Chapter 326 The Scavenger

The [-]-strong army marched in five directions, risking their lives.The place where they were going was the jeopardy of the Xiqi army formation, and anyone who knew a little about the art of war could see that it was a position that the general would never send troops to.

But Shen Gongbao ordered an army of [-] to march to Wujedi in five routes!

In the business camp, Shen Gongbao looked at the sand table army formation map in front of him, and there was only a soul-eating light like a beast in his eyes!Ouyang Chun watched helplessly as the [-] troops walked into the Jedi!

Those soldiers didn't know that the coach had abandoned them, and they were still fighting desperately.Fight for the body of a soldier, fight for the family behind you, and fight for the great merchant country standing behind you!

They are the iron-blooded teachers of Dashang, they are the foundation of Dashang's founding of the country for [-] years, and their soldiers are the ones who pay the most, get the least, and create the most brilliant figures!
Fifty thousand soldiers fought bloody battles, they didn't know how to retreat, they wouldn't retreat.No matter how many comrades fell in front of them, they still marched forward with firm steps!

Fight for the faith of the country!Fight for success!

Death is their companion, blood is the trigger of passion, corpse is the hair of rage!
The [-] army tried their best to insert into the five directions of Xiqi's army.

Heroic sacrifice!

However, their sacrifices were not in vain!
Because of their advancement, they aroused the desires of all the generals in the army, military exploits!
The more enemies killed, the higher the military merit.Generals are also people's hearts, and their rationality and sensibility are always contradictory.

As a result, an army formation left the formation and attacked the [-] merchant army.

With the first army, there will be the second army, and the third army!
The ranks of the troops were chaotic, Shen Gongbao smiled cruelly.The military order was issued in a hurry and spread to all the army formations, and the three armies moved together!
Fifty thousand troops died in bloody battles, they were iron-blooded martyrs, and they were also bait!Jiang Ziya may be reluctant, because his heart is the human heart.But Shen Gongbao's heart is the heart of a beast, and the heart of a beast is always more decisive and cruel than a human heart!
Xiqi's army has been in a mess, busy with military exploits and left the position. Although it is only a short [-] meters away, in the eyes of Shen Gongbao, it is the fatal weakness of Xiqi's army!
The merchant army quickly inserted into these fatal gaps, split the army formation, and disrupted the formation of Xiqi's army. The art of war is impossible!

Jiang Ziya miscalculated!I didn't expect that people's hearts are weak, and there are no strict military discipline and military orders that cannot be changed at all!

This, in fact, is not the reason of Jiang Ziya, but the reason of the whole Xiqi!
The lord of Xiqi, Ji Changkuan, has a kind heart, and the same is true of the law and discipline in the army. Although violating military orders is strict, the crime is not fatal, and it can be made up for.The officers and men of Xiqi naturally despised the military regulations.

Xiqi's army is in chaos!Lost the military order, scattered and split up to fight on their own!

Fighting with weapons, horses hissing and beasts roaring, checkmates and soldiers die!

The merchant army advances, but Xiqi retreats!

But Jiang Ziya is Jiang Ziya, even if he is defeated, he will not fall like a mountain!
Jiang Shang's heart was as calm as still water. Sitting in front of the sand table on the battlefield, what he saw in his eyes was the complex criss-crossing military formations, which were wonderful strategies and tactics.

Jiang Shang and Shen Gongbao faced each other far away. Although they couldn't see each other, they were destined to confront each other.

The battlefield under Xiqi City is not only a battlefield for soldiers, but also a battlefield for Jiang Shang and Shen Gongbao.

The army outside Xiqi City is not only soldiers, but also a deadly weapon for the two of them!

Soldiers walk and horses go, chess pieces fall, the sun sets and night falls!
The setting sun in the sky receded like blood, but the blood of corpses on the ground was still bright red.

The army all retreated.

The two armies returned to their respective camps, leaving only a piece of corpse on the battlefield!
In this battle, Jiang Ziya lost!
Shen Gongbao can't be considered a big victory.

Xiqi killed 12, and the Shang army killed [-]!Injure the enemy one thousand and self-injure eight hundred!
This was the first confrontation between two fateful enemies, and Shen Gongbao won a small victory.

Jiang Ziya sat alone in the handsome mansion late at night, without saying a word.No one knew what the old man was thinking, but no one dared to disturb him at all.

Su Hu's army in the back road finally came to the rear of the merchant army and crossed a field.

That field is hell for them!Dead Swamp!The real swamp of death, stepping on corpses!

No enemy troops have been seen, and [-] have been lost!There are many people in the army who complain.If they die in battle, their souls can also rest in peace, but this is dying of aggrieved, dying in the ground, without seeing the enemy, tens of thousands of soldiers have been lost!

It was getting dark, so Su Hu had no choice but to set up camp. Looking at the commercial camps dozens of miles ahead, he sighed, angry, and melancholy!
The city of Xiqi was dozens of miles away from the merchant army.His army and Xiqi City surrounded the merchant army's camp in front and back.However, his gaze stayed on the sky, where the decisive battle will take place!

Mortal soldiers left the field, but the immortals did not stop.The realm there is not something that Su Hu, a mortal, can think about.

In the Eighth Heaven, the fight is over!Xuandu's complexion was pale, and Kong Xuan's five colors were gloomy.

The two stopped at the same time.Kong Xuan only needs to contain the leader of the three religions.After all, he only has two shots left!

Xuandu stopped because he had calculated in his cognition that he and Kong Xuan were in a difficult situation, and Zhanzhi was powerless to change the situation.So, he stopped.

Xuandu had already tried his best, so he didn't care anymore.His person is like his Tao, alone and quiet in the years, the only person on the road.

In the Seventh Heaven, Qingluo and Randeng also stopped, but they were trapped by each other, so they stopped.Qingluo is trapped in the golden lotus world, and Ran Deng is bound in the purple blood thorns.

Qing Luo is not in a hurry, because what he wants is to delay, to delay until someone arrives.And Ran Deng just laughed, he was also dragging Qingluo, even if Qingluo could hold him back, the Four Elephants Gate had already started to tremble, and most of Puying's spiritual body had been consumed.

Below, Yang Jian Shenwei, got several wounds on Mo Liqing's body, which were bitten by the three-headed Jiao and the Xiaotian dog.Blood oozes from the ten fingers that have already played the pipa of Magic Power Sea.

But Yang Jian's eighty-nine profound skills, his physical strength without fear of the sound of the pipa, and his resistance to Qingyun's sword energy have already gained the upper hand!
The four great masters have already stopped, quietly looking down, who can win.The colorful light in the sky illuminates the night sky, even if the lunar stars are disturbed by the spiritual light, it is difficult to illuminate Xiqi!

On the Xiqi battlefield, a branch of thorns is spreading.

Its roots grew thousands of feet deep in the soil, and its stems stretched thousands of feet out of the soil, branching out into countless small branches, greedily drinking the flesh and blood of 20 people!
20 flesh and blood who died on the battlefield!
Blood is the most fertile spiritual fluid, and corpses are the most fertile nourishment!
This thorn is a thorn with a chance!
It devoured the corpses and blood of 20 soldiers who died in battle, and all the blood on the battlefield went into its body!
It became the strongest of the 27 thorns!Became the king of purple blood thorns!But it didn't drink enough flesh and blood, it got into the swamp where Su Hu passed by, and there were [-] corpses there, all of which were swallowed by it.

There was no trace of blood on the entire battlefield!It's as if the war never happened!
This purple blood thorn is the scavenger of the battlefield!

(End of this chapter)

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