Chapter 256

Qingluo walked all the way, and when he arrived at the Sanshan Pass, he saw tall walls and gates, a tall and wide city, soldiers and soldiers, and order!Teams of soldiers all looked solemn, patrolling back and forth endlessly!
When the world was in chaos, Dong Bohou and Nan Bohou died innocently. Their families and tribes were all furious, and they rebelled one after another. Eight hundred princes in the world have turned against four hundred princes!

Therefore, the troops stationed in various places in the Shang Dynasty strictly guarded the major gates.

When the blue sky fell, it was already dusk, and in the evening, the gates of the city were closed.After all, at this time, there were no more people flowing at night in ancient times than in later generations, and the city gates were closed in the evening.

He frowned slightly, but there was a layer of five-color aura above the city. If he directly used his supernatural powers to penetrate, he might even alarm the owner of the supernatural powers. Since he came here with a request, it's better to be more disciplined.After all, this is a strong man who dares to fight against the saint, and even beats the saint with one move!
When Qingluo walked to the city gate, some guards stopped him on the wall and said, "Who is under the city? The gate is closed at this time, so you can't come near it!"

Hearing this, Qing Luo smiled and said: "Pin Dao is a loose cultivator in Luoling Mountain, Taoist Qing Luo, I have something important to see the Commander-in-Chief of Sanshanguan, and I ask the general to report it for you!"

The defenders on the city saw that the people under the city were extraordinary, and their morals were like life. They were obviously not ordinary people. They responded and went to report.

After all, in the world of this era, there are still many strange people and strangers. These soldiers naturally know a thing or two, and often these strange people and strangers have some unknown connections with great figures!

Let's say that the general is busy asking the messenger to go to the mansion of the Chinese army to report.

In the Commander's Mansion, Kong Xuan frowned when he heard the messenger's report, and asked, "Did you hear clearly? Is it Luoling Mountain Qingluo?"

The messenger hurriedly nodded cautiously, and broke out in a cold sweat from nervousness: "My lord, it is indeed this person, the general did not mishear!"

This Lord Chief Soldier is a legendary figure in Sanshan Pass. After only three days in his post, there was an edict from the imperial court to promote him to be the Chief Soldier of Sanshan Pass Town, and to rule over everything in the pass!
Moreover, this lord usually doesn't care about everything, and is terribly indifferent, but he is so talented in martial arts, coupled with his young age and peerless appearance, that he attracts the hearts of all the girls inside and outside the pass. !

Just when the messenger was thinking about whether to send it back, he suddenly saw the commander-in-chief stand up and said in a deep voice: "Come with me to meet the last one!"

The messenger was stunned. Normally, even if the king's decree came, this lord would not greet him in person, but this Taoist was able to alert the lord to go in person!

But soon he realized it, hurriedly answered yes, and followed behind.

Qing Luo stood under the city for more than half an hour, when she suddenly heard a salute and greeting from the top of the city.

He hurriedly looked around, only to see a person wearing a golden battle armor, his posture was as tall and straight as a pine, his momentum was as vigorous as the scorching sun, his eyes were as bright as cold stars under his sword eyebrows, with a look of disdain for all living beings, full of the nobility of the royal family, that peerless The brilliance of the people, in the afterglow of the setting sun on the Sanshan Pass, looks so amazing and stunning, it fascinates all beings!
Qing Luo couldn't help admiring what a peerless general he was, he was the son of Feng Zu, and his demeanor was far superior to others!
When Kong Xuan arrived at the city gate, he paused and flew down. The few gates in this city are eight or nine feet high, more than twenty meters high. How can ordinary people jump?
But this is a world of gods and demons, immortals have their way of immortality, and warriors have their way of martial arts!The human world at this time accepts those incredible things far more than later generations.

Kong Xuan flew down, and the general's cloak rose behind him without any wind. He was a young man with a heroic appearance, an incomparable genius!The city guards behind him all cheered and applauded.

When Qing Luo saw Kong Xuan approaching, he felt that the method in his body was unfathomable with just a sweep of his spiritual sense, and it was very likely that he was a quasi-sage!
He hastily bowed and said: "Younger Qingluo has met senior, and I hope senior will forgive me!"

Kong Xuan waved his hands, and said with a loud smile, "Since we are in the world, we should enter into the rituals of the world. You and I are both guests in the world, so there is no need to perform those vain rituals!"

After hearing this, Qing Luo responded, raised her head, looked at Kong Xuan, and wanted to speak.

But when his eyes met Kong Xuan's eyes, he felt a sudden shock in the depths of his soul, an indescribable feeling came out, and a faint sense of resonance arose!
And Kong Xuan obviously felt the same way, both of them couldn't help being surprised!
Qing Luo thought about it, he was no stranger to this feeling, when he met Shi Ji and Yun Xiao, he had this strange feeling!

However, there is no connection between the three of them. If there is, it is all for the purpose of intercepting and teaching disciples!But my involvement with Jiejiao is not too deep, how can I feel this way?
Kong Xuan was also silent for a moment, his deep eyes suddenly moved, and asked out of nowhere: "Master Daoist, let's see what Ben will do in the future?"

Qing Luo was surprised, not knowing what this meant, but still replied: "The general has peerless power, invincible supernatural powers, there are few opponents in the world!"

Kong Xuan didn't feel disgusted by this seemingly flattering words, but just asked inadvertently: "The Taoist priest can see how he will return in the future, whether to go to the west or to the east?"

As soon as this remark came out, Qing Luo was startled. Could it be that Kong Xuan already knew that he might be taken away by Zhunti Saint in the future?

How can this be?He asked this question, could it be possible that he had a feeling in his heart, so feel free to ask!

Immediately, he calmed down and replied: "This, the poor will not be able to see what will happen in the future, but the general has the power to defy the sky, so no matter what, there is a chance!"

Qing Luo's words also imply that Kong Xuan will encounter great power in the future, and only a glimmer of life can reverse it. If Kong Xuan really knows, then he can understand its meaning. If he doesn't know what will happen in the future, he will feel that he Negligence!

Qing Luo looked carefully at Kong Xuan's expression, Kong Xuan fell silent after hearing this.

After a few breaths, Kong Xuan suddenly raised his eyes and looked straight at Qing Luo, as if he could see through all the thoughts in Qing Luo's mind!
"I will remember that there is no one named "Qing Luo" among the great sages and great achievements of the human race,

Fellow Daoist Qingluo, don’t you think so? "

As soon as these words came out, Qing Luo's heart was shocked!There is also an incredible look on the face!

Nowadays, among the prehistoric human race, among the Wai Xianzun, he really has the title of Qingluo, and he is also widely known by the human race all over the world.

However, in the history of the earth in the previous life, the human race only had the Suiren clan and the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, and there was indeed no other name like Qingluo!

Thinking of this, he couldn't believe it!He came up with a terrifying thought, even though he had practiced Taoism for hundreds of thousands of years, facing such an almost impossible possibility, he still couldn't control the shock in his mind!

Qingluo looked a little hesitant and said: "You, do you know the word Zhonghua?"

(End of this chapter)

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