Chapter 329

In the prehistoric world, there is no eternal protagonist.Only you sing and I will appear on stage.

At this moment, the six of them are the momentary protagonists who gathered countless eyes!

Daoist Duobao stepped on the clouds, and said heartily: "Fellow Antarctic Daoist, you and I just make an appointment based on these three games, how about it?"

He is called a Taoist friend of Nanji, not a teacher brother of the three schools of Taoism, or a Taoist brother.Enemies who are just polite, will no longer be Daoist Sanqing.

Nanji Xianweng's eyes narrowed, and he replied, "How to make an appointment?"

Daoist Duobao smiled lightly: "I have done these three games, if we win all, the Twelve Golden Immortals of Yuxu will be here under the city of Xiqi, and cut off half of the hair of the ten thousand immortals, as a gift of fault!"

The twelve golden immortals were all startled, and burst into anger again.

I went to the hairpin of Yuxu Dao and scattered three thousand strands of hair.Cut the black hair in half, cut off my longevity!
The long hair of immortals is definitely not just to show off their immortal demeanor.

Parents dare not damage the body, hair and skin!

Immortals caress my top and endure longevity.

Their long hair is the knot of the saints of Yuxu Palace!
How can you abandon it if you accept it from the Holy Spirit?On the contrary, the Antarctic fairy was silent for a moment, and then asked: "Ruojiejiao,,,,"

"If my teaching loses a game, the merchant army will return immediately with a million troops, not close to Xiqi!" Duobao replied immediately.

The Nanji Fairy remained silent for a moment, he saw the anger in the eyes of the Twelve Golden Fairies below!
That is the anger of contempt for them!How can they tolerate the contemptuous gaze of Daoist Duobao when they eloquently teach the Twelve Golden Immortals and the Twelve Daluos of the Holy Religion?

All along, they have always been in a high-ranking posture. To the immortals of Jiejiao, those with low cultivation bases are all in the position of superiors!

At this time, it turned out to be the point of being despised and despised by others!
How could they not be angry?
However, the Antarctic fairy sighed, "Since that's the case, let's start!"

Qing Luo's heart felt relieved, the plan seemed to be successful!
Xiqi City was trapped and became a place of death!And the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao are really incapable of defeating Jiejiao. If Xiqi City is trapped for one day, the world will be more stable.

Xiqishun's will of heaven and heaven's time is that the king of Zhou was incompetent and stupid, and the princes of the world stood side by side and turned against each other. The Western Zhou Dynasty followed the heart of heaven and the will of the people below, and obtained the right time, place and people, and finally completed the great cause of cutting down merchants and establishing a new dynasty!
Therefore, Xiqi City must not be trapped!Destiny does not allow it, elucidation does not allow it, and calamity does not allow it!
The sound fell, and the battle began!
Daoist Duobao stepped forward, and with one step, the sun and the moon were covered by immeasurable golden brilliance!

An 81-foot-tall golden pagoda of divine splendor floats behind Duobao.

What a pagoda!On the pagoda, Yan Lu Jinde, thousands of spiritual treasures radiate light, making countless people greedy when they see it!

The pagoda stands in the sky, so vast and vast!
The Antarctic fairy looked down, and waved his sword, the sword glowed with seven stars, and the Antarctic stars shone in the south of the sky!
He pointed at the Duobao Pagoda with his sword.

The Ziwei Xingjian flickered once, and only once, it flickered all over the void!

One billion and 3000 million rays of light from the Ziwei Star Sword, like the sea like the sky, like the sky of the sea of ​​stars!
The purple star river is bright, the brilliance of a billion swords, transforming into a star shadow of crape myrtle, slash!

The multi-treasure pagoda is full of thousands of treasures, and the treasures of the three thousand roads have become a perfect number.Baowei is in the sky, and the colorful Baomang is like a dreamy ocean, covering thousands of miles of mountains and rivers with turbulent waves, and facing the bright crape myrtle galaxy in the nine heavens!
With just one blow, the heavens and the earth trembled, spreading throughout the entire prehistoric region, causing panic and fear in the hearts of countless living beings.

After one blow, the Ziwei star dimmed, and the Duobao Pagoda stood erect.

The Antarctic Fairy was defeated!

But he was defeated so much that many mighty men were in awe, because even if he was defeated, he was not comparable to them.

Duobao frowned slightly, he clearly felt that Antarctica hadn't used all its strength, and still had a lot of strength left!However, the Antarctic fairy just bowed his hands and fell to the sky.

Duobao had no choice but to leave after paying respects.

The Twelve Golden Immortals were shocked. It turned out that they were so far behind Zhunsheng Da Neng, his senior brother, and Jiejiao Duobao!The Twelve Golden Immortals were hit again!
In the eighth heaven, Kong Xuan raised the clouds, stepped forward, and said, "Xuandu, it's our turn!"

Xuandu nodded in response.

The Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda stands on the nine heavens, protecting the Xuandu, preventing all dharma from invading, and standing on a place where no one worships!
At the same time, with a wave of Xuandu's ink-colored sleeve robe, a Taiji map appeared, and a golden bridge spanned, one end was at Xuandu's feet, and the other end was under Kong Xuan's body!

Yin and Yang stand at both ends of the golden bridge, connecting life and death.

The Golden Bridge determines the universe and seals thousands of miles away!

The Zifu sword came out, cut through the wall of space, and landed on Kong Xuan who was pinned down!
Seeing blood flow from a knife wound!
Xuandu said indifferently: "You are defeated!"

Kong Xuan chuckled lightly and said, "Although you have the treasure of a sage and your heart for pursuing the Tao, how can you win if you don't have the heart of the Tao?"

After all, the blood left on Kong Xuan's back ignited vermilion fire and red flames, the phoenix nirvana, and Kong Xuan became a ball of five-color light.

Five colors of light, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, the five elements.

The five lights scattered into five people!
Five people formed an formation and surrounded Xuandu.

Xuandu was not surprised at all, and stepped on the golden bridge again, it turned into a fish eye of Taiji yin and yang, spread instantly, and spread to the feet of the five Taoists of the Five Elements.

The five people laughed together, turning into a single color of brilliance, which is the purest source of the five elements in the world!

The five lights are magical, isolated from the coercion of the Taiji diagram, condensed together, and the five colors merged into a colorless, colorless and colorless color.

A colorless figure flew up in an instant, completely ignoring the blocking power of the barriers of the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, entered the tower, slapped Xuandu in front of him with a palm, but stopped again.

He said: "You lost!"

Xuandu was stunned, and then said: "Friends of Taoism are so high, they are very close to saints, and no poor Taoist can stop them!"

The colorless figure was startled, and he returned to Kong Xuan's appearance, he smiled and said: "No! Fellow Taoist Xuandu, your realm is already extremely high, but you rely too much on the treasure of a saint.

It's not my way, I don't use it! "

After all, let's return it as a gift.

Xuandu stood in a daze for a moment, then returned to his indifferent state, and walked down the cloud.

In three rounds, Shang has won two!

The last match is naturally extremely critical!

Because of this, although the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit and Yang Jian are only three generations of disciples of the two religions, they still attract the attention of many people.

In the Fifth Heaven, the Holy Mother of the Fire Spirit took a look at Yang Jian, and one person and one dog also glanced at the Holy Mother of the Fire Spirit!
Both of them are at the peak of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, they only wait for an opportunity, and if they find an opportunity, there is great promise!
Yang Jian is the well-deserved No.1 disciple of the third generation in the interpretation of teachings!Even if he is only in the realm of Taiyi, in this place of calamity, his Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kung Fu will increase its power even more!

Yang Jian's strength is already stronger than some of the second-generation disciples of Chanjiao!
And the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit is the first disciple of the first disciple of the Interceptor!Fame and strength are also extremely strong, and he is also a top-notch existence among the three generations of Jiejiao disciples!

The reason why it is said to be top-notch and not No. 1 of the third-generation disciples is because there are too many disciples of the third generation of Jiejiao, and many of them have strong strengths. Without proof, they cannot be called No. .1 up!

Qing Luo's eyes flickered, looking at Yang Jian and Huo Ling, it seemed that this strategy would be revealed through this battle!
 The upper limit has been waived, please give some support to the masters, and count the votes.Hungry fish turned over, just today.

  If you can't turn over, you are a salted fish, if you can't turn over, you are a hungry fish!
(End of this chapter)

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