Chapter 243 The Lord of the Demon Master
The demon master's palace suddenly exploded, releasing an endless force of attraction, covering the Yin-Yang cauldron on the side!
And the owner of the Yin-Yang Cauldron, the mysterious and powerful Kunpeng, who had no grudges with him in the past and has no grudges in the present, would attack him!
That mysterious power, without noticing for a while, was really almost taken away by Kunpeng!

With a junior like Kunpeng in his eyes, can he still be bullied by a junior?
The master of this cauldron, the Yin-Yang Taoist was furious in his heart, and he didn't even think about the ninth-grade lotus platform, so he directly activated the Yin-Yang Cauldron to teach this arrogant junior a lesson!
As soon as the cover of the yin and yang tripod was opened, the sky and the earth suddenly became ethereal, and the sky and the earth were gloomy, and the sun and the moon filled it!
Thousands of miles away, a hunting tiger has already knocked down a grass deer, and its fangs have touched the deer's neck, but at this moment, it and the struggling deer are motionless and still down!
A hundred miles away, there is also a huge cliff waterfall!At this moment, the water of the rushing waterfall was suspended in the air strangely, not going up or down.

. . .

This is true of countless creatures, plants and trees within the prehistoric region!

You know, this is thousands of miles!One mile is equivalent to 150 feet. For ten thousand miles, there is a distance of 150 million feet in length, let alone a radius of [-] li, which is measured in scope!

And this is only because of the power of the Yin-Yang Taoist with the power of his divine sense, not by himself!

As soon as the cauldron cover is opened, there will be yin and yang qi, which will melt into the sky when it rises, and will melt into the earth when it rises. Thousands of miles of heaven and earth, and a radius of one million feet are all firmly fixed by it!

Even Qingluo and the Blood God Son of Patriarch Minghe were frozen, unable to move!

Seeing this, Qing Luo's heart was shocked, such a powerful force, even ordinary quasi-sages, could not do it with the power of divine sense!
And the demon master's palace that was targeted by this was even more locked down!Can't move it at all.

However, Kunpeng, who was far away in the North Sea, scoffed.This Yin-Yang Taoist's attack seemed to be based on divine thoughts alone, but in fact, most of it relied on the power of Liangyi that had been stored for thousands of years in the Yin-Yang Cauldron, the innate top-grade spiritual treasure, to have such power!
That Yin-Yang Taoist is naturally of very high seniority.However, at this time, he is just a distracted body. The yin and yang Taoist who could fight side by side with Hongjun Taoist ancestor in the past has long since disappeared, and only this clone has survived a catastrophe and survived in the world.

He, Kunpeng, is not afraid at all!
Moreover, he didn't intend to take the green snake's ninth-grade lotus platform from the beginning!
Although he is not very clear, but based on his experience over the years, how could he not know that Qingluo is deeply involved with the saint Nuwa?
Nuwa at this time is the heaven of the demon clan!

How could he go against the Heaven of the Monster Race just to see a mere high-grade Lingbao?He didn't dare, but what's more, he didn't want to either!
Just like in ancient times, even in the era when the demon clan was strong, Nuwa was still the king of the demon clan!
Even before the existence of the Demon Emperor and the Demon Emperor, the sanctified Nuwa Empress was the heaven of hundreds of millions of demon clans in the world!

The demon emperor and queen are the sun and moon of the demon clan!

The many demon gods and saints are the stars in the sky of the demon clan, shining on the demons.

And he, Kunpeng, no, should be called the demon master Kunpeng, who is the nectar of wind and rain for hundreds of millions of demon clans, blessing the demons!

Back then, when he was defeated by the Eastern Emperor Bell, and humiliatedly handed over the Primordial Spirit seal on the demon banner, although he treated the Eastern Emperor handsomely on the surface, he hated him in his heart, an incomparable hatred!
Thinking that he is majestic and powerful, but he was driven and enslaved by others, and because of his incomplete soul, his path was damaged, and his face was lost!

How is he hated and unwilling?Hate Taiyi Dijun's arrogance, unwilling to be reconciled to his own luck, the majestic quasi-sage, who doesn't even have a top-grade spirit treasure to protect the way!

He always thought that he was defeated only because of Lingbao's weakness!

Until, until when?

It wasn't until the countless monster races in the world, and countless powerful monster races surrendered to the power of the Golden Crow Sun, and when no one dared to stand against the glory of the Great Sun among the hundreds of millions of creatures in the prehistoric wilderness, he, Kunpeng, knew that his defeat was worthwhile!

Fortunately, even with such power as Emperor Jun Taiyi, he still gave himself enough face and gave him the most honorable status under the demon emperor!
But his heart is still not in the Yaozu, does not belong to the Yaozu.

Until, until, after he went through endless tempering and hard work, he created the demon script belonging to the demon clan, when the millions of demon clan in the prehistoric world appreciated his kindness, and the heaven and earth recognized his honor as the teacher of the demon clan, he was heartbroken. Feel it!

On that day, countless demons, ranging from demon gods and sages to small wild animal demons who have just opened their spiritual wisdom and have not yet transformed themselves, all expressed their deepest gratitude.

On that day, the voice of the monster clan resounded through the world and shocked all races, all because of him.

The word "monster master" was shouted out from the mouths of countless monster clans, shouting with all their might, exhausted, but still couldn't hide the joy and enthusiasm in their hearts!
The word demon master is regarded by them as the supreme god in their hearts and their supreme belief!On the road, the status of a demon master is incomparable even to the demon emperor and demon emperor!

At that moment, he created a path for the monsters in the world.

They also created a path for Kunpeng!

From then on, he, Kunpeng, is the Kunpeng of the Heavenly Court of the Monster Clan, Kunpeng the Monster Master of the Monster Clan!
Until, until that day when countless orangutan blood stained the sky, he saw the countless descendants of the monster clan who respected and worshiped him fall down one by one, and the will of each one was torn to pieces by the witch clan and did not rest in peace. All those damn witch clans were wiped out!
When he saw that Di Jun was besieged by four shameless ancestor witches and was seriously injured, he was actually worried for him. He was worried that once Di Jun died, the great day of this monster clan would fall, and the endless monster clan would also lose hope!

At that moment, he desperately wanted to save that figure that had brought him shame!
Even though he was severely wounded by Xuan Ming, and pieces of Kun Yu were burned by Zhu Rong, he still exhibited his Kun Peng body and came to Di Jun's side.

However, Di Jun smiled and said to him: "Monster, I am afraid that the demon clan will depend on you in the future! In my heart, I have never used you as a subordinate, and you will always be the leader of the demon clan." Demon Master!" That was the first time that Di Jun spoke to him, but it was also the last time!
When Di Jun asked him to take away Hetu Luoshu and let him go, his heart was filled with endless sorrow and endless anger!

Since the demon clan in this world calls him a demon master, he is the god of protection of the demon clan, how can he escape?
He would rather die in battle, in the midst of thousands of monsters, than run away in front of those juniors who regard him as a god!

When the Donghuang bell rang again, Taiyi's last words to him still rang in his ears.

"Monster, this is the king of the demon clan, the only entrustment to you, and the last order.

Yaozu, we can only rely on you in the future!For the sake of the Yaozu, retreat! "

No.1 under that saint, the demon emperor with peerless sharpness, looked at him with pleading eyes for the first time!
He has this endless hatred and endless reluctance in his heart.

Nu Wa's voice came from his ear again, "Demon Master, all the demon emperor's sustenance falls on you. If you are here, the demon clan will be there. If you save, the demon clan will survive!"

It was the first time he shed tears since he took shape in a daze, and it was the first time he knew that he would have tears to shed!

With the sound of a Kunpeng, he grabbed Hetu Luoshu and flew away without stopping!

He didn't dare to stop for the slightest bit, for he was afraid that once he stopped, he would lose the courage to leave, and he didn't dare to turn around, for fear that if he turned around, he would see the disappointment and disbelief in the eyes of countless monster races on Buzhou Mountain!

When the last Donghuang Bell rang between heaven and earth, his heart trembled violently;
When the loud sound of Bu Zhou Shan Duan came, his heart was filled with despair!
He knew that those demon gods and commanders who talked and laughed together countless times, drank in the middle of the month, and discussed Taoism in the sun, the juniors of the demon clan who listened to him preaching the Tao and were reprimanded by him, the demon emperors of the demon clan who experienced countless battles together, countless Yaozu, all gone!
In this world, he is the only giant of the monster clan, and he is the only lonely big monster!

These past events were like smoke, but he came back to his senses in a breath.

The demon master Kunpeng once again had a sinister look in his eyes. Since the yin-yang Taoist has already held grudges, he will take this tripod, so as not to end up with the cause and effect and not get the treasure yet!

As a result, the cold sea of ​​Beihan, which had been silent for countless years, finally turned upside down again!

At this time, Qing Luo is fully urging the derivation law in the body to transform the yin and yang power outside the body and restore the body!

But at this moment, he suddenly heard a chirping sound that seemed like a bird but not a bird!As if it came from the nine heavens, the high meaning, the sound of Canggu!

Before the sound dissipated, a shadow appeared in the sky and the earth!
In the northern sky, a giant flew out!
There is a fish in Dark North, and its name is Kun.Kun is so big, I don't know how many thousands of miles away it is; when it turns into a bird, its name is Peng.Peng's back, I don't know how many thousands of miles away it is; it flies in anger, its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky.

Kunpeng, who existed in fantasy in the previous life, is just like this displayed in front of Qingluo's eyes!

Wei'an's body, even if he had seen Zuwu's body in his memory, it couldn't compare to this intuitive shock!The strange beasts of heaven and earth, the power of heaven and earth!

I saw the wind and clouds moving thousands of miles in the sky, and the wings of the Peng spread to cover the earth.

Above the clouds in the nine heavens, Kunpeng opened his mouth wide, the wind and clouds moved, and the sky and the earth were dark!
A powerful force swallowed the Yin-Yang cauldron into his stomach.

Then he spread his wings again and flew into the wind layer of Tiangang, without a trace!
It's a matter of coming and going!
The cry of the Kunpeng dissipated at this time.Just this one sound, the sound came out, and the sound came back!Even in the endless prehistoric times, it's just a tour with spread your wings!
Is this the master of all demons, the demon master Kunpeng?
The shock in Qing Luo's heart is hard to calm down!

Not to mention how resentful the Yin-Yang Taoist was, the Xuanyuan Water Control Banner of Patriarch Minghe rolled up again, and a stream of water flowed out from the yin ridge, freezing the space and surrounding Qingluo again!
Qing Luo was startled, this Patriarch Styx is really haunted.There are so many congenital spirit treasures, but they still care so much about this one spirit treasure!
It's really the saying in the previous life, no one would think too much money.When it comes to Honghuang, no one thinks there are too many spirit treasures!

Qing Luo hurriedly shielded the Jiuxuan Map in front of her body, surrounded by layers of space power, trying to collect these hurdles into the map.

But at this moment, I suddenly heard a decisive voice resounding from the sky and the earth: "Abi sword comes!"

 As I write this paragraph, I feel like crying.The era of liches was a glorious era, with the rise of all races, turmoil in the prehistoric world, the six sages had not yet emerged, and their power was like clouds.

  That era was a boundless time worth remembering in the prehistoric world!

  If anyone doesn't like the Demon Master's character design, I'm sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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