Chapter 283
He went down the mountain for only one purpose, that is to keep Wen Zhong!
It is heard that the grand master is responsible for the great fortune of the Shang Dynasty, and he is the grand master of all people in the world!

Since the previous kings, Wen Zhong followed the previous kings to conquer the [-]th army, which can be called Wentao and Wulue, and made countless achievements.

Most of the eight hundred vassals in the world today in Shang Dynasty were recruited by Wen Zhong!He is the last hope and sustenance of all people in the world for Chaoge!

If it is heard that the grand master is gone, the Shang Dynasty will lose most of the hearts of the people, the court will be chaotic, and the people's hearts will be hopeless!

Therefore, he will definitely not let "Juelongling Wenzhong's return to heaven" repeat itself in history this time!

The brilliance on Luoling Mountain is dazzling, and the lotus of luck is even more mysterious.Qing Luo is about to leave the mountain!
But, God fails to fulfill one's wishes!
Suddenly I saw the gold and red glazed light all over the sky in the west, and the Buddha came here from the west!
Qing Luo narrowed her eyes and looked at the person coming!

It was Liuli Pharmacist who assisted Xuanyuan Renhuang in the battle against Chi You!
But at this time, he should be called a Buddha!
I can only see his body is like glass, clear inside and outside, pure and unblemished, bright and vast, with towering merits and virtues, his body is good and peaceful, and the flame net is solemn, surpassing the sun and the moon;Burning incense burns, Dharma world is smothered, and the sea of ​​Buddhas will be heard from afar, Auspicious clouds form everywhere, Sincerity is everywhere, and all Buddhas appear all over the body!

There are poems in praise:

Refuge to the Full Moon Realm Jingmiao Liuli Zun
Twelve Vows of Dharma Medicine to Save Heaven
Compassionate vows and broad wishes to save all life
I now apply for praise
It should be the Liuli Medicine Master Wang Buddha who is extremely important among the immeasurable Buddhas in the heavens!

Seeing this, Qing Luo stood up to greet her.He Shan said: "I don't know if you are quiet in the Western Ultimate Bliss, what's the use of coming here?"

Although at this time all the Western religions have practiced Buddhism and recited Buddhist scriptures!But at this time, the Western religion has not announced to all beings in the world that they will leave the Taoist sect and set up another sect, so Qing Luo is still called a Taoist friend!
Medicine Master Buddha showed a compassionate expression on his face, and returned with a gentle voice: "There is really nothing to do! I am following an order to chat with fellow Taoists about the mundane world!
There are seven years in one game, the spring and autumn months pass, and my fellow Taoists say goodbye to each other! "

Qing Luo had already guessed in his heart.When he saw Medicine Master Buddha coming, he knew that Yuanshi Tianzun might have tripped him up!
I specially invited someone from the Western Sect to stop me!
After all, he is the lord of a sage, how can a sage's wisdom be inferior to his own?
The six sages can be transcended and become holy among all the supreme prehistoric powers, and their wisdom and supernatural powers are incomparable to ordinary powers!
Fighting on the great road, the Six Saints fought over the three thousand guests in Zixiao Palace!
Will Yuanshi Tianzun's wisdom decrease because of his own changes?Although he is a variable, if the variable is not in the game, then it is not a variable!

Blocking him directly is the easiest and most direct way!But, can you stop him?

Qing Luo was still smiling lightly, without getting angry at all, and replied: "If it were him, Pindao would naturally be willing to practice and discuss the supreme Western Dharma with fellow Taoists. , Cultivate with the Buddha!"

When Medicine Master Buddha heard the word "Buddha", his heart moved, but he didn't care about it at this moment, but sighed and said: "It seems that Taoist friend is going to be estranged with me?"

Qing Luo said with a smile: "The poor Taoist has long heard that the West has immeasurable principles and great supernatural powers, and all the disciples also have great perseverance and great ambitions. Today, I just happened to ask fellow Taoists for some Western Dafa!"

Seeing this, Liuli pharmacist Wang Fo had no choice but to reply: "That's good, that's good. This is not my original wish!"

Qing Luo waved his hands and replied: "Pin Dao knows, please!"

Liuli Pharmacist's body showed immeasurable Buddha's light, Huiming felt the light, and Taoism, golden seal and Buddhist script emerged.

The pharmacist Buddha said solemnly: "I invite the twelve yaksha generals

I invite General Gongpiluo, I invite General Vazhela

Please, General Miqiluo, General Andilo

Please, General Erniro, please, General Sandilo

Please, General Indaro, Please, General Boyilla

Please, General Mahura, General Jindara

Please recruit General Douluo, please invite General Vikara"

Say what you say!Twelve golden figures emerged, with the appearance of an arhat, but dressed as a general!Each Buddha is holding a golden brick, subduing magic pestle, prayer beads, Zen stick, precept knife, crescent shovel, eyebrow stick, nine-ringed tin staff and other magic weapons!
As soon as the twelve Yaocha generals appeared, they immediately sent each of them to fight over with their magic weapons!

All of a sudden, Buddha treasures flickered in the sky above Luoling Mountain, and spiritual power was everywhere!
When the Twelve Treasures arrived in front of Qing Luo, he only held the Nine Profound Map, and unfolded it!

The law of space was scattered, and in just a moment, the twelve Yaksha generals, including their people and treasures, were put into the picture together!

As soon as it entered the picture, phantoms of five beasts flashed out, fighting with them endlessly!

Seeing this, Medicine Buddha couldn't help being surprised!But not flustered.

With the immeasurable seal in his hand, he rushed to Qingluo to call.

An immeasurable Buddha seal condensed in the air like a golden holy seal, and hit Qingluo with annihilating air.

Qing Luo was still unmoved, only a phantom flashed beside him, You made a fist with one hand, and the huge physical strength summoned the law of strength to meet it with a fist!
A violent explosion sounded through the sky!

The mountain guard array under the two of them was also swept by the power, and they flickered to resist it!

Medicine Buddha couldn't help being shocked, he was shocked back half a step by this force, and that strange figure that looked like a puppet and clone didn't even move a half step!

He is now in the consummation state of Daluo Jinxian, and he can break through the way of beheading corpses. He only needs to wait for the Western religion to establish itself in Buddhism.
I didn't expect this guy to be so powerful, Medicine Buddha didn't have much confidence in stopping him!
However, Medicine Buddha did not back down, but stepped forward again, and he threw out a treasure!
But it is a nine-story pagoda!

The pagoda turned into a gigantic giant with only one turn in the air!
Above the pagoda, each layer has the color of glass, and countless believers admire it. Buddhas, Sha Tuo, and monks recite Buddhist scriptures in it. Desires are gone, intentional dirt is scattered, and there is no sound of evil ways and bitter sounds!

There are many beliefs, and the nine-story pagoda, each floor is like a world, and the nine floors are the nine realms!
The pagoda fell directly from above the sky, covering Qingluo's whole body, and a stream of Buddha-cleaning glazed light shot out from the pagoda, trapping him.

Seeing this, Qing Luo's mouth twitched slightly.No matter how you look at this scene, it looks like a scene where a Buddhist expert subdues demons and eliminates demons, and he also happens to be a green snake who attains the Tao!

Although I thought about it in my heart, the movements of my hands were not slow at all!
With a move behind him, a golden sun appeared, and the treasure wheel of merit and virtue was hanging behind him, turning slowly, the merits and virtues were black and yellow, and the truth followed!
As soon as the golden wheel of merit and virtue turned, it melted away the glazed divine light that trapped the whole body.

He stands in the air, like a holy statue appearing in the world!
Then, Qing Luo pointed at the pagoda with one hand, and the ninth-grade green lotus flashed out, and it also turned into a huge one, dragging the nine-story glazed pagoda with the lotus platform!

The vitality of the green lotus is immortal, the Buddha's light of the glazed pagoda is immortal, and one lotus and one pagoda offset each other.

After only a few breaths, I saw the nine-grade green lotus turning slowly, one divided into nine, nine divided into eight. . . .

The sky is filled with green lotus, the lotus is like the sea, the green covers the sky and the earth, the blossoming green lotus is full of vitality, and the boundless Qinghai has infinite truth!

Seeing this, Medicine Master Buddha poured down the Medicine Master Pot, and a stream of lazuli water flowed out from the mouth of the jug, turning into a giant of thousands of feet.
But then the green lotus gave birth to an infinite river of glass and buried countless green lotuses in waves!

The sea of ​​lotus is boundless, and the colored glaze is immortal!
(End of this chapter)

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