The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 328 Three Teachings, Three First Disciples, Three Fields of War

Chapter 328 Three teachings and three disciples, the field of three wars
Zhunti beside the Eight Treasures Pond smiled lightly and said nothing, and the introduction was a dream of reincarnation and never awakening, let alone being involved with Yuanshi.

Yuanshi Tianzun's complexion was a bit ugly.His eyes looked at Xiqi again, and the figures in Xiqi City were all his disciples and grandchildren.

He and them have become the teaching of the entire saint, the famous elucidation teaching!

They are for him, and he is for them.The saint is connected with the holy religion, and the saint is connected with the saint.

I still remember that when he was sanctified that day, he proclaimed the sacred scene of heaven and earth when he preached to the vast heaven.

Yuanshi Tianzun became firm again, he got up himself, walked out of Yuxu Palace, and stepped into Bajing Palace.

. . .

Above Xiqi Chongtian, Daoist Duobao laughed three times, the laughter was soul-stirring, and the laughter was carefree and bold!

Shock the world with a smile!

Ran Deng did not hesitate to damage his vitality, broke through the thorny prison, and turned back to Xiqi.

Qing Luo didn't chase after him, because he knew he couldn't stop him, and the power of this God Conferred Tribulation was beyond his ability to reverse or control the overall situation.

The opponents that the immortals of Chanjiao had abandoned one after another flew into Xiqi City.Qing Luo also took back the Hunyuan Sixiang Gate and released the four golden immortals.

Because, he can only trap four Da Luoxians, but he can only be trapped. If he wants to capture them, it will take a lot of effort!
At this time, the attitude of intercepting the teaching is clear, and the attitude of the major forces and saints will not be easily attacked.

Daoist Duobao's three smiles resounded through the Eighth Layer of Heaven Realm, startling all the teaching immortals and countless powerful people who were watching!

Xuan Du frowned, and immediately accepted all the methods in the sky, stood up and beat Kong Xuan.

Kong Xuan smiled at him, received his magical powers, and stood up.

Xuandu fell into Xiqi City, Kong Xuan was still standing on the cloud, seeing Xuandu's figure disappear, he sat on the cloud again, thinking alone!
Kong Xuan, the son of Yuanfeng, has a kind of pride in his bones, a demeanor of looking down on the world.

Before meeting Xuandu, Kong Xuan was invincible in his peers.

After meeting Xuandu, Kong Xuan has an enemy of his own generation!

There were waves in his heart, and he had a fighting heart.Now, Kong Xuan just calms down and waits for the next confrontation.
Duobao brought four disciples into the business camp.Qing fell into the camp, and they stood and waited.

Qing Luo was surprised, and said with a smile directly: "Brother Duobao, as the first disciple of the Jiejiao, you naturally belong to the position of head coach!"

Duobao smiled casually, "Fellow Daoist Qingluo, you don't have to shirk. Although I am the first disciple of the Jiejiao, I admire the wisdom of fellow Daoist, and I am willing to bow down."

In fact, Duobao didn't say it, but it was the order of the leader of Tongtian.If Duobao had said so, then outsiders would think that he, Duobao, had to give up the position of coach to Qingluo because of his master's orders.In this way, those who are interested will have some unknown crooked thoughts!
In the big tent, Qing Luo no longer refuses.He knew that the people in the Jiejiao were such straight-hearted people, if they insisted on not being polite, they would be posturing!
Qing Luo set up a large tent of the Chinese army for the Jiejiao people, and ordered the three generals of the Mo family and Yuan Tianjun to explain in detail about the merchant battlefield and the mortal battlefield for them.

In the merchant barracks, there are only barracks and no tents.

Since he has entered the human way, entered the human world, and entered the army, then he is a person in the human way and the human world.Not for immortals, but for mortals!

In the eyes of millions of soldiers, their identities are no longer high-ranking immortals, but friendly troops and enemy troops!There is no distinction between the three religions, gods, spirits, or monsters, only camps, simple and clear!
Therefore, there was never a Lu Peng, and the army camp was ready early!
On the second day, a Taoist walked out of Xiqi City and went to Shanshui calmly.

There was an old man in the east, and a deer in the deep clouds carried him outside the city of Xiqi.

In the camp of the merchant army, a handsome and upright Taoist walked out.

Three people form a triangle.

Except for the rolling yellow sand outside Xiqi City, it was the three of them!
The three of them walked straight and obliquely towards the three of them. In the end, the three of them formed a formation of "little three talents".
The first disciple of the Human Sect, the Grand Master of Xuandu!

The first disciple of elucidation, Antarctic Immortal!
The first disciple of the sect, Daoist Duobao!
Pan Gu was born with Tai Chi, following two rituals and four images.

One is to pass on three friends, and the other is to teach and explain.

The leader of Xuanmen Capital, turned into Hongjun in one breath.

Hongjun's three first disciples and grandchildren gathered in the land of calamity!
What they carry is not only the will of individuals, but also the will of the three religions, the three saints, and the members of the three religions!
The yellow sand flew up, and Xuandu spoke.

"Red lotus, white root and green lotus leaves, the three religions are originally one family."

This sentence is very silent.Nanji Xianweng and Daoist Duobao kept silent.

After a long time, the Antarctic Fairy finally took over.

"It is God's will for Shang to destroy Zhou, and it is God's will to follow Heaven's will!"

After a long time, Daoist Duobao continued: "Although life and death are determined by God, fate has a silver lining!"

After speaking, the three looked up at each other.

Xuandu looked at Duobao with calm eyes like water, without evading at all, and took a step to the left!
The three talents are scattered!
Xuandu took a step closer to the South Pole, and disappeared at equal distances and distances, and when the intimacy and goodness disappeared, the triangle friendship dissipated!

Xuandu and Antarctica stand on the same line in just one step.

Duobao looked at each other.

There was no anger or anger in his eyes, only indifference and strangeness.

He smiled high, into the rolling yellow sand, into the hearts of countless immortals.

Flicking his sleeves, he turned around, and the wind blew up his gown, leaving Xi Qi and the two of them with only a strange but familiar figure from their backs.

The friendship between the three teachings is scattered with the wind!

Three Purities and Three Saints, Qi Qi felt a chill in his heart!
But even cooler is Babel.He has never begged for a senior brother, nor has he expected to.But when he saw Lao Tzu's attitude, even though the sage's primordial spirit was entrusted to the way of heaven, he still felt very blocked in his heart, and it hurt so much!Pain like never before!Saints will also mourn in their hearts!This was verified by Tongtian himself!

On the third day, the sound beating!The army is lined up, and the immortals are against each other.

Xiqi, the sky is full of clouds, and Shiman is on the battlefield.

The battle of conquest, the battle of calamity, begins again!
This time, in the battle of calamity, not only some outer disciples and low-level disciples will die, but also the countless years of knowledge of the three religions of the sages!

The wound is the bone!
But under the vast sky, the battle will finally come!

Duobao steps on the ladder, and the Antarctic stands on the cloud deer.

The first disciple of elucidation and teaching is the first disciple of interception.

One is to acquire the Supreme Jade Virtual Dharma, and the other is to acquire the Supreme Supreme Pure Dharma.

One is the truth of the Antarctic Longevity Emperor, and the other is the elder brother worshiped by thousands of immortals in the East China Sea.

The quasi-holy corpse is aimed at the holy corpse.

There is no need for any publicity, there are already countless powerful people in the prehistoric world watching this battle with their spiritual sense!
The five-color divine light in the eight layers of heaven once again bloomed between the heaven and the earth, and the heaven and earth Xuanhuang Pagoda stood tall in the sky again.This is a war with variables.

Seventh Heaven.

The Virgin of Fire Spirit stands on the cloud of fire.

Miaojun Erlang stood beside Xiaotian.

This is the duel of three generations of disciples!
The three battles represent infinite meaning, which makes people look forward to it!

The will to fight is evident without words.Battle front, sharp without stabbing!

(End of this chapter)

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