The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 282 The Heavenly Lord Comes Out, 2 Golden Immortals Arrive

Chapter 282 Ten Heavenly Kings Come Out, Twelve Golden Immortals Arrive
Boy Baihe came with Yuanshi Tianzun's Sanguang Shenshui, just a few drops, and healed everyone's injuries!
Then Baihe boy left again to return to the mountain!
The next day, the city gate of Xiqi, which had been trapped for more than a month, finally opened!I saw Jiang Ziya, Sanzha, Huang Tianhua, Nangong Shi, Huang Feihu, Yang Jian, Lei Zhenzi and other people and immortals all full of air and no harm!
The generals of the two armies are fighting again!

Wen Zhong lost his magic weapon, and one of the four generals of the Mo family died in battle, and the other immortal cultivators under him were all insufficiently cultivated!In this kind of melee, even with the protection of the magic weapon of the three generals of the Mo family, he is still a formidable opponent to the second-generation disciples of Chanjiao!
On the battlefield, Lu Xiong was killed and Xin Jia was beheaded!The generals of the Ministry of Commerce had to return it!
And when Lu Xiong died, the psychic vine on Wen Taishi's arm shone with a blue light!
Shen Gongbao, who was on standby on the Chaoge Fengshen Stage, panicked.

He hurriedly picked up Zhu Dan's pen, and wrote Lu Xiong's name under the king's order, and then added "Dangfeng is my God of Merchant!"

With just these few words, a pulling force that no one could see was suddenly summoned on the Conferred God Stage, attracting the soul of Lu Xiong who was about to go to Xiqi!
Lu Xiong's true spirit couldn't help hesitating after receiving two pulling forces.But after a while, his true spirit floated lightly, and entered Chaoge's Conferred God Altar!

Bai Jian, the god of Qingfu, who was guarding the Xiqi Conferred God Platform, saw Lu Xiong's name lit up on the list of conferred gods, but after waiting and waiting, he still couldn't see his true spirit coming here, so he couldn't help being surprised!
He hurriedly summoned Jiang Ziya to check.

Seeing this, Jiang Ziya was shocked and couldn't believe it!
Could it be that Chaoge's Fengshentai, which was not suppressed by the Conferred Gods List, could also take on the ability to confer the gods?How can this be?

Didn't the master say that there is only one treasure in the list of gods in the Three Realms, and he can preside over the gods who can follow the heavens!

Jiang Ziya's scheming heart was also shaken at this time!
After contemplating for a long time, he could only calm down and stop thinking about it.Although Lu Xiong's true spirit is gone, his name is among the names that have been lit up on the list of gods!
""Shiji", Zhang Guifang, the Four Sages of Kowloon Island,... Mo Lishou, Lu Xiong."

These names are all names that have already been lit up. Now that the Conferred Gods List has been revealed, it is impossible to escape the inspiration of the Conferred Gods List!Even Shi Ji, her good corpse has replaced the god and true spirit!
He didn't believe that Lu Xiong's true spirit could always escape the pull of the Conferred God List!

The next day, Xiqi fought again.But it was discovered that Wen Zhong's army had retreated ten miles and was stationed. Obviously, they had no intention of fighting, but were just on guard!

A few days later, Jiang Ziya suddenly saw the gloomy clouds in the Shang army, the cold fog drifting, the killing light was shining, the sad wind was raging, and ten black air rushed to Xiaohan, covering the army.

There was an ominous feeling in Jiang Ziya's heart!
Before the army the next day, the two parties will meet each other!

Ten Heaven Lord Appears!
Qin Wan is the head of the Ten Heavenly Kings, answering the question on his behalf!
Before the formation of the two armies, Qin Tianjun said to Jiang Ziya: "You and I are both sects, but why did you kill me first?"

Jiang Ziya said with no waves in his heart: "Now it's time to measure calamity, since you are going down the mountain, you must have the awareness of death!
They rebelled against God's will, helped the Zhou Dynasty, and committed suicide! "

Hearing this, Qin Tianjun couldn't help but feel angry.Jiang Ziya's indifference is full of arrogance, and his plain and contemptuous tone makes everyone angry!
But he still endured it, and said coldly: "Since that's the case, let me wait and see how a mere celestial being can speak nonsense?
I'll set up ten formations, and you and I, the immortals of the two teachings, will enter here, using the method of breaking the formation, hindering and hurting innocent people, how dare you? "

Jiang Ziya twitched slightly between his brows, but he still had no fear on his face, and replied with a light smile, "How can I explain and teach Yuxu Immortal Technique, how can I not break your heretical technique?"

As soon as this remark came out, the other nine heavenly monarchs became angry one after another, but Qin Wan just sneered, stopped everyone, and returned to the camp.

On the second day, under the city of Xiqi, ten formations were born with the power of a hundred miles!Ten formations and ten miles cover a hundred miles!Divided into "Heavenly Absolute, Earthly Fierce, Wind Roar, Ice, Golden Light, Melting Blood, Flame, Fallen Soul, Red Water, Red Sand!" Ten formations!
All ten formations came out, and the world was shocked!
Only because of the ten formations, with the power of heaven and earth gathered, even if the Daluo Jinxian entered the ten formations under the suppression of the catastrophe, it might not be easy to break!

After all, the ten people in the main formation only have Taiyi's cultivation level!
After Jiang Ziya watched the battle, his face and heart were filled with sorrow!These ten formations are definitely not something that a mere celestial being can break through!Even if he has the apricot-yellow flag to protect his body, with a magic whip beside him, he is afraid that he will be gone as soon as he enters the battle!

These ten formations are lined up in front of Xiqi City, and the killing spirit soaring into the sky is shocking!

And it is said that the grand master couldn't help being anxious when he saw that Jiang Ziya hadn't come to break the formation after three days.

Seeing this, Yao Tianjun said that he could kill Jiang Ziya within 21 days without a single soldier!

After hearing this, Grand Master Wen hurriedly set up all the ritual objects according to Yao Tianjun's instructions.

Yao Tianjun entered the Falling Soul Formation, offered sacrifices to an earthen altar, put an incense table on it, and tied a straw man on the altar with Jiang Shang's name written on it. Three lamps were lit on the man's head and seven lamps were lit on his feet.

The upper three lights are for the soul, and the lower seven lights are for the soul!
Yao Tianjun cast spells and worshiped three times a day, and after three days, Jiang Ziya's fascination was turned upside down, and he couldn't sit still!

After another seven or eight days, Jiang Ziya was exhausted, comatose every day, and didn't think about the military situation, just sleeping comfortably, which made all the disciples of Chanjiao very anxious!
After another five days, Jiang Ziya's two souls and six souls have all been worshiped in the falling soul formation, and only one soul and one soul have also come out of the Ni Gongwan and floated out of the body!

Jiang Ziya died in the prime minister's mansion!This is Jiang Ziya's second death!

His soul floated to the Kunlun Mountains, where he was received by the Antarctic fairy who was ordered to wait, and he gave Chi Jingzi into a soul-suppressing gourd.

Chi Jingzi went down the mountain to save Ziya!

He entered the Soul Lost Array, but because he underestimated the enemy, he was almost trapped in the Soul Lost Formation!
Chi Jingzi's heart was shocked, he didn't expect that a mere Taiyi could set up such a powerful formation!Even though his magical powers were suppressed by the catastrophe, it was still extraordinary.

But it is also difficult to save Ziya's two souls and six souls from the lost soul!
In desperation, he followed the wishes of the Anji fairy and went to the Bajing Palace to meet Lao Tzu!

I didn't see him, but gave him the Taiji diagram!
Therefore, Chi Jingzi brought the Taiji diagram to the Lost Soul Array and rescued Jiang Ziya's two souls and six souls!But he left the Taiji diagram in the formation!

And no one knows if it was intentional!
But what is certain is that Yao Tianjun will definitely not survive!
why?Because he fell into the magic weapon of a saint!Innate treasure!Even if the red sperm can't be controlled, it only needs one in ten million power to break out of the formation.

But the red sperm did not come out!

How can the saint's magic weapon be defiled?
Yao Tianjun knew the sage's magic weapon, but he still dared to let it go.His fate seemed to have been seen by Qing Luo!

After Jiang Ziya returned to his soul, real Huanglong came and ordered Jiang Ziya to set up a reed mat hall to accommodate the immortals from all sides to break the formation!

Since he dared to set up the formation, they naturally dared to break through the formation!

Yuxu Kunlun is an authentic Taoist sect, so how can it be provoked by some mere hatchlings!
After the arrival of the twelve golden immortals, there was the sound of deer in the sky, and the strange fragrance filled the ground, lingering everywhere.

But it is the vice-master of teaching, the Taoist who burns the lamp in Yuanjue Cave of Lingjiu Mountain is here!There were three thousand guests in the former Zixiao Palace, who were born in the same generation as the saints!
Seeing this, Qing Luo pondered silently. At this time, he was teaching the second generation of children, and his seniority was also the same as these people.

Come to think of it, it's time for him to appear!
(End of this chapter)

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