The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 244 The Sword and the Sword Return to the West

Chapter 244 The Sword and the Sword Return to the West
As soon as this sound came out, an ancient blood-red sword flew out from the boundless sea of ​​ghostly blood and flew towards Luoling Mountain!
And Qing Luo was taken aback!
The twin swords of the Patriarch Minghe, Yuantu Abi, are innate spiritual treasures, and also the ultimate treasure for killing Dao!Killing does not involve karma!You only hear its name, not its appearance!
Today, to be beheaded by this sword?

He didn't have time to think about it, and hurriedly mobilized the purple blood thorns, 27 thorns churned and entangled together, forming a huge purple python thousands of feet in size.

As soon as the python took shape, a gigantic sword descended from the dark sky!
On this sword, Yan Fu is black, there is no sun and moonlight, and there is a phantom of the great hell.

And Qing Luo, who was pointed by this sword, seemed to be the one who committed the five rebellious sins, and would fall into this hell forever, and suffer the ultimate inexorableness.

Qing Luo's heart suddenly trembled slightly, this is the power of heaven and earth, even in a boundless place, such a powerful supernatural power can be released!
He held back the panic in his heart, and as soon as he threw the Towering Fortune Orb, it melted into the purple python's body.

The next moment, the purple python's momentum was soaring to the sky!

The purple python is even hovering in the air, and its body is posing as a figure!
In an instant, the meaning of the beginning of chaos came out, and the supreme breath made the heaven and the earth surrender, and the creatures trembled!

At this time, the many great powers who were watching with divine sense were all shocked.The shadow formed by this python has a trace of Pangu's remnants!
Without waiting to think about it, the Abi sword was already carrying the Infernal Prison and sprinted straight down.

And the purple python was not afraid at all, it jumped up suddenly, opened its huge mouth, and released a force of law that devoured the world!

When the two meet, the Abi sword is sprinting forward, and the purple python is the force of swallowing, so there is no pause at all, and the Abi sword rushed into the purple python's body!
When Qing Luo saw this scene, her heart suddenly rose!I'm afraid that the purple python will be broken out by A Bijian in the next second!

Fortunately, what reassured Qing Luo was that although Zi Python's body shook for a while and trembled all over, after three breaths, the movement became smaller and smaller!
Seeing this, he breathed a sigh of relief!

However, Styx in the depths of the Nether Blood Sea has an extremely dark complexion!
Even those great supernatural beings who watched the battle with divine sense, while laughing at Styx, were slightly surprised by Qing Luo's strength.

However, before Qing Luo finished breathing, the purple python swayed for a while and disintegrated into 27 thorns. Even the purple blood spirit flower on his body was lost by half. Obviously, the purple blood thorns were also seriously injured. !Fortunately, the power of Abijian's sword was also lost, and he was restrained by thorns.

However, Styx's murderous voice came from the air again: "Here comes the Yuan Tu sword!"

The lonely sky darkened again.This time, the endless killing intent descended from the sky without any concealment, as if gods wanted to kill, ghosts wanted to kill, immortals wanted to kill, demons wanted to kill, demons wanted to kill,,, kill everything!There is no escape, no escape!

The killing intent of heaven and earth, want to kill and make peace!

Qing Luo became nervous again.He took half a step forward, and the next moment, the endless killing intent became sharper and more bloodthirsty!

However, when Qing Luo took this step, a figure appeared in front of him!
A figure wrapped in black robes!

It was Qing Luo's close puppet, You!
You's eyes with dim light didn't fluctuate at all, and stepped out directly.

His body also rose against the wind at the same time!

A stalwart body appeared, covering the sky and the sun, and its 81-foot-high body stood silently between the sky and the earth, creating an illusion of boundless magical powers that could pick up the stars and the moon!

Suddenly, a Wanzhang Yuantu flew down from the sky with endless killing intent and endless black evil spirit!The sword pointed directly at him!
The pair of You palms were shot straight out, and at the same time as the giant palms stretched out, layers of blue light on its body lit up, turning into a real wooden armor to protect the whole body!
Then, there is nothing left!

With the supreme killing intent to kill the world, Yuan Tujian slashed at You's body!
There was a loud "chuckle", and the blue and black rays of light between the sky and the earth burst forth!
When the brilliance dissipated, a deep crack appeared on You's body from forehead to dantian, as for both palms, they were cut off at the same time, it looked extremely miserable!

But, fortunately, You's arms had already bound Yuantu Sword to his chest!
A strange sneer suddenly came from the world!
This, I don't know which powerful person laughed on purpose or really couldn't help laughing out of care!

In the nether sea of ​​blood, at this moment, the bloody sea was churning endlessly, setting off waves of blood, and a real bloody storm!
However, Patriarch Styx once again blatantly said: "Yuantu Abi, kill the prison and kill Cang!"

The next moment, Yuantu Abi Erjian, who was restrained by purple blood thorns and secluded, suddenly broke free from the restraint with a flash of precious light on the sword.

Seeing this, Qing Luo's eyes jumped wildly!These two separate swords temporarily disabled his powerful backhand!With both swords coming out, is this killing yourself?
However, Qing Luo felt a faint sense of involvement with the ninth-grade lotus platform in his sleeve. The meaning is profound, and this opportunity cannot be missed!

Thus, Qing Luo released the Nine Profound Map again, and the world in the Nine Profound Map once again merged into the world with a radius of one hundred thousand zhang.

Immediately, that feeling of overcoming sentient beings reappeared!

On the other hand, the endless hell and endless killing intent above the two swords of Yuantu Abi are completely natural, as if they are the real god-killing and god-killing swords in this world!

The endless mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, and the phantom of the endless ghostly sea of ​​blood also emerged. The treasure of the way of killing, the two swords of Yuantu Abi, once again showed the meaning of killing the common people, to prove the meaning of killing the way, and block it all over the world. I want to kill him too!
Qingluo's face was sad and restless, and he only moved his hands together, showing a handprint, and said indifferently: "The universe, the world, life and death are infinite!"

Follow the law!
The magic spell in Qing Luo's hand hit straight out, facing the killing swords!
The second sword of Yuantu's Abi directly pierced Qingluo's own world with great power, causing him to turn pale and spit out a mouthful of blood!

But, fortunately, the true spirit mantra has fallen on the two swords of Yuantu Abi, and under the suppression of Fang Tiandi, the Dao of Derivation emits a magnificent light, and the law of derivation is supreme. Cai Ruiqi blooms, deriving life from killing, and deriving from destruction into good fortune!

The sword that destroys the world and destroys the world has been transformed into a powerful life force, and it has nourished the world instead!

Taking advantage of the moment when Yuantu's Abi's second sword paused temporarily, Qing Luo hurriedly rolled up the Jiuxuan Tu, Purple Blood Thorn, and He You, and hurriedly ran to Luoling Mountain.

If there is another blow like this, he really can't bear it!
Da Neng between heaven and earth looked at the Supreme Treasure of Killing Dao floating quietly in place, and was surprised by Qing Luo's weird magical powers.This kind of supernatural power that turns killing into rebellion, although it seems to be somewhat similar to Tai Chi Yin and Yang, is not the way of Tai Chi Yin and Yang!
The surrounding Da Neng looked at the two swords, although they were envious and greedy, but they didn't have the guts like Kunpeng to provoke this evil star!There is also no Kunpeng's magical escape technique that can instantly traverse the world.

And the riot of the three corpses of the ancestors of Styx, the gloomy complexion can be called terrifying!
On the twin swords, with a flash of spiritual light, he was about to move out again.

But at this time, Ge Kun in Luoling Mountain suddenly stretched out his right hand, and the endless power of mountains, rivers and earth converged, and a wave of heaven, earth and earth gathered in his palm!
Then Ge Kun slapped out with a sudden palm!

A bang!I saw a phantom of a huge yellow palm that directly slapped two swords away, and slapped them to the west, unable to melt Yuantu's second sword and struggle to escape!

Ge Kun's usually gentle voice said in an extremely gloomy voice at this time: "Styx, if you make another move, what face will you have to become the ancestor of the Asuras?"

As soon as the words came out, the words were scattered in the world and spread thousands of miles away!

But the other great powers who were watching were shocked, they didn't realize that there is such a great power hidden in this mere Luoling Mountain!
In the depths of the Nether Blood Sea, in the Dafu Yama Palace.

Patriarch Minghe's face was livid, and with a grasp of his withered right hand, he took over the two swords of Yuantu's Abi outside the sea of ​​blood, and the Xuanyuan Water Control Banner that had returned by itself.

All the demon kings of Shura, Dazizai Heavenly Demon, etc. were silent, for fear of offending the ancestor who was angry, and it would be bad luck!

Ancestor Minghe's face was angry for a long time, and suddenly he was very angry and smiled: "Okay, okay, okay!

Honghuang is really born from generation to generation!
Benzu can't win a mere big Luo!
Even if you are protected by Nuwa, when the great evil comes in the future, you will surely fall into Inferior Abi forever! "

As soon as these words came out, even all the vicious Asura tribes standing beside him felt slightly chilled!

At this time, as soon as Qing Luo returned to Luoling Mountain, he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood again.The two swords of Yuantu Abi, coming out together, even if it is difficult to exert most of their power in the air, they can easily kill Da Luo!

When Xiaozhu saw Qingluo came back, he hurriedly helped him up who was half lying on the ground, and said anxiously: "Master, you are injured,,,"

Qing Luo stood up, wiped the blood on her lips with her sleeves, and said: "No problem!", then sat cross-legged on the ground, performed the exercises, and urged the derived power to repair the injury!
Xiaozhu stood aside to protect him.

And Ge Kun and other people also stood aside, silent, so as not to disturb Qing Luo's healing!

Qing Luo received a blow from those two swords, cutting through the heaven and earth space of Jiuxuantu. With his mind connected, he was naturally injured!
Based on this battle alone, Qing Luo concluded that the Patriarch Styx is definitely a quasi-sage capable of beheading more than two corpses, a master in the prehistoric world!
This sword was not only injured by the magic weapon, but also crushed by the Daoist intent of the ancestor Minghe. This endless mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood appeared in his mind from time to time, and even faintly moved. Hiding the evil corpse in my heart, I want to do something wrong with it!
Although the evil corpse at this time has absorbed some of Styx's killing intent, it is still relatively weak, and it is difficult to be an enemy of the main soul!

And Qing Luo meditated and adjusted his breath for several days, and after stabilizing his injury, he opened his eyes.After seeing Ge Kun, he hurriedly got up and thanked him: "Thank you, Mr. Ge, for your help!"

Ge Kun smiled and waved his hands: "It's okay, it's okay, don't bear the grudge that I didn't act at the beginning, just be fine!"

 Thanks to all the book lovers for their votes and some patrons and book lovers for their rewards, I can only kneel down and thank you!I see your support in my eyes, keep it in my heart, and turn it into the motivation of code words!

(End of this chapter)

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