Chapter 271

It was Qu Kong who had been missing for many years!
It's just that at this time, his cultivation base is no longer Taiyi Golden Immortal, but Daluo Golden Immortal!

However, Qu Kong's peerless face was full of anxiety!
Because, he can't enter the palace of Chaoge!
Why can't he get in?

Because King Zhou forbids him to enter, the Son of Heaven forbids him to enter, and King Ren does not allow him to enter!

Why not allow him in?

Because Qu Kong is saving Bo Yi Kao!
Boyi Kao was sentenced to death by King Zhou!
Because, he had an affair with Zhonggong!
This is what King Zhou saw with his own eyes!
King Zhou saw with his own eyes that his Daji was entangled with another man!
However, in fact, it was Daji who was angry with Bo Yikao, who refused to follow the truth, became angry from embarrassment, and deliberately designed to frame Boyi Kao!
Maybe it's the psychology of women, if I can't get beautiful things, no one else can get them either!

Daji heard with her own ears that Boyikao had someone else in his heart, and it was a man!
This made her angry!
How could she be inferior to a man?
But at this time, Daji in the inner palace, looking at the man outside the palace, couldn't help feeling crazy!

It turns out that there really is such a perfect man in this world. It turns out that her demeanor, her demeanor, compared with this man, is like a world of difference!

Daji's vixen heart is completely fascinated!
But, looking at that peerless man, she was desperately trying her best for that Boyi exam!
A tinge of pleasure was born in Daji's heart, and seeing the two of them live and die apart, unable to love each other, she could make up for a little bit in her heart!
King Zhou is no longer as stupid as in history!He also didn't make Bo Yi Kao into meatloaf, let the father eat the meat of the son!
However, no man can tolerate his wife messing with other men!

What's more, he is still the emperor!
King Zhou said angrily, "Since you are here to save your father, then exchange your life for your father's life!"

Although Bo Yikao was framed, he also knew that his notoriety of adultery in the middle palace might not be washed away!

So Bo Yikao agreed!

It's just that he feels sorry for him in his heart!

He finally failed him!I only hope that we will meet again in the next life and have a happy ending with you!
No, he is a fairy, and he is a human being, how can we live together?
Bo Yikao smiled miserably, and raised the sword himself in front of the executioner, looking at the brilliant colors outside the palace, the person in his heart is always so dazzling!
I only hope that his heart can help him!
Qu Kong outside the palace suddenly felt something!
Qu Kong was angry for the first time since he was born with a spirit, and went mad for the first time!
At this moment, Feng Qiqin released the power of a treasure!

The thousand-foot phoenix spread its wings and flew high, surrounding the enchantment of the palace, trying to rush in!
For the first time, the strings of Fengqiqin were plucked by Qu Kong like a storm.One after another, the sound of the zither collided with the barrier of luck in the palace, and there were waves of ripples on the barrier!
King Zhou is the ruler of this royal palace, and those who he does not allow to enter will not be allowed to enter!
Even immortals cannot enter!
Even when Yun Zhongzi came here back then, he was waiting outside the Meridian Gate to listen to the announcement!
Although King Zhou marveled at that man's fairy appearance and his immortal skills, the anger in his heart never subsided!

In this world, there are still people who dare to green him, even though there is only one Bo Yi Kao!
But there is no forgiveness in his heart!

King Zhou looked at the restless ministers in the nine halls, and drank, "Why are you so flustered? Boyi tried cholera in the palace and committed such a heinous crime. The Land of the Son of Heaven rescued the criminals!

Gu is the son of heaven, the king of all peoples, all evil ghosts, how can they enter the lonely body? "

As soon as this statement came out, the Kyushu Ding, Zhongding, Yuzhou Ding in the palace suddenly let out a dragon chant that resounded throughout the world!

A huge golden dragon flew out of the sky, and the situation was silent. The noble and supreme aura, and the extremely loud dragon chant shocked the universe!

That majestic aura directly shattered the golden phoenix called by Fengqiqin, and the strings on Fengqiqin also broke instantly, splitting Qukong's slender fingers, leaving drops of blood behind!

Qu Kong didn't flinch, and felt even more anxious!What remorse was in his heart!It turned out that in the wine he drank with him that day, there was monkey spirit wine that could fascinate immortals!Monkey wine that has been brewed for thousands of years!In a moment of carelessness, he was also passed out drunk!
When he woke up, Bo Yikao had already arrived at Chaoge Palace!

In Qu Kong's heart, he would rather give up everything, even if he gave up the way, and hope that nothing will happen to that person!

The long hair behind Qu Kong has been disheveled, and blood is also dripping from the corner of his mouth.

But he didn't stop.

Qu Kong raised his hands, and layers of golden light instantly appeared behind him!

In the void behind him, an ancient clock lit up!

They are arranged in four rows, each with nine statues!

Each ancient clock is engraved with dao dharma patterns, mysterious and simple, and extremely mysterious!

This is the Four Pole Divine Clock!Top-grade innate spirit treasure!

Qu Kong showed the strongest blow in his life!
The 36 ancient clocks vibrated together!
Endless mysterious and yellow sounds resounded between the heaven and the earth, shaking nine heavens and ten earths!Qu Kong shouted loudly: "Heaven and earth are mysterious and yellow, and the four sounds respect me!

Dao Tianyin, Ji Dao! "

What you say is what you say.The 36 ancient clocks behind him uttered the strongest sound, and the sound waves burst out, merging with the sound waves of Qu Kong's supernatural powers into sound waves that crushed the void, and the wind layer of the Nine Heavens Gang was also shattered instantly.

This powerful blow has faintly surpassed Da Luo's peak power!
It made countless great powers of heaven and earth look sideways at him!

Of course, Qu Kong is facing the golden dragon of luck, the manifestation of humanity!One of the three ways of heaven, earth and man!

Even quasi-sages are impossible to defeat!

The golden dragon leaned up together, and greeted him with supreme power.At this moment, all beings in the world looked so insignificant in front of this lucky golden dragon, like ants!
The golden dragon pierced through the bursts of sound waves without any hindrance, and when the curved air spell was broken, it suddenly opened its mouth and spit out blood, spirit and soul scattered!

At this moment, his heart was gone!He felt that Bo Yikao was dead!Although his heart was empty, he was still dead!
Qu Kong closed his eyes, wishing to go to Huangquan together!
The Luck Golden Dragon raised its mouth and was about to swallow Qukong!

As long as it is swallowed by this dragon, it will be entangled in the endless human world, fall into the mundane world forever, disappear in the three realms and six realms, and there will be no day of detachment!

However, at this moment, an ancient tripod suddenly appeared above Qu Kong's head, exuding an aura very similar to the Kyushu tripod!
The Luck Golden Dragon paused for a moment!
Qing Luo, who had just arrived, couldn't help sweating in her heart!

If he came a moment later, it would be over!
Qing Luo hurriedly picked up the unconscious Qu Kong, nodded and bowed to the Luck Golden Dragon, and then showed traces of human incense luck on his body.

Qing Luo said with respect: "I'm ignorant, and I offended the king of humanity, please forgive me!"

After hearing this, the Luck Golden Dragon looked at Qing Luo, then at the unconscious Qu Kong, then turned around and flew into the Kyushu Cauldron.

Seeing this, Qing Luo breathed a sigh of relief!

He looked at the resolute expression on Qu Kong's face, and couldn't help but sigh: "Fool! The word love, once you touch it, it will fall, and it will be difficult to get out!"

After all, he slightly suppressed the serious injuries in Qu Kong's body, and then waved his sleeves to close the four-pole divine clock.This minute is divided into four tones of heaven and earth, black and yellow, the ultimate sound!It is extremely rare!

Qing dropped his hand a little, and Qu Kong in his arms was put into his sleeve.

His face sank like water and he said, "Since I saw that the owner of the mountain is coming, why don't you still pay me a visit?"

As soon as these words came out, a white light suddenly burst out from the palace!
The white light converged and turned into a white monkey!
This monkey is exactly the spirit monkey that left Luoling Mountain that year!It is also one of the three treasures dedicated to King Zhou by Boyi Kao!
This monkey is also a master of good music!In the past, when he left Luoling Mountain, he went to the ancestors of Xiqi and hid himself.

And the drunk monkey wine is brewed by this monkey!The wine that can make Da Luo Jinxian drunk is absolutely extraordinary!
Although most of it was because Qu Kong had no defense at all and didn't use his power to melt the spirit wine, but it was enough to show that this wine was top quality!

The white monkey arrived on the sky cloud, hurriedly knelt down and said: "The little demon pays homage to the mountain lord!"

This ape now has the cultivation of a golden immortal, but it is still a beast, and has not transformed itself, but its walking shape is very similar to that of a human.

Qingluo Wudai said without joy: "Did Boyi pass the exam?"

The white monkey hurriedly trembled in his heart, and said in a trembling voice: "Yes, he is already dead!
But before he died, he asked me to take out his heart and hand it over to Mr. Qukong! "

"Bring it!"


The white monkey hurriedly took out something, which was exactly Nabo Yikao's heart!The rumored Nine-Aperture Sacred Heart, which is almost impossible to exist, is even more precious than the Seven-Aperture Exquisite Heart!
After Qing Luo took it, she said in a cold tone: "This matter is over, you should hide somewhere else, and don't appear in front of Luoling Mountain people before the calamity is over!"

The white monkey suddenly became extremely nervous, and its heart was beating rapidly!

Qing Luo looked at the white monkey with both eyes, and suddenly the memories in the white monkey's mind emerged as if they were reversed!

Then, Qing Luo returned to Luoling Mountain!
And the people of Chaoge, who witnessed this scene with their own eyes, were shocked!
After the herald in the palace told the "truth", the people dispersed in doubt, but they will never forget this scene in their lifetime!

Since then, King Zhou's attitude towards Daji has become indifferent.Indifference without reason, or indifference!
And in Xiqi, Chao Ge was sent again.And bribed You Hun and Fei Zhong with a lot of money!

The two of them persuaded King Zhou to keep his promise and release Xibohou.Since then, Ji Chang has been imprisoned for seven years!
But he secretly escaped early!
King Zhou was furious. If he left with his permission, he was obeying orders. If he didn't, he fled privately. He didn't respect Tianwei!
Immediately, King Zhou sent three thousand flying cavalry to arrest Ji Chang!
Fortunately, on the way, I saw the adoptive son Ji Chang accepted when he came to Chaoge seven years ago. Lei Zhenzi rescued him and returned to Xiqi without any danger!

. . .

Qingluo returned to Luoling Mountain, and hurriedly used the ninth-grade good fortune Qinglian to treat Qukong's injury, and sealed all his memories with Bo Yikao with his spiritual thoughts!
Afterwards, Qing Luo put Boyi Kao's Nine-Aperture Sacred Heart into Qu Kong's Wu-Aperture Qianfeng Heart!
In an instant, the mind of ignorance becomes enlightened from then on, and emotions are born in the heart from then on. There are seven emotions in the heart, and six desires in the heart!
Qing Luo looked at Qu Kong who was still unconscious sitting on the Ninth Grade Lotus Platform, and couldn't help sighing.

It turned out that after Qu Kong left the mountain, he met the Xiantian Lingbao in the East China Sea, fought with others, was injured by the strong Da Luo, and even injured the Yuanshen.

Qu Kong used all his magical powers to obtain that innate spiritual treasure, the Four-Pole Divine Clock!

However, he was also thrown into a crack in space, and lost all his magical powers.What's more, even Qu Kong's soul has gone into some confusion, that is, amnesia!

Qukong was teleported to Xiqi through the space connected by space cracks, and became an oriole, an oriole in Boyi Kaofu!

Later, Bo Yikao's Nine-Aperture Sacred Heart naturally aroused Qu Kong's feelings, and after Qu Kong's cultivation slowly recovered, he became human.

Of the two of them, one is the most beautiful in the world, the other is the most beautiful among immortals, and Boyikao's Nine-Aperture Sacred Heart finally made Qu Kong fall in love!Because of this, Qukong finally realized the sound of love, and advanced to Daluo Jinxian!

This is how their love began! . . .

Only then did Qing Luo understand why he couldn't find Qu Kong back then.Mana is lost, memory is gone!

If it wasn't for the help of the white monkey, Qu Kong might have encountered an accident!

Qing Luo has the thinking of modern people, so naturally she can't accept this short-sleeved love!

He won't do things like those parents beat mandarin ducks with sticks!

Qing Luo did this for the good of Qu Kong!
Qukong's memory of Bo Yikao was sealed to prevent Qukong from being sad.

After you reach the Conferred God, you can untie it.

In fact, even if Qing Luo arrived at the palace early, he would not save Bo Yi Kao.

Because, he will complete this relationship!

Of course, although his fulfillment is a bit cruel, it can last the longest.

If Bo Yikao is saved, then Bo Yikao's determination to save his father will still make him have no regrets.

And saving Ji Chang, this is a big cause and effect!

Besides, even if the two of them can escape the cause and effect of the catastrophe, there is a difference between immortals!Bo Yikao will eventually die of old age, even if he is allowed to cultivate immortality, the gap between the two cultivation bases will eventually make this love not last long!
The only solution, the way to take into account the interests of all parties, is to pass the exam to Bo Yi!
Just die!

Because it can be a god!

Moreover, Bo Yikao, in the Romance of the Gods, the gods who are bestowed are definitely the biggest ones!

For immortals, the divine way is bound and free, but for these mortals, it is the only way to transcend!
Boyi Kao, a god after death!

Conferred as a god that countless people admire!
Zhongtian Ziwei North Pole Emperor Taihuang
One of the Four Royals in Heaven!

One of the most honorable gods in heaven!

Three Qings, Four Imperials and Five Elders in the supreme belief of Taoism!
Even the Great Emperor Zhenwu and the Four Holy Monarchs of the North Pole are his nominal subordinates!

Among the gods in the heaven, apart from the saints, they are the highest gods under the Jade Emperor!

With such a god position, if the incense in the world becomes [-]%, he is the supreme existence in the divine way!

At that time, the two continued their relationship, and no one dared to stop them!

There is no longer a difference in longevity, and there is no difference in cultivation.

And why did Bo Yi Kao get such a god?
Qingluo didn't know about it before, but when he knew that Bo Yikao had a sacred heart with nine apertures, he had a vague guess in his heart!

Bo Yi Kao is most likely the son of that ancient god!The great power in ancient legends, the great god who was contemporary with Hongjun, Doumu Yuanjun!
Doumu Yuanjun is the mother of the Big Dipper among the many stars in the prehistoric world!In the battle between the devil and the way, he and Hongjun belonged to the Taoist school!
 The gender orientation of this book is normal, and the protagonist is asexual.

  Just show the complete prehistoric.After all, the Great Desolation is so big, and all kinds of love disputes will definitely exist.

(End of this chapter)

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