Chapter 319
Zhunti smiled and looked at the three of them.

Thanks to Cihang, Puxian and Manjusri.

Zhunti waved his hand, holding the wonderful tree and said: "All living beings are drowning in the sea of ​​mortals. I can overcome suffering and surpass the common world. With good fortune, I will eventually cross you!"

After finishing speaking, the radiant glow rises up, and returns with the golden lotus on its feet.

The Western sages are gone, but some things remain in the hearts of the Twelve Golden Immortals.

The Shang and Zhou armies returned separately again.

Xiqi and Shangying confront each other again.

Qing Luo never gave the order to attack the city, and Xi Qi could only stay in the city.

Another five days later, the grain officer in the army came to report that the food and grass could last for several days at most!It will take another month or so for the grain and grass delivered to the rear to arrive.Moreover, the food and grass delivered from the rear is just a drop in the bucket for millions of soldiers!

Qing Luo pondered for a moment, then passed the message to Shi Jun, Xiao Zhu and Teng Liu.

Therefore, take Xiqi City as the center and [-] li as the radius.A boulder rolled up on the circular line!This boulder is Shi Jun's body.

The hundreds of feet of boulders crushed the slopes and hills, crushed layers of soil and sand, pushed the soil out from both sides, and piled it on both sides.

On both sides of the dirt pile, huge rocks crushed the soil, and a huge deep pit appeared!
This tunnel surrounded the entire city of Xiqi for thousands of miles, trapped the entire Xiqi, surrounded millions of merchant troops, and surrounded the entire center of Liangjie!

Then, Teng Liu walked out of the business camp, holding up the water bottle with his bare hands, and the sky was filled with clouds and clouds, and it began to rain!

It's raining all over the city!

Countless rainwater watered the soil, merged into the earth, and then gathered and flowed into the tunnel.

It rained heavily for a day and a night, and the whole city of Xiqi listened to the loud bang outside the city for a day and a night!
On the second day, the sky cleared up!

A huge ring-shaped river with a width of one hundred feet appeared!
A flat and fertile field appeared!

Shi Jun magnified tens of thousands of feet with his sacred mountain, and smashed it again and again at the thousands of miles of mountains outside Xiqi City, until the hills were smashed into plains and the slopes into fields.

Only the Baili battlefield outside the four gates of Xiqi City was not affected.Because the battlefield is a place for fighting, which represents death, silence, and bleakness. There are too many undead and too many fighting spirits there.No plants grow there!

Xiaozhu flew to the clouds when the sun was rising in the east, emitting countless dots of light, green light!

Green light representing vitality and life!

Under the witness of the sun, countless seeds were buried in the ground!

Then the morning sun shone, and the seeds buried in the soil burst, germinated, and scattered branches and leaves at a speed visible to the naked eye!
Thousands of miles away from Xiqi City, everything that enters the eyes is full of green vitality. In addition to the four gates of Xiqi City, each has a sandy land of a hundred miles.

Then, a green spirit bead rose from the business camp, revealing the phantom of a towering ancient tree, and dots of green stars fell from the ancient tree and merged into the green seedlings.

The seedlings have grown!

In an hour, the seedlings sprouted.

After another hour, the seedlings grew leaves.

In another hour, the rice seedlings grew to a foot high!

At this time, Teng Liu held up the vase again, and the rain fell again!It's been an hour.

In another hour, the rice plants have eared!
Another hour, the rice stalks were bent by the rice ears.

At this time, it was dusk.

Under the golden red clouds in the sky, a golden rice field stretching for thousands of miles was born!

As the sun sets, the wind blows in the evening, bringing the charming fragrance of rice.

The rice in the rice field is ripe!
Under the evening sun, millions of soldiers in the Shang Army Camp looked at the rolling rice fields and wheat waves, as if they saw the fields of their hometown. If they were at home at this time, it would naturally be another bumper harvest year.

Then, an order was issued in the army to drop the armor and hold the soldiers, and enter the fields to be farmers!
Countless soldiers happily took off their heavy armor and returned to their original appearance.

Their original and inseparable identity, farmers!
Their love for the land comes from the inheritance of their ancestors from generation to generation, from the first crops of Shennong's family, and the joy of the human race that there is food to eat and life to survive!
They love the land deeply, and love without hesitation!

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers used their swords to mow the fields and cast swords into plows!

Almost every soldier's face is filled with smiles, yearning for farming life.How much they love the farmland, how much they don't want war!
50 troops are still standing guard in the battalion, 50 troops are all over the fields!
One by one, they cheered and ran across the fields, chatting with scholars casually, and making friends with peace of mind.At this moment, they are no longer the army with strict military orders, but ordinary farmers, laughing at each other.

The defenders on Xiqi City looked at the harvest in the distance, and couldn't help feeling a kind of hope and longing in their hearts!They also hope to return to the field, abandon their armor and return to the field!
But they can't, because they need to guard the country, their family members!As long as they are defeated, what awaits them will be the massacre of the rumored fatuous King Zhou!

However, their longing for pastoral life is still buried in their hearts, and at this time it is aroused again, and they feel melancholy.

This night, the food served in the merchant camp was extraordinarily fragrant and beautiful!There are countless war horses, and there is also a lot of soft and delicious grass!
Because, the rice field is sprinkled with the spiritual water in the divine water bottle, and the rice grains contain the spiritual energy of the Qingluo spell.For mortals, there are naturally many small and imperceptible benefits.

Qingluo erected a stone beside the ring-shaped river, and nominated it as: Jail River!

In the prison of the prison!
This river surrounded the entire main battlefield of Measuring Tribulation!Since then, Xiqi has been completely sealed off, making it difficult for large troops to leave and for foreign troops to enter!
Xiqi is no longer the king of the two hundred princes in the west, it is just a city of waiting countries!

In the same way, millions of Shang troops were surrounded by it, and both Shang and Zhou troops were trapped in the land surrounded by this river!
Xiqi, you can no longer order the princes of the world, and you can no longer order the princes to return together!

Once the food and grass were settled, there would be no major restrictions.The four gates of Xiqi are still guarded by those immortals, and Xiqi is still holding high the card of avoiding battle.

Qing Luo never gave the order to forcibly attack the city.

All he has to do is to be sleepy and quiet!
As long as there is movement, there will be changes!
At this time, the merchant army has the upper hand, and naturally has the initiative.If you want to attack the city, there must be casualties!
Where there are casualties, there are karmic grievances.No matter which side dies, new forces will be introduced to join in!

Qingluo is the least afraid of procrastination. The Shang Dynasty was founded 600 years ago, and it can afford to procrastinate for more than ten years!

But Xiqi can't afford to wait!It is just a marquis, its soldiers are strong without business, its generals are numerous without business, and its people are wide without business!It needs to gather the power of the princes of the world to gradually become stronger!

But Dong Bohou has been defeated, and Nan Bohou has surrendered.

The four hundred princes in the world have temporarily settled down!
On Kunlun Mountain, Yuanshi Tianzun frowned because he was not satisfied with the status quo.

In Biyou Palace, Tongtian Saint once again convinced himself that this was the last time to back down, so he put down the Qingping Sword.

In Xiqi City, Jiang Ziya seemed to be a few years older, and the sadness on his face appeared again.

Wu Wang Jifa is worried and anxious all day long!

Until, on that day, a message came from Chaoge!
(End of this chapter)

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