Chapter 268
The 72 people narrowly escaped death, and the ecstasy and gratitude in their hearts surged into a spring, and they knelt down to thank each other. Even though their hands and feet were bound and they fell to the ground, they still managed to straighten up, bending over and kowtow without stopping. Pain, only feel the joy of the heart!
As tiny ants, the moment of life and death is their sorrow, but the transition between life and death only needs a thought of a big man!
Their death is due to Daji's thought, and their life is also due to Qingluo's thought.

In the sky above Chaoge City, a golden icon appeared!There is a round of meritorious deeds slowly turning behind the head of the holy statue of thousands of feet, and the golden light shines in all directions.

With a handsome appearance and a slightly angry face, he sat cross-legged on a nine-grade green lotus, and the lotus platform rotated, giving birth to infinite mysteries.

With a gesture of stretching out his hand, he enshrined the Nine Profound Maps on the palm of his left hand, and held the Towering Good Fortune Bead in his right hand.

The precious light is shining, the merit is surrounded, and the luck is added to the body!There are thousands of auspicious colors in the sky, and thousands of miles of auspicious clouds, as if the sacred descended to the world, showing the world!
Facing Daji's angry question, Qing Luo in the void slowly replied: "I am a sage outside the human race, Qing Luo!"

These words contained the blessing of Qingluo's mana. Once it was spread, it spread mightily throughout the world, spreading to every place in Chaoge City, as shocking as Hong Zhong Da Lu!

When Chaoge Wanmin heard this, they knelt down excitedly and said: "Welcome the sage to come to the world, and welcome the sage to show his holiness!"

In the Hall of Waixian Zun of the human race, there are only two people, Qingluo and Yinglong, and the Hall of Waixian is next to the three emperors and five emperors and other great sages, so they naturally know Qingluo's name!

At the same time, the fortunes in the divine tripods of the Kyushu of the human race were summoned one after another, and once again gathered with Chaoge City!

This is the recognition of all people in the world, the power of the hearts of all people!

All the visions of heaven and earth displayed by Qingluo Xiansheng were naturally created by him using magic, unlike the visions of heaven and earth brought by other true sages!

And his actions like this are naturally well aware of the methods used by many illegal sects in his previous life to buy people's hearts. If he is to be dignified and respected, and to worship in awe, these foreign objects are indispensable.After all, Buddhas rely on gold clothes!
Such an effect is really good. Once it is displayed, it will gather the luck of humanity!

Qing Luo is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit, not a manifestation like a fairy!

He didn't come to the world as a fairy or a god, but came to the world as a sage of the human race. He is the sage of the human race, and he is recognized by humanity!
This is the reason why the disciples of the Chanjie Second Sect cannot show their sages, but Qingluo can.

With this identity, when Cangjie agreed to him because of the Jiuzhou tripod, he had an additional identity and ability compared to those immortals!
In Shouyang Mountain, Lao Tzu opened his eyes, and then glanced at Qing Luo thoughtfully.

In Kunlun Yuxu Palace, Yuanshi Tianzun's face is gloomy, the secret has changed, and the variable has happened!
On Golden Turtle Island, Tong Tian looked at Qing Luo curiously, not knowing what he meant!

Nu Wa said with a smile: "In this way, the power of the sky will be balanced, and people's hearts will be different. I think this calamity will last longer!"

In the Western Ultimate Bliss World, Zhunti looked at the pious eyes of countless people under the light and shadow, and couldn't help but move in his heart, saying: "Brother, these methods of this son may be of use to my Western Sect!"

Upstairs in Zhaixing Tower, Daji looked at Qingluo's vast naked body with a pale face, and was shocked and panicked!
Afterwards, under the explanation of his entourage, King Zhou understood Qing Luo's identity, and bowed down to salute: "Shang Wangdi Xin has seen the sage!"

Daji seemed to wake up suddenly, and also hurriedly bent over and said: "Empress Su has seen Xianzun!"

Qing Luo sat on the ninth-grade lotus platform and accepted the gift calmly!
He was of the same generation as the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, even earlier. Even the ancestors of the Shang Dynasty opened up the territory and split the soil. What they opened was the territory prepared for them by the sages, and what was opened was also guarded by the sages. soil!

For King Zhou, Qing Luo was an ancestor, a virtuous person of the human race, and he should bow down!
Qingluo's face was solemn, and an ethereal voice spread out: "King Shang, you are the king of the human race in Kyushu, and you are also the king of people!
Your actions and words are related to the fate of all life in the world!

The rites of the ancestral temple, the virtues of the community, how much do you remember, how much do you inherit? "

As soon as these words came out, it was like hitting King Zhou's heart, and he suddenly realized, waking up from Daji's countless confusions!

Kill countless virtuous courtiers, torture wives, chase and kill parents and children, forge torture, wine pool and meat forest,. .

All kinds of things that he seemed to be like in the past, he suddenly regained his virtue and looked at them!Like a thunderbolt from the nine heavens, it pierced the sky and went straight into his mind!
King Zhou bowed his head in shame.

Seeing this, Qing Luo said to Daji: "You are the mother of a country and the mother of all peoples. You are virtuous and love your people, respect your family and be a filial husband. How much can you do?"

When these words came to Daji's ears, it was as if a [-]-ton hammer hit her primordial spirit. The pain was so painful that her primordial spirit almost collapsed, and she could hardly maintain her human form!
Just when Daji was terrified, a secret voice came from her ear: "Even if you are a sinner, as the mother of a country, I am limited by my status, so I will not do anything to you!
Moreover, the two of us are both members of Wa Palace, so we will never turn against each other.

However, if you take the people of my Snake Clan and take over the cause of this crime, implicating the luck of the Snake Clan, you are courting death! "

Daji suddenly realized, and hurriedly transmitted a voice: "Senior, forgive me, the little demon knows it, and I will never dare to implicate the snake clan again!"

The reason why Qingluo came is because of this pot!
He is the elder of the snake clan, although the clan has been scattered and no longer exists, but since Qing Luo is the elder of the snake clan, he naturally does not allow others to be so malicious and ruin the luck of the snake clan!If Daji is really allowed to practice this pot for a long time, all the people in the world will only hate the snake clan, and countless ordinary people of the snake clan will die tragically!
Another reason for Qing Luo's trip is to persuade King Zhou to be good!

He already knew that Nuwa only used the hand of King Zhou to open the conferred gods. Now that the calamity has been released, the fate of the human race has been divided, and the king of Zhou will be released, the role of Daji as a pawn is already dispensable!
And he persuaded King Zhou, but it was not effective.After all, once a person falls, it is impossible to redeem with just a few words.

But Qing Luo didn't want to really turn King Zhou into a wise king, so as to save the Shang Dynasty and continue the Shang Dynasty's momentum again.All he wants is that the Shang Dynasty will not end so soon, and the human race will not suffer so much.

After all, all the great sages of the human race, those who were enshrined in the temples, are all gone at this time, and he is the only one outside!It can be regarded as a respect for the virtuous respect of the human race!

Qing Luo said again: "King, as a virtuous and honorable person, I advise you: the world will perish if the people are suffering, and the country will prosper if the people are prosperous!"

This means that those who win the hearts of the people win the world!

As long as King Zhou grasps this point, the Shang Dynasty will rule the land of Kyushu!

 I beg you gentlemen, it’s the end of the month, and the monthly pass has expired, please ask for a monthly pass!There is also a recommendation ticket. It's Monday and I haven't received a recommendation ticket yet. I'm so sad! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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