Chapter 343

Nezha's true spirit flew to Xiqi and followed his father.

A red spirit bead hangs down from Wa Palace, and the spirit bead enters the true spirit!
Nezha's true soul flourished, the shackles of sleeping memory were shattered suddenly, and countless memories poured into the depths of the true soul.

Nezha's true spirit was dazed for a moment, then bowed three times in the direction of Wa Palace, and then flew straight into the list of gods!
On the border of Surabaya Guantian,
Jin Zha and Mu Zha wept and said goodbye to his father and brother.

Daoist Taiyi felt angry and mourned, he directly gave up Luo Xuan, and slashed at Ao Bing with a sharp sword Jin Geng!
The golden glow of the sword energy, like the wind like the other, arouses the vitality of thousands of feet of heaven and earth, stirs up the clouds, and pierces the sky.

Before the sword energy arrived, the Bauhinia King flew towards him, devouring the sword light and devouring the gold and sharpness!
Daoist Taiyi was furious and his heart was on fire. He, who had already killed a lot, once again aroused the energy of robbery into his body, his mind was distorted, and an unknown fire arose!
That is his only disciple, teaching by precept and deed, teaching disciples who are one year old and one year old, the master and apprentice are like father and son, how deep is the love?

Yuanshi Tianzun of Kunlun Mountain was silent, looked in the direction of Wa Palace, and shook his head again.It's just that there is a little more worry between his brows.

In Wa's palace, Empress Nuwa laughed out loud and deeply, "It's not in vain for the Lingzhu to go down to the lower world. After going through this difficulty, he must change his mind!"

When Sishui was closed, Ao Bing stabilized his injuries, took back the water spirit beads, saluted Qing Luo directly and left Sishui Pass!
His calamity is over, and the Great Tribulation of Conferring Gods has nothing to do with him anymore!
Qing Luo also told him to go back to the mountain directly after the karma is settled, and not to leave the mountain easily until the catastrophe is over!After all, he was the one who should have died in the catastrophe!
Seeing that Ao Bingli had left, Master Taiyi's aura surged, and he wanted to make a move.

Qingluo landed on the eighth heaven, and said in a fluttering voice: "Taiyi real person, the cause of massacres in the East China Sea back then is the result of the death of people in Surabaya today!
Do you want to forge the cause of today with me again? "

Master Taiyi's heart trembled, he was not only ignorant, but also powerless!
His heart trembled, not because of cause and effect, but because of cause and effect with Qingluo!He already had a shadow of Qing Luo in his heart. In front of Xiqi City, the eight great teaching masters, plus a quasi-sage and great power, are considered powerful in the prehistoric world, and they can't even destroy them!

Daoist Taiyi suffocated in his heart, sad and angry alone, he drew his sword again and again, slashing at Luo Xuan fiercely, making Luo Xuan flustered for a while!
The battle of Surabaya is still going on, and the death of Nezha will undoubtedly cast a shadow in the hearts of the three generations of Chanjiao disciples!

When breaking the Ten Jue Formation, although several second-generation and third-generation disciples of Chanjiao died, those were the disciples who had been accepted by Yuanshi Tianzun in advance, and most of them were named disciples.

Now, the core disciples of the three generations of interpretation and education like Nezha are all dead, so maybe it will be them next time!

Jin Zha and Mu Zha, the two of them were filled with grief, but they were powerless to save them!This scene where their loved ones have experienced the life and death before them and are unable to change it makes them extremely disgusted!

The Li family has become the Four Saints, and the body is conferred with the gods, and it is finally broken!The Great Calamity has been changed a step again, and the Measuring Calamity has become more chaotic again!
Surabaya closed.

The big battles have been fought for months and months.

Ordinary warriors died group after group.

The immortals in the sky died one after another.

Every inch of land in Surabaya Pass was sprinkled with the blood of soldiers and immortals!

Three years later, more and more city rocks were knocked down by siege vehicles on the city wall of Sishui Pass, and fewer and fewer boulders and rolling logs were closed at Sishui Pass. More than 50 defenders of Sishui Pass died 20!
More than 60 siege soldiers died in the Western Zhou Dynasty, and nearly [-] soldiers died here!

At the beginning, Jiejiao had thousands of outer sect golden immortal disciples, but now there are only five hundred golden immortals.

To teach and help Sanxian, ten thousand immortals came, and now there are only five thousand!

Of those five thousand, two thousand died and three thousand ran away!After all, the most indispensable thing among casual cultivators is the immortal who cherishes life extremely. Since it is dangerous, they would rather not have this great opportunity!After all, life is the root of everything!

The immortals in the sky, the core disciples of the Second Sect of Interpretation, did not suffer many casualties. On the contrary, thousands of casual cultivators died!
The Xiqi Conferred Gods List included more than a hundred immortals and true spirits, while the Dashang Conferred Gods Platform recalled more than three hundred true spirits.

These true spirits are lucky.They died in the catastrophe, although their bodies were destroyed, their souls remained, and they were able to earn the title of god, and practice the way of the gods in the future!
But they are also unlucky!Because they can't become the five righteous gods of Zhoutian 360, they can only be the small gods among the thousands of gods and spirits.

Although they can cultivate the divine way, they absolutely need to look up to the mercy of the Supreme God, and they have no luck, no heavenly dignity, and they will die!

Once dead, the true spirit will be damaged and re-enter the cycle of reincarnation. Only after three lives and three lifetimes can the true spirit be replenished and truly become a complete true spirit. Only by reincarnation can it be possible to embark on the path of cultivation!
As for the five righteous gods in 360, although they are subject to the restrictions of the God Whip and the Conferred God List, they are the righteous gods, and they are protected by the luck of the heavens. Can be reunited with the true spirit of the Conferred God List, and regain the god position!

Therefore, there are only more than 300 righteous gods, while there are as many as [-] auxiliary gods, servant gods, and minor gods!
But even so, not every immortal can get the chance to become a god!

There are more immortals, and the true spirits are directly in the middle of the battle, and their spirits and souls are wiped out. They really disappear from the world, and they have no chance of reincarnation!
These loose cultivators have a wide range of origins and endless implications!A loose cultivator, he may be an elder and pillar of a sect of cultivating immortals, or a sect of loose cultivators!

Once they die, the powerful sect will hold and seek revenge, while the weak sect will directly decline.Either way, it will cause enmity between immortals, sect conquests, life and death fights, and battles of cultivation!
Maybe a casual cultivator is just a casual cultivator, and after he dies, he may have close friends, or a Taoist companion, and they will seek revenge for them!

Don't underestimate the casual cultivators, they may not have great supernatural powers to see the world, but all kinds of life-sustaining distractions, marking enemies, and escaping methods are all kinds of strange and unpredictable!

Although the Great Tribulation of the Conferred Gods only seemed to show and explain the two teachings, although it seemed that only the immortals died in the dynasty replacement battle, it triggered countless battles among scattered cultivators!
There are also powerful protectors. If you can't beat the small ones, you can find the big ones. If you can't beat the big ones, you can come to the old ones!

The entanglement of cause and effect is so complicated that even the casual cultivators of Da Luo Jinxian were involved in the catastrophe, and some even had hidden great powers, and died quietly in the catastrophe.No one knows his life, and no one knows his death!
Sishuiguan has blocked the army of the Western Zhou Dynasty for three years, and the leaders of the princes of the Western Zhou Dynasty have become impatient and wavering!After all, there is only death and dedication, but no rewards, only the castles in the air painted by Jiang Ziya, these princes and lords are also flustered!

Until this day, at sunset, a long rainbow crossed the sky of the Western Zhou Dynasty and fell to the west!

(End of this chapter)

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