Chapter 230

This zither sound is just like an ordinary zither sound, nothing out of the ordinary.

But its sound is unusually loud!Sound transmission was not used at all.

This sound only made one sound, but it resounded tens of thousands of miles around Luoling Mountain Range!
Not only humans and immortals can listen to it, but also mountains, rocks, vegetation, birds and animals can all listen to it!

After this sound, there was a throbbing of wind and cloud between heaven and earth.The spiritual energy from all directions converged towards the direction, like a river of hundreds of rivers flowing into the west of Zaoling Island, in the direction of Qukong!
Afterwards, a peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal breath soared into the sky!All the slightest sounds between heaven and earth at this moment are extremely clear, penetrating people's hearts and ears!
After three breaths, it will return to normal!
Qing Luo laughed dumbly and said: "I never thought that Qu Kong would reach this point so soon.

It seems that a Da Luoxian is about to be born under my sect! "

On the island, Xiaozhu sighed with envy and depression.

At this time, she is only in the middle stage of Taiyi, and she is only one step away from the late stage.But Qu Kong has already entered the late stage, and now he is only one step away from Da Luo Jinxian!
Even Shuo De, relying on the blood of the Golden Crow, has cultivated hard for 10 years, and his cultivation level is comparable to hers!

. . . . . . . . . .

Let's say that on this day, Ge Kun was teaching some bloodlines to Shuo De by the lake.

Shuo De now has the appearance of an eleven or twelve-year-old boy, and there is some youthful heroism in his brows.Spirituality has also recovered a little bit, not as dull as before.From the young boy at the beginning, he has grown into a heroic young man!
Ge Kun was talking, but suddenly frowned, then stopped, and said to Shuo De: "Go and tell your master, there will be distinguished guests in the mountain to pay respects, so prepare as soon as possible."

After hearing this, Shuo De hurriedly got up to meet Qing Luo.

Qing Luo, who was in meditation, was stunned when he heard this, and said, "What kind of distinguished guest, even Ge Lao is so solemn?"

Shuo De shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Qing Luo nodded, and said to him: "Go to your senior sister and let her prepare it."

Shuode took the order and went by himself.

As soon as Qing Luo's spiritual thoughts were restrained, he urged the cause and effect of the big Luo, and slowly deduced it. After a few breaths, he understood it in his heart.

What a distinguished guest!

It was Dayu who came!

If there is only the word Dayu, it is nothing.

But if you add the prefix of Human King, then it is not to be underestimated!
Now that the human nature has been manifested, the luck is so strong that it overwhelms all races in the prehistoric world, and in the realm of the heavens, the king of people is blessed with luck, even a quasi-sage, he dare not neglect!

Even saints have some scruples!
Therefore, after the people in Luoling Mountain tidied up, they came to the gate of the mountain to welcome the distinguished guests when the day was born!

When Qing Luo stood in front of the mountain gate, it was only an incense stick, he waited and watched.

I saw the colorful condensed canopy of the oriental luck, and thousands of auspicious auras rolling in!
Although it is not the momentum of a saint, it is not the momentum that ordinary people can have!

After a quarter of an hour, a group of human races walked into everyone's sight majestically.

The morale of its officers and men is like a rainbow, and they are determined and indomitable.

Fingering a bronze dagger, wearing armor, thousands of soldiers guarded a hundred-foot chariot in the middle.

Several people were standing on the chariot, the first one was King Dayu!

His cultivation level has now reached the Daluo Jinxian, and he is protected by the supreme luck of the human race. Every word and deed carries great pressure!
Behind him is General Ying Long!At this time, he has cultivated to the perfection of Da Luo, and is half a step quasi-sage!As long as the opportunity comes, you can kill the corpse of obsession, and you can become a quasi-sage!
And Qing Luo speculates that he may become a quasi-sage when Dayu established Kyushu and truly respected the dragon as a totem of China!
Because, as early as the Emperor Xuanyuan, the dragon was promoted, but because the tribes did not have a high degree of integration, they still retained their own totem beliefs, so the dragon totem did not win the belief of hundreds of millions of people in the world.

At this time, Qingluo stood in front of everyone in Luoling Mountain, and Ge Kun followed to his right.After Xiaozhu and the others stood, all the lotus elves lined up on both sides, holding incense tables, Dharma clocks, bell books, Ruyi, Yugui, Fuchen, Chaojian, Shenggua, etc., and respectfully stood beside them.

When Dayu came close, he smiled and said: "I haven't seen the Taoist priest for 10 years, and the Taoist priest is still as handsome as ever!"

Qing Luo stepped forward to greet him and said: "The king of men is joking! A poor man from the mountains is no match for the honor of the king of men, and the pedantic honor comes here!"

Dayu got off the chariot, waved his hands and said: "The Taoist leader doesn't need to be too polite, I'm here because I want to have the audacity to borrow a treasure!"

"Oh? He Bao?"

"I heard that the Taoist priest once had a Lingbao Ding, which can suppress mountains and rivers, and can suppress luck. I came here to borrow this treasure!

I also ask the Taoist priest to let go of my human race, Dayu will be grateful! "As he said, he bent down and saluted, wanting to do it.

Ge Kun's expression was raised, and he raised one hand slightly, and Dayu couldn't bend down in an instant after this ceremony.

And this also shocked Qing Luo.This man Wang Yili is not something that can be accepted lightly.

Dayu felt a powerful force holding him back, and he couldn't help being surprised.Half of Da Luo Jinxian doesn't have such strength!
Ge Kun took a step forward at this time and said: "The King of Human Beings is serious. Luoling Mountain is full of cultivators and seekers of the Tao, so they cannot bear the gift of King of Human Beings!"

Dayu said in surprise: "This senior is..."

Qing Luo hurriedly explained: "This senior who is considered poor, doesn't walk around the world very much, so he is unknown!"

Dayu was a little shocked, he never expected that there would be such great power in Luoling Mountain!Fortunately, Qing Luo once had a kindness with him, and he was kind to the human race.Otherwise, if someone else has a wrong heart, it will be a big trouble!

Dayu laughed and said, "I'm sorry! Forgive my stupid eyes, I didn't recognize that senior is actually a great power of heaven and earth!"

Ge Kun waved his hand and said: "It's okay, this old man is just a rough man, he doesn't care much.

Dare to ask the king, what is the use of lending me the treasure of Luoling Mountain? "

Dayu sighed and said: "This matter is related to my human race for all generations, so I have to be cautious. You two heard that I am coming.

As a king of men, my humanity manifests itself.

When there is a separation between immortals and mortals!

However, our human race is vast and boundless, and there are countless spirits, monsters and demons in it!
If there were no immortals to suppress and eliminate them, it would be difficult for all of our human race to survive!

Therefore, I want to split the five mountains, divide the world into Kyushu, and cast nine tripods to town them!

And the body of Jiuding should be the treasure of our human race's luck. With the luck of Kyushu, we can suppress hundreds of millions of lands in Kyushu, avoid evil spirits, stabilize the clan domain, and protect the hundreds of millions of people in the world!

Since the Jiuding is the treasure of luck, suppressing the human race to protect the territory, it should be the treasure of acquired merit!Do not use innate spiritual treasures, otherwise it will be difficult to luck and merit to last forever, endangering the fate of the human race!

Therefore, I have come here to borrow the Tao Changlingbao, use it as the shape, and use its spirit to cast the Nine Tripods!
I also hope that the Taoist priest can use it to help our human race and achieve immeasurable virtue with success!My human race should remember it in my heart, never be with evil, and always remember kindness and temple! "

After these remarks, Qing Luo's heart was shocked, as if it was destined in the sky!
(End of this chapter)

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