Chapter 252

In Shouyang Mountain, Lao Tzu silently looked at the blood-like sky of Wa Huangtian, so he didn't say much.

In Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain, Yuanshi Tianzun just smiled and said nothing.

On Jinbie Island, in Biyou Palace, Tong Tian frowned slightly, as if feeling something, he looked in the direction of Yuxu Palace.

In Wa Palace, Jin Feng cautiously accompanied the saint, not saying a word.

Only because of the wrath of the Nuwa Empress and the sage, the world changed color!

However, after a while, Jin Feng suddenly heard a chuckle from above.

I saw that on the face of the Nuwa Empress and the saint, where is there any color of anger dyeing the sky?
Empress Nuwa chuckled lightly: "It's really tricky, how dare you count it on me!

That being the case, then you don't regret it! "

Hearing this, Jin Feng's heart moved before he realized it.Empress Nuwa is a sage of heaven who killed the obsession of the three corpses, and most people in the prehistoric world felt that Empress Nuwa ignored the great affairs of heaven and earth, and her calculations were not deep.

But she, who has been beside Empress Nuwa for countless years, can see clearly that Empress Nuwa is definitely an existence that cannot be provoked among saints!

Nu Wa said indifferently to Jin Feng who was next: "Since this catastrophe is for me to start, I can't let them down!
Jinfeng, call Fei Lian here! "

Jin Feng heard the words, hurriedly responded respectfully, and walked out of Wa Palace.

In the hall, only Empress Nuwa was thinking quietly!
Ah!Sanqing?The cause of blocking Wowa's palace back then, the result, was this catastrophe.

Back then, the three of your brothers were united as one, let me see, what kind of affection do you have for brothers who have become saints and brothers who have separated families?
Yuanshi, Tongtian, she will help!
If she didn't help, how could the fight be more intense?
It's just that no matter which side wins, she has helped, so the winning side must accept her love and owe her karma!

And no matter which side is defeated, it is brotherly hatred, and she has relieved her hatred!

As long as the catastrophe is together, you will be clean, and there will be no real winner!
Back then, you let me endure the blood-crying sky of hundreds of millions of demon gods, this time, I will let you feel this feeling too!

Only a heart that has experienced this feeling can understand it.Moreover, such a heart is more suitable for her and can be a friend!
Countless immortals on the prehistoric land gradually noticed something was wrong.

In the vastness of the sky, layers of thin clouds gradually appeared, and the dark gray clouds filled the entire sky!
Moreover, the calamity cloud only condenses but does not disperse, it accumulates heavier and deeper, and it accumulates deeper and deeper!
The hearts of countless monks in the world began to panic!
Because they couldn't feel the connection between heaven and earth, their calculations, divination, cause and effect, calculations, all fell into confusion, and the secrets of heaven were in chaos!
There is a saying that the unknown is the scariest thing, just like the prehistoric immortals at this time!

They all guarded the gate of the mountain. Even if they did not leave the gate before, they could use various means to detect the general situation and the changing situation.

Now, they are like an isolated island in the deep ocean!Lost contact, lost spiritual eyesight, just like a mortal, feeling uneasy!The outside world is unknown.So they don't know what will happen next moment, and they don't know where their destiny is going!

Therefore, they are unable to prepare, do not have the preparation in their hearts, and do not have the strength to prepare to fight against unknown risks!

This calamity cloud is said to be covering the sky, but it is actually covering the hearts of countless immortals!Let those immortals who have escaped from the mortal world feel the boredom, mania, anxiety, and apprehension like ordinary people again!
As for the mortals in the world, they are still living their normal lives without any influence.Because it was an immortal calamity, and mortals have no eyesight or power to see it!

That day, in their eyes, was still the original day, and this day was the same as the days of their ancestors, without any disturbances!
If there is any major event, it really has.

After thousands of years, the newly born immortals of the human race gathered again. More than ten thousand Xuan Xian Tian Xian, more than a hundred golden immortals, dozens of Tai Yi, three or four Da Luo, gathered in one place, just beside the Huoyun Cave of the Human Race .It disappeared strangely again, reaching the edge of that plane. . . . . .

And in the world of mortals, a big event happened to Chao Ge!
That is, because Hou Suhu of Yizhou refused King Zhou's request to worship his daughter, he sang a court song instead, and even mentioned a poem outside the Meridian Gate: "The king destroys the ministers, and there are five constants."Su Hu of Jizhou will never go to Shang.

The result can be imagined, King Zhou was furious, and sent the northern princes Chonghou Hu and Xiqi Jichang to attack!

However, unexpectedly, Chonghouhu and his younger brother Chongheihu were defeated by Yizhou soldiers.And Xiqi Jichang persuaded Su Hu to surrender with only one letter, and promised to enshrine Daji into the court!
At this time, Daji was still the real Daji, until Su Hu escorted her daughter on the way!Every state and county, wading and mountaineering.

At dusk that day, I had arrived in Enzhou, only to be received by the post office in Enzhou.The guardian said: "The post office cleans up the halls and places the nobles." The post office said: "Master Qi: a goblin came out of this post three years ago. After that, no master who has passed by will not rest in it. You can ask your noble rights to rest in the camp. You are safe and secure. I wonder how the master respects you?"

Su Hu yelled and said: "Your Majesty, what evil spirits are you afraid of? What's more, there is a post house, and it is a ritual to live temporarily in the camp! Go and clean the hall and room in the post house, and don't delay to take the crime!"
Just this one sentence, just one reckless decision of his, ruined the life of his daughter, and also had the Daji smile who subjugated the country and the three smiles, and the daughter of the country and the people was born!
At night, the nine-tailed demon fox among the three monsters in Xuanyuan Tomb, with the cultivation base of the peak Taiyi, sneaked into Daji's room secretly, only concealed his body, sucked lightly on Daji's bed, and sucked the poor still in the dream. The three souls and seven souls of Daji were sucked away.

But although Daji is a woman, she is the daughter of a prince of Yizhou, and she is also protected by humane luck. The nine-tailed demon fox was careless for a while, was backlashed by humane luck, suffered some injuries, and showed signs of movement.

When this sound was heard, Su Hu, who was guarding the middle room, came in with a lamp and a whip, and asked anxiously: "Boy, just now the evil spirit invaded, have you seen it?"

"Daji" on the bed echoed: "The baby was just in a dream, I haven't seen you yet!"

After hearing this, Su Hu felt a little more at ease, so he comforted him for a moment and went back to stay outside!
There was a strange wind in the Enzhou station, and Su Hu raised his whip to extinguish the lights.Twenty-eight Jiaorong is dead now, and she mistakenly sees Yaomei as her own.

Later, all the way was peaceful, Daji entered the royal city, entered Chaoge, and entered this royal city that was already mixed with humans and monsters!

This royal city was originally the place where the luck of the human race gathered, the place where the king of the people was, the place where the evil spirits retreated, and the place where evil spirits were not allowed to invade!
But today's secret is unknown, and all the monsters are rampant!Many demons have entered the city and become demons in human skin!With that human skin, they are considered human beings in the eyes of humanity, so there is no need to suppress them!
Why are these monsters here?Some of them simply couldn't bear the loneliness in the mountains, and ran out to appreciate the prosperity of this time.Most of these monsters only have the cultivation base of heavenly immortals and mysterious immortals!But once they entered this city, they could never go back!
 I'm in a bad state recently, and it's just the beginning of this Fengshen, so, alas, there's something wrong at home, and I'm feeling depressed.

  So sorry everyone!
  The first part of this Conferred God requires some overkill, but if you don’t mention it and write it directly, you will not be able to understand the development of the plot.Therefore, I can only mention it as much as possible, after two or three chapters, the plot of the Conferred God will fully unfold!
(End of this chapter)

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