The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 339 The sun and the moon are crowned, and the stars guard

Chapter 339 The sun and the moon are crowned, and the stars guard

On the wall of Sishui Pass, Xiao Zhu stood with Shuo De, Qu Kong and others, looking up to the sky.

Looking to the north of the horizon.Their master is in the place where the immortals are shining!

Daoist Duobao looked at the north, laughed dumbly and said, "I'm still worried about you, I never thought I'd have a chance!"

In the reed canopy of Zhou camp,
The lamp looked gloomy.

The Antarctic Immortal Weng frowned.

Then, the Antarctic Immortal Emperor made another move.One punch gathers the power of the Antarctic stars, and the fist of the stars hits Ziwei mixed with the torrent of stars.

But in the middle, a hundred and eight thousand red threads suddenly sprang out and bound the Fist of the Stars!Under the moon, the old man stroked his beard and smiled under the osmanthus tree.

On the Ziwei Star, Qingluo stretched out her hand to stipple, and every place where her finger landed was the place where Danying Huazi left her mark!

The star of crape myrtle, the Big Dipper, and the stars of the north have all inspired the bright!

Countless dandelion flower seeds fall into star trails one by one, the stars revolve, the order of the four seasons!
Although the Nine Profound Map is a billion feet wide, it is only mediocre to the vast sky, and a sliver of power that can surely guide the northern stars is enough to support it!
In Wa Palace, Empress Nuwa looked at the Xuantu, thoughtfully, and glanced at Bei Ming.

In the deepest part of the sea of ​​the Northern Darkness, in the main hall of the Demon Master's Palace, the Kunpeng Demon Master, the Kunpeng Patriarch nodded and smiled lightly.

Immediately, there was a Kun You Ge Tai Xu in the void of stars!A huge Kun that occupies half of the starry sky!

Kun travels in the sea of ​​stars, 360 five Zhou Tianzhu stars are shining brightly!
Once upon a time in ancient times, in the Monster Clan Zhou Tian Xingdou formation, apart from Di Jun, he was the one who controlled the most, knew the most about the starry sky, and had the deepest understanding of the way of the stars!
Kun swam slowly, covering the entire starry sky.Then his body blurred, and hundreds of millions of light spots appeared in the starry sky!The chances of countless star orbits staggered, all appeared in Qing Luo's eyes!

One by one, the ancient demon texts also appeared among the stars, lighting up the entire night sky!

Seeing this, the powers of heaven and earth were silent.The strength of the Kunpeng Patriarch has taken another step forward!This is the power of the ancient times, the power of the ancient times!You can move the stars and change the moon with just one hand, and the sky and the earth will follow you in every move!
They don't need to use the formulas of Taoism like the great powers of later generations, and they don't need to practice the various Taoist scriptures.

They are the ancient innate gods, the masters of the past, and the darlings of the world.Now he is also an unworldly strong man in the world!
Qing Luo saluted Beiming Kunpeng respectfully and thanked him for helping Dao!

The starry sky is endless, drawing countless spiritual stars into the mysterious map!
On the mysterious map, phantoms of stars and star veins trajectories appeared in an instant, complicated and intertwined, complicated and complicated!

The five main stars of Zhutian 360 removed the two stars of the lunar sun and the sun, and finally completely projected the mysterious map!

Qing Luo saluted and thanked Man Tian Xing Chen respectfully.Thank you not only for the stars, but also for some ancient, mysterious, and terrifying powers that survive in the depths of the stars!

Although the Nine Profound Diagram is only one billion feet wide, it accommodates the orbits of stars above the entire sky. Countless stars shine, but there are no stars to dominate!

So, Qing Luo bowed to Sun Xing.

The Sanren of West Kunlun, the Ten Golden Crow Prince, Lu Ya, remembered Shuode and smiled again.A golden crow soared into the sky and flew into the great sun.The next moment, the sun and stars flickered, projecting a mysterious image.

Qing Luo bowed to the lunar star again, and the moon god Chang'e looked at Shi Ji, and smiled lightly, looking magnificent.The lunar star is bright, the moonlight is falling down to the nine heavens, and the moonlight enters the mysterious map at dawn!
With the help of these two stars, 360 big stars flicker on the Xuan Tu, [-] five main stars shine brightly, and countless little stars shine brightly.

On the Nine Profound Map, it became a starry sky!A map of the starry sky and stars!

Qing Luo was overjoyed, he had completely imprinted the star tracks of the way of the stars, although he still didn't know much about the way of the stars, but he had already imprinted the sky full of stars into the Xuantu world, and he had a complete imprint of the starry sky!His derivative world can generate its own starry world by itself!

Qing Luo reached out to make a move.The Xuantu, which is as majestic as a billion-foot-high continent, flies to it, causing thousands of stars to twinkle, and attracting infinite starlight to fall down on the world of Xuanhuang Gutu!
On the Xuantu, the lunar sun and star marks flashed, and a big sun and a silver moon appeared above Qing Luo's head!
On the Xuantu, the 360 ​​five main stars shine, and the phantom of the 360 ​​five stars appears around Qing Luo's body.

Crowned by the sun and the moon, guarded by the stars!
Qing Luo let out a low laugh, and stepped out of Ziwei!
How can the brilliance of the crape myrtle star compete with the glory of the sun and the moon?On the Jiuxuan Map, the light of the stars gradually faded, and the ancient map turned into a three-foot ancient scroll, which fell into Qing Luo's hands.

On the Xuantu, the images derived from the five elements are removed, and a little bit of stars are born, the sun and the moon are solidified, and the world is complete!
Jiuxuantu's curled body is more ethereal and fairy dust, getting rid of the appearance of vulgar treasures!The power of the Acquired Supreme Treasure can be more prosperous, the profound meaning of heaven and earth is hidden in it, and the wisdom of the five elements is derived from it!
The aura on Qing Luo's body is becoming more and more mysterious and profound, and she is one step closer to the way of beheading corpses!
He stepped out of the lower heaven, and when the sun was rising, he returned to Surabaya Pass.

Nanji Xianweng's face turned bitter. It was originally a trick to trap people, but in the end it made others happy.

Ran Deng could only sigh in his heart again.An absurd and terrifying thought came to his mind!That is, he felt that this Qingluo might become a subversive figure in the Conferred God Quantity Tribulation!Success or failure depends on you!

In the Ninth Heaven Realm, the divine light of the five-color world split, Kong Xuanzui's face turned pale, and Xuandu and Nanji staggered out!

Kong Xuan stayed in the Ninth Heaven Realm for a long time, since he went up to the clouds, he never went down.Now, he walked down the cloud.

The existence of this person who is envious of all beings in the world, every movement attracts the attention of countless people.

Kong Xuan came to Laishui to close the gate, and said goodbye to Qingluo!
One sleeve and two wide sleeves, from now on, brothers and sisters will be divided into immortals and Buddhas!

Qingluo was reluctant, but he didn't stop it. This was Kong Xuan's own choice, and he had no right to interfere.

Under the dawn sun, Kong Xuan is a handsome young man with a never-before-seen confidence in his eyes.He looked at Qing Luo and said with a smile: "I have reached the time of parting, and I can no longer help you. Take care of yourself, I believe you will be able to protect Xuanniao Dashang, and you will be even more dazzling than me!"

Qing Luo was grateful, and reluctantly said: "Thank you Brother Kong for your help! I will definitely protect the root of this mysterious bird businessman! I also hope that you will go to the Western Lands, and the road will finally be completed! Take care!"

"Take care of yourself!"

After Kong Xuan bid farewell to Qing Luo, he bowed to the Jiejiao people.

Kong Xuan, the strong man, has finally left!

Accompanied by the five-color auspicious clouds, Kong Xuan threw himself into the Western Land with the auspicious aura of the Phoenix clan, and escaped from the God Conferred Calamity!
Xixi Zhunti got up in person, opened the door to the Paradise, and greeted him with a smile!
The luck of the golden lotus in the west, a phoenix and a peacock fly into the lotus, and the luck of the western great religion has regained its momentum.

The phoenix is ​​Kong Xuan's luck as the son of the Phoenix clan, and the bird is the luck of Kong Xuan as the first peacock in the world!
The bliss in the west, the luck is high, the Buddha's light is all over the west, and countless creatures are inspired to invest in it. Birds come here with wings, surrounded by thousands of birds, and thousands of birds fly into the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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