The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 248 Falling spirit patterns come out, and the situation rises

Chapter 248 Falling spirit patterns come out, and the situation rises

It is said that 400 years have passed since Teng Liuzhang became the Snow God. 400 years seemed so short in Luoling Mountain.

But for the human world, it is a sea of ​​vicissitudes and changes in the world.

Since the establishment of the Shang Dynasty, it has naturally experienced a period of prosperity and prosperity, but it has also ushered in a period of national weakness and decline!
Dynasties in the world seem to have always been like this.After the dynasties were established by the ancestors, most of the previous generations of kings worked hard to govern and strengthen themselves, because at that time the country was first established and the world was unstable!
After the efforts of several generations of monarchs, the national strength is strong, and the family and country are prosperous and strong.Without external troubles and internal troubles, future generations of kings can sit back and enjoy their achievements, with little aggressiveness.After a few generations like this, the country can only perish.

But there are two ways to perish, one is still struggling and trying to save people, and the other is just waiting to die.

If the country's power is initially declining, if there is no ruler with aspirations and vision, then the country will decline more and more, and conflicts will gradually arise in all parties, all the way down, until the country is weakened to the extreme, and there will be a new king who will lead the way. The destruction of the old country.

The other is that when the country is initially declining, a wise king can detect it and make drastic changes to make the country prosperous and strong here, and the country will be strong again. This is the king of Zhongxing!Then, such a country will continue to rule for dozens or hundreds of years!
This is the case in the Shang Dynasty!
Today, it is during the reign of Wu Ding, the No.20 third-generation monarch of the Shang Dynasty.

This man was diligent in political affairs, appointed Fu Shuo, Ganpan, Zuji and other virtuous people who were born as prisoners to assist the government. The declining national power of the Shang Dynasty since the No.19 Shang Wang Yangjia became stronger again, and all the vassal states once again worshiped sincerely to respect their kings!

And in the world of the immortals, something really happened!It even shook the prehistoric world, implicating the human race, the heavenly court, and the teaching of saints.

The protagonist of this matter is the disciple of the three generations of interpretation, the disciple of the Twelve Golden Immortal Jade Cauldron Master, Yang Jian!

The Haotian Jade Emperor, turned around and entered the world to experience calamities, the closest relative in the world, the only sister of the same blood!After the Jade Emperor passed away from the calamity, he naturally took his sister to the Heavenly Palace because of the love of the world, and sealed her as Yunhua Fairy, and she became a fairy!

However, her younger sister, Yunhua, always has a heart to move, and she does not hesitate to violate the order of iron and blood in the Heavenly Palace and the difference between immortals and mortals. She married Yang Tianyou, a mortal from the lower realm, and gave birth to two sons and a daughter!
The originally happy family of five was dismantled by the order of the heavenly court, and the heavenly court sent troops to kill Yang Jian's father and elder brother. Only he and his sister Yang Chan were rescued by the real Yuding to escape.His mother was also suppressed under Taoshan!

But in the meantime, Teng Liu felt compassionate and went to Taoshan to meet Fairy Yunhua!However, she just saw it, maybe it was because of the sympathy of being a female fairy, or maybe it was because she didn't understand what love is in human love?
She doesn't know how to do anything, she only wants to do her job well as the Snow God. In the heavenly court, the Snow God is indeed like snow, cold and beautiful, the flower of the iceberg, and is missed by many male immortals!

But because Teng Liu is really too cold, not only the outside is cold, but the heart is colder than snow!Her strength is also under the blessing of heavenly luck, and she can break through the late stage of Taiyi. With the addition of the top-grade innate spirit treasure god water bottle, her strength is not easily provoked by anyone in the heavenly court!Moreover, because she holds the power of the Snow God of the World, and has her own protection from heaven and earth, even if she is of ordinary power, she will not take her divine water bottle at will!

This is actually because the Shenshui bottle is just an auxiliary innate spirit treasure.Except for the people in Luoling Mountain, almost no one knows that this bottle can give birth to the rare treasure of heaven and earth, Sanguang Shenshui!

Besides, Yang Jian, who worshiped Yuding as a teacher, got the help of Laojun's Nine-Turn Golden Elixir, the sage taught Taoism, the accumulation of geniuses and earth treasures, and Yang Jian is indeed talented and intelligent, the human race is born with Taoism, and he will be the one who will have a catastrophe in the future With the help of luck, in just a few hundred years, he broke through the Taiyi Golden Immortal!

He has also learned the supreme supernatural powers in Taoism, eight or nine profound arts, 72 changes, the treasure of two blades and three tops, and his combat power is not weak at all!

But just like that, he chopped Taoshan with an axe, and the rescued mother died in just a few breaths!Even the primordial spirit is scattered, and there is no longer any existence between heaven and earth!

And Qing Luo, although he didn't participate in it, just watched it coldly, but he noticed it!The death of Fairy Yunhua is not only the power and inviolability of the laws of the heavens!There is also the game between the saint and Haotian!

It is true that the laws of heaven cannot be violated, so Haotian suppressed Fairy Yunhua, but it was only second.

But Yunhua's death was a battle between the heavenly court and the Holy Cult. Haotian lost, so his sister died!And what they are fighting for is nothing more than the vacuum of power in the heavenly court!
Haotian is called the Lord of the Three Realms, but there are sages oppressing him, there are aliens from the heavens, and the contempt of the immortals below. What is even more hateful is the arrogance of the disciples of the saints. He also despises it, doesn't pay attention to the laws of the heavenly court at all, and even injures the immortal officials of the heavenly court at will. Among them, Donghai and Kunlun are the places where all the immortals in the heavenly court avoid, high-risk places!
As for Haotian, he lost, which is reasonable.After all, he was a saint, and he wasn't even sure which saint made him lose!This is the scary place!

In the heavenly court, there is the incarnation of Laozi in the Tushi Palace, and the Taishang Laojun sits on it.There are also immortals from the Daoist sect of Yuqing Yuanshi, and there are also sons who have been secretly voted by other powerful forces from all sides!

However, Haotian suppressed countless torrents and undercurrents with his own power, so that the heavenly court is still running smoothly, at least on the surface.

Haotian is waiting, he is waiting with the honor of the Lord of Heaven and Earth.

But he didn't lose money by waiting, because what he waited for was the defeat of a saint, no matter how long he waited, he still made money!
Just when the prehistoric desolation gradually calmed down again, when the surface seemed to be calm again, the land in the southwestern part of the prehistoric desolation once again attracted the attention of countless people!
On this day, Qing Luo, who had been silent for a long time, walked out of the quiet room, came to the Xuanling Hall, looked at the Xuanling Hall that had not been used for hundreds of years, counted the time, and said with a smile: "It's time, now It's not too late to do this!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his sleeve robe, and the towering fortune beads flew out suddenly, emitting five auras of light and melting into the Five Elements Spirit Mountain.

Just listening to the humming sound of the five mountains, the colorful brilliance suddenly shines out and gathers above the sky. With the towering orb as the core, the phantom shadows of the five mountains are respectively released and merged in the five directions of the orb!

But on Luoling Mountain and Five Elements Spirit Mountain, the wind and clouds rose and dispersed, and a mighty aura rose from the sky and the earth!

An extremely bright and huge magic pattern emerged from that aura!

That is the falling spirit pattern!
That is the status symbol of countless rogue cultivators in the prehistoric southwest!
The rising rays of light from this ten-thousand-thousand-foot magic pattern illuminated most of the southwest of the Great Desolation, but this most of the place just happened to illuminate the territory where all the Luoling Yaoxiu were located!

In the Xiling Mountain Mansion, the Huangni Patriarch, who returned from Dayu's control of the water, looked at the magnificent spirit patterns rising from the Luoling Mountain, hurried out of the cave, summoned a group of demon cultivators, and ordered: "The Lord of the Mountain calls back, all the golden immortals The demon cultivator must return to the mountain with me!The other demon cultivators closed the mountain gate and couldn't keep it!
As soon as this remark came out, the golden immortals and demon cultivators behind him all looked very excited!Most of them are golden immortals who have cultivated in the past tens of thousands of years, so naturally they have never entered Luoling Mountain.

They are just demon cultivators in the Xiling Mountain Mansion, and have never been to Luoling Mountain, the land of the mountain!
There, lived the Lord of Luoling Mountain whom they admired and admired, the Lord of Ten Thousand Monsters in the southwest of the prehistoric wilderness!The one who once fought against the peerless great witch of the witch clan and fought hundreds of thousands of evil spirits, even the ancestor of the Dao of killing in the prehistoric world, the lord of Asura, the supreme power who has been in the prehistoric for hundreds of millions of years, can't hurt their mountain lord !
Although they are demon cultivators, they are not lowly demons who devour human flesh and soul, but they are still respected by those who believe in the strong!They only admire the strong!
And those demon cultivators under the Golden Immortal are mostly envious, regretful, or lost!

Dongling Mountain Mansion is located in the east of the southwest of Honghuang, adjacent to the south of Honghuang.

On the mountain, Linghu Yueke, the Taiyi demon cultivator with the highest qualifications among the thousands of demons in Luoling Mountain, her appearance that charms all living beings is even more charming than before!
Yue Ke smiled charmingly, turned around and said to the many female bewitching cultivators behind her: "Girls, the mountain master called us back to the mountain!"

Behind her, all the charming and charming banshees responded happily, "Yes!"

Nanling Mountain Mansion is also among the Thousand Demons of Luoling Mountain, the older Taiyi Demon Cultivator, Shi Jun.

He walked out of the cave in silence, looked at the light and shadow of the falling spirit patterns hundreds of millions of miles ahead, and shouted: "All the monsters obey the order, the mountain master recalls, and all the golden immortals and demon cultivators will return to the mountain with me to pay respects!"

In the Zhongling Mountain Mansion, there were more than thirty demon cultivators standing behind Yueji and Minghou, and there were even two Taiyi demon cultivators.

Minghou's fierce voice called out: "Let's go!" Everyone's escape lights lit up and flew towards Luoling Mountain.

In Beiling Mountain Mansion, a man with a gloomy face looked at the Luoling pattern on the Luoling Mountain, then walked out of the cave and aroused all the demon cultivators.

His body is a black snake, and he has cultivated for 5 years before he completely lost his demon body.He was also named Xuanli by the owner of the mountain.

Although his cultivation level is only at the early stage of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, it may be because he belongs to the same family as the Mountain Lord, and because he was born in the Linghu Lake of Luoling Mountain, so he can be among the three demon cultivators who are also in the Taiyi realm. Obtain the permission of the mountain lord, and become the lord of the Beiling Mountain Mansion!Naturally, he can't live up to the high expectations of the mountain master!
On Luoling Mountain, the incomparably wide Luoling pattern was only lit up for a quarter of an hour, but it touched the hearts of countless people!
In the sea of ​​blood, the ancestor of Minghe sneered and said: "A mere Daluo, no matter how many subordinates he has, he is no match for our Asura tribe!"

Wanshou Mountain, Zhen Yuanzi looked in the direction of Luoling Mountain, smiled and said nothing!
In Wa Palace, Jinfeng couldn't help asking: "Your Majesty, this green snake is so courageous that it wants to gather thousands of monsters to make a fortune?"

Empress Nuwa laughed lightly and said, "In him, I can see a trace of the demeanor of the demon emperor of the past!"

At the end of the North Sea, in the demon master's palace, the demon master Kunpeng was playing with a small tripod, which was about an inch in size, and closed his eyes thoughtfully!
. . . . . .

Three months later, on Luoling Mountain, beside the boundary stone, a group of monsters gathered, and the situation rose!

(End of this chapter)

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