Chapter 295 Golden Dragon Protects Me

They have spent countless times of loneliness, fear, and suffering together.They have practiced Taoism for millions of years, and they have been with each other for millions of years.The mutual support during difficult times, the joy when worshiping the holy religion, and the breakthrough of every realm are their mutual happiness.Although the four of them are extraordinary sisters and brothers, they are even closer and more affectionate!
She can't wait to go down the mountain immediately at this moment, and smoke out the soul of the burning lamp to refine her soul!
But Master has something to say, quietly reciting the three thousand volumes of Huang Ting is the way to survive the catastrophe!
For the sake of her two younger sisters, she can't be reckless, Yunxiao, as one of the four quasi-sacred disciples of Jiejiao, aside from personal grievances, she has to take care of the overall situation!

But then Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao also sensed Zhao Gongming's fall! . . .

At this time, on the nameless barren mountain, Qingluo and Randeng faced each other.

Qing Luo sighed: "Randeng, you have committed murder! You have already been robbed!

Like explaining and teaching the Twelve Golden Immortals, you are caught in a catastrophe! "

Ran Deng was stunned by Qing Luo's words for a moment, then laughed and said: "So what if we are in a catastrophe? How can I wait for the heart of the ancients to seek Tao and retreat in fear of the catastrophe of heaven and earth??"

Ran Deng's body exudes a coercion of heaven and earth power, which is the vicissitudes of life after years of honing!
The lamp stick firmly said: "Hand over the Dinghai Shenzhu quickly, otherwise you will be doomed today!"

Qing Luo shook his head and said: "Even if you smashed my body into thousands of pieces, the Dinghai Shenzhu is no longer on me, I have already been handed over to a saint!" There was helplessness in his words, lamenting, pity Zhao Gongming's million-year cultivation After spending all the time, Zhao Gongming was only short of the opportunity to kill the corpse, but he never stopped here!Just because of the greed of burning lamps together!
Ran Deng couldn't help but sternly said: "That's it, Pindao will also hold you in exchange!"

After all, the coffin lamp, ancient coffin, Qiankun ruler, rosary beads, and many magic treasures all poured out. Dozens of acquired treasures and four congenital treasures were released together. Dozens of spiritual treasures, the powerful coercion of the spiritual treasures caused the void to tremble!
Qing Luo sighed: "Ran Deng, although you killed brother Daoist Zhao, but he still has a third younger sister who will definitely seek revenge from you, are you not afraid?"

Ran Deng sneered and said: "It's just a mere Da Luo, what are you afraid of? Needless to say, I will definitely take you down today!"

Qing Luo sighed and said: "Ran Deng, it's not that I despise you, even if you kill another corpse, it's still impossible to take mine!

Where do you see this place? "

When Ran Deng heard it, his expression became suspicious, where?He let go of his spiritual thoughts and inspected a million miles around. There was no great sect of the immortal mountain, and no one with great supernatural powers. He settled down in his heart and said coldly: "Since I was deceived by you once, how can there be a second time?" Second time?"

After all, more than forty spirit treasures above Qingyun were released together, all kinds of spirit lights and treasures locked on Qingluo, the lights of the coffin turned into the sky and the sea, the ancient coffin covered the sky and the earth in all directions, the sky and the earth were ruled by the sky, and hundreds of rosary beads weighed on the mountains , ancient sword, spiritual fan, bronze tripod,. . .When more than forty spirit treasures come with the power to destroy the world, even the quasi-sages can hardly deal with them!
But Qing Luo just smiled and said: "I didn't lie to you this time, because this place is Qingzhou!"

There was a flash of spiritual light on his body, and the former Simuwu Ding flew down above his head, and at the same time, a golden wheel of merit and virtue appeared behind his head, and endless curls of incense smoke rose from under him, and a temple appeared in the rising green smoke!
It is the Wai Xian Zun Palace!

As soon as this hall came out, the invisible human luck gathered, and on the Mount Tai [-] miles away, the Qingzhou tripod was instantly shaken by a golden light, and a golden dragon flew out from it. It was huge and spanned the world. In an instant, it came to the top of Qingluo's head, and one of them landed on the tripod!
Jinlong only opened his mouth and roared, and a phantom of a spirit tripod appeared in the sky above the Qingyun Lingbao, giving people an illusory, but mysterious and inviolable aura!
As soon as the treasure tripod fell, no matter if it was the coffin lamp or the ancient coffin, all the magical powers of the spirit treasures in the sky were suppressed!

That kind of suppression is an irreversible suppression, a suppression of the depths of the Tao, not a man-made will, but the will of the entire world!

Ran Deng was shocked, and he realized it at this time, this Qingluo is still a sage of the human race, and even the suppressor of this Qingzhou tripod, he can get humanitarian protection here!

At this time, he couldn't help but feel aggrieved. In Xiqi City, he was suppressed by both the robbery cloud and the luck of humanity, and he could only use [-]% of his supernatural powers at most!It is also a bit stronger than those big Luo Jinxians, and it is hard to stay away from the battlefield of the catastrophe, without suppression, but suppressed by this human luck!

Thinking of him being a dignified quasi-sage and a great power in ancient times, and having been humiliated by this person several times, his heart felt even more resentful.

Ran Deng had no choice but to suppress his anger at this time, and said: "Qing Luo, even if you occupy a favorable location today, after the catastrophe, you will definitely settle the karma!"

Qing Luo didn't care much and said: "What are you afraid of talking big?

Burn the lamp, why don't you return Brother Zhao's bones? "

But the lamp had no intention of returning it at all, it just escaped into the void as soon as it escaped the light, and left!
Seeing this, Qing Luo could only sigh.Although he can be protected by the Kyushu Cauldron Spirit, it is only a protection, otherwise such a powerful force can be used at will, which will definitely damage the balance of heaven.

Qing Luo beckoned, the spirit cauldron fell, and the golden dragon flew up.He bowed to the golden dragon to show his thanks.

With only a flash of golden light, the golden dragon sank into the Qingzhou cauldron.

Qing Luo received the supernatural powers, so she had to go back to the commercial camp regrettably, lest Ran Deng take the opportunity to take advantage of the opportunity to break the camp.

He flew to a dandelion field, thousands of flowers bloomed together, the vitality of the heavens and the earth gathered, the spirits formed a formation, and a teleportation formation formed, the brilliance shone, and Qing Luo's figure disappeared.

At this time, outside Chuanyun Pass in the Shang Dynasty, Wen Zhong and his party were also stopped.

There were only six people who blocked it, but Wen Zhong and the hundreds of people did not dare to underestimate them!
It was Guang Chengzi, Taiyi Zhenren, Yang Jian, Nezha, Mu Zha, and Jin Zha.

At this time, six disciples of the Grand Master Wen, Ji Qing and Deng Xin and Zhang Tao's four generals joined forces to encircle Yang Jian alone, but they could barely stop Yang Jian.

Wen Zhong met Ne Zha, Jin Zha, and Mu Zha, and the battle made him very dangerous!

Guang Chengzi and Master Taiyi looked at Qu Kong standing in front of them.

Daoist Taiyi and Guang Chengzi looked at each other, a flash of light flashed in Guang Chengzi's hand, and the Lost Soul Clock appeared, sending out bursts of light waves towards Qukong.

Qu Kong just waved his hand, and the Feng Qiqin appeared. He flicked his fingers lightly, and the high-pitched voice like a phoenix spread, shaking Guang Chengzi's naked soul voice!

At the same time, the four divine clocks lined up behind him, and with Qu Kong's one-handed wave, an earth-shattering bell sounded instantly, hitting the real Taiyi who was about to take Wen Zhong's life!
Guang Chengzi was furious. He dared to fight against the two of them alone in the early days of Da Luo, and didn't take him seriously at all.

Immediately, Fan Tianyin floated out of the sky, and a sense of desolation and solidity came, as tall as a mountain, a phantom of a majestic mountain range appeared, the admirable veins of the mountains, the pillars of heaven and earth, not only Zhou Xuying!
 Don't think too much, we didn't make any shady deals. . .

(End of this chapter)

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