Chapter 342

Ao Bing looked solemn, he held Ping Haige's hands even harder, and stabbed down!

The phantom of Ping Haige pierced the phantom of Qianyuan Mountain, and the light of dry gold illuminated the huge deep blue sea, the phantom of the mountain, and the double shadow of the sea!
Ping Hai Ge stabbed Qianyuan Mountain, the weight of the sea is infinite, the sea is real, the mountain is empty, the mountain is not grand, after all, it is difficult to resist this blow with all the strength of the sea!
The phantom of Qianyuan Mountain split open suddenly, Ping Haige split down the mountain, stabbing Nezha unabated!
Nezha smiled miserably, he didn't count on his parents anymore, but he couldn't even meet his master for the last time.

Ping Haige pierced the Huntian silk, pierced the demon-slaying sword, smashed the golden brick, pressed down the circle of heaven and earth, broke through the demon-binding rope, and broke the fire-pointed spear!
None of the six spirit treasures can stop it!Nezha closes his eyes and suffers death again!

Ping Haige, carrying a sea of ​​colossal strength, crashed down, towards Nezha!
A loud noise rose from the sky, shaking back countless waves!

A 33-story golden exquisite pagoda stands upright and then Ping Hai Ge!
Nezha opened his eyes in surprise, his expression shocked!Because, his father, who only had Heavenly Wonderland, stood in front of him!

The Golden Exquisite Pagoda rises from the ground. The body of the pagoda is black and yellow, and the golden flames from the pagoda stand against Ping Haige!
Nezha looked at Li Jing who was under the pagoda in surprise, and he looked at Li Jing in disbelief.

It was a move that he couldn't match, but Li Jing from Heavenly Wonderland took it!
Li Jing was under the pagoda, supporting the Linglong Pagoda with both hands, supporting the golden pagoda with both palms, the golden pagoda topped the sky and the sea!

Li Jing's palms were split open, and the blood that flowed out dissolved in the water one after another.His palms were split open by the huge pressure, and the pain was piercing, but Li Jing still didn't cry out.

He tried his best to attract the primordial spirit, and released the remnants of the power of the burning lamp in the tower!

A giant golden pagoda stands between heaven and earth, the tower town is at the bottom of the deep sea, and the top of the tower is a giant spear in the sea!
Li Jing put the pagoda in front of him, the Golden Exquisite Pagoda was [-] feet wide, and he used his cracked hands to pinch the magic formula tremblingly.

Nezha was stunned and finally came to his senses, this pagoda that was once used to imprison him is now used to protect him!

The father who had imprisoned him was now the father who saved him!

Li Jing raised his head to look at Nezha, his father was not good at words, and his son's heart trembled.

Ao Bing was also stunned for a moment, seeing Li Jing defiantly protecting Nezha, he felt something in his heart.

He sighed: "Li Jing, Nezha once cut flesh and bones with you, and the relationship has long been cleared, so why should you meddle in it!"

Li Jing said in a deep voice: "Where in the world is there a father who will never love his son?"

Nezha came back to his senses, looked at Li Jing's figure, and felt a little warmth in his heart for some reason!
Li Jing turned around and said, "Nezha, hurry up!"

Nezha, who has always been articulate, now stutters and becomes dumb, with his throat blocked.

Li Jing forced a smile: "I have the most precious body protection, no problem!"

This smile made Nezha feel at ease.Although Li Jing is only a fairy, he gave him the same peace of mind as his master!

Seeing this, Ao Bing had no choice but to say, "That would be an offence!"

After all, he directly threw Ping Haige into the air, turned into a gigantic giant again, and stabbed straight down in the deep sea!
Since Li Jing is blocking it, then Li Jing will be trapped, and what about Nezha!His only goal is Nezha. Although Li Jing is a Zhouying Immortal, but he is not his own robbery, Ao Bing will not destroy him!
As soon as Ao Bingfa was urged, the power of the real dragon emerged from his body, and the four dragons entered the deep sea.

Into the immeasurable seawater to form a thousand zhang vortex, the vortex surges.The vortex attracted huge force and sucked the Linglong Tower.Four dragons line up in all directions, and four dragons trap the golden pagoda!Four water dragons locked the golden pagoda and stopped Li Jing!

Then Wanzhang Juge once again targeted Nezha who had just stabilized his injury!
Although Li Jing's golden pagoda is strong, it cannot be moved lightly and can only be trapped in place.

Seeing this, Nezha smiled sadly, and he was still doomed!His heart has been injured along with the six treasures just now, his strength is two to three out of ten, how can it be deducted?
Ping Haige waved to Nezha's head again, Ao Bing looked at Nezha with a pale face after consuming a lot of mana, no one stopped him this time!
Nezha thought of the former Li Jing, and couldn't help but smile wryly, he always caused trouble for him, and now he caused trouble for him when he was dying!
Li Jing's eyes were tearing apart, he couldn't watch his son die in front of his eyes!
Even if Nezha is mischievous, no matter how troublesome he is, or even holds grudges against him, he will always be Nezha's father. Once the relationship between father and son is established, it will never give up in this lifetime!
He looked up at Ping Haige who fell from the sky, and Li Jing smiled at Nezha and said, "Nezha, as a father, I hope you will grow up one day!"

After all, the golden light on his body was shining, and the Golden Exquisite Pagoda shook the 33-story pagoda, and it exploded with a loud bang. A wave of destructive power swept across the entire sky and sea!
A majestic bang, the chaotic to the strong to the pure gold exchange power, shocked the sky!

The Golden Exquisite Tower is gone!
Also missing is the realm of the sky and the sea, and the water spirit pearl fell sadly!Injured by the self-explosion of the best Houtian Lingbao!

Nezha was blown out of the sky and sea world, he opened his mouth in panic, and shouted, "Father!"

This is a title that has not been called out for a long time!
Nezha flew to the fragments of the Linglong Tower in a panic, and saw the dying Li Jing, Li Jing who was almost out of his wits.

Self-detonating the best Houtian Lingbao, with its mere celestial cultivation base, it will die together!
At this moment, Nezha felt the taste of loss and the feeling of trembling!
Li Jing's soul is scattered, his true spirit is broken, his life is gone, his true spirit is broken, even the list of gods can't be pulled!
Nezha is frightened, flustered, and heartbroken!He hugged Li Jing's damaged body, looked at the scattered soul essence, he became numb and dull!Surrounded by the melee of countless immortals, magic weapons are flying all over the sky, but here only Nezha is holding Li Jing's corpse in a daze!
At this moment, the Purple Blood King of Thorns came looking for his voice.Come to eat the immortal body, come to drink the immortal blood!

But Nezha's expression brightened when he saw the purple blood thorns!
He shouted loudly, the primordial spirit came out of his body, and the brilliance of his body flashed, turning into a lotus flower!
The lotus platform turns slowly, and the vitality and good fortune reappear.

Seeing this, Qing Luo, who was fighting with Ran Deng, sighed and said, "In that case, I will help you!"

He stretched out his hand and pointed, and a trace of derivative law flew out, the law was like a black thread, and the black thread fell to the sky.

The law of derivation fell into Li Jing's broken primordial spirit, and suddenly a huge vitality emerged, the three souls were reset, the seven souls returned, and only a trace of soul had not yet returned!
Nezha's body was transformed into a lotus flower, which dragged down Li Jing's soul and Nezha's soul.

One lotus supporting two souls!

The meaning of the soul of the lotus flower merged with a trace of Li Jing's Yuanshen, and finally the Yuanshen returned, and the true spirit returned!
Huaguang Dasheng!

The list of gods in Xiqi City was shaken, and Li Jing's true spirit summoned him to fly in front of him. Nezha's true spirit worshiped Taiyi three times before flying away!

In the Great Tribulation of Conferred Gods, the first core disciple of the Chanjiao disciple to fall, Nezha!
 In the middle of the night, the state is a bit bad, and the description is insufficient.But still follow the outline.

(End of this chapter)

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