The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 320 Daji gave birth to a son named Wu Geng, son and mother, only survived 1

Chapter 320 Daji gave birth to a son named Wu Geng, son and mother, only one survived life and death
Chaoge was overjoyed, the queen gave birth to a son named Wu Geng!

King Zhou was overjoyed and pardoned the world!
Many people who were unjustly killed and imprisoned because of the innocence of King Zhou were all pardoned!
The people of the world are happy for it!

This youngest son, who was just born, was remembered by the people of the world for his kindness!King Zhou has accumulated a fortune for his son!
After Daji had her own son, she devoted her heart to him.She finally has human feelings!Motherly love!
Aiko, love so much!
Since then, she has truly become a queen!A queen who raised children for the king!
After Qing Luo found out, he decided to go to Chaoge once!

He looked at Kong Xuan who was sitting on the cloud, and Kong Xuan nodded to him.

Qing Luo went with ease!

He directly used the Danying circle to teleport outside Chaoge, and then entered the city.Entered the Grand Master's Mansion.

Wen Zhong rushed out to greet him.

Wen Zhong took Qing Luo into the palace to meet King Zhou.

Nine halls.

Only five people!

Qing Luo and Wen Zhong.

King Zhou's family of three.

King Zhou looked at the handsome young Taoist in front of him with only respect.

Although he has been stupid for a while, his talent, learning and wisdom have not disappeared.

King Zhou knew that it was the young Taoist in front of him who stabilized his country and protected his country!

On the other hand, Daji felt a little guilty.She was afraid that Qingluo, like Yun Zhongzi, would plot to kill her.She was afraid that Qingluo would take action because of her various evil deeds.

But Qing Luo just glanced at this charming vixen, ignored her, and looked at King Zhou instead.

King Zhou was delighted to have his son, and he was in a very good mood.Therefore, without losing the smile on his face, he said: "I don't know why the sage came here?"

"Come here for Wu Geng." Qing Luo replied indifferently.

This answer didn't surprise a few people. After all, he came as soon as Wu Geng came out. If he didn't come for Wu Geng, what else could he do?
King Zhou laughed and said, "Could it be possible that the sage wants to take my son as a disciple?"

Daji's eyes lit up, if his son can be admitted into this powerful sect, he will have a bright future, because his son's teacher is the sage of the entire human race.

But to Daji's disappointment, Qing Luo said no!

King Zhou was taken aback, and Wen Zhong was also taken aback.

Other than that, what else needs the person who is in charge of the Battlefield of Calamity to come in person?
Qing Luo smiled lightly and said: "Poverty Dao is here this time, hoping that the King of Kings can entrust the youngest son to Master Wen to teach him the enlightenment and learning skills in person!"

Hearing that the grand master was shocked, if it was an ordinary time, it would be the same, but at this time, the world will measure the calamity.

Wu Geng, the son of King Zhou, anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that he will bear a huge fate, cause and effect!

King Zhou was also slightly disappointed on his face, but then he laughed. "That's right, Gu has been taught by the grand master since childhood, so I can't be more at ease."

Wen Zhong raised his head and glanced at Qing Luo, only to see him smiling peacefully.So, Grand Master Wen replied.

Even if they are a little out of line with their seniority, it is not worth mentioning in their eyes.

Qing Luo waved his sleeve again, and three figures appeared in the nine halls.

Daji averted his eyes when he saw it, King Zhou was angry and ashamed, and Wen Zhong was furious!

These three people are the three fathers and sons of the Huang family!During the battle that day, he was captured by Long Anji with the red bell bag.

Huang Feihu, the great general of Zhenguo who used to be an extremely powerful minister of the Shang Dynasty!And his two sons, Huang Tianxiang and Huang Tianlu!When Huang Feihu saw this familiar and no longer familiar place, his body trembled immediately. He didn't need to raise his head, but he knew where King Zhou should sit, and he knelt down straight.

He has been an official in these nine halls for decades, except for King Zhou's high throne, he has walked and stepped on every place!It's just that he used to be a meritorious minister of the country, but now he is a treasonous sinner!
Brothers Huang Tianxiang and Huang Tianlu are young at heart. When they saw Daji, they naturally gritted their teeth and cursed: "You evil woman, you harmed my mother and aunt!"

Saying this, he stepped forward to jump to Daji's side.

When Wen Zhong pressed his hand, the two of them were suppressed.

The Nine Halls fell silent for a while.Quiet makes people flustered.

After a long time, King Zhou sighed, got up and stepped down from the throne, looked at Huang Feihu with his head buried on the ground, and seemed to think of the two young people galloping on horses, the two generals beheading the enemy on the battlefield, and the two monarchs and ministers in the court.

"I am ashamed of you!" King Zhou said in a deep voice, and then he bent his knees and knelt down to Huang Feihu.

Hearing the sound of knees falling on the ground, Huang Feihu hurriedly raised his head, and said in fear: "How dare the criminal Huang Feihu give the gift of the king?" As he said, he hurriedly pushed King Zhou up.

Wen Zhong was surprised, but he didn't stop him.

Qing Luo has been standing by the side, like air.

Daji hugged the infant Wu Geng anxiously.

Huang Feihu once ran away from Chaoge because of Daji's design that year, confusing King Zhou, making King Zhou lustful for Huang Feihu's wife, Huang's family jumped from a high building in Baojie, Huang Feihu's sister, Huang Fei was also displeased by King Zhou. Carefully push down the Star Picking Tower.

No matter how deeply patriotic you are, the humiliation of your sister's death and your wife's death is unbearable!

. . .

Qing Luo sent a voice transmission to Daji, and the three of them quietly left the Jiujian Hall.

Upstairs in Zhaixing Building, Daji embraced Wu Geng, bowed to Qingluo uneasy and said: "I have seen you, senior."

Qingluo's beautiful and deep eyes looked straight at Daji, as if looking directly into the heart, which made Daji a little afraid.

Qing Luo sighed and finally spoke.

"you will die!"

Daji's heart was beating violently!She suppressed her beating heart and pretended to be calm: "Senior, are you joking?"

Qing Luo shook his head. "The life in your arms is also yours!"

Daji felt weak all over, couldn't help but staggered and took two steps back, she raised her head and said blankly, "Senior, please save Daji's life! Daji can't die, I want to grow up with my son, see Watching him grow up, watching him..."

Qing Luo sighed: "If you die, you will live, and if you live, you will die!"

Daji's crying words stopped suddenly, and she asked with disbelief, "Why? Why?"

"Because you are the queen of the subjugated country! Wu Geng will be the king of rejuvenating the country!"

Daji fell directly to the ground this time, hugging Wu Geng with difficulty, the swaddle was so heavy that she couldn't even hold it.

Wu Geng was also crying at this time, waking up from his sleep, because his dream was disturbed, the little guy was unhappy, and the only way to express his unhappiness was to cry!

December pregnant!Four seasons come and go.

Absorb the essence of Daji every day, and the pure mana that Daji has practiced for thousands of years.

Daji's cultivation level will never break through again in her life.For this child, Daji gave up her own way and gave birth to a person!The prince of a country, the king of a dynasty!The hardships and dangers are only known to her only by herself.Invisibly suppressed by human luck, the body's magic power dissipated all the time, tens of thousands of years of Taoism, disappeared little by little. . .

Now, the child is born.But she was told that the child can only live one life with her!

Daji is not a dull person, she knew that from the moment she was ordered to go to the palace, she was afraid that there would be no life left!

Because she was cultivated by absorbing the human luck of Xuanyuan Tomb, she owed a huge karma to the human race since she opened her spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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