Chapter 294
In the future, Zhao Gongming conferred the gods and became the true king of the Dragon and Tiger Profound Altar for Jinlong Ruyi, and he still has the memory of his life.If he disregarded Zhao Gongming's life and death, then Zhao Gongming, who was behind Recasting Spirit, would hold grudges in his heart!

On the second day after Zhao Gongming left, Qing Luo led a group of soldiers to the city of Xiqi to confront the two armies.

However, on the city of Xiqi, there is an exemption card!No one came to see me!

Qing Luo frowned under the city!It seems that the Jinxian who is explaining the teaching must have gone to another place.Most likely to assassinate Wen Zhong!
But Qing Luo always felt that something was wrong.Even if a few of the Twelve Golden Immortals have gone, they will not stay behind closed doors if there are burning lights in the formation, unless the burning lights are not in the city!

He was shocked!
Seeing that Qingluo's complexion changed slightly, Xiaozhu who was at the side asked aloud, "Master, what's wrong?"

Qingluo didn't answer, only the Luoling pattern on the center of her eyebrows flashed, and the wind and cloud stirred in the nine heavens, and everyone saw a snow-white giant eagle breaking out of the clouds, and it was there in an instant!
Xue Ying folded his wings and landed in front of everyone, transforming into Teng Liu's appearance.

Qing Luo said: "Hurry up and catch up with Qu Kong, Wen Taishi and his party, then put them into the Jiuxuan Diagram, and send them to Chaoge as quickly as possible!"

As he spoke, he handed the Jiuxuan Tu to Teng Liu!
Teng Liu took the order, turned back into a snow eagle, and went straight into the sky, with a speed comparable to that of Da Luo!

Yuan Tianjun on the side asked: "Xianzun, but what happened to the Grand Master?"

Qing Luo shook her head and said, "I'm afraid there are no burning lamps in Xiqi City!"

"What!" Yuan Tianjun exclaimed in shock, "Did that old thief Ran Deng personally go to embarrass the bad-smelling Grand Master?"

Everyone was surprised. After all, Ran Deng is a quasi-sage and powerful, even if there is no strength in this catastrophe battlefield, it is no small matter!
Qing Luo waved her hands and said calmly: "This is just my guess, I need to confirm it!"

After all, Qing Luo took a step forward, and with a wave of his cuff, 27 purple blood thorns turned into giants of thousands of feet, like giant pythons, enclosing the entire Xiqi City, and the body of the thorns covered Xiqi City The sky above was dark, and the people in the city were in panic!
Qing Luo raised his voice and said: "Ran Deng, if you don't show up, then this city of Xiqi will be destroyed!"

As soon as the words fell, ten huge light clusters suddenly appeared in the city, but they were the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao!It's just that Guangchengzi and Taiyi real person are missing!
Qing Luo's complexion became even more gloomy.

Chi Jingzi looked at the mouth and said: "Fellow Daoist Qingluo, how dare you hurt the innocent people in this city in vain as a virtuous person outside the human race! Aren't you afraid of the retribution of karma?"

Qing Luo sneered and said, "Aren't you Twelve Golden Immortals being entangled in murder at this time? Isn't it the repayment of karma? In the past Xuanyuan War, you Twelve Golden Immortals didn't care about the lives of mortals, and ended up today. What face do you have to accuse me of being robbed and killed?"

Chi Jingzi's face turned red immediately, that is to say, he is quite thick among the Twelve Golden Immortals.

Daoxing Tianzun on the side said: "Since you know we are like this, why don't you take this as a warning?"

Qing Luo said with a smile: "Poverty Taoist has merit and virtue to protect himself, so why be afraid of the fate of a mere city? Besides, this Xiqi City is the root of rebellion. Rebellious kings should be punished!"

After all, with a wave of Qingluo's hand, 27 thorns moved suddenly, trapping ten golden immortals inside, and a hundred flowers bloomed, devouring everything!
Naturally, Qing Luo would not hurt innocent people, what he just said was just words, he used his divine sense to scan the entire Xiqi City while he was speaking, and found that not only the burning lamp, Guangchengzi, and Taiyi Daoist were missing, but even the Zha, Yang Jian, Jin Zha, Mu Zha and others also disappeared!

His heart was even more gloomy, if Ran Deng went there in person, why would he bring so many people there?
Unless he goes to do other things alone!
Other things that are more important than Wen Zhong!

A flash of inspiration flashed in Qing Luo's mind, the secret path is not good!For a selfish person like Ran Deng, his own path is naturally the most important. Ran Deng doesn't know that the Sea God Orb is no longer on Zhao Gongming, so he must have gone to assassinate and snatch Zhao Gongming!
Thinking of this, he hastily called back Purple Blood Bramble, and ordered everyone to return to the camp and take precautions.

The top ten golden immortals of Chanjiao were all ready for a big battle, but they couldn't help being surprised when they saw Qingluo retreating again!
After Qing Luo ordered all the generals to go back, he hurriedly used the danying teleportation formation to travel thousands of miles near Mount Emei, Zhao Gongming's cave.

When he got close, he hurriedly fled to the front of Luofu Cave, and sent a sound transmission: "Brother Zhao Gongming, are you back?"

The sound burst into the cave, and after a dozen or so breaths, a boy dressed in soap poked his head out from the door and said: "The teacher has not returned yet! Which Taoist friend of the teacher are you?"

When he heard it, his heart sank even more!He didn't care about answering, so he hurriedly turned around and chased halfway!
After searching for tens of thousands of miles, there was still no trace of Zhao Gongming, so Qing Luo used the technique of vertical and horizontal divine thoughts, and hundreds of millions of puying spirits were awakened, and their eyes were all over half the prehistoric desolation!

After searching for a quarter of an hour, his face suddenly turned pale!
Among the countless pictures from Danying, there was a picture showing a coffin!
The ancient coffin with burning lamps!
The burning lamp was beside the coffin, and the coffin was still trembling slightly!

In this scene alone, the burning lamp in the picture seems to have discovered something. When the coffin lights are turned on, the picture disappears!
Qing Luo flew away in a hurry, and rushed to it at a speed of tens of thousands of miles in an instant!

Finally, after a quarter of an hour, they rushed to the barren mountain!

Qing Luo yelled: "Old thief Ran Deng, don't stop!"

Ran Deng on the top of the barren mountain heard this, and said angrily: "Thief, hurry up and hand over the Dinghai Shenzhu!

Otherwise, this will be your fate today! "

After finishing speaking, when the ancient coffin was opened, a white bone emerged!At the same time, a true inspiration summons the list of gods and returns to Xiqi!

Seeing this, Qing Luo was stunned!

Unexpectedly, he helped Zhao Gongming escape the book of seven arrows on the nail head, but he did not escape the danger of burning the lamp!
It turns out that the human heart is really more sinister than magic!

Seeing the true spirit returning to Zhou, Qing Luo hurriedly came to his senses, the heart lines on his eyebrows flashed, and Shen Gongbao on the Chaoge Fengshen Stage hurriedly wrote "Zhao Gongming" with a pen!
The true spirit was heading west, but it paused for a moment and then flew east.

At the same time, the moment the true spirit flew out of the ancient coffin, Yun Xiao who was originally on Sanxian Island suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood!
She was shocked immediately, Sanhua Qingyun appeared in a hurry, and the meaning of the quasi-sacred holy spirit was calculated.

After a few breaths, Yun Xiao's face instantly turned ashen!

She said sadly: "Brother, how did you end up like this?"

On Sanxian Island, which was originally like a fairyland, an earth-shattering murderous aura was born, the waves were raging, and the wind was blowing everywhere!
Yun Xiao never thought that her senior brother would die due to other people's conspiracy. The hatred in her heart is like the clouds in the sky, boundless!

Ever since she was born with spiritual wisdom, there was a memory missing in her memory, an unknown memory. Although she was terrified, Zhao Gongming was with her and her two younger sisters were by her side as soon as her spiritual wisdom opened.

(End of this chapter)

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