The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 242 Chaos Fighting the Great Desolation

Chapter 242 Chaos Fighting the Great Desolation
"The Palace of Demon Masters!"

The ancient spiritual text of the Yaozu!
Qing Luo was shocked, she didn't expect that the sorcerer was so anxious about the Lingbao that he even used his family to grab people!

He hastily unfolded the Nine Mysteries Diagram, releasing a world and a world that keeps growing!

The side of the Demon Master Palace sucks, and the side of Jiuxuantu grows.The world is infinitely large, and the Demon Master's Palace collected thousands of miles, and the world of thousands of miles emerged again!It has achieved the effect of temporarily resisting it like this!

Qing Luo is also clever, and it is extremely difficult to resist this powerful attraction with his supernatural powers.In this case, let it suck, if you can't finish it for a while, won't it be blocked!

In Luoling Mountain, Xiaozhu looked anxiously at the precious light of Lingmang flashing in the sky, and said anxiously: "Old Ge, why didn't you make a move! Make a move quickly!"

Ge Kun smiled and waved his hands, "No hurry!
Your master has already taken the Lingbao, there is no need for me to snatch the Lingbao again!

Just take this opportunity to strengthen the evil intention of fighting in his heart, so that he can kill the corpse conveniently! "

Xiaozhu was still worried: "But I think those spirit treasures are quite powerful! The spirit pressure on them can be called terrifying!"

"Hehe, don't worry!" Ge Kun smiled lightly, "If your master is in danger, I will take action!"

And in the air at this time, the Xuanyuan Water Control Banner of Patriarch Styx was rumored to have been defaced in the sea of ​​blood, and its power had declined a little!

Now, it is the Styx Air Control Object again, so naturally it is not so powerful!Although every time the treasure flag is waved, it can arouse the power of thousands of waters in the world and turn into huge waves, but it is quickly swallowed up by the purple blood thorns!

Because of this, the treasure flag was surrounded by purple blood thorns, and the demon master's palace was temporarily held back by Jiuxuantu.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qing Luo was about to return to the mountain in a blink of an eye.

But as soon as he moved, he felt his body stiffen!
I saw above his head, a treasure tripod with two colors of yin and yang appeared out of nowhere, releasing a Tai Chi pattern to hold Qingluo in place.

Then when the tripod fell again, it slammed against Qing Luo with a mighty force.

But at this critical moment, a figure beside him jumped out, stretched out a palm, and slapped Baoding!

With a loud noise of "嗡~", the Yin-Yang Cauldron flew upside down for several tens of feet, and the body of the Cauldron trembled endlessly.

And You's body also took several steps back, every step smashed layers of space!

The owner of this cauldron obviously didn't expect Qing Luo to have this extremely weird puppet!
And Qing Luo took advantage of this opportunity, the blue light flickered on his body, and the derived power swam around his body, and his stiff body recovered.

But at this moment, the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag suddenly pointed at the sky above the blue sky, and the next moment boundless blood fell from the sky!

The boundless blood directly surrounded Qing Luo, surrounded him in all directions, as well as the upper and lower sides, leaving him nowhere to escape!
Then, in the bloody water, countless ancient and strange runes emerged.As soon as these runes appeared, they intertwined one after another, forming a magic circle!
The magic circle hummed, and the power of space was turbulent!

Then, three thousand blood-colored and exquisite round beads flew out of the formation, and in the bloody light, they turned into strange figures full of evil spirits!
Qing Luo was shocked, could this not be the legend, the housekeeping skill of Patriarch Styx, Son of the Blood God?Relying on this secret technique and relying on the power of the sea of ​​blood, Patriarch Styx can even be called in the sea of ​​blood: "The sea of ​​blood never dries up, and the river of Styx never dies!"

These three thousand figures, each with the cultivation base of the Golden Immortal Realm, rushed towards Qing Luo without fear of death!The three thousand people were all bathed in blood, and the divine light of blood energy just involved was enough to shake people's hearts, and it caused the blood in Qing Luo's body to agitate a little, and the violent meaning in his heart was even worse!

And the monstrous waves of blood and the three thousand blood gods released by Patriarch Styx directly made other great powers who wanted to intervene dare not do it again!
Even the offensive of the Demon Master's Palace has been weakened by half, and the owner of the Yin-Yang Cauldron has not moved at all.

Obviously, the demon master and this mysterious power waited for Minghe to capture Qingluo, and then snatched it from Minghe, saving some effort!
But in this way, Qing Luo's pressure was greatly reduced.When the Blood God Son approached him, he directly beckoned and released the towering fortune beads, which turned into layers of barriers to protect himself.

Let those blood gods activate all kinds of blood magic powers outside the light curtain, causing the blood in his body to surge violently, and there is a faint color of red blood in both eyes!

Qing Luo felt a voice in her heart, and kept shouting.

Seduce, seduce him.

It was as if there was a voice in his heart that kept saying: "What are you doing? You are still a big Luo Jinxian, you are still a time traveler, and you have all kinds of spiritual treasures on you. Why don't you just say nothing?" How about fighting them without any scruples?"

Qing Luo's mind is naturally not bewitched by these.

However, the voice changed again, and said with a seductive breath: "Kill quickly, kill as much as you want, and destroy everything. My fate is up to me, and everyone who stops me will kill them!"

As the voice said, Guang Chengzi's appearance appeared in Qing Luo's eyes.

I saw "Guang Chengzi" with a very smug look on his face and said: "A mere evil animal, how dare you fight with me? It's just a snake..."

Qing Luo couldn't help but feel some changes in her heart.

Then, the "Taiyi Daoist" appeared, and he said with disgust on his face: "You look like a crooked man, what are you thinking about, just like you, a demon, immortal or immortal ant?..."

Various voices gradually appeared in his ears, but there was no doubt that they were all persuading him to let out his anger wantonly and kill at will!
As if, in the world, only killing can solve the problem!Everyone appeared in front of him, and there were voices calling for killing.Whether it's an enemy or a friend, as long as you wipe out them all, you will be invincible!
The mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood stained the sky.

Qing Luo's firm Dao heart is gradually loosening and sinking!

However, Xue Shenzi noticed something strange about Qing Luo!
Patriarch Styx snorted coldly and said, "Still thinking about relying on my ancestor's bloody murderous intent to strengthen the evil corpse? Dreaming!"

After finishing speaking, I saw these blood god sons bursting open one after another.

Immediately, these powerful blasting forces impacted Qing Luo's protective tent!
This made Qing Luo startled, and hurriedly collected her thoughts and stopped thinking about growing evil.

He looked at these blood god sons, and suddenly had an idea!
Qing Luo flew high into the sky, turned around, and a huge golden wheel of merit emerged behind him!

The merits and virtues of the golden wheel black and yellow are immeasurable.Manifest God's will, the demon retreats!

This round of big sun is just a photo, and these blood god sons are overshadowed one after another, or stay away, not daring to approach.

Qing Luo felt that the thoughts of evil corpses in the primordial spirit had accumulated enough for the time being, and if she didn't get used to it, she might really lose control.So he took this opportunity to move his body and stepped out of the bloody waves!
And as soon as he came out, he saw a strange scene!Because, the Demon Master's Palace, which was watching covetously from the sidelines, actually. . .

 I'm sorry, I originally wanted to write a [-]-word chapter so that everyone can read it more comfortably.But the brain is like Qingluo's brain, it can't be clear at all.Even though I deliberately ran out in the rain to buy snacks to refresh myself, I was still sleepy to death.So, it had to remain as it was.I can only try my best to update [-] words on Tuesday!
(End of this chapter)

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