Chapter 229

A mysterious and profound aura came down in Wahuang Palace and around Qingluo.

It seems to come from the beginning of the distant primordial chaos, a mystery so ancient that no one knows it!
Empress Nuwa exudes countless dark blue colors, turning into blue soul chains, pulling them into the void.

There are as many as one hundred and eight thousand of these blue soul chains, sweeping through the endless void, echoing Qing Luo!

In the Western Paradise.

Jieyin woke up from the big dream, and pointed out: "Nuwa has already decided on a candidate. Come to think of it, the son of our Daoxuan will not need to be robbed by others!"

Zhunti nodded with a smile and said: "Having said that, I still need to personally extradite him before he can join my Western religion!
However, Nu Wa actually chose this son, which surprised me.Even if I snatch one of her away, among her subordinates is Shiji Taoxing, who is also extraordinary, and the chances are better than this one. "

Jieyin shook his head and said, "It's not that Nuwa is unwilling, but that Shiji is unwilling!
She just wants to concentrate on spending the day, relying on her status as the son of Daoxuan, and no one provokes her lightly. "

Jade Palace.

Yuanshi Tianzun let out a sigh and said, "It turned out to be this son, but it has caused me some trouble!"

At this time, in Wa Palace.

Qing Luo's mind was racing, it was not a good thing to have such a big connection with Nuwa Saint.

However, wealth and wealth are in danger.With Nuwa's protection, there will be no such thing as Yuanshi Tianzun personally attacking him!
This alone is what Qingluo desires.Now Kecheng, even if it is troublesome, he has to answer it!

Qing Luo immediately restrained her mind and said solemnly: "I
Qing Luo, wish it! "

With just this one word, all the magic in the sky disappeared, as if everything just now was a false dream.

However, the power of the contract in Qing Luo's heart reminded him that it was all true.

Empress Nuwa was sitting upright in the hall at this time, her expression was graceful and luxurious, and she said lightly: "Since you have accepted it, then it is my Nuwa sect.

With this contract, even if it is the reincarnation of the heavens and the cessation of the avenue, it cannot be changed.

I promise you one thing:
Among all the saints, no one directly attacks you! "

Qing Luo was overjoyed when he heard the words, and thanked him hurriedly: "Thank you, Ma'am, Qing Luo is very grateful!"

With Nuwa's strength, it should be possible to do it.

With Nuwa's words, this is the most critical step, then all of my plans will be very feasible! ! !

Empress Nuwa said again: "But, you need to do one thing."

Qing Luo looked certain, and said: "Your Majesty, just tell me!"

"Okay, since you're so thoughtful, I'll just say it straight.

At the time of this catastrophe, I feel grateful.

I need you to help and cut off the teaching at the right time! "

what? ! ! !

Qing Luo almost blurted out.

Want to be an enemy of interpretation, humanism, and Western religion?This, is it not for death?Even if the saints do not act, the disciples of the saints in these three religions are by no means invincible.

Empress Nuwa saw that his expression was different, she was not angry but said with a smile: "That's right, he really is the son of Daoxuan, it seems that he knows something!"

Qing Luo was startled and hurriedly recovered.

At this time, the Conferred God had not yet been revealed, the Intercepting Sect had not been defeated, and the Four Sects had not yet fought, so he reacted like this obviously because he knew something, and that's why he had such an expression.

Sure enough, the mind of a saint is extremely terrifying, especially the mind of Nu Wa.

Nu Wa smiled lightly: "You don't have to worry.

Although it's about helping each other and teaching each other, how to help each other, when to help each other, and how much to help each other are all up to you! "

Only then did Qing Luo heave a sigh of relief in her heart, it seemed that she didn't want to kill herself.

He hurriedly saluted and said: "Since this is the case, Qing Luo will help each other and obey the imperial edict."

"Well, there's one more thing you need to remember.

Although it is often said that the general trend cannot be done, but the small trend can be changed.

However, the general trend of the world is formed by the joint efforts of many small trends, and small trends can also determine the general trend!

However, the general trend must not be changed.otherwise. . .

You need to figure it out yourself.

You go back first! "

Before Qing Luo could react, she heard Nuwa ordering him to go back.

At the moment, I had no choice but to say goodbye, and went straight out of Wa Palace.

After Qingluo left, Jinfeng, who was standing beside Nuwa, said in confusion: "Mother, why did you decide on the candidate so early, why don't you think about it again."

Nu Wa shook her head and said: "The accident has happened, and the other five saints have already sensed that the time is coming, and the son of Daoxuan, among the hundreds of millions of living beings, may not necessarily appear one.

Although I found three of them earlier, Shiji has no intention of pursuing the Tao, and only wishes to hide from the world.

And Kong Xuan, not only shouldered the responsibility of your clan, but also betrayed the demon and entered the sect of Jiejiao.

As for Qing Luo, I was vaguely aware of Zhen Yuanzi's place, and others were also eyeing him.

If I don't act again, I'm afraid it will be too late.

Moreover, although this green snake's cultivation base is slightly low, the most indispensable thing in the prehistoric world is time, and it is also good to have more experience and sharpen it.

What's more, his way of practice is similar to mine, and his psyche is not bad.Among the sons of various choices, he is also somewhat likely! "

And Qingluo, after leaving Wa Palace, endured the raging wind, water and fire all the way, and returned to the prehistoric with hardships.

As soon as Fang entered the flood, he felt the amiability of time, heaven and earth.It took nearly a hundred years to go and come.And this is because Wa Palace is relatively close to Honghuang.

He also felt that according to the rumors, the Second Sage of the West was dressed in rags when he first entered Zixiao Palace.After all, Zixiao Palace must be much farther than Wahuang Palace.

After Qing Luo rested for a while, she went straight back to Luoling Mountain.

Back in the mountains, he didn't disturb the crowd, he went back indoors to adjust his breathing with a flash of his body.

In that chaos, it is not something that ordinary people can enter.

Even for him, every time he went there, he consumed a lot of vitality, so naturally he had to recover.

Three months later, after Qing Luo had finished adjusting her breath, she calmed down and began to think quietly.

His ancient wooden quiet room is surrounded by strips of ancient vines. As time goes on, this ancient vine becomes more and more old-fashioned.

In this quiet room, Qing Luo can always calm down, settle down, let go of all the guards in her body, and feel relaxed.

Therefore, he especially likes to sit alone in this quiet room and think about problems.

Originally, in his plan, he didn't really want to go deep into the battle of the Conferred Gods, at most it was just a trick.Or, don't have a deep friendship with Jiejiao, just avenge yourself.

Because, the power of his merits and virtues is quite a lot, so it should be no problem to protect yourself.

And if, as Nuwa said, he must be with Jiejiao, the risk has increased dramatically!
It seems that this god still needs to make a good plan by himself, so that he can help Jiejiao and not make himself lose money.

As for why Nuwa wanted to help stop the teaching, this is probably because she had some deal with the Tongtian sage.

As for why the Empress Nuwa in Fengshen helped Chanjiao to borrow the magic weapon, I'm afraid it will be involved again!

Just when Qing Luo was thinking carefully, there was a sound of a piano suddenly coming from Luoling Mountain, a magnificent sound of a piano resounding through the heaven and earth!

 Uh, I have to buy a bus ticket tomorrow, and school is about to start, so I asked for a day off.

(End of this chapter)

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