Chapter 273
At this moment, the backbone of the Shang Dynasty returned!

He is Wen Zhong, Wen Grand Master!
The first minister of the Shang Dynasty!
Even King Zhou, who dared to kill even his own uncle, was terrified of Wen Zhong!

Wen Zhong fought in Beihai and returned victorious!
The common people are welcome!Although King Zhou has caused resentment in the hearts of all the people, the people welcome the meritorious and virtuous officials who can tolerate all people!

I heard that the grand master personally conquered the demons and evil ways of the North Sea, maintained the righteous way in the world, and stabilized all the people in the world!Naturally won the hearts of the people!

After Wen Zhong came back, the Shangdian asked King Zhou three times in a row: What are the iron pillars in the Nine Halls?What is the building where the high pine reaches the clouds in the palace?What is a pool, a forest, and a basin in the palace?

King Zhou had no choice but to pretend to evade and cover up!

Wen Zhong is no less than a second father to King Zhou!If the son has had it, he is afraid of his father!

Hearing that the grand master bid farewell to King Zhou first, he summoned all the ministers to the grand master's mansion, and asked the ministers to explain it in detail!
After Wen Zhong heard this, he was furious and spit out a mouthful of blood!

He never thought that the country he had spent so much effort and tried his best to maintain would be so defeated by King Zhou!

I heard that the grand master went to the Taimiao and paid homage to all the ancestors!Although he is a Jiejiao immortal, he has paid too much and devoted too much affection to this country!
The country is his fate, not only because of himself, but also because of his teacher!

But what's more is that his inner affection for Shang is deeper than that of others!
Afterwards, Master Wen imprisoned himself for three days!
Three days later, he walked into the palace with a memorial in his hand. In front of the officials and kings, he presented ten policies to King Zhou!

The first one is to demolish the Deer Terrace, so that people’s hearts will not be disturbed; (Although the construction of the Deer Terrace was stopped, Queen Zhou didn’t think that a lot of money was wasted, so he simply spent some manpower to complete the construction.)
The second thing is to abolish the cannon and make the admonisher loyal;
The third piece is to fill the pots, (with pots but no snakes) the womb will be at peace;

The fourth thing is to go to the wine pool and meat forest to cover up the slander of the princes;
The fifth thing is to demote Daji and not set up the main palace, so that the inner court will not be in danger of being bewitched;
The sixth piece is to survey the courtiers, kill Fei Zhong and You Hun quickly, and make the unworthy people far away;
The seventh item is to open warehouses and relieve people from hunger;
The eighth item is to send a mission to recruit peace in the east and south;

The ninth piece is to visit the deceased sages in Shanze, and explain the hearts of the suspicious people in the world;
The tenth piece is to accept loyalty and remonstrance, open up the way of speech, and make the world unobstructed.

King Zhou was silent for a long time, and finally agreed to eight!
Only two are not allowed, one is Bao Daji, the other is Bao Youhun and Fei Zhong.

Wen Taishi's attitude is firm, and he has been persecuted several times!

When Youhun and Feizhong heard that their lives were in danger, they were naturally unwilling.

The two accused Wen Taishi angrily in the hall: "How unreasonable! Where is the reason for a subject to force the king?
I heard that the grand master, as a subject, doesn't understand the principles of the monarch and his ministers, superior and inferior? "

After hearing this, Wen Zhong asked doubtfully, "Which virtuous minister are you two?"

Huang Feihu said: "These two are Na Youhun and Fei Zhong!"

Grand Master Wen sneered: "I don't know who it is!
What qualifications do you have to talk about dignity with this old man?
A treacherous and contemptuous minister deserves to be called an old man? "

After finishing speaking, he waved his palms directly, bleeding the teeth of the two of them, rolling on the ground, and it was difficult to get up for a while!

Seeing this, the officials all felt very comfortable, without any sense of disobedience!
Seeing this, King Zhou also wanted to humiliate himself!
But on the surface, he had no choice but to say: "Samurai on both sides, if you don't drag these two people down, they will be imprisoned and interrogated!" King Zhou obviously punished them, but he actually protected them!

Hearing that the grand master has been persecuted several times, King Zhou has a firm attitude and refuses to abolish Daji!
The grand master had no choice but to give up and deal with it later!
So, after hearing the grand master's eight strategies, the strategy of calming the people and resting their lives, abandoning mediocrity and focusing on enlightenment began to be implemented!

All the people in the world, who heard the news, were all rejoiced and rejoiced when they heard the news!

However, the world will be in chaos, and there will be more than one disaster!
Just pacified the North Sea, and turned against King Pingling of the East China Sea!Hearing that the grand master was helpless, he had to go out again to crusade against the rebels!
Huang Feihu wanted to go, but Wen Zhong thought that if Huang Feihu went, he would not be able to return within a year or so.The generals in the court and the army in the world are all deployed by Huang Feihu. If he is not there, the war between the four hundred princes in the southeast and the southeast will be intensified, and there may be danger!
Therefore, within a month of Wen Zhong's return to the court, he sent troops again!
And King Zhou wished to hear that the Grand Master would leave as soon as possible, so that he could be clean!

As soon as Wen Zhong left, King Zhou began to relax.

One day, King Zhou invited his ministers to watch and drink in the flower forest in the palace!
But on this day, when Zhengzheng Daji's moon is cloudy, he needs to suck the blood of the human body.

She accidentally alarmed the people in the palace.Huang Feihu saw that it was a different species, so he hurriedly released the strange beast brought back by Wen Taishi, the eagle with golden eyes!This thing is designed to subdue fox-type monsters, and Daji is pregnant and her mana is weak in nine out of ten!Coupled with the suppression of luck, he was accidentally scratched by this eagle!

Daji hated so much in her heart, so she hated Huang Feihu!
And women's grudges are terrible!

Especially a ruthless woman!

Daji is naturally ruthless and has no weakness!

On the other side, Jiang Ziya persuaded Ji Chang to attack Chonghouhu!

Where is Ji Chang as Jiang Ziya's opponent in mental arithmetic?Naturally, he followed Jiang Ziya's plan and sent troops to attack Chonghouhu.

Under the scheming of the protagonist of the Conferred God, the evil Chonghouhu was beheaded!The people all over the world are happy when they hear this!

Because, even though this Chonghouhu is a marquis state in the north that ruled over two hundred princes, he bewitched King Zhou, started building projects, framed ministers, and poisoned the common people with tea. !
But maybe Ji Chang's fate is unlucky!

Because of the tragic death of his father and son, he fled to Chaoge privately, violated the king's order, beheaded his fellow ministers, and was worried all day long!
This virtuous minister of the time died!Lying on the bed seemed relieved and uneasy!
Because he was relieved of Jiang Ziya, with such a god-man to take care of him, all the generals and ministers are virtuous, so naturally there is nothing to worry about!But he was also uneasy, so until he died, he entrusted him on his deathbed that he must not privately oppose the Shang Dynasty and anger Tianyan again!I have been entrusted several times!

But once he died, Jiang Ziya didn't care anymore!

Jiang Ziya gave his successor, Ji Chang, another number one, and his order was: King Wu!
Call him the king, not inherit the position of Xibohou!
It even uses martial arts as the word, and martial arts campaigns are used to found the country!
Its heart and meaning are self-evident!

Jiang Ziya didn't care about Ji Chang's instructions!

In Jiang Ziya's eyes, he is a fairy, Kunlun Yuxu fairy!It is an honor in your life to be your minister yourself!Because I am the protagonist of this Conferred God, the situation in this world, the monstrous situation, is under his control!

If you follow Ji Chang's wishes, then where will the battle between Shang and Zhou come, and the killing of gods will come out at the right time?

As soon as the name of King Wu is passed on, everyone in the world knows that Xiqi has the intention of turning against him!And Xiqi has the name of Ji Changxian, who has a great reputation, and beheaded such a wicked and treacherous person as Chonghouhu, which greatly pleased the hearts of all people. Naturally, all people in the world hoped that Xiqi would have a virtuous master to rule the world!
All the people in the world look forward to it, and feel the meaning of belonging.

Among the many fortunes that the Shang Dynasty has dissipated, many have begun to return to Xiqi!

The name of Martial King spreads to the world, gathers luck from all directions, and becomes more and more powerful day by day!
(End of this chapter)

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