The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 341 There is Qianyuan in the depths of the sky sea

Chapter 341 There Are Qianyuan in the Deep Sea of ​​Heaven

Ao Bing showed his true body and turned into a five-thousand-foot blue dragon to roam the sea.

Seeing this, Nezha felt a little bad, but still refused to give in. He looked at the ocean below him, and the huge tsunami that was about to overwhelm the sky in front of him, and said loudly: "I'm making trouble in the East China Sea, and I'm still afraid. Your little magic?"

The giant dragon transformed by Ao Bing finally answered, "You might as well try it!"

"Just try it!" Nezha said angrily.

After all, he put away his three-headed and six-armed body, and turned Huntian Ling into a wide red silk that stretched to the sky!

Nezha waved the Huntian Ribbon, turning it round and round in the sea, until the sea water was rolled into a vortex, and the sea water from all directions converged towards the center, forming a magnificent spectacle of a mighty dragon absorbing water !

The overwhelming tsunami and huge waves ahead hit the dragon to absorb water!

One is a tsunami that stretches across the sky, and the other is a dragon sucking water that reaches the sky and reaches the earth!
Both are terrifying heaven and earth weather in the sea, and both are earth-shattering supernatural powers!
The dragon sucking water and the tsunami were getting closer and closer, and when they were about to collide, Ao Bing got up and flew the dragon in the sky, with an ancient aura all over his body. His dragon eyes watched the dragon sucking water, Never flickered for it.

Ao Bing leaped, and flew down, directly into the water absorbed by the dragon, and using the huge dragon's body as a gravitational force, he flew in the opposite direction to Huntian Ling.

Ao Bing circled backwards for nine turns, then got up and flew away.

The dragon sucking water behind him exploded in an instant!
Immediately, the monstrous tsunami rushed towards Nezha with momentum like mountains and seas!

Nezha was startled, and hurriedly got up and flew high.

Ao Bing turned into a human body, and when he stretched out his hand, the tsunami rose tens of feet out of thin air!The higher Nezha rises, the higher the height of the tsunami!The desire is as good as the sky!

Nezha looked ugly, he didn't hesitate anymore, he held the Qiankun circle in his left hand, and the Huntian silk in his right hand.

The circle of heaven and earth vibrated suddenly, and flew out of the sky, transforming into thousands!The entire sky is covered with golden circles of heaven and earth, and at the same time, Huntian Ling flies up, covering the sky and sea with red silk.

Huntian Ling landed at his feet, spreading like red ground under Nezha, above the tsunami!
Nezha's head is filled with circles of heaven and earth, and he is stepping on the boundless sky silk, he just opened up a piece of his own space in the boundary of the sky and the sea!

Seeing this, Ao Bing's eyes flickered slightly.He raised his arms and slashed, and above the world of Tianhai, a blue sword with the momentum of thundering mountains and seas came down from the sky. It was the Pinghai Ge refined by Qing Luo with the yin and yang swords of Daoist Taiyi back then!
Ping Haige fell from the extremely high sky with an overwhelming momentum!

Even if there is only a trace of the prestige of the Acquired Supreme Treasure, it is no small matter!
With a loud noise, the universe circles all over the sky were smashed and smashed, and the universe circles returned to the size of the wrist, and fell at Nezha's feet!
Nezha began to feel apprehensive, but he hadn't seen him for more than ten years, and he was able to beat himself!
Nezha began to think about how to get out. He was in the middle of the sea and the sky, and he could not fight anymore when he was at a disadvantage.

Immediately, the Fire Point Gun and Hot Wheels both flew out.The fire-pointed gun stretched ten thousand feet high, piercing the upper limit barrier of the sea and sky boundary, and the Hot Wheels also flew into the sky, burning the sea and sky barrier with the momentum of monstrous wind and fire!

But how could one know that this world of heaven and sea is a world opened up by the innate gods in this pearl after Qinglan proved Da Luo, and it cannot be broken by Da Luo Jinxian!
Ao Bing didn't panic, Ping Haige fought again, pierced Huntian Ling's red world, and sank into the tsunami below!

Ao Bing also flew into the tsunami and disappeared.

The next moment, in the depths of the sea, Ao Bing stood upright, holding a Ping Hai Ge, and shouted: "Up!"

Ping Haige stabbed back towards the sky, and at the same time, the sea of ​​ten thousand feet suddenly surged, and the boundless sea jumped up suddenly, rising to the top of the sky and sea in an instant!

The entire sky-sea realm transformed by the water spirit beads has completely become a deep sea, and there is no place without water!
The Hot Wheels and the Fire Point Spear were immersed in the sea water. Although the flames were not extinguished, the light and wind of the flames were mostly dimmed.

Ao Bing looked at Nezha, and Nezha felt his gaze, and looked at Ao Bing as well.

The two looked at each other, and were speechless for a while!

The red light in Ao Bing's eyes is gradually brightening, and the killing calamity is in his heart, and the fate is counting, and the moment of ending is finally reached!
Nezha was in the middle of the sea, feeling a little uneasy, as if it was a hint from fate that it might be difficult for him to get out of the sea today!
He couldn't help being slightly stunned, since he stepped into the calamity, he started from the sea, and now, at the end of the calamity, the sea will accompany him to the end!
Ao Bing looked at Nezha, although Nezha is now a boy who has been refined and transformed, but Nezha, who was once a six-year-old boy, still terrifies him day and night with the life-and-death crisis!Now, it's finally over!
Ao Bing was in the deep sea, and raised Ping Haige again.


The waters of the four directions are unrestrained!

At this moment, Ao Bing's mind was completely integrated into the deep sea, he seemed to be transformed into the sea, the sea was him, he was the sea.Whatever he wants, so will the sea!

Ge Luo!

The entire sky and the sea shook, there was a tsunami, and there were dragons.The weight of the entire sea is condensed on Ping Haige!
The huge power from the deep sea is condensed on Ping Haige!

Ao Bing held the five-foot-long Ping Haige and stabbed vertically in front of him!
The next moment, a huge phantom of Ping Haige appeared in the void above Nezha's head!
Pingge is like a sea, and Ge is like a sea!
Nezha's heart was beating violently, looking at Ping Haige approaching slowly from above, he seemed to know the feeling of fear!

The despair of powerlessness and absolute strength when facing the endless sea alone descended on him!

Nezha sneered, but he was born to die, he has died once, why should he be afraid of death?
Nezha showed a body with three heads and six arms, holding the six treasures in his hand, and displayed the most dazzling brilliance in his life. At the same time, he stepped on his feet and straightened his body, and three beams of red gold light shot out from the three heads, rushing towards Ping Haige high in the sky!

At this moment, Immortal Taiyi from the Seventh Heaven had a whim and felt comprehension, and rushed to leave, but Luo Xuan unleashed even scarier flames all over the sky to surround Immortal Taiyi.

At this moment, the golden phoenix in Wa's palace was worried, and Nuwa only sighed and said: "It's good to let him endure it again, it's not bad to change his heart and soul!"

At this moment, Li Jing, who was in the third level of heaven, was throbbing with blood in the center of the dark world!
In the sea
The Shui Lingzhu Sky Sea Realm has suppressed Nezha's strength by three points, and Ao Bing's comprehension of the Longgu's ability can control the power of the ocean in the entire Sky Sea Realm!In the world of Tianhai, no matter how powerful Nezha is, it is impossible to shake the power of Tianhai!
Nezha laughed, laughing wildly. "Heh! I, Nezha, as an apprentice of Daoist Taiyi, how could I lose to you!

Qiankun is empty, and Qianyuan is determined! "

Nezha erupted with a sense of being the most golden and the most rigid, which was the unique skill of his master Taiyi Zhenren, to be as golden as to be as strong as to be as strong as possible, and Qianyuanshan to be determined by the universe!

He, Nezha, would not be defeated even if he died in battle. He established his teacher as his faith, his teacher as his admiration, and the faith in his heart, life and death without fear for survival!
He cuts flesh and bones and cuts off his closest relatives, which is inhumane.The whole world, the whole world, he was alone and lonely.But even if the whole world abandoned him, the Taoist on Qianyuan Mountain would still stand on the mountain forever, protecting him, watching him, and waiting for him.

No matter in the wind or in the rain, that Taoist will always stand on the top of Qiankun Mountain. Looking back at him, the Taoist smiles, gentle and loving!
There, there is a mountain, Qianyuan Mountain.

There, there is a man named Taiyi.

There is his peace of mind, and my peace of mind is my hometown!
In the sky above Nezha, there is a golden light, and a mountain of golden light stands out. The mountain is dry, the mountain is golden, and the mountain light is red.

Qianyuan Mountain stands in the deep sea, above Nezha and below Haige.

The golden light was bright, illuminating the deep sea and warming his heart!

(End of this chapter)

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