Chapter 272 The heart is scattered

Qing Luo stopped thinking about it, then set her sights on Qu Kong, and said in her heart: I only hope that I can seal his memory, and after I become a god, don't resent him as a master!

After practicing Taoism for many years, Qing Luo has gradually lost her sense of love, and has no feeling for those matters between men and women in her heart!
He even wondered if he was frigid!
Qing Luo has felt less and less about love!
He thought for a moment alone, then smiled.Isn't this better!Eliminate the seven emotions and six desires, worry-free!
Just as he was thinking, Xiaozhu's voice came from the quiet room: "Master, Sister Teng Liu is here!"

Qing Luo returned to God and said, "Let her in!"

As he spoke, he waved his sleeve, and the door of the quiet room opened by itself!
Xiaozhu replied and came in with Teng Liu.

After Teng Liu came in, he saluted and said, "Meet the Lord of the Mountain!"

Qing Luo smiled gratifiedly and said: "There is no need to be too polite. Over the years, as a snow god, you have traveled around the world and witnessed everything. It seems that you have gained a lot!"

"To the Lord of the Mountain, Teng Liu really has a feeling in his heart. Hatred does not have to be kept in the heart all the time! The true essence of hatred lies in being able to voluntarily let go of it for the sake of hatred, and then get rid of the emptiness in the heart. After great achievements, Take back the hatred and repay it with strength!" Teng Liu said calmly.

Qing Luo looked at her carefully, the once icy aura had subsided a lot.The face is also much kinder.

Once, she was an iceberg!

Now, she is ice water!A river that looks unfrozen!
But if the water in the river is taken out, it will freeze immediately!The ice is introverted, hidden in the shape!
Qing Luo smiled and said: "It's good that you have this understanding!
Did you bring Sanguang Shenshui? "

Teng Liu nodded in agreement, and delivered a porcelain vase to Qing Luo.

Qing Luo took the bottle and poured it on Qu Kong who was on the Ninth Grade Lotus Platform, and a drop of spiritual water shining with three colors flew into Qu Kong's body!

In an instant, Qu Kong's whole body exuded a sense of peace!
His seriously injured body, damaged primordial spirit, and exhausted mana gradually recovered!
Qingluo then released the law of derivation, merged into the lotus platform, and released a trace of vitality into Qukong's body!
After a quarter of an hour, the gloomy aura on Qu Kong's body gradually recovered most of it.

Only then did Qing Luo stop, and withdrew the spell.

Qu Kong's powerful strike cost a huge price!Not only does it consume a lot of blood and mana, but even the primordial spirit will suffer great damage. If you are not careful, your realm will regress!

Thanks to the help of the Healing Sacred Object, Qukong was able to be cured in a short time!

. . . . . .

Half a month later, Xiaozhu was chatting with Teng Liu in a peach blossom forest.Her position as Snow God is actually useless!
Since it's going to rain, and they're all gods, who doesn't know how many snowfalls will come?

Teng Liu's priesthood is extremely easy!Therefore, she stayed on Luoling Mountain for a while.

At this time, she was telling Xiaozhu some weird stories in the world, which made Xiaozhu fascinated by listening to it!
Xiaozhu seldom goes out of the mountains, so naturally he knows very little about the affairs of the world.

At this moment, an extremely handsome voice came from the peach forest: "I never thought that Xiaozhu would be so interested in ordinary people's affairs!" As soon as this remark came out, Xiaozhu and Teng Liu looked at it!

I saw a man in a yellow brocade robe walking out of the peach blossoms!
Those eyes that are as bright as the stars, the smile that is like stars, that perfect face, the face that can make all living beings go crazy, and the look that makes the world eclipse, absolutely cannot be seconded!
Qu Kong walked out of the peach blossoms on Sheng Zhiya, smiled slightly, and poured out the world!
Even the spring breeze is not as good as his smile!
Xiao Zhu was taken aback for a moment, then said in disbelief, "You, Qu Kong, you actually laughed!"

Teng Liu on the side was also surprised, because they all knew about Qu Kong's ruthlessness!Now that Qu Kong is showing off his face and smiling, it means that Qu Kong has emotions!
Qu Kong nodded and said, "That's right, I already have a feeling, it's not the Qu Kong I used to be!"

. . . . . .

In Chaoge City, Zhonggong.

Daji lay on the bed, and said impatiently: "How many days will Your Majesty come to see this palace?"

The handsome palace maid next to her suddenly trembled slightly: "Hui Niangniang: It has been fifteen days!"

"What?!!! Fifteen days?" Daji exclaimed in astonishment, "How is it possible? Your Majesty has never been away from seeing me for so long!"

Daji's heart began to panic!

Daji can be valued by Empress Nuwa and charm the monarch, naturally she is not a mortal thing!

She knew that she had harmed so many virtuous and virtuous courtiers, and she had already owed a lot of karma. If she came out of Chaoge at this time, she would die without a place to die!
She knew very well in her heart that her patron saint was not Nu Wa who was far away in Wa Palace, but King Zhou who was close by!
With the blessing of the king's luck, she is the mother of the Shang Dynasty, and she can be safe and sound under the protection of human luck!But if King Zhou despises her, she will definitely die before the catastrophe is over!

Daji panicked!

She thought about it for a day, and then she thought about it!
At this time, King Zhou, having experienced the influence of the Qingluo Xiansheng and Qukong Immortal Dharma, was naturally concerned about the affairs of the immortals and gods, and even felt lost!
So, Daji invited King Zhou to burn incense and feast on the Zhaxing Tower to invite the fairy fairies to come down to earth and discuss Taoism together!
King Zhou was overjoyed and agreed.And sent Abigan to accompany him!
So, that night, King Zhou suddenly saw a fairy from the Sifang Immortal Family descending from the sky on the Zhaixing Tower, and they gathered with him on the first floor!
King Zhou was overjoyed, drinking and eating with all the immortals!Abigan serves wine immediately!

But these immortals, where are they immortals!It's just Daji's fellow clan, the fox demon!They drank the king's wine, even with Daji's protection, they still showed the true nature of foxes!
When Bigan saw him, he hated him greatly!Thinking that he is the prime minister of a country, he would actually serve wine to these fox-like bastards!
So, after dinner and wine, all the immortals flew away from the clouds!

Bigan hurriedly discussed with Huang Feihu, and sent a team of vigorous flying cavalry to follow Xianyun.

Those people saw that when all the "immortal families" arrived outside the city, as soon as the clouds sank, they all turned into foxes and got into the cave!

Bigan was furious and set fire to that nest of foxes!Moreover, those foxes that had not been burned to death were skinned and made into cloaks, and given to Daji!

Daji's heart is full of cruelty, and she must avenge her!
So, another demon, the nine-headed pheasant spirit, was invited!This demon turned into a fairy girl to confuse King Zhou, and have fun with her!

Afterwards, Daji couldn't get sick!
King Zhou was naturally very anxious!Daji has been with him for many years, and the relationship between the two has long been deep!Even though he was angry that she was entangled with Bo Yikao, he still loved him in his heart.

Besides, Daji is pregnant with his child!

At this time, Daji used the charm technique again!
Therefore, King Zhou, who had already manifested his virtue at the beginning, listened to the false words of the pheasant spirit, and asked for the seven-orifice exquisite heart as medicine!

Then, King Zhou suddenly became tyrannical again and dug out Bigan's heart! , to cure Daji!
And Bigan got Jiang Ziya's secret method, even if he didn't intend to, he can still walk!
He walked out of the palace like a walking corpse, and met a woman selling spinach!

Bigan died in shock because of the woman's words: "How can a man live if he has no heart?"

This matter spread throughout the government and the public, and the people were shocked!Chaoge's luck, which was already stable, was once again scattered!

Why are people so excited?Because Bigan is the uncle of King Zhou!Nephew killing relatives and uncles, the cruelty of blood relationship cannot be tolerated!

And at this moment, under Jiang Ziya's calculation, Ji Chang of Xiqi used his apprentice Wu Ji to get in Ji Chang's car!
Jiang Ziya finally entered the week!

 I was speechless, I fell asleep in a word, and sent out tomorrow's chapter.I want to cry but have no tears.Today is considered to be an addition, please take pity on the poor children, and count the votes!
(End of this chapter)

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