The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 327 Zhunti to overcome hardships, Zhunti to raise the world of mortals.

Chapter 327 Zhunti to overcome hardships, Zhunti to raise the world of mortals.

After drinking the blood of 23 people and eating the corpses of 23 people, the purple blood thorns became extremely excited. Its roots grew in the soil of Xiqi, and its branches reached to the sky. Go up, turn around those immortals, and see which one is more delicious.

Don't talk about the immortals who explain and teach, even the immortals who operate in business, when they see this evil thing, they feel cold all over their bodies and dare not look directly at it.

Seeing this, Qing Luo smiled lightly, pointed at the air, the King of Thorns soared into the sky, flew to the Fifth Heaven, and once again entangled Fear Liusun!

Fearing the thousand silver Buddha dust left behind by his grandchildren, he waved three thousand silver silk scrolls, like a thousand needles, like a thousand thorns, towards the King of Thorns.

The King of Thorns is not afraid at all, but there are countless thorns of thorns standing on his body, the purple blood spirit flowers are in full bloom, and the 49 spirit flowers are like 49 mouths, swallowing the flying silver threads. Without stopping, he actually tore off a thousand silver threads!
Fearing Liusun's fury, he waved his hand and released the immortal ropes, one after another!
The eight fairy ropes occupy the position of the gossip, one end is wrapped around the thorns, and the other end is connected into a gossip circle.

The thorns were trapped, bloody, and branched out countless branches, curling and piercing in all directions!
A thorn was formed in the sky, and a thorn is a thorn!Insidious and poisonous like a snake, it spread and climbed, trapped Fear Liusun, and kept him from the thorns.

Just at this moment, a loud laugh suddenly came from the east!Big laugh!
There is confidence in the smile, and smoothness in the smile!

In the east, several figures appeared!

The person who laughed at the head was none other than Taoist Duobao, the first disciple of the Jiejiao!

Behind him stood four figures.

Fire Dragon Island Flame Immortal, Luo Xuan!
The famous mountain of Kowloon Island, Lu Yue!
Yu Hua, a disciple of Penglai Island's immortal Yu Yuan!
Duobao's disciple intercepted three generations of teaching, the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit!
At the same time, Chaoge was heading west, above the southwest and northwest passes, and there were figures of people falling down!

Chaoge is just west of Sishuiguan, which is the closest to Xiqi, and the Holy Mother of Guiling, Hanzhixian, and Caiyunxian fly down.

The Jiameng in the southeast of Chaoge closed, and the leader of Tongtian followed the Seven Immortals and stepped down from the sky.

Qinglong Pass in the northwest of Chaoge is closed, and the Holy Mother of Wudang and the Holy Mother of Jinling descend under auspicious clouds.

The sage Jiejiao Tongtian sat down, and the four major disciples, accompanied by the seven immortals, all walked out of the Biyou Palace on Golden Turtle Island, and stepped into the mortal world in the midst of calamity!
Fifteen second-generation disciples came to Jiejiao!
Corresponding to the Twelve Golden Immortals, Cloud Neutron, Randeng, and Xuandu of Renjiao.

Accompanying him were two of the most handsome disciples of the three generations.

Jiejiao, or Jiejiao Ten Thousand Immortals, has only the respect of the Three Purities and the Three Teachings for the Interpretation of Education.

But it's just respect!In terms of strength, the people who intercepted the teaching did not pay attention to the disciples of the teaching at all!
When the Xianjiao immortals repeatedly killed Jiejiao disciples, this kind of respect has disappeared!Some are just disgusted with elucidation!

Because they saw the face of Chanjiao loathing them, and they saw the contempt for them from Yuanshi Tianzun to Sanxiao.

Contempt is contempt!The sage has that qualification!However, even saints should not insult their desire to seek Tao!

Wet eggs are not worthy of survival?Are you unworthy of asking for the Way?Don't you deserve the right to chase the avenue?Why did billions and billions of wet-born eggs be born on that day?
Their desire to seek the Tao is no worse than that of explaining teachings, not less than explaining teachings.It is true that there are people with bad conduct and superficial morality in their interception, but in general, they are all people with bad conduct, unworthy virtue, superficial morality and extremely low heels?

Enmity against the road is irreconcilable!Those who humiliate the Tao must not be tolerated!
Because, their pursuit of the Tao is a lifelong belief, a belief that has not changed for thousands of years, the extreme state of sublime, the acme of inquiry!
When Tongtian's revealing words hanging on Zizhi Cliff prevented them from going out of the mountain, their hearts were full of anger and hatred!And the hatred and anger accumulate more and more, and the accumulation makes people lose their minds!
Now, Tongtian allowed them to go out of the mountain, so naturally he obeyed the bad breath, the anger was not deep, the hatred was not extreme, the reason was still there, especially the heart!
Then they come to know how tall this "high man" who keeps his mouth shut is a generation of eggs hatched from wetness!
They expounded and taught, and in the eyes of Jiejiao, they are nothing more than mediocre.

Jiejiao is known as Ten Thousand Immortals Coming to Dynasty. There are four quasi-sages in the sect, 36 Daluo, 360 five Taiyis, three thousand golden immortals, and nearly ten thousand disciples below the golden immortals!There have been five generations of disciples in the inheritance of Jiejiao, and the sect has spread all over the prehistoric, southeast, north, and four corners. The largest sect in the prehistoric, this is their self-confidence, their confidence!
There are only half a hundred disciples of Chanjiao, how can it be compared with Chanjiao?
This is the reason why Nuwa favored Yuanshi at first.Because, to explain the gap between the two religions, how can it be a "big" word!Only by helping the weak against the strong can we fight more intensely!
The sage of Tongtian taught without discrimination, blessed hundreds of millions of living beings, living beings in the prehistoric world, who doesn't know, who doesn't know?Among the group of monks under the Daluo Jinxian, the name of Tongtian far surpasses the reputation of Yuanshi Tianzun and Laozi.

Yuxu of Kunlun and Jinbie Biyou, two holy lands of saints, are separated by hundreds of millions of miles of mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, but they can't stop the disputes between the two religions!
Yuanshi Tianzun raised his head and looked at the pole of the East China Sea.The sage of Donghai also raised his head, smiled calmly, and said from the air: "All the disciples of Chanjiao are of noble character and have a very high following.

My four great disciples, who serve the Seven Immortals, are only born from dampness, if your disciples are capable, so what if you send them to the list of gods? "

Yuanshi Tianzun just remained silent, he turned his head, turned aside Tongtian, and looked at Lao Tzu.

Lao Tzu also quietly glanced at him on Shouyang Mountain.There was powerlessness in that look.

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Nuwa's palace again, but Nuwa just closed her eyes and rested, and ignored her.

Yuanshi Tianzun had no choice but to look at the west, and then looked away.He still doesn't want to let people from the West intervene.

But for this kind of thing for help, if there is a first time to break the limit, then there will be a second time.

Asking for help, relying on the strength of others, without harming yourself, can create a trend of self-interest, which is addictive!

It, only zero and countless times!

However, what made Yuanshi Tianzun miscalculated was that the West declined.

Zhunti sage, sitting beside the pool of merits and virtues of the eight treasures, smiled lightly and said nothing.

This saint, no one has ever seen him not laughing.

He laughs at all the common people and all the prehistoric people.

After laughing three thousand mortals, laugh at ghosts and gods.

After laughing at hundreds of millions of sentient beings, laugh at the world!
There are endless meanings in the smile of Zhunti sage.The master practiced while laughing, and the disciples naturally followed suit.Maitreya has become a laughing Maitreya!

The quasi-sage saint, traveled all over the prehistoric land in the past, spent a moment of karma with a smile, and comprehended all beings for thousands of generations with a smile.Only then did he realize the supreme curse, the supreme law!
The mantra is the quasi-mention mantra, and the law is the Buddhist law!
He only wishes to overcome the sufferings of all living beings, overcome hardships, but not the world of mortals!
In his view, the struggle between explaining and teaching the two teachings, and the rise of calamity, are all blurred in the world of mortals.He couldn't see clearly, so he didn't dare to make a move.

He was afraid that if he crossed the wrong person, it would become a bitter fruit, so he could only eat it himself and others would eat it. He suffered for himself and others.When the world of mortals is in trouble, he will go out of the mountain and step out of the world of bliss.

He must have said that he was going through hardships, not creating them!
(End of this chapter)

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