Chapter 275

The corner of Taoist's mouth twitched, and then he took ten steps back, turned around, and saluted.

"Shen Gongbao, a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, the poor Taoist, has met senior!"

This Taoist turned out to be the scourge that made people fearful later, Shen Gongbao!

Qing Luo had a half-smile on his face and said, "Oh? Is Fellow Daoist still a disciple of Sage Yuxu now?"

When Shen Gongbao heard this, there was no embarrassment on his face, and he said seriously: "It depends on who it is in front of.

In front of such a powerful senior, it is naturally not that poor, but in front of ordinary immortals, of course it is! "

In his words, although he called Qing Luo a senior, he still regarded himself as a poor man, and still had a bit of heart!
Qing Luo said disapprovingly: "Then why did you come to my Luoling Mountain? Pulling the poor into robbery?"

"Senior's wisdom eye, but that's the case!" Shen Gongbao admitted without any concealment!

"Then you came to Luoling Mountain earlier, why did you leave?"

Shen Gongbao bowed and said: "At that time, I didn't know if senior was the one who was robbed! So I didn't dare to speculate in vain.

But that day ago, the senior showed the pilgrimage with the sages of the human race, and the poor knew that the senior was the one who was robbed, and the senior was the one who walked with the poor! "

Qing Luo still had that indifferent look on her face, but she said something that horrified Shen Gongbao!
"You are carrying the aura of the catastrophe! Anyone who has seen you will be haunted by the cloud of the catastrophe. If you don't get rid of it in the catastrophe, once the catastrophe disappears, you will never enter the country!
Therefore, anyone who talks with you will be pulled into the catastrophe, and will have to go against the sky to enter business, and become the enemy of Chanjiao!

Therefore, with you running around outside, the Kunlun Golden Immortal will naturally not worry about not having someone who should be robbed, and naturally not worrying about having no immortal to kill!

Jiang Ziya is in the light, and you are in the dark, triggering the catastrophe and involving many immortal cultivators, so that you can teach and kill the catastrophe! "

Hearing this, Shen Gongbao's heart jumped wildly, and it was almost impossible to suppress the huge waves in his heart!

Yes, who would inexplicably abandon Saint Asylum?Who would mindlessly turn against a saint because of some trivial matter?
Which sage would tolerate his disciples against him?
Even the long-eared Dingguang Immortal among the Conferred Gods, with the protection of the two Western Saints, the power to cut off the sect is over, so he turned to others!

Shen Gongbao has such good aptitude for cultivating Taoism, and now he is in the realm of Taiyi, how could he not understand the hardships that the protagonist of the great catastrophe must bear? dissatisfied?

In her previous life, Qingluo found it strange when she read the Romance of the Gods. Even if Shen Gongbao could talk sweetly, he would deceive all the immortals, all of them were powerful immortals. How could he forget the danger of the catastrophe just because of his few words, and was willing to help him in the catastrophe? , against the sky!

Now it is clear.Shen Gongbao has the luck of the evil star of the sky, rests on the way of calamity, and can naturally attract the energy of calamity, implicate all living beings, and lead immortals into calamity!

Yuanshi Tianzun may have valued this point, and he played two chess pieces.A Jiang Ziya in the light, and Shen Gongbao in the dark, light and dark intersect, leading to a catastrophe!
Seeing Shen Gongbao's expression, Qing Luo continued, "But you know, people's schemes can deceive gods, people, and sentient beings, but they cannot be hidden from heaven!"

Shen Gongbao asked in surprise, "What's the meaning of this?"

Qing Luo sighed and said: "Poor, poor, you have been kept in the dark, you don't know the truth!
If you don't know, you can use the way of calamity you cultivated to extradite others into calamity, and then you can see whether the fate of others will return to Zhou or Shang!
Because people are attracted by you, even if they are deceived by you, if you belong to Zhou, then Zhou is implicated in their misfortune, and if they belong to Shang, then you also belong to Shang!

And the Kunlun lineage is all about luck, if you are entangled with business luck, even a saint, under God's will, you will not be guaranteed, and you will eventually be killed by a catastrophe! "

Although Qing Luo intended to deceive, it was not completely deceived.

After all, at the end of the conferment of the gods, Yuanshi Tianzun took Shen Gongbao's body to Beihai Eye, conferred the priesthood of General Fen Shui, and stayed in Beihai forever, without going beyond!
Shen Gongbao was suddenly speechless after hearing this, and stood quietly.According to what Qingluo said, he is just a dark son of Yuanshi Tianzun, and after using it, he is hated by the chess players!Should his life be so desperate?
Seeing this, Qing Luo smiled and said: "Shen Gongbao, although you are not the one who will control the calamity, you are also carrying the fate of the calamity, with infinite possibilities!
Why don't you compete with Jiang Ziya?Don't fight with your own future? "

Shen Gongbao remained silent.After all, just as Qing Luo thought, who would easily betray a saint?

Qing Luo was not angry at Shen Gongbao's loss of focus, but laughed loudly: "Shen Gongbao, since you don't believe it, I'll let you see with your own eyes whether you are doing it for Zhou's Kunlun's good fortune, or for Shang's against the sky. camp!"

After all, the radiance of Qing Luo's body shone fiercely, and a ray of light bloomed, and a Qingyun, which was as large as Zhang Zhang, appeared on the top, and the divine light of good fortune appeared in all directions.

Above Qingyun, there is even more vigor and vitality gathered on the top!
Qingyun takes off the three flowers, and the three flowers turn together!
The three flowers rose directly, arousing the dark gray robbery cloud that shrouded the sky!
Introduce robbery into the body!

Shen Gongbao looked surprised!
Countless immortals are desperately trying to avoid the catastrophe, but this person actually took the initiative to induce the cloud of the catastrophe to enter the body, the clouds of the catastrophe are entangled, the cause and effect are surrounded, and they fall into the catastrophe, there is no escape, no escape!
Sanhua attracted Jieyun to flow into the flower, and the dark gray color of Jieyun infiltrated Qingyun. It was the evil spirit of Dajie, murderous, despair, massacre, and riots, all of which were drawn into Qingyun. Sanhua among!

At this moment, Qing Luo suddenly felt that he was entangled with this heaven and earth calamity, countless selfish distractions arose in his heart, his mind was uneasy, and his five senses were inaccurate!

But Qingluo didn't stop, instead, Qingyun Sanhua exerted even more force, attracting Jieyun, who was thousands of miles away, into her body!
With a sound of "boom", a huge manic murder erupted from Qing Luo's body, and the meaning of falling shocked countless powers!

Even the six saints were surprised by three points!
After all, in the wilderness, almost no one has taken the initiative to attract the heaven and earth calamity, and introduced the heavenly calamity cloud. Doing so will only sink into the calamity, and it will be difficult to escape the power of the calamity, and there will be a very high risk of falling!

In Wa's palace, Nuwa was puzzled for the first time, not knowing what he meant!

In Yuxu Palace, Yuanshi Tianzun frowned, the secrets of the heavens have not changed, the will of the heavens has not changed, but there is a feeling of strangeness!

Thousands of miles of calamity clouds entered my body, and I have been in a great calamity since then.

Kyushu's situation is rising, and I should find the secret by myself.

Don't ask about the ending, ask about my robbery, only willing to measure the robbery and kill my corpse!
Xuanniaosheng Shangpyg comes to help, who will destroy the Tang Dynasty?
The evil corpse in Qing Luo's body is growing rapidly, and getting stronger and stronger, and the pull between him and Liang Jie is also getting stronger and stronger!
However, Qing Luo's actions were not over yet.

He straightened up together, and a phantom green python circled out, flying into the human world, into Chaoge!

Above Chaoge, the green python covers the sky!Kyushu Ding Zhen, golden light flashes!
At the same time, in Sanshan Pass, Kong Xuan's eyes flashed with shock and astonishment!But it doesn't hinder his movement!

I saw a slightly dejected mysterious bird flying out of Chaoge City in the Shang Dynasty!

The Mysterious Bird of Destiny, descended to give birth to Shang!
The mysterious bird soars, and the auspiciousness is everywhere!

The green python circled, its power pressing down on the center!

Xuanniao originally had some gloomy brilliance, but it is also shining again at this moment!
The green python is entrenched, and the black bird spreads its wings, which can be seen from thousands of miles away!The people were alarmed!
Countless people, whoever saw it, bowed down to Chaoge!The mysterious bird totem is the kingdom of Shang, the belief of Chengtang in the past dynasties, and the god of all peoples!
At this time, Shen Gongbao was so stunned that he couldn't close his mouth anymore, he looked at the natural auspiciousness in Chaoge's direction with an expression of disbelief!
He couldn't believe that Qing Luo actually connected his luck with Shang's luck!
In Chaoge City, all the ministers were surprised and said happily: "The ancestors protect, the Xuanniao goes to the Shang, the auspiciousness of the Shang!"

A quarter of an hour later, the visions of heaven and earth on Chaoge City disappeared one after another, and the mysterious bird and green python disappeared into Chaoge City together!

It's just that, among all the mysterious bird totems, there is an extra green python at the same time!The mysterious bird and the green python complement each other, making it even more sacred!

Outside Luoling Mountain, the evil thoughts in Qing Luoren's soul continued to grow stronger, but even though the evil thoughts were strong, they couldn't suppress Qing Luo's soul anymore!
Because, not only is he himself connected to the catastrophe, but the evil corpse is also connected to the catastrophe!

No matter how powerful the evil corpse is with his luck and business, the business will not be destroyed, and the primordial spirit will not be destroyed!

Qing Luo had already cut down the evil corpse's hope, and it fell into this catastrophe!
There is a voice in the dark telling him that once this catastrophe is over, if the evil corpse is not killed, there will never be a day to prove the Tao, and the Tao will never be achieved!

And in this dark place, Qing Luo can be sure that it is definitely not an illusion, but a voice that exists in nothingness, maybe it is a powerful existence stronger than a saint, or it may be his escaped one alone!

Only when you go deep into the catastrophe and enter this catastrophe, can you have the possibility of beheading the corpse!

Qing Luo has already made complete preparations in her heart, of course, she is also ready to die!

Shen Gongbao's heart was slightly shaken at this time, and he left in a daze!

Qing Luo was implicated with him, Qing Luo was so powerful that he joined Shang, he wanted to pull Qing Luo into robbery, so Qing Luo fell into robbery and joined Shang.Such great power is all related to his entry into the Shang Dynasty. How to prove that his luck, his future, and his destiny are not connected with the Shang Dynasty?

The master really doesn't care about his life, and when he succeeds in teaching and helping Zhou, he will die!
Qing Luo didn't want to keep her, she went straight into the mountains and meditated alone!

Shen Gongbao came to Kunlun Mountain in a daze, and he wanted to ask Yuanshi Tianzun, is he really the chess piece that was used and discarded?
When he walked to Kunlun Mountain, he happened to meet Jiang Ziya who went up to Kunlun and took away the list of gods handed in by Yuanshi Tianzun!

Holding the list of gods, Jiang Ziya only glanced at him, gave him a slap in the face, and left without saying a word!
Shen Gongbao stepped up to Kunlun Mountain. After nine steps, he couldn't move anymore!
His feet couldn't stand on the place where the ninth step fell.

As soon as his feet fell, he returned to the original place!
Shen Gongbao felt a pain in his heart, he knelt down in front of the mountain, and said in a broken voice: "Disciple, please see Master! I beg Master to show you clearly!"

Yuanshi Tianzun on the mountain sighed, indeed, he pretended to drive out of the mountain gate with Shen Gongbao, but actually let him lead more people from the sect into robbery.But now, this dark child was pointed out by Qing Luo, and became an abandoned child!
All the other saints know it.

Abandoning is useless!

On the contrary, if this abandoned son really feels resentment in his heart, becomes an enemy of Chanjiao, and lures people from other parties into robbery, it can still play some role.

However, Qing Luo's behavior made him more dangerous in Yuanshi Tianzun's calculations!

So, in front of Kunlun Mountain, Shen Gongbao knelt down for nine days and nine nights!I cried bitterly for nine days and nine nights!

Then, he left numbly!

Since Yuanshi Tianzun only let him walk the extreme number of nine steps, he also waited for the extreme number of nine days!

If Yuanshi should not, he will not stay!
Since then, Shen Gongbao is no longer a saint!

Shen Gongbao returned to Luoling Mountain and walked back numbly.No one greeted him, but the mountain gate opened for him!

Shen Gongbao walked into Luoling Mountain smoothly!

Shen Gongbao raised his eyes and looked at this fairyland, his sad heart was still calm, and he went directly to the island of creation.

Qing Luo was already sitting at the stone table under the spirit tree, waiting for him.

Shen Gongbao walked over and sat down directly.

Then he said in a dull voice: "It's you who made me useless and rejected by the saint!"

Qing Luo listened quietly and did not refute.

"It's you who caused me to be kicked out of the gate by the saint!

It's all your words, it's all you who hurt me! "

Qing Luo was silent for a moment before saying: "That's right! It's all me!
But, even if I don't say it, at the end of the calamity, you will still be abandoned by the saint, and you will die without life, and you will never be able to escape the fate! "

When Shen Gongbao heard this, although he knew it in his heart, he still felt a pain.The master he has always admired treats him like this!When he joined the business, his fate followed the business, and when the business was destroyed, he was destroyed!He even thought that he was still the Yuanshi faction!
Perhaps, when he accepts this task, he is no longer a member of the Kunlun sect!
Shen Gongbao was silent and confused, the mountain of faith in his heart had collapsed, and it was naturally difficult to recover.

Seeing this, Qing Luo knew that Shen Gongbao had completely given up on Yuxu Kunlun!
(End of this chapter)

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