Chapter 293 Gathering Eight Directions Armies

After Qing fell into the business camp, she gathered all the generals in the big tent, and took Wen Zhong's seal of general. Under the witness of everyone, even those who had different intentions could only accept it!
He ordered a group of soldiers to monitor the Zhou camp day and night to prevent the other party from robbing the camp in the middle of the night!

Afterwards, Qing Luo and Wen Zhong had a secret talk alone.

At this time, in the big tent, Qing Luo unfolded the Nine Profound Figures, turning into a door of light, and then said to Wen Zhong: "Grand Master, let's go in with the poor Taoist and discuss it in detail, so as not to spread the secret!"

Wen Zhong said yes and walked into the light gate.

He only felt a sense of space dizziness, and came to another world!
Mountains and rivers, rivers and forests, lakes and seas, wild deserts, dangerous volcanoes, all kinds of terrain and landforms are available, just like another real world!
Wen Zhong couldn't help but praised: "The magic power of the virtuous man is really boundless! Wen Zhong admires it!"

Qing Luo smiled and said: "You are welcome, I invite you here, it is related to the fate of the entire Shang Dynasty! Don't be careless!" There are only two of them here, and Qing Luo doesn't need to call himself poor, only you and me , naturally appear close!
Wen Zhong felt a sense of awe in his heart, and said, "Even though the virtuous give orders, Wen Zhong will definitely obey!"

"It's so good!" Qing Luo smiled gratifiedly and said, "I heard that Grand Master, a large part of the reason for my trip down the mountain is because of you!"

"What? Me? How can Wen Zhong have the virtue to bother you to go down the mountain in person?" Wen Zhong became puzzled.

Qing Luo looked at Wen Zhong, and said firmly: "Listen to me carefully.

You are the grand master of the Shang Dynasty, the head of all officials, the teacher of the king of Shang, and the grand master in the hearts of all people.If you are here, one-third of the hearts of the people will return to business!If you do business, you will get three points of luck!
Your trip to attack Xiqi should have been fatal, falling to Juelongling.

But I went down the mountain myself and changed my life for you, so I can protect you from this calamity! "

Wen Zhong felt cold sweat in his heart. When he came to conquer Xiqi, he was thrown to the ground by his mount when he was singing the court song before leaving. This is unlucky.After leaving the customs, they encountered Juelong Ridge again, which coincided with the prophecy of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, which was ominous.

He also felt something in his heart, when Qing Luo said it, Wen Zhong immediately understood!

"Thank you Xianzun for protecting Wen Zhong's life!"

Qing Luo waved her hand and said: "No problem, you have to obey my wishes in the future.

Once you have released my magic weapon, you will immediately return to Chaoge!Entering Chaoge, you will be blessed with humanistic luck, and gods and the like will not dare to attack you.However, on your way back to Chaogetu, you must not pass through Juelong Ridge again!Then I will send my disciple Qu Kong to accompany you to protect you until Chaoge!
After entering Chaoge, you must remember that no matter what, you must not leave the royal city again, otherwise, you will be destined to escape, and your body will surely fall! "

Wen Zhong said gratefully: "Please rest assured, I will obey your orders and never step out of Chaoge!"

Qing Luo said with satisfaction: "It's so good!
After you return to Chaoge, you still have important responsibilities.First, it is natural to persuade King Zhou not to make him do evil again!
The second is to calm down the retainers and step-sons of the East and South Bohou, and appease the four hundred princes in the southeast! "

After hearing this, Wen Zhong asked hesitantly: "Since I can't go out of the court song, who should I send to conquer?"

Qing Luo said with a smile: "I have already been chosen!
After you returned to the court, you persuaded King Zhou to make a decree to seal the general army at Sanshan Pass, and Kong Xuan personally went to the south to conquer Nan Bohou, and then appointed Kong Xuan's subordinate Deng Jiugong as the Grand Marshal of the Eastern Conquest, and his daughter Deng Yuchan as the general, leading [-] troops Go to the Eastern Wandering Soul Pass and defeat Dong Bohou.

With these two commanders in the army, they will definitely win!
But after the victory, the two rebels in the southeast must not be massacred. Instead, forgiveness should be used to promote the virtues of business, and King Zhou personally wrote a book to comfort the two armies in the southeast and seek forgiveness from the two princes. world. "

Wen Zhong naturally agreed quickly.

Originally, there were eight hundred princes in the world, divided into four directions.There are Xibo Hou Jichang, Nanbo Hou E Chongyu, Dongbo Hou Jiang Hengchu, Beibo Hou Chonghou Hu!The four major kingdoms each command two hundred princes to rule the world!

Because King Zhou of the South and the East believed Youhun Fei Zhong's treacherous words, he beheaded the two princes innocently, which aroused the resentment of the ministers, relatives and children of the East and South Hous, and rebelled since then, motivating four hundred princes from the southeast to rebel. .

Since then, the Shang Dynasty has lost half of the people's hearts in the world, and its luck is scattered!

And what Qingluo asked Wen Zhong to do was to pacify the four hundred princes in the southeast, and the Shang Dynasty would only have the pressure from the northwest.

He has given Wen Zhong advice, and Qing Luo believes that the remaining steps can be completed with Wen Zhong's talent and strategy.

If Wen Zhong doesn't even have this talent, how can he become the Grand Master of the Shang Dynasty, how can he become the general who deploys Jiejiao in the world?How can we calm down the place where countless fierce demons gather in Beihai?
Qingluo said again: "After the east and south are settled, you will order Kong Xuan and Deng Jiugong to rush directly to the Xiqi battlefield after a rest.

Also, after Kong Xuan leaves, you will order Chuanyun Pass, Qinglong Pass, Lintong Pass, Tongguan Pass, and Jiepai Pass to send out 5 horses each to lead the generals.

Xu An, Xu Fang, Long Anji, and Heng Ha. . .Go to Xiqi and gather with these 30 troops to attack Xiqi together! "

"This..." Wen Zhong's expression became dull, so many troops were mobilized, and Qing Luo knew the guards at various checkpoints in the Shang Dynasty very well!

He wondered if Qing Luo ran around to check it out for himself!
Wen Zhong asked hesitantly: "Will this make the troops empty? If Xiqi splits up and attacks, and the five passes are insufficient, how can we defend them?"

Qing Luo smiled lightly and said: "How much army do you think Xiqi can divide up? Xiqi's army, I let them out, and they will come out.

If I don't let them out, they will be trapped beasts! "

Seeing this, Wen Zhong hurriedly responded.

So Wen Zhong left three days later.

When he returned to Chaoge, he only waited for the hundreds of people who accompanied him when he came back.Accompanied by Qu Kong, and You who was hidden and taken away by Qu Kong!

When the Grand Master and his party left, there was very little movement, and they rushed back to Chaoge day and night!

But even if the movement is small, it can't be hidden from the people of Xiqi!

Jiang Ziya naturally knows the importance of Wen Zhong, and Ran Deng is the best of the best. He knows that Wen Zhong has a small fortune in the Shang Dynasty, so he must be someone who cannot be kept!
As a result, there were a few fewer people in Xiqi City!

And Zhao Gongming, after recovering from his injury, got up to return to the dojo, and never intervened in the human world again!Before leaving, Qing Luo and Zhao Gongming directly talked about the Dinghai Shenzhu, one life for one treasure!Since then, there is no cause and effect owed!
Zhao Gongming knew that without Qing Luo's treatment, he would never survive!Although the Dinghai Divine Orb is extremely powerful, it is not his treasure of enlightenment, and it happens to repay the great karma of saving lives!

Before he left, Qing Luo returned the Dragon Binding Cable to him, and said goodbye!
Qing Luo rescued Zhao Gongming also to restore the karma of the Sea God Orb. Although the karma can be eliminated after his death, it is the karma of the immortal, not the karma of the god!

(End of this chapter)

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