Chapter 249 Mysterious Arrangement
Luoling Mountain's mysterious protective formation and multicolored light curtain finally dissipated!
Standing beside the boundary marker of Luoling Mountain, all the monsters looked around.

I saw ten Taoist priests in green clothes walking out slowly.

The two leaders are a man and a woman, the man is handsome and the woman is beautiful!But the aura of the two of them is the realm of the Taiyi Golden Immortal!Moreover, there are two swords hanging on the waists of these two people, full of spirituality!
These two people are Qing Jia and Qing Yi!
The two of them had great chances, and they actually realized the Qinglian swordsmanship from the ninth-grade lotus platform, thus stepping out of the Golden Immortal Realm that has been trapped for more than ten thousand years!

Qing Jia took a step forward, and said with a gentle smile to Yue Ji and the other elders from Luoling Mountain, "I haven't seen you for a long time! You are so majestic now!"

Yue Ke smiled and said: "Look at what Xiao Jia said, no matter how majestic we are, how can you be blessed to serve the mountain lord in the mountains!
Otherwise, you can tell the mountain master that if you come to be the master of the Dongling Mountain Mansion, the sisters behind me can guarantee that you will be comfortable! "

When she became Taiyi, most of the lotus elves were still heavenly immortals, and even Qingjia Qingyi was also a golden immortal, who was tens of thousands of years younger than her, so naturally he was more casual.

When Qing Jia heard this, her face turned red immediately, and she glanced at Qing Yi uncomfortably.

Yueji and Minghou couldn't help snickering.

These two people, Qing Jia and Qing Yi, have been together for hundreds of thousands of years since they came out of the spirit transformation, this is called love for a long time!

Qing Yi said with a smile: "Sister Yueke, please stop teasing him. The Mountain Lord is already waiting for you in the Xuanling Hall! After meeting the Mountain Lord, I will not be too late to talk about it!"

Shi Jun also said with a simple and honest smile: "Yeah, it's delayed the business, it's fine if the mountain master blames me for waiting!"

After hearing this, everyone quickly calmed down their expressions, nodded in agreement, and each took the demon cultivator and followed Qing Jia Qing Yi and the others into Luoling Mountain.

As soon as Fang stepped into the mountain, all the demon cultivators felt a pure and rich aura of heaven and earth rushing towards them. Such a thick level can be used to break through the realm!
These golden immortals and demon cultivators were naturally instructed by their mountain masters not to act rashly when entering the mountain!
However, when they saw the wonders of heaven and earth in Luoling Mountain, they couldn't help being amazed.

I saw them stepping on the wide road inlaid with smooth spirit stones.And on both sides of them, there are countless towering ancient trees!
Each of these ancient trees is at least tens of thousands of years old, and they are all trees of spiritual seeds. If they are placed outside, they are all excellent materials for refining high-grade magic weapons, and even refining spirit treasures. !

They all came in from the road beside the Huoxingling Mountain in the south, and when they looked up, they saw the majestic Huoxingling Mountain. On the huge mountain of thousands of feet, the whole body exudes dazzling precious light and fiery fire. With the power, here, the entire giant mountain is actually a spirit treasure!
When they walked out of the forest avenue and came to the bank of the lotus lake, they saw green lotuses blooming and bursting with lotus fragrance. Every lotus flower was full of spirituality and belonged to the excellent elixir!
And around the lotus lake, there are more than 360 huge green lotuses, each of which exudes a powerful aura. Arise, Misty Wonderland!
In front of them was a colorful bridge across the lake, and when they walked on it, they felt as if they had come to the Nine Heavens Wonderland, so ecstatic!

When they set foot on Hongqiao, they saw that there was a five-element spirit mountain located on each side of Luoling mountain, suppressing one side, the magic circle was aloof, and hidden secrets!
On the top of their heads, there are more than a thousand pearls emitting colorful light, setting off the entire sky, like a sky filled with rainbows, colorful and dazzling!
Especially those female demon cultivators behind Yueke, when they saw the scene of colorful auspicious clouds rising and Wan Lian floating down, they all stared obsessively, and they couldn't bear to miss it!
Xiaozhu in the Xuanling Palace saw this scene through his spiritual thoughts, and whispered to Shuo De: "Hey, junior brother, do you think those little monsters entered the Grand View Garden like what the master said, Grandma Liu?
It seems that these little monsters can't help but amuse me. "

After hearing this, Shuo De remained silent, but the corner of his mouth twitched!
After more than ten breaths, Qing Jia Qing Yi finally brought those demon cultivators into the hall.

Due to the emptiness of the main hall, even with nearly 200 more people, it is still quite empty!

Yueji and the others saw Qingluo sitting at the head, and hurriedly paid respects, and all the demons behind them also knelt down and bowed down together, bowing like the mountains echoing the sea: "The little demon pays homage to the mountain lord, may the mountain lord live forever !"

Qing Luo sat quietly at the head, watching nearly 200 people pay homage, unexpectedly gave birth to a feeling that he was the emperor meeting his courtiers.

He couldn't help feeling that he had become a power without knowing it!
Qing Luo pleaded with mana, and replied: "Everyone get up!"

All the demons only felt a powerful force to lift them up, and they couldn't tolerate the strength of resistance at all!

Qing Luo took a glance, thirteen Taiyi Golden Immortals, 160 seven Golden Immortals, although they were far behind those Great Desolate forces, they were not weak, and they were barely usable for the time being!
He said loudly: "Although most of you are monsters of Fenshan Mountain, since you work for Luoling Mountain, I will naturally protect you!"

After finishing speaking, Qing Luo waved his sleeves, and the towering orb of fortune floated out, turning into a glaring and shining cyan light cluster, above which were shining with mysterious veins!
Qingluo swung it down again, and suddenly the ball of light turned into more than a hundred streaks of light, flying towards the foreheads of the demons, engraved it down, and turned into the appearance of the falling spirit pattern, and there was a word "" yellow"!
All the monsters felt the extra falling spirit pattern on their foreheads, and they immediately looked overjoyed, and knelt down to thank: "Thank you for your mercy!"

Qingluo said indifferently: "As long as you are loyal to my Luoling Mountain, this spirit pattern can be used by you, and once you wait for someone to live with a different heart, then this Luoling pattern will be your life-threatening spirit pattern!"

The hearts of all the monsters trembled, but they dared not answer.

Qingluo said again: "This time calling you back is related to the survival of my Luoling Mountain for thousands of years! And now, when the catastrophe of heaven and earth is approaching, chaos will arise! Therefore, you need to remember my words order."

Most of the little monsters below didn't even know the horror of the catastrophe, and their faces were mostly confused, only those masters of the Taiyi realm changed their expressions drastically.

Qingluo took a look around, and then said: "The lord of the five parts of the mountain, after you return this time, you need to follow my instructions and not go beyond the slightest bit, otherwise, if you are involved in the catastrophe, the entire Luoling Mountain will not be able to save you." you!"

Yueji and the others were shocked, and hurriedly answered yes.

Qing Luo just pointed, and a piece of jade slip appeared in front of them.

Five people hurriedly picked it up.

Qing Luo explained: "You wait for the people in the five parts of the mountains to complete the tasks explained in the jade slips within a hundred years.

After a hundred years, even if it is not completed, the mountain gate will be closed immediately, and the mountain gate will never be opened without my order!

Violators will be expelled from Luoling Mountain immediately and never return! "

Shi Jun and the others were shocked, and hurriedly said yes.

Seeing this, Qing Luo raised her hand and said, "All the golden immortals and demon cultivators have withdrawn from the hall, and wait outside the hall!"

Those golden immortal demon cultivators had no choice but to withdraw from the hall.

After those demon cultivators withdrew, Qing Luo said again: "The matter in this jade slip is very important and extremely important. You must do it with all your heart."

The Taiyi demon cultivators in the hall all nodded their heads!

Qing Luo waved his hand again and released the falling spirit pattern, which merged into the foreheads of those Taiyi demon cultivators, and the word "Xuan" appeared in the falling spirit pattern on their foreheads!
Then he explained: "The falling spirit pattern is divided into four classes, heaven and earth, black and yellow.

The Jinxian can get the imprint of the falling spirit pattern such as Huang, and the inscription of the falling spirit pattern such as "Xuan" can be obtained by the Taiyi realm.

In the falling spirit pattern you are waiting for, there are not only the same level of spiritual communication, asking for help, and the method of protecting the body with the original power, but also sending orders to "Huang" and other falling spirit patterns. The power of mind and heart is involved to detect whether those little monsters have different intentions!

This method of spiritual visitation is not only suitable for low-level demon cultivators, even you, I can also feel a little bit of it!Of course, this method can only induce strange thoughts, and will not peep into the memory of divine thoughts! "

The hearts of those Taiyi demon cultivators suddenly understood that this was the mountain master warning them not to have other thoughts that they shouldn't have!
Three days later, these demon cultivators left the mountain again!

Before leaving, Qing Luo gave them a lecture. Although the meaning of the Tao was shallow, the cultivation of the audience was also shallow.What is the situation and what is the law.

Watching those demon cultivators leave, Ge Kun, who had been silent all this time, asked, "Is your actions related to the catastrophe?"

Qing Luo smiled slightly and said, "It doesn't matter!"

"Then you still have to act like this when the catastrophe is approaching. Isn't this intentional to attract the attention of many big shots?"

"If you don't act now, it will be too late!"

"Then why didn't you plan ahead?"

"But that's too early!"

"Isn't it too early?"

"Of course it's not good!" Qing Luo said with a smile: "If I act too early and the catastrophe has not yet begun, there must be many big people staring at me. It's okay to stare at me. I'm afraid they will cause me some trouble, and that will be considered suffering." .

But at this time, the catastrophe of heaven and earth is about to start, which of those old guys is not headed by life?Although the catastrophe has not yet occurred, the sage's plan has already been revealed.Their scruples have already arisen, so they will naturally hide in the mountain gate, they will not come out easily, and they will not easily provoke karma.

Therefore, this flood is the calm before the storm!

And this tranquility is the best!Best for me! "

Ge Kun couldn't help laughing, "You're right, the big catastrophe is coming together, which one of those guys is not hiding, they are more secretive than hiding!"

Qing Luo turned around and said solemnly: "Old Ge, can you do me a favor?"

"Oh? What's the matter? I'm an old man, but I can't stand it!" Hearing this, Ge Kun stretched his waist, looking listless, as if he was an old man in his eighties!
Qing Luo smiled and said: "That's natural, I won't release your amulet, Mr. Ge.

I just want to ask Ge Lao to refine a formation for me!A formation that can suppress the magic power of all immortals in the Great Luo Realm within the range of the formation!And this array needs to be extremely wide! "

(End of this chapter)

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