Chapter 269
King Zhou felt bitter when he heard this, not knowing whether the suffering was for himself or for others.

Qingluo's Dharma Body thousands of feet in the air said again: "People of Chaoge, are you willing to trust the King of Shang once more, and the Son of Heaven who rules the world?"

As soon as this remark came out, countless people in Chaoge booed one after another.After all, at this time, after eight years of fatuous King Zhou, who tortured virtuous ministers, killed countless good men, tortured his wife and sons, suffered from the suffering of the deer, and feared the pot, it was hard for the people of Chaoge to believe that King Zhou was a man. A virtuous monarch!

Qing Luo was not surprised to see the reactions of countless people below.

The Towering Fortune Orb in his right hand suddenly flashed, and it was replaced by a dazzling golden flower!After turning around, it flew to the Taimiao in Chaoge City, and the light flashed, and the golden light suddenly shot up into the sky!

I saw huge figures emerging from the Taimiao. They were all dressed in royal robes, and the golden light shone in their figures, making them look like statues of gods!
There are a total of thirty figures in this series of figures, which correspond to the thirty Shang kings in the 600 years of the Shang Dynasty, the ancestors are above all!

Seeing this, the people of Chaoge all exclaimed in disbelief: "The ancestors and ancestors have manifested? The ancestors and ancestors have manifested!"

All the people were excited, all the ministers were in tears!

In this feudal patriarchal society, the Son of Heaven is all people in the world, the Dazong of the princes of the four directions is the Dazong of the world, and the rest of the clans and families are all Xiaozong!
The concept of patriarchal clan is deeply imprinted in Wanmin, no, in the hearts of every common people. To them, the clan is more important than their lives. They would rather die than be expelled from the clan or rejected by the clan!
Qing Luo read slowly: "

The Mysterious Bird of Destiny, descended to give birth to Shang.

The house is full of shade and soil.

The ancient emperor ordered Wutang to be in all directions. "

After saying this, the first figure in the row suddenly said: "I am Shang Tang, the king who founded the country of Shang!" After the words were spoken, countless words appeared behind him, recording his meritorious deeds , Wencheng Wude!
After that, the No.2 figure also said: "My name is Zisheng, and I am the king of Shang Taizong!"

"My name is Ziyong, and I am the third king of the Shang Kingdom!"

"My name is Taijia, and I am the fourth king of the Shang Kingdom!"

. . . . .

Every figure said only one word.Behind them, there are countless golden spiritual scripts, showing their countless achievements!
The stability of the world in the 600 years of the Shang Dynasty and the prosperity of the people are inseparable from their efforts!
Qing Luo said again: "Even though the No. 30 generation of Shang kings was once stupid, there are thirty kings in Shang who have protected the people for 600 years!
Business is already the business of all people in the world!
Shang is already the ancestor of all people in the world!
Shang is already the ancestor of all people in the world!
Respect the faith, the great virtue of business!
The world is safe!

Wanmin, before the ancestors of Shang,
King Zhou, before the ancestors of Shang,
The king and the people, the king and the ministers, under the judgment of the world: Are the people willing to believe in the king?

Are you willing to serve the people? "

The people of Chaoge, who have been evoked by countless dusty history, all shed tears, admiring their ancestors, and feeling Wang De!

King Zhou looked at the ancestors in the sky, and he suddenly remembered the past that he had almost forgotten.

Once, before his father died, his hopeful eyes hoped that he could protect the country handed over by his father, the country handed over by the kings of the Shang Dynasty!

Once, when he returned triumphantly from the battle against Dongyi, the joy, admiration, and admiration in Chaoge Wanmin's eyes!

King Zhou's heart trembled. When did he become a king despised by all people?
When has he lost his father, the king of the Shang kingdom?

King Zhou stood on the tallest building of Chaoge, the star-catching building!
His heart has realized, understand it!

He raised his voice and said: "My Emperor Xin, I am ashamed of my ancestors, of all people, of heaven and earth!
I wish to treat the people kindly and make amends from now on!
May the people of the world forgive him! "

After all, King Zhou bent his knees and knelt down to the ancestors on the Taimiao!

With a little touch of Qing's hand, the figure of King Zhou appeared in the sky of Chaoge, visible to all people!
When the people saw the Son of Heaven, they bowed on their knees!
Wan Min felt deeply moved, and they all bowed down one after another.

In Chaoge City, all the people worship the king, and the king worships the ancestors!

The Kyushu Zhongding in Chaoge City shook again!

The eight tripods in other towns sounded together and shook!

The luck of all directions gathers, and the luck of Chaoge rises again!
When all the people bowed to the figure of King Zhou, they were the people of King Zhou, and they believed in him.

Seeing this, Qing Luo was satisfied.

Among all the emotions in the world, the most touching thing is the kindness of parents and ancestors!

In his previous life, he had seen countless gratitude speeches, even though they were all the same, there were always people who couldn't help crying and shedding tears.

Even after listening to it countless times, when the familiar song "Grateful Heart" or "Kneeling Sheep Picture" sounds, my heart will always tremble!

Qing Luo used this to inspire people's hearts!
At this time, Daji, who was beside King Zhou, was following her kneeling, when suddenly the voice of Empress Nuwa came from next to her ear: "Your deeds and words are evil, restrain yourself from now on!"

Daji's heart trembled, busy in her heart, she said yes respectfully!
Qing Luo waved his hand again, the sky of Zhaoge, the sky of thousands of miles of black clouds, suddenly cleared up!
A round of great sun, bright light and prosperous sun, prominent everywhere, the city of singing towards the sun, singing towards the sun!

When the big sun came out, it was naturally bright and dazzling. After everyone's eyes got used to the light, they realized that Qing Luo's dharma body had disappeared, and the figures of the ancestors on the Taimiao had also disappeared!It was as if everything just now did not exist!
However, in Wanmin's heart, there is that scene, and he will always remember it in his heart!

When Qing Luo collected the dharma body, she also collected the ten thousand snakes in the pot into the Jiuxuan Diagram.

When leaving, Qing Luo put those 72 people on the street of Chaoge City!

Yuanshi Tianzun in Yuxu Palace has an extremely gloomy face, and the fairyland of Kunlun Mountain emits a frightening aura at this moment!
Yuanshi Tianzun has murderous intentions towards Qingluo in his heart!
The secret of the sky, which was already clear, is confused again!

Zhou, who was originally the destiny and expected by everyone, suddenly changed!
Although Yuanshi Tianzun was angry, he still didn't make a move after all.Because, his anger attracted the attention of Wa Palace!

Even if he made a move, it would be impossible for him to destroy Qingluo under Nuwa's obstruction!

If the Three Purities were one, he would naturally not hesitate, and he would have Lao Tzu and Tong Tian to stop him.But now, how could the Sanqing be one?
Since the god of opening the sky, Pangu's primordial spirit has been divided into three parts, divided into three bodies, which symbolizes the three cleans, and it is difficult to be one!
Qingluo went back to the southwest of Honghuang, came to Beiling Mountain Mansion, and put ten thousand snakes into Ze'er Lake next to Beiling Mountain Mansion, let them live here!

Afterwards, Qing Luo returned to Luoling Mountain.

Keep thinking about the next step!
Since the beginning of proclaiming himself a god, he didn't make any moves!I have never told anyone about the plan in my heart!
Because, he knew that he was nothing more than an ant in the eyes of the saint, even though he was the most powerful in the eyes of many monks in the prehistoric world, but any initiative he set up could not evade the means of the saint!
With the wisdom of saints, Qing Luo never thought that he could surpass them.

The only advantage he has is the memory of his previous life, and he can guess a little bit of a saint's mental arithmetic!

Now, he is playing chess in a dangerous situation, and he has solidified the Chaoge, which should have been distracted, and the Shang Dynasty, which was divided in luck!
He took this step at great risk!Qing Luo dared to do this because she grasped the attitude of the Six Sages.

Among the six sages, Lao Tzu's attitude is the most difficult to understand, maybe he will kill himself directly, and he doesn't know why.But Lao Tzu has always done nothing on the surface, at least on the surface he will not do anything.

Empress Nuwa naturally protected him.

Saint Tongtian should also know that his sect is involved with the Shang Dynasty at this time, and there is a high probability that he will not stop him.

Yuanshi Tianzun would naturally not be happy to see it, but fortunately he had sought Nuwa's protection earlier.

The second sage of the West is in the West, so it is inconvenient to meddle in the affairs of the East at this time!

Although his actions may cause dissatisfaction among some saints, Qing Luo will not back down!

Because, he has an appeal to intervene in the Conferred Gods!
If it was only the task of Empress Nuwa, then he only needs to go down the mountain to help intercept the teaching when explaining the fighting methods of the two religions.

But he still has his work to do!

Although Qing Luo has won the title of a wise man of the human race, the human race has very little luck!There used to be southern humans, forest humans, and many worshipers.But now, Empress Nuwa's beliefs have completely taken over, and there is no trace of his luck at all!

As for Qing Luo, no matter whether it is cultivation or planning for the event after conferring the gods in the future, it will need a lot of luck to support it!
Among the gods, it is he who seeks luck other than the holy religion!
What he seeks is the luck and incense of the ancestral temples of the sages, sages, and ancestors of the same human race, not the incense and luck of the belief in the immortal way and Shinto of the two religions and Western religions!

The two do not conflict!Worshiping the ancestors and worshiping the gods are not contradictory!
Therefore, he dared to plan it.

Furthermore, when Qing Luo's evil thoughts were about to move around, she felt it in her heart!
His evil corpse can only be cut out in the Conferred God!

After the catastrophe of conferring the gods, he might not be able to kill it for hundreds of millions of years!
This is a deep feeling, I can't explain it clearly, but I believe it for no reason in my heart!
That's why Qing Luo wanted to go deep into this catastrophe and take the opportunity to kill the corpse!

At this time, King Zhou, with his help, already has a stable city!
This is a royal city!
Even if the land of the Shang Dynasty is completely lost, even if it is besieged in all directions, as long as Chaoge City, the royal city of the Shang Dynasty, and the central divine cauldron of Kyushu Dingzhong are suppressed in the Shang capital, then the Shang Dynasty will still be the Shang Dynasty and will not become the Shang Kingdom!
As long as King Zhou has the people of a city, then he has a chance!
There is a trace of escaping, an illusory possibility!

Although the situation in Chaoge City was earth-shattering, it was not spread all over the world!
In the whole world, at this time King Zhou Daji's notoriety is known all over the world!
And it took seven years for this process to turn King Zhou's virtuous name into a notorious one!

Of course, it is almost impossible to turn a notorious reputation into a good one!

In the five passes at this time, Jiang Ziya is leading three to five hundred people who escaped from Chaoge because they avoided Jianlutai to pass through the five passes!

Jiang Ziya used the earth travel technique to take away these people!

And these people fled to Xiqi!
Jiang Ziya is hiding in Fenxi, waiting for the man of destiny!

And Xibohou, Ji Chang, was also imprisoned for seven years!The seven years of imprisonment are coming to an end!

 Ask for votes at the end of the month. If there are too many votes, the second update will also be a big chapter!The daily change of [-] becomes the daily change of [-]!

  The little climax of Fengshen is coming!
(End of this chapter)

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