The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 274 Daoist Friends Please Stay Away

Chapter 274 Daoist Friends Please Stay Away

Besides, Daji remembers the revenge of that claw, and she must avenge it in her heart!

Although she no longer charms King Zhou to cause trouble, she will not give up her hatred!
So on the first day of the first year, the ministers ordered their wives to meet, and Daji planned to invite Huang Feihu's wife. Jia came to the Star Picking Tower, and then used fox charm to confuse King Zhou. Naturally, Jia's chaste daughter would not accept that King Zhou personally The wine glass delivered, the shameless smile on King Zhou's face!

Jia jumped and fell down the building!

As for Huang Feihu's younger sister, Concubine Huang Guifei, she felt bad when she heard that Daji had invited Mrs. Jia, so she rushed to see her.

In the end, I only saw my sister-in-law smashed to pieces, with blood spattered three feet!
Concubine Huang was furious and scolded King Zhou!

King Zhou woke up at this time, understood what he had done, and said nothing!

Seeing that King Zhou ignored her, Concubine Huang became very angry and beat up Daji.

Concubine Huang is the daughter of the general, and she still has some strength and martial arts.Daji's face turned pale from the beating, and her face was bleeding.

King Zhou rushed to stop it, but Concubine Huang was so angry, how could she stop?

King Zhou was so powerful that he accidentally pushed Concubine Huang downstairs, and then went to Huangquan with his sister-in-law!

When Huang Feihu heard the news in the mansion, he lost consciousness of the pain in his heart. Huang Tianxiang and Tianlu cried so hard that the whole room was miserable!

But the admonition and entrustment of the grand master before his death is clearly in my heart!

The righteousness of the monarch and his ministers, and the principles of human relations, tore his heart in two!
In the end, Huang Feihu was angered by his brother's tricks, and the loyalty and courage in his heart turned into anger and courage!

He had a fight with King Zhou and was defeated!escape!

Escape from the five passes and run to Xiqi!

At this time, it happened that the grand master came back victorious again.

Hearing this, he hurriedly sent a document to intercept him, and he went to recover it himself!

Qinglong Pass, Jiameng Pass, and Lintong Pass were all three generals mobilized by Wen Zhong, and the three parties blocked them!

It's a pity, at this time, Qingxu Daodezhenjun made a move!

With one move of his Hunyuan banner, Huang Feihu and more than a thousand people were taken in, and the other three parties couldn't find it!

And use Taoism to repel Wen Zhong's pursuers!

The obstruction of Daodezhenjun cut off Huang Feihu's last possibility of returning to business!If Wen Zhong catches up with Huang Feihu, with his petition, there is a high probability that he will return to Chaoge!

However, Huang Feihu did not.

He is the general of the world's soldiers and horses, and he has countless luck. The Huang family is an important minister of the seven generations of the Shang Dynasty, and he has a huge amount of luck. His departure hastened the rise of the Western Zhou Dynasty!
Afterwards, relying on the protection of great luck, Huang Feihu experienced many hardships and passed the five checkpoints on Chaoge to Xiqi!
You know, each of these five levels is a heavy formation, with elite soldiers and strong generals. Even the immortals at this time, if they walk on land and force their way through, it will be extremely difficult, but he broke through with only more than 1000 people. past!
Lintong Pass, the old belonged to Xiao Yin to the rescue!
Tongguan, get son Huang Tianhua to save!

Passing through Yunguan, the dead wife Jia's soul was lost and shed light on the guard's plan to set fire to fire!

At the gate of Jiepai, you have to plan to defeat Huang Feihu's father, Huang Gun!
Surabaya Pass, Nezha rescued him, and got rid of the disaster of being captured!
Since then, Huang Feihu has belonged to Xiqi!
He changed from Zhenguo Wucheng King to Founding Wucheng King!

Although it is a change of one word, it represents the change of the Lord of All Peoples!
At this time, outside Luoling Mountain, a person was ushered in beside the mountain boundary stone!
There is a poem as the way:

The blue scarf on the top is floating, and the large sleeves are lined with light silk in the wind.

Clouds and mist grow under the feet of the hemp shoes, and the brilliance of the sword penetrates the sky.

The longevity technique in the gourd hides six hidden secrets in the brain.

Climbing across the tiger is anywhere, and the three mountains and five mountains are free and easy.

This person stood by the stone, looked at this simple and ancient spirit stone, and said: "Infinite Heavenly Venerable! Poor Dao is nagging again!"

Then, he stood beside this stone, silently, did not report, did not retreat, just stood quietly and waited.

Inside Luoling Mountain, Qingluo heard Xiaozhu's sound transmission: "Master, the Taoist outside the mountain gate is here again!"

Qing Luo looked through the quiet room, across the large formation, took a deep look at the Taoist beside the rock, and said, "Don't worry about it, just pretend he doesn't exist!"

When Xiaozhu got the order, he told everyone in the mountain.

So, the Taoist stood quietly beside the spirit stone engraved with the words "Luo Ling Shan"!
Sunset, moonrise, sunrise, sundown. . .

The Taoist stared at the large formation protecting Luoling Mountain without moving, and the formation also remained motionless.

It seems that this Taoist is competing with the big formation to see who will move first!

Time passed gradually like this, as if the time in this catastrophe was worthless.

In the blink of an eye, three months and five days have passed!

The Taoist stood still outside the mountain gate.

The wind blows and he doesn't move.

When the rain falls, he doesn't move.

Xueluo, he didn't move.

Sunrise, he does not move.

Moonrise, he does not move.

Taoist's patience seems to be so good that Qing Luo is almost anxious for him!

The Shang Dynasty heard that the grand master had sent Chao Lei and Chao Tian to investigate the reality of the Western Zhou Dynasty.

As a result, a month later, Chao Lei and Chao Tian subdued Jiang Ziya, Gui Chaoge lied to Master Wen and took away all the family members, young and old, and returned to Xiqi!
Wen Taishi was furious!
The Shang Dynasty's patience with the Western Zhou Dynasty finally reached its limit!
In the past, it was not moved because the princes of all parties rebelled and did not want to start another war.

But now, Zhou has won the hearts of many people, and even other princes from all walks of life are eager to defect!

The business has to move for a week!
If you don't move for a week, I'm afraid there will be a real Mandate of Destiny Returning Zhou!
Although Chaoge is the capital of Shang, there are Chentang Pass in the north, Youhun Pass in the east, Sanshan Pass in the south, Jiameng Pass in the southwest, and Qinglong Pass in the northwest.It can resist the princes of the three sides of the world, and can resist the [-] princes led by the son of Dongbohou, Jiang Wenhuanshui, and the [-] princes led by the son of Nanbohou.

But now, the two hundred princes of Chonghouhu in the north have merged into Zhou after Jichang defeated Chonghouhu!The [-] princes of Xiqi, plus the [-] princes of the north, are already [-] princes in the world, and nearly half of them belong to Zhou!
Although there are still five passes on the road from Chaoge to Xiqi, if they defend for a long time and do not attack, wait until Zhou to gather the princes from all over the world and obey the people of the world. With the power of eight hundred princes, the Shang Dynasty will be powerless to resist!
Therefore, upon hearing that the grand master ordered Qinglong Pass to guard the general, Zhang Guifang marched west to Xiqi!
This is the first confrontation between the old country and the new country!
It is also the first battlefield where the gods kill and rob!
Although Wen Zhong intends to come in person, there is no one in Shangdu who can sit in the center and lead the overall situation. If he goes, Chaoge will be empty!

When Zhang Guifang led the army and horses to the foot of Xiqi City, the Taoist standing beside the Luoling Mountain stone finally lost his composure.

Because he cannot die on this tree. Although this tree is huge, crucial, and important, time is running out!
So, the young Taoist saluted the mountain, then turned around and walked away!

When he just took the ninth step, there was a sudden flash behind him, and Qing Luo walked out with a smile on his face: "Fellow Daoist, please stay!"

As soon as the words came out, the Taoist's body froze instantly, and the foot that was about to fall on the tenth step stopped in the air!

(End of this chapter)

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