Chapter 250
Ge Kun looked surprised and said: "Oh? This kind of formation is extremely complicated, and it is definitely not easy to deduce. Is it useful for you?"

Qing Luo nodded and said: "It is indeed very useful, otherwise I would not ask you for help!"

Hearing this, Ge Kun nodded with a smile and said: "Since it is of great use to you, I will carefully deduce this formation.

When is this array needed? "

Qing Luo was slightly touched and said: "Just after the catastrophe!"

This formation is absolutely extremely difficult, it needs to go through countless mental evolutions, and the blending of influences from various forces in the world must be taken into account!It will take him at least a thousand years to deduce it.Otherwise he would have done it himself!Now he only opened his mouth, and Ge Kun responded without hesitation.This heart really moved him.

Ge Kun nodded, then turned around and walked into his room, and began to retreat and deduce!
And Qing Luo, standing on the bank of the lotus lake, breathed a sigh of relief.

Many painstaking plans, nearly ten thousand years of thinking about gains and losses, and even success or failure determine his path and fate of life and death!

If you succeed, you will enjoy luck from all directions, gather the power of ten thousand immortals, and you can expect to be a saint!
If you lose, your luck will be exhausted and your path will stop!
He collected his mind and calmed down, so he turned around and went back to think carefully about the matter of conferring the gods. After all, there is a catastrophe in the world, no matter how careful you are, you can't be too careful!

But when Qing Luo turned around, she saw Qu Kong walking towards him.

Wearing golden threads in yellow clothes, her appearance is peerless!
Qukong is walking with the spirit of spring, with the spirit of fairy, like a fairy walking out of the painting, like a banished fairy falling from the fairyland of nine heavens!

After reaching the peak of Taiyi, Qu Kong's expression became colder and his appearance became more beautiful!

When he came close, he bowed and said: "Master, the opportunity for this disciple to realize Da Luo is coming!"

"Oh? This is really a good thing. I didn't expect you to reach this point so quickly." Qing Luo said with a relieved smile, "Then there is careful telepathy?"

Qu Kong paused for a moment, then said: "The disciple feels that the Eastern World is vaguely involved with the disciple!"

Qing Luo's face was restrained, and he said to himself: "Dongfang, there will be a big change in the world soon, it's extremely dangerous!"

This kind of great opportunity is extremely difficult to grasp. Once you miss it, you may lose it in your life!But a breakthrough of this kind of realm is usually possible after hundreds or even thousands of years of searching, but at this time, it is only 200 years away from the Great Tribulation of Conferred Gods!

Could it be that Qu Konghui has something to do with Fengshen?Alas~, it seems that some troubles are inevitable!
But if Qu Kong breaks through Da Luo, then for himself, he will be a right-hand man in the Conferred Gods!
Qing Luo pondered silently, and Qu Kong also stood quietly to accompany him, relatively speechless.By the side of the lotus in the pond, peerless immortals stand, the scenery is picturesque, and the artistic conception is lifelike.

After a long time, Qing Luo finally spoke. "Since it's your big opportunity, you must not give it up.

But you have to remember the advice of the teacher, it is best not to easily go into the world and be contaminated with cause and effect.Also, when you go out, you should also cover up your appearance to avoid more troubles.

At this time, the catastrophe of the world is no small matter, every word and deed must be carefully thought out, and you must not be careless in the slightest! "

Qu Kong bowed, "Thank you for your teaching, Master, I will keep it in mind."

Qing Luo nodded, then swiped her right index finger, and a drop of blood fell down.

When it landed on the mountains and rivers of Jiuxuantu, countless spiritual patterns and spells appeared on the surface of Xuantu, like rivers and seas, merging into the drop of blood.

Then Qing Luo pointed at it, and the drop of blood flew up from the picture again, blending into the center of Qu Kong's eyebrows!
Qing Luo waved his sleeves and said slowly: "Go!"

Although Qu Kong was ruthless in his heart, he still had feelings. He bowed to Qingluo again, and without further words, he left Luoling Mountain.

Qing Luo thought for a while, the cause and effect were chaotic during the catastrophe, and she still couldn't rely too much on the power of calculating cause and effect!
As a result, countless dandelion seeds floated out of Luoling Mountain again, and the flowers were all over the prehistoric world!

However, because Qing Luo used the spirit body of Pu Yingling back then, she was discovered by many great supernatural beings.

Therefore, there are no dandelions in many places since then, and Qing Luo will not deliberately go to those Da Neng caves to sow seeds.

In the southwest of Honghuang, after the return of all the demon cultivators, they will all be dispatched soon. The entire southwest of Honghuang is mostly the shadow of Luoling demon cultivators!

In Nanling Mountain Mansion, the demon cultivators led by Shi Jun are collecting suspended magnetite veins from all over the place, and they are practicing and refining them day and night.

In Xiling Mountain Mansion, Huangni Patriarch is taking his countless descendants of loaches, traveling through the land, and recorded the trends of mountains and rivers around the five sub-mountain Ling Mansions, and also searched for countless veins of spirit stones, and handed them over to Nanling Mountain Mansion. among.

In the Zhongling Mountain Mansion, Yueji and Minghou are leading more than a thousand demon cultivators to set up seemingly ordinary formations in the five Fenling Mountain Mansions, but they are actually ordinary formations that guard and solidify the mountain gates.And also sent hundreds of demon cultivators to assist Shi Jun's Nanling Mountain Mansion to refine the ore veins!
In Beiling Mountain Mansion, Xuanli took the monster of the water clan and swam all over the major rivers in the southwest, searching for countless pearls and treasures, as well as the night-bright pearls among countless bat swarms, and brought them back to the mountain.

As for the Dongling Mountain Mansion, Yueke led more than a thousand demon cultivators to collect all kinds of clouds and mist, psychedelic light clouds, the brilliance of the sun on the top of the mountain, the blurred silver glow under the moon, and the seven colors after the rain. Rainbows, etc. are received in the mountains with special instruments.

And they collected all kinds of spiritual things so wantonly, so it was naturally a lot of movement.If there is a powerful existence here, they will naturally be destroyed.

But in this place, after more than [-] years of search and exploration, the only few big wild beasts, or casual cultivators, have all been destroyed or an agreement has been reached that each will not invade or disturb each other!
Many casual cultivators on the southwestern seashore just watched silently, nothing to do with themselves, hanging high!They were on the edge of the West Sea. If Luoling Mountain had any plans for them, they would hide in the long islands of the West Sea and disappear without a trace.

Moreover, these places of theirs really have nothing to plot!Without spiritual treasures, spiritual lands, heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and low cultivation, they have experienced countless storms and waves, so they can naturally be calm and composed.

And like this, after more than a hundred years, the five spirit mountains stopped moving at the same time.

All the demon cultivators of Luoling Mountain returned to the mountain one after another.The spirit patterns of the large formations of the mountain guards lit up, protecting the five spirit mountain mansions without missing a beat!
Five mountain mansions are closed at the same time!Outside the mountain, the Luoling Yaoxiu that could be seen at will, but now not a single one can be seen!

And those casual cultivators were naturally quick-witted, and imitated the five spirit mountains to close the gates, and they all guarded the mountains. Whenever the five spirit houses were opened, they would come out again.

They have low cultivation bases and no backing, but they also have their own way of survival.

However, after the Wuling Mountain Mansion closed the mountain, they still did not stop. They were still refining countless spiritual stone veins, countless clouds and neon lights, countless spiritual jewelry beads, a set of formation methods, and a set of formation flags, all of which were refined by them bit by bit. , practiced some unknown things.

And Qingluo in Luoling Mountain used countless treasures of spiritual materials to refine the Simu Xuanwu Ding, which was once a congenital spiritual treasure, into a top-grade acquired spiritual treasure!
Maybe it's because Zeng was innate, maybe the level of the Qingluo refining tool is not high, maybe the acquired treasure is equally precious, maybe it can't become the acquired treasure because its opportunity and timing haven't arrived yet!

At the same time, Qing Luo is constantly refining one thing after another.

He took many spiritual leaves from the Wuxuan spiritual tree and refined them into spiritual soil.

He took the drops of spiritual dew from the congenital water birch tree, and used countless water-based spiritual materials to refine it into the weak river.

He took countless spiritual fire leaves from the congenital fire maple tree, and Shuode's golden crow fire, and refined it into a divine fire cover!

. . .

(End of this chapter)

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