The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 346 Yin Zi returns to Shang Duer to the West

Chapter 346 Yin Zi returns to Shang Duer to the West
Chaoge, on the stage of conferring gods.

The wind here is very strong, and the wind blows the list of kings and the list of gods. Every name on the list represents a fairy who died in battle!
Wen Zhong looked thousands of miles away, looked at the broken Chentang Pass, and he sighed, Li Jing was also a loyal general of the great merchants, but it was a pity that he gave up his life for the sake of his three sons, and now he also threw his life in!
His eyes were deep, and he looked at Qinglong Pass again.Wen Zhong also wants to go, to recover the lost land himself, to dispatch troops and generals, to fight on the battlefield!

But he couldn't go, or rather he didn't dare to go.He didn't dare not because he was afraid of death, but because he was afraid that someone would die for him again!

To this day, Wen Zhong can't forget Guang Chengzi's huge Fantian seal outside Chuanyun Pass, the seal is as mountainous as the sky, and he is as sad as an ant!

He watched with his own eyes the more than [-] soldiers who came back with him, his disciples, died tragically!If he goes to the front again, I am afraid that more people will die because of protecting him!

"Teacher, what are you looking at?"

A clear and crisp child's voice called Wen Zhong to his senses, and he looked down at Wu Geng.

Wu Geng is now four years old, with baby fat on his face, and a pair of big eyes that are extremely agile, and he is looking at him curiously at this moment.

Wen Zhong laughed lightly and said, "As a teacher, I am looking at the west. There is a strong enemy in the west, and the strong enemy is the Western Zhou Dynasty. If you want to break our Shangguan, take our great Shang kingdom!"

Wu Geng asked suspiciously, "Then why can't I see it?"

"Because you haven't grown up yet, you can see it when you grow up!" Wen Zhong laughed.

At this time, in the city of King Chaoge, King Zhou was awake and went to court every nine days.After sleeping for nearly three years, not only did he not look depressed and sick, but he was even more refreshed!
Now, King Zhou stood with some uneasiness in his heart and asked the palace servants to dress him.King Zhou looked back at Daji and asked, "Do you think the two of them will still hate Gu?"

Daji focused her attention, and said with deep eyes: "My lord, you are their father, and sons follow their father, so you won't blame your lord. If you want to complain, you will also hate this concubine, my concubine!"

King Zhou frowned and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? Who would dare to say that my beloved concubine is a demon concubine?"

Daji smiled slightly, she was overwhelmed by the city and the country, and King Zhou was in a state of turmoil!
In the Nine Halls, King Zhou came to court, and all the officials knelt down to worship.After kneeling down, two people came outside the hall.

Qiqi knelt down and proclaimed father king!
It was the two brothers Yin Hong and Yin Jiao who escaped from Chaoge and were accepted as disciples by Guang Chengzi and Chi Jingzi!
They were originally ordered by their teacher to go down the mountain to help Zhou, but they met Shen Gongbao on the way, so the two returned to Chaoge in tears "with their regrets at the beginning"!

When father and son met each other, King Zhou's eyes were slightly moist, but more disturbed.At that time, he was confused for a moment and wanted to kill his own blood. Now that he thinks about it, he feels flustered!
What King Zhou didn't know was that every drop of the Nine Days of Fusheng he drank contained the effect of purifying the soul, and contained a hint of the benevolent and bright meaning of Liuli Pharmacist. Every time in the dream, King Zhou's heart would be guided Be good and be beautiful!Over time, the effect gradually emerged.

Just like when Yin Hong in Yinjiao saw King Zhou again after a few years, the King Zhou he saw was no longer the angry King Zhou, but a loving father!

But when the two brothers saw Daji beside them, their eyes became cold instantly.Daji was the real mastermind behind the matter of Empress Jiang back then.

Because of the existence of Daji, complicated feelings arose between the father and son.

But the two brothers still stayed in Wangcheng, because they still had to pay homage to the dead soul of their biological mother!
When Wen Zhong learned that the two Highnesses had returned, he hurriedly invited them to comfort them. At the same time, in order to resolve the grievances between father and son, Wen Zhong asked the two brothers to go to Qinglong to join the battle and lead [-] troops to support them!

Although Wen Zhong also secretly hated Daji, he secretly hated her for harming the country and the people, disturbing the world, and ruining Tang Jiye.But because of Qing Luo's existence, he will not settle accounts with Daji now.

Shen Gongbao stopped and went to the northern princes.Chong Heihu has turned against him, and at this time he has gone in the body of a great merchant national teacher, so it has no effect.

But he narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the fairy mountains and fairy caves in the east. Shen Gongbao smiled so lewdly that even the black-spotted leopard under him felt the master's insidiousness.

So, the black panther rode Shen Gongbao to those fairy mountains and blessed lands. He didn't know how many immortals would be robbed, and how many immortals who had seen Shen Gongbao would survive.

Outside the Sishui Pass, the army of the Western Zhou Dynasty fell silent.

Randeng counts as Qingluo, and Qingluo also counts as Randeng.

Jiang Ziya is counting Han Rong, and Han Rong is also counting Jiang Ziya.

Lu Ya fell into the camp of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and seemed to be silent, and did not leave the camp once.

And in West Kunlun, Daoist Duer sighed and sighed.

Li Jing was a disciple recommended to him by Shiji, and he taught him with all his heart. Although Li Jing's aptitude is not good, he still respects his teacher.

The disciple died tragically, and the master wanted to seek revenge.However, he was just sorry.

Because Li Jing is like Zheng Lun, he is no longer his disciple!

As early as after Nezha's lotus incarnation, when he accepted the golden exquisite pagoda of Randeng, he became a disciple of Randeng and abandoned him as a master!

If the disciple abandons the teacher, the teacher will not be the guardian.

True Duer is very bitter in his heart, lovesickness is bitter!
He had known Shiji long before the Golden Immortal, knew each other, got to know each other, and only half of the final love was gone!
He fell in love with her, but she didn't love him!

Bitter and infatuated, my heart is tired!

So for a long time, he just stagnated in the early stage of Daluo Jinxian and stopped moving forward.

When Shiji was in trouble that day, he went there.But he was late!

Before he arrived, the Nine Heavens Moon God made a move, and the saint made a move!It's the same whether he went or not, and it doesn't change the overall situation at all.

Fortunately, Shiji was fine!

When he saw her flying into the lunar star, he faintly realized that she and him had no destiny in this life, they were just friends of Taoism, not companions of Taoism!
He is a big Luo who hides in the world, has few friends, and has few karmic ties, but it is a pity that he has fallen in love, and if he gets involved, he will have countless troubles!

Therefore, Duer Daoist no longer wants to be Duer Daoist.

He left West Kunlun, looked at the Qunxiu Mountain Range protected by the Queen Mother of the West, and finally left with his life.

Duer knows that there is no end, so he will no longer be obsessed with it.He is a loose fairy, he is a wandering fairy, he is not fascinated by the world of mortals, he only wants to be at ease!

Daoist Du'er bowed to West Kunlun and bowed to Nine Heavens Moonlight, and left his body to go west.

Over the past few years, there is no immortal Duer in the world, only that there will be auspicious spirits in future generations!
He is the one who threw himself into the Western Land during the catastrophe!He aspires to the bliss of the West, no sorrow, no suffering, no secularity, cut off love and pure body and mind.

In the Western Paradise, Taoist Zhunti smiled with relief.Open the door of convenience, and only those who are predestined to be crossed will be crossed!

He is a predestined person in the west, just because of the predestined relationship in his heart, that is the predestined relationship.Where there is bliss in the heart, bliss is everywhere!
On the Lunar Star, Shiji sighed softly, how could she not perceive Du'er's true love for years of friendship?It's a pity that she has a heart of stone, and she is afraid that she won't understand these erotic things.

Her older sister, Chang'e, is already trapped in love, and Shiji doesn't want to be the next infatuated person.If she is all in love, then who in Chang'e can accompany her through this lunar star-cold?Maybe only her heart of stone is not afraid of the coldness and loneliness of this lunar star!

(End of this chapter)

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