Chapter 255

Now that the blood is activated, it is obvious that Qu Kong is in great danger!
Qing Luo became anxious, at this time the secret was unknown, without the guidance of God, finding someone would be like looking for a needle in a haystack!
How great is the prehistoric world, even if his divine sense can only travel through the void, relying on treasures, it is only a hundred million miles away, let alone looking for a figure carefully!

Qing Luo had no choice but to use the technique of vertical and horizontal divine thoughts. As soon as the magic formula was urged, the towering Fortune Orb released immeasurable blue light. Gradually, images appeared in his mind one by one!

At the same time, countless dandelions are blooming all over the prehistoric region, even in the cold winter season, they bloom alone!

The dandelion flowers are gradually blooming, and everywhere, traces of spiritual thoughts are released, and they are sensed in Qingluo's mind.

There are so many mountains and rivers, and all kinds of human beings can be seen in Qing Luo's eyes. Sitting alone on the mountain, his eyes can see Kyushu, his hands can reach all directions, and his hands and eyes can reach the sky. What he said is somewhat similar to this!

However, even if Qing Luo's spiritual sense is fully opened, it is still impossible to find the trace of Qu Kong.

Even the falling spirit patterns have lost their effectiveness!

Although the falling spirit pattern is affected by the catastrophe of heaven and earth, it can also convey a word or two by virtue of mana!
Moreover, even if it can't be conveyed, Qing Luo can still feel the general direction by virtue of the spiritual imprint!

But now, there is no feeling at all!

Qing Luo made so many preparations, but this scene still happened!

There are only two possibilities for the falling spirit pattern to disappear. The first is that it was erased by someone with powerful magic power, so he naturally cannot sense it.

The second type is the person engraved with the falling spirit pattern, who does not have any mana on his body, and without the support of mana, he will not be able to sense it!
Neither of these two situations looks good!
At this time, Shuo De's anxious voice suddenly came from outside the quiet room.Qing Luo hurriedly came to Shuo De's side, seeing his anxious face, she couldn't help asking: "Don't panic, what happened?"

"Master, it's not good!
Second brother's natal soul lamp, it, it, it. . . " Shuode was so nervous that he couldn't speak.

Qing Luo's heart tightened when she heard this, and the panic in her heart became more intense.But he changed his mind and couldn't help asking: "Where did the natal soul lamp come from in the mountains? How could I not know?"

Just as Shuo De was about to open his mouth, Xiao Zhu flashed out, and continued: "For the sake of the safety of the people in the mountains, this disciple specially made it according to the disciple's lamp spirit, and took a trace of the soul of the lamp owner and kept it in the lamp. Behind the Xuanling Hall.

The lamp burns life, and the lamp goes out when people die! "

After finishing speaking, she looked at Shuo De and asked puzzledly, "Shuo De, what's wrong with you?"

Shuo De held back his crying this time, and said in one breath: "The light is off, brother's light is off!"

Xiaozhu's complexion changed drastically, and she hurriedly said: "How is it possible?" She raised her head to ask the master, but found that Qing Luo had already reached the back of Xuanling Hall in a flash.

Qing Luo went to the back of the hall, and sure enough, she saw several ancient lamps on the incense table, exuding the aura of several disciples respectively.

And among them, the lamp exuding the breath of curved air, however, was extinguished!Only a faint trace of blue smoke still exists!
Qing Luo's heart was shocked, and a sense of sadness arose in her heart!
Of the three disciples he accepted, Qu Kong had the best aptitude, and the 10-year master-student relationship was broken like this!
At this time, Shuode and Xiaozhu also came in together.

Shuo De looked at the extinguished bronze lamp with tears on his face, and remained silent.

But Xiaozhu looked at the lamp in shock, as if he couldn't believe it!After a long while, she reacted and murmured: "How is this possible? It must be because my spells are wrong. There must be something wrong with this lamp! How could Qu Kong be... how could it be..."

As she said that, she stepped forward to grab the ancient lamp and take a closer look.

But at this time, Qing Luo stopped her suddenly, and suddenly remembered something, and said: "No, look at that lamp, the green smoke on the lamp has been rising and has not dissipated!"

As soon as this remark came out, Xiao Zhu was also taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted happily and said: "Yes, this lamp is guided by the soul, since the smoke is not extinguished, there is still a trace of life!"

Qingluo's spiritual thoughts changed sharply, and some eyebrows appeared, and said to the second disciple: "You two, keep an eye on the cave at the mountain gate, and go out to find other places for the teacher.

You two must remember, you must never open the formation of the mountain gate, no matter who comes to the front of the mountain, you are not allowed to speak words, you cannot see it! "

The two listened, and although they didn't know why, seeing Qing Luo's serious face, they also remembered it in their hearts, and they didn't dare to joke!
Seeing that the two of them listened to her heart, Qing Luo set up auspicious clouds, went out of the mountain gate, and went straight to the land of the Shang Dynasty in the middle of the world!

Since the secrets are chaotic at this time, and the cause and effect cannot be calculated, then find another way!

In addition to the deduction and calculation techniques mastered by the immortals, there are some other magical techniques in the world.

For example, gossip among mortals!

The most famous one is Fuxi's gossip, and Xibo Hou Jichang is the master of Fuxi's gossip, performing the eighty-eight and 64 hexagrams, and creating the famous Zhouyi!

However, this technique can only be regarded as a matter of the world, not a fairy, god, ghost, or demon!

Qing Luo went here, naturally not to find Ji Chang, but to try to see if it is possible to rely on the power of blood?

After all, the power of blood is more reliable than those mysterious and mysterious secrets!
And Qu Kong's body is a bird, so it naturally belongs to the Phoenix clan!
But at this time, he doesn't have the will of a saint, so how can he easily enter the land of the Feng Clan?
But at this time, the Shang Dynasty has a powerful Phoenix clan!
He is the son of Yuanfeng, the proud peacock in the world, the Kong Xuan who dares to fight against the saint!

At this time, he is in the middle of Sanshan Pass, and he is the chief soldier of Sanshan Pass!

Qing Luo walked across the clouds all the way without stopping at all.

At this time, the catastrophe was chaotic, and he didn't dare to use the danying spirit array to teleport, for fear of any accidents!
Qingluo walked all the way, and he didn't feel anything unusual in the clouds in the sky, but when he arrived at Sanshan Pass and lowered the cloud head, he looked shocked!

Because, as soon as he landed on the cloud head, he felt an invisible force pressing on him, which could not allow him to resist at all, and suppressed most of his magical powers!

This kind of power is definitely beyond the reach of human beings. The Xuanhao Heavenly Formation, the majesty of Huang Mang, the manifestation of humanity, and the harmony of heaven and earth!

At this moment, Qing Luo suddenly realized in her heart!

Once he entered the human world, he was suppressed by humanity!Humanity plays a role in maintaining the harmony between heaven and earth, and it has its own help from heaven and earth!
Since the manifestation of humanity, he has never been in the human world again, and he does not know whether this kind of oppressive force only exists in the catastrophe, or it has existed in the human world since the manifestation of humanity!
Sensing her own mana, Qing Luo couldn't help but feel helpless, she had [-]% supernatural powers, but only [-]% was suppressed!
No wonder in the Battle of the Conferred Gods, so many immortals in front were able to fight, even if they were only in front of the army, within a range of tens of miles, they could accommodate those immortals to fight without causing the world to collapse, mountains and rivers to shatter!
It turned out that it wasn't that they were restrained, but that their basic strength was really difficult to reach that level. Even when their lives were in danger, their magical powers were suppressed!

Under this kind of heaven and earth suppression, not only mana and supernatural powers have been greatly suppressed, but even the power of using spells and spirit treasures is greatly affected, and even the time it takes to cast spells is far longer than before!

Under the pressure of this terrifying heaven and earth, Qing Luo felt that even with his magical powers, without using all his strength, his magical powers could only show the strength of Jinxian!

If he does his best, he can barely reach the realm of Taiyi Jinxian!

(End of this chapter)

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