient times also stopped here.

(End of this chapter)

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