Chapter 318 Saint Zhunti, Proud Peacock
The Taoist is wearing a Taoist uniform and holding a branch in his hand.

There are often sermons next to the Eight Treasures Pond, and three vehicles under the Seven Treasures Forest.

A relic is often hung on the top, and scriptures can be written in the palm.

Floating and true Taoist, beautiful and true.

Refining to live in the scenic spot in the west, cultivating eternal life and getting rid of dust.

The holy man Zhunti floated over Xiqi and looked at Kong Xuan.

Kong Xuan also looked at Zhunti.

Zhunti smiled and said, "That's so good! My fellow Taoist has a predestined relationship with me in the west!"

Qing Luo came under the east gate at this time, and Ran Deng also brought all the immortals out of the city to meet him.

The sage's law is driven by the Shang and Zhou dynasties!
All the immortals from the two battalions saluted.

Ran Deng stepped forward and said, "Thank you saint for your pity!"

Zhunti smiled indifferently: "There is no need to be too polite. The poor are only here for those who are destined." He has a pleasant face and does nothing. It only makes people feel like the clouds and dew, and they are in the endless world!
The Western magic method should be extraordinary!
Qing Luo stepped forward and said respectfully: "Welcome to the Saint Fa."

Zhunti raised his eyes to look at Qingluo, touched the wonderful tree of seven treasures in his left hand with his right hand, and said regretfully: "Almsgiver, although you have a destiny with my Western religion, it is a pity that you have no share!"

Qing Luo was startled, and then smiled back: "Thank you saint for not despising the humble body of the younger generation, but it is a pity that the younger generation has no chance to learn Western Dafa."

Zhunti nodded, and then looked at Kong Xuan.

Kong Xuan only bowed his head to him, but didn't get up.

Zhunti was not angry at all, but still smiled.

That smile is a smile of compassion, a smile of generosity, a smile of great wisdom, and a smile of great virtue.Infecting people's hearts, infecting minds and spirits, everything can be kind to it, and all life can be related to it.

Zhunti said: "Benefactor, would you like to join my Western religion?"

Kong Xuan, who had been silent since Zhunti, finally spoke, "I wish!"

Everyone present, except Qing Luo, was surprised.

Zhunti laughed again, but more joyfully, with hope in his wise eyes.

"When do you want to go then?"

Kong Xuan pondered, glanced at the Undead Mountain in the extreme south of the sky, looked at Qing Luo again, and replied, "Three years later!"

Zhunti nodded and said, "Good!"

In Kunlun Yuxu Palace, Yuan Shi frowned.This is different from what he thought.

In Zhunti's eyes, only Kong Xuan's talent is in his eyes. He has a tolerant heart, and some has the patience to wait.

Ran Deng's face was bitter, and Jiang Ziya's face was also sad.The covenant of the saints, there is nothing they can do.

Zhunti said again: "The benefactor, please release the immortals to explain and teach. We and the Western world should not interfere with Eastern affairs at will."

Kong Xuan was silent again this time.

For a moment, he looked straight at Zhunti.

"A saint fights with me, if you win, let it go, if you lose, you will stay!"

All the immortals in the world were shocked!

This is the first person to take the initiative to invite the saint to fight!
Regardless of whether he wins or loses, Kong Xuan will be classified as a middleman who cannot be provoked by countless powerful people.Because, the existence that dares to challenge the saints is No.1 so far!
They can't compare to Kong Xuan's heart, they can't compare to Kong Xuan's will!
Zhunti smiled and nodded.

He never seemed to get angry, the emotion of anger, as if he didn't have it!
Qing Luo respected Zhuang Ti even more in her heart.

No matter how many people say Zhunti is shameless, he is still worthy of the name of a saint!

Zhunti's heart can hold the world.Zhunti's heart is the whole world, not the fault of one person's words or feelings.

Zhunti's heart is higher than the sky, he can see through the world of mortals, and can endure all the emotions in the world.It is the heart of a true saint!
Kong Xuan stood up, cupped his fists and saluted!
Zhunti flicked his sleeves and said, "Please!"

In the nine heavens in the sky, colorful auspicious clouds are dyed all over, and five-color divine lights are lit up!

In the Nine Layers of Heaven, the barriers disappeared and merged into one realm, the Five Elements Realm!The prehistoric and hundreds of millions of miles of sky became colorful, too beautiful to behold!
And under the colorful sky, Zhongnan Undead Volcano looks even taller!

Because, this is the pride of their Feng clan, the glory of their Feng clan!

Within the Five Elements Realm, Zhunti walks with strides.

In this world, there is nothing but five colors of light everywhere.

Wherever his feet fell, a lotus grew there.

Step by step lotus!

Blossoming golden lotus Buddha's light is scattered in all directions, the sky is full of lotus fragrance accompanied by Buddha's words, Hengsha Buddha's holy words are uttered.

Zhunti walked three thousand steps, a long row of golden lotuses appeared behind him, and then stopped.

Behind him grows a Bodhi tree, reflecting the light of infinite wisdom and enlightenment, shining on three thousand lotus flowers.

Zhunti said alone: ​​"One flower, one world, one leaf, one bodhi!"

Follow the law!
Three thousand lotuses transform three thousand worlds, and one bodhi tree leaf produces endless bodhi.

Kong Xuan, who was in the Five Elements Realm, was shocked by the world of the Three Thousand Realms and Infinite Bodhi, and suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.

The world of the five elements is shaking, and the divine light is scattered.

Kong Xuan straightened his body, and a peacock figure with five colors appeared behind him.

With a sweep of the five-color sparrow's tail, the entire five-element world is instantly included in the sparrow's tail.

The sky is full of colorful colors, and the world is clear.

Only Kong Xuan stood alone between heaven and earth!
Heaven and earth are silent!

Countless immortals opened their mouths wide, stunned, and shook their heads.

Saints are suppressed!

Since the beginning of chaos, there has never been one!
Outside Xiqi City, Ran Deng muttered to himself, "It turns out that I'm so far behind!"

However, at the next moment, a burst of Buddhist words came from behind Kong Xuan, cracks appeared in the five-color divine light, and a stalwart golden body emerged out of the sky. The huge golden body was like a demon god supporting the sky!
The golden stature is boundless.

Zhunti Daoist's face showed compassion, and he clapped one palm with one hand, and the Buddha Kingdom appeared in his palm, as if the endless power of the heavens in the Hengsha world suppressed it!

Qing Luo stared intently, finally came to this scene!
Kong Xuan's five-color divine light was broken, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth again.

But there was a proud smile on his face, he was the proudest Kong Xuan in the world.

Five-color divine light reappears!

Shenguang combines five colors, and five colors become colorless!
In an instant, the world lost its color.

The whole world has lost its colorful colors, and the world is colorless!
All the attributes of the five elements are nothing!

Kong Xuan's colorless world has infected thousands of miles, the real mountains and rivers have no light, and the sun, moon and stars are dimmed!

Zhunti's giant golden palm fell and landed on Kong Xuan's colorless world.

The two did not send out the power to destroy the world, but the colorless and golden collided non-stop.

The collision of the golden Buddha world and the colorless world!

The two worlds stalemate for three breaths, Zhunti sighed and withdrew his palm.

The colorless world also faded instantly, and Kong Xuan fell straight into the clouds.

Qing Luo hurriedly took Kong Xuan, took a drop of Sanguang Shenshui and sent it into her body.

Zhunti collected the Dharma picture and went down to the cloud again.

Kong Xuan woke up after a while, helped Qing Luo up, and with a wave of his hand, the figures of all the golden immortals appeared on the ground.

Kong Xuandao: "Thank you sage for your enlightenment!"

Zhunti nodded, and said: "Since you have already made a move, you must not make a move in Xiqi!"

Kong Xuan hesitated for a moment.

Seeing this, Qing Luo hurriedly said: "I hope the saint will forgive me!
There are still three golden immortals in explaining and teaching, and I am trapped in business.The three of them exchanged for three shots!

Saint willing? "

After hearing this, Zhunti suddenly smiled and said, "These three people are predestined to be Westerners, good!"

Qing Luo waved her hand, and the three great men appeared.

Thus, the three masters met Zhunti for the first time!

(End of this chapter)

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