Chapter 338 On the Lagerstroemia star (subscription for the third watch)

The stars of Lagerstroemia in the Arctic are twinkling, and the battle of stars in the Antarctic is flourishing!
In the sky at the poles of heaven and earth, the stars are all out!One of the four emperors of heaven, the Antarctic Emperor of Longevity stepped out of the air!

The reason why the Antarctic Immortal was able to borrow the power of Ziwei and the stars was because there was no one in the heavenly court, and he, the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor, took the post of the North Pole as the Antarctic Lord!

The Antarctic Longevity Emperor stands on the eighteenth heavenly realm, coercing the majesty of the magnificent clothes, no one dares to look at his sharpness!

He pointed far away, and the stars in the Antarctic shone, attracting the Ziwei stars in the North Pole, and then he took a picture with his palm!
The film was made of Ziwei Xing!

Crape Myrtle Star Trembling, Crape Myrtle Projection!
Projected to the Eighth Heaven Realm, projected under Qing Luo's body!
The Lagerstroemia star sea dried up in an instant, and solidified into the crape myrtle projection, and the virtual became solid!

Qing Luo stood on Ziwei Star!The crape myrtle projection is back, returning to the stars, and also the blue fall on the crape myrtle phantom!
In ancient times, there was Chang'e flying to the moon, but now there is him returning to the stars in green!

Ziwei star is the main star of all the stars in the north, the power of the stars is extremely huge, suppressed by star power, Qing Luo can't move at all!
If it was a small star, he could easily break free, but now he is bound by the position of the main star of the North Pole, Ziwei Xingchen!There is no room for him to resist!The pulling power of the stars is like Chang'e flying to the moon in ancient times. Even the quasi-sacred powerhouse of the moon god can hardly compete with the pulling power of the lunar star, one of the two main stars of heaven and earth!

Holding the green ink stick, the Nanji immortal man breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Mortal tribulations, let's send my fellow Taoist to live on the Ziwei star for a while!"

Qing Luo stood on top of the stars, without struggling or resisting, following the projection of the stars straight into the stars, he smiled lightly: "That's it, thank you so much!"

Immortal Weng was surprised, Duobao was slightly stunned, and Ran Deng was vigilant.

Kong Xuan watched off, but Xuandu closed his eyes.

The group of immortals are still fighting, just looking at the blue sky in the sky, each with their own joys and sorrows.

The war on earth is still going on, and so is the war on heaven!
But the Xianjiao Immortal has already gained the upper hand!Because there is one more Antarctic fairy that no one can deal with, the quasi-sage and power!
Even under the suppression of the amount of calamity, Da Neng's strength can at most activate [-] to [-]% of his strength, but it is by no means an ordinary big Luo's opponent!

On the Qinglong Xiongguan pass in the northwest, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit looks southwest and towards Surabaya.She stepped out of Qinglongguan, intending to go.

But the next moment, her footsteps stopped.

Because, there are five-color rays of light, reflecting thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.Kong Xuan made a move!

This is the last chance, the last time to see the five colors that amazed all immortals in Fengshen!

The five-color divine light formed a five-color world, covering Antarctica and Xuandu!

Kong Xuan monopolizes Taoism, three religions and two first disciples!

This kind of courage and strength has made countless immortals admire.But for Kong Xuan who dared to challenge the saint, it was not a big deal!

And above the sky, the Great Desolate Continent beyond the 33rd Heaven is filled with infinite stars.Among them, the Arctic crape myrtle stars are surrounded by the arctic stars, just like the king of the stars!
On the Ziwei Star, Qing Luo occupied it, and sighed in his heart, he actually came to the starry sky and the Ziwei Star in this situation!

Ziwei Star is very desolate!Except for an empty hall prepared for the future Emperor Ziwei, it is desolate!

Because the Heavenly Court does not have too much strength to manage the stars that are far away from the Heavenly Court, the weak immortals are unable to manage them, and the powerful immortals are really unable to do so. The Ziwei Star is only the palm of the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor, and does not allow it to assume power.

The power of the stars here is very strong. For those who practice the way of the stars, this is definitely a holy place for cultivation!But in Honghuang, how many people dare to cultivate the Avenue of Stars, and how many people can cultivate to a high level?

The former ancient demon court controlled the stars in the sky, making the 360 ​​five-week star formation one of the three great formations in the wild!

Now that the monster clan has declined, the stars have fallen silent, and there is no longer the fame of the past!
Qing Luo sighed, no longer thinking about the ancient things.Although he was trapped in Xingdou, he was not in a hurry.Now that the coach is cut off to enter the field, even without him, it is not easy to beat!

He stood up, straightened his body, and everywhere his eyes fell were stars exuding the power of stars!

The big star, the small star, the main star, and the group of stars are each shining with their own star brilliance, one after another, the orbits of thousands of stars are running in a vacuum!
Here is the world of the stars, in the middle layer closest to the primordial and the chaos, above the stars is the chaos, below the stars is the prehistoric!

Qing Luo has one thing to do, a very important thing!This is also the reason why he is willing to stay on Ziwei Xingchen!
In the past, when he was not yet a Da Luo, he majored in the five elements and did not practice other ways.Because, he firmly believes that one method can be mastered and all methods can be mastered!
But when he saw Empress Nuwa's Three Thousand Creations World Tree, he was shocked, three thousand ways, three thousand worlds!How magnificent!What a cultivation base!
It is true that one method can understand all methods, but it is definitely not something that he can easily comprehend thoroughly!
Therefore, he wants to enlightenment!Wu Xingchen said!Enlightenment is not a profound way, but a simple way.

Leading the way into the mystery map!Complete the stars in the Xuantu world!

Qing Luo casually walked on Ziwei Star, every inch of land has existed since ancient times, there are no living beings, no immortals, only him and a magnificent palace in the whole star!
Qing Luo waved his sleeves, and the Nine Profound Map flew out, flying above the stars!
The ancient map faces the stars, and the stars reflect the ancient map.

Qingluo's spiritual thoughts burst out vertically and horizontally, transforming thousands of dandelion seeds, and the flowers bloomed and fell to the stars!

Countless white light spots floated all over the star universe, scattered on the stars one after another!

Then the seeds fall to the stars, regenerate roots and sprout, sprout branches and grow leaves, dandelion flowers bloom, flower seeds disperse again, flower seeds float again, fall again, and bloom again. . .

The universe of stars is still so quiet, and Qingluo is still standing on the crape myrtle. After a long time, clusters of flowers are blooming on the billions of stars!

Qing Luo single-handedly touches the Nine Mysterious Figures, this natal spiritual treasure, the acquired treasure!

The Nine Profound Map silently unfolds the scroll, extending the space!
Because this place is far away from the prehistoric, it is outside the prehistoric, so there is almost no suppression of the calamity.

The Nine Profound Map unfolded ten thousand feet, one hundred thousand feet, one million feet, ten thousand feet, one billion feet, one billion feet!

Among the stars in the void, Qing Luo unfolded the Nine Profound Map to the extreme!
The picture scroll with a width of one billion feet is like a vast continent floating above the stars.

Qingluo smiled again, since no one is blocking him, then he will succeed!

He stretched out his hand and said, "Fall!"

I saw countless dandelion flowers flying up above the billions of stars!White light filled the entire battle of the stars in the North Pole!
Such a big movement disturbed countless immortals even in the starry sky!
At this time, outside the Surabaya Pass, the war has ceased.Xian Fan fought day after day, and finally got tired of fighting and withdrew his troops.

But Kong Xuan's five-color world is still being held up, and there are still two powerful existences of heaven and earth trapped in Anji and Xuandu!

At this time, under the night sky, the sky where the battle of the stars in the North Pole was filled with white light, illuminating most of the Great Desolation!
Countless mortals look up at the wonders in the night sky. The light of the North Pole shines on the land of Kyushu, mountains and rivers are shining for hundreds of millions of miles, and there are endless creatures in the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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