Chapter 251

Qing Luo sits comfortably in the mountain, not asking about anything outside the mountain!
He didn't run around like the protagonists in those novels, and was involved in many karmic events, either following the sky or against the sky.

Qing Luo is just like an outsider, doing what he should do!

In the prehistoric world, a tense atmosphere gradually emerged, and the tension reached every immortal. This feeling of confusion caused them to lose their former high-coldness, their self-contained and unsullied Dao heart. , also began to waver!

Luoling Mountain's great mountain protection array has also been activated, and it doesn't stop for a second, protecting the people in Luoling Mountain and isolating the double realm!
Qing Luo didn't rush to toil in the prehistoric world, nor was he as brilliant and restless as other casual cultivators.

He just stays indoors all day, refining his treasures and performing his methods.

Ge Kun has also been quietly deducing the Forbidden Spirit Formation in the room, and he hasn't come out once!There is only Xiaozhu in the mountain to take care of the daily affairs!
Let's say that the country of the Shang Dynasty is the most powerful dynasty among the many countries in the world, and the country with the most advanced civilization!
The national power is naturally extremely strong, sitting on the most fertile land in the world, accepting worship and offerings from hundreds of princes and states in the world, is to be the master of the world!

Of course, there is no undefeated dynasty in the world.If it is like the time of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, all the immortals and great sages of the human race are there, and they can rule for ten thousand years.But now, it is just a country of mortals, with so many selfish and distracting thoughts, only born for their own selfish interests, and does not pay attention to the interests of the common people in the world, how can it be safe for a long time?

After the Shang Dynasty experienced a long rule of more than 500 years, even though there were countless virtuous kings and ministers working hard to govern, the national power was gradually declining!

After the No. 30 king of Shang, Shi You (Di Yi), ascended the throne, internal and external troubles gradually arose in the Shang Dynasty.

Emperor Yi came to the throne, and the Shang Dynasty's national power has shown its decline.In the early days of Emperor Yi's reign, he moved the capital of the Shang Dynasty, Yin, to the south, and called it Chaoge in the hinterland of Yuzhou!

Toward the dawn, sing to the prosperity.

In the third year of Emperor Yi's reign, Kunyi attacked the Shang Dynasty. Emperor Yi sent the general Nanzhong to lead the army to resist Kunyi's attack to the west, and built Shuofang City.

At that time, the Yi people in the northeast became strong and were preparing to attack the Shang Dynasty on a large scale.In the ninth year of Emperor Yi, Emperor Yi sent troops to conquer Daoyi and Huaiyi, but was intercepted by the Meng side on the way.Emperor Yi led the princes to crusade against Meng Fang and returned victorious.

During Emperor Yi's reign, he selected talented people and made great efforts to make the Shang Dynasty strong again. Afterwards, he worked tirelessly and conquered barbarians with ten sacrificial sacrifices.

However, because of his overwork, he was injured countless times during the battle, and returned seriously ill in middle age!

He had three sons, Wei Ziqi, Wei Zhongyan and Di Xin.

Among them, when Wei Ziqi and Wei Zhongyan were born, their mothers were still concubines, and they were made queens and gave birth to Emperor Xin.Because Wei Ziqi was old, Emperor Yi wanted to make Wei Ziqi his heir. According to etiquette, Taishi believed that Wei Ziqi was a concubine, and Di Xin was a concubine. He had a wife and could not have a concubine's son, so he made Di Xin his heir.

Thus, the young Di Xin stepped onto the throne of King!He is the last king of the Shang Dynasty, King Zhou!
After King Zhou ascended the throne,
In the second year, he sacrificed to his father on a large scale, respecting the patriarchal law of the ancestors, and offering sacrifices to his dead father three times, showing loyalty, filial piety and righteousness, and winning the hearts of all officials.

Afterwards, Emperor Xin cultivated both internally and externally, so as to understand the legal order of the country, and the travel of all peoples was determined by law.The strength of the country is booming.

In the tenth year of Emperor Xin's tenth year, Emperor Xin sent a large-scale army. Emperor Xin conquered Yifang. The Shang army entered the country of You in the Huai River Basin.

In the 11th year of Emperor Xin's return to the vicinity of Shangdu, it took 250 days before and after.

In the 15th year of Emperor Xin, Emperor Xin reconquered Yifang. This conquest started in October of the 14th year of Emperor Xin and lasted until April of the 15th year of Emperor Xin, which lasted for about nine months.

After 15 years of painstaking management, both inside and outside are equal!There are capable ministers, generals, and great sages in martial arts.There are eight hundred princes from all over the world, east, west, north, south, and four directions paying tribute and offering sacrifices!
If you only look at this, King Zhou should be the king of Daxing, a wise king.

But Di Xin was talented, eloquent, quick-moving, very receptive, and extremely powerful, able to fight fierce beasts with his bare hands.His wisdom is enough to reject the advice of his subordinates, and his words are enough to cover up his faults.He boasted in front of the ministers with his talent and exalted himself everywhere with his prestige, thinking that all the people in the world were inferior to him.

This probably means to be born in sorrow and die in peace!

Until that year, King Zhou was 30 years old!

During his previous 15 years in power, he was busy with wars and state affairs day and night, and his body was weak, so he never personally worshiped the Nuwa Empress!

And this is the beginning of a catastrophe!
On that day, when I saw the statue of the Nuwa Empress in the Nuwa Temple, I was fascinated!
And if it is an ordinary Nuwa temple, even if the Nuwa Empress is beautiful and elegant, ordinary stone statues cannot show the beauty of the Nuwa Empress' respect.

But the one in the Nuwa Temple of the Shang Dynasty is different!

Because this temple is the place where the fortunes of countless human races gather in the world!When the Chaoge was first being repaired, there was a holy lady from the south who carried the saint's decree and personally built this Nuwa temple!
Therefore, this temple is the most spiritual among the human races in the south!
I saw the gorgeous front of the hall, with multicolored gold makeup.Golden boys and jade girls hold banners and banners as they wish.The jade hook hangs obliquely, the half-round crescent moon hangs in the sky, and the precious tent is full of pairs of colorful luan and phoenix singing in harmony.Strangely colored golden furnace with auspicious mist, curling up with auspicious purple mist, and brilliant silver candles!

When King Zhou was worshiping at His Royal Highness, a breeze blew from the west, and the curtain was rolled up, revealing the statue of Nuwa, with a beautiful appearance, auspicious colors, national beauty and natural beauty, graceful as life, it is really the fairy of Ruigong coming to the world , Chang'e of the Moon Palace came to the world.

When King Zhou saw it, his mind wandered, and he suddenly became lustful.Thinking to myself: "I am the son of heaven, rich in the world, there are always six courtyards and three palaces, and there is no such beauty."

The king said: "Take the four treasures of the study." The driver's official hurriedly took the future and offered it to King Zhou.The emperor moistened the purple hair deeply, and wrote a poem on the powder wall of the palace:
The Fengluan treasure tent is very beautiful, full of exquisite makeup.Ququ Yuanshan flying emerald, dancing sleeves Yingxia dress.

. . . . . .

This poem, from the hand of a king, fell into the eyes of a sage!

In the chaos of Heaven and Earth, the sky of Wa Palace changed color, red with anger, red with anger!
Why change?

Because the sky in this Wa Palace is her Nuwa's sky!It all depends on her mood!
The blood stained Wa Huangtian!

Misfortune fell between heaven and earth!
The summoning demon that had been silent for countless years appeared, and the three demons of Xuanyuan Tomb moved!

From then on, the Great Tribulation of the Conferred Gods began!

In the Western Ultimate Bliss World, the guiding voice sounded ethereally: "Junior Brother, can Nu Wa be punished for this matter?"

Zhunti smiled casually and said, "This wind of mine is nothing but a wind!

It wasn't me who started the fire, but the original sparks caught fire!
The wind helps the fire, why is the fire strange? "

(End of this chapter)

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