Chapter 347

One month later, 70 troops gathered outside Qinglong Pass!
Deng Jiugong's 15 horses were besieged in the west.

Hong Jin's [-] troops were besieged in the south.

The 40 army of Chong Heihu and the [-] soldiers brought by Mrs. Yin along with Chen Tangguan are besieging the city in the north!

Surrounded on three sides, and supported by mountains on one side, Qinglong Pass has become a Jedi!
Qinglongguan is full of battles, and all the troops add up, barely 15!
But the soldiers of Qinglong Pass have no fear at all!
Because they are battle-tested fighters, and they are an army that has been honed and honed in training after battle!
They are iron walls, stronger than the walls of Qinglong Pass!
Wudang Virgin can't sit on the top of the city to block it!Because the luck of the 70 troops is too strong, it is no small matter to gather the morale of the army!
Of course, the most important thing is that Guangchengzi and Taiyi Daoist are here!Guangchengzi's Fantian Seal was aimed at the Virgin of Wudang, hanging in the air all the time, very shocking!
The green dragon is closed, and the Nine Heavens Realm also rises on the battlefield!

The sound of war drums sounded at the same time inside and outside the pass of Qinglong Pass. The Western Zhou Dynasty began to attack the city, and the Shang army began to defend the city!
At the same moment, the long silent Surabaya Pass also raised a war!On the battlefield that has been silent for more than a month, the war broke out again!

This time, Lu Ya is on the stage!

He stopped the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit!

Nanji Xianweng confronted Qingluo.

Xuandu confronts Duobao.

Then the lamp ran away!
Ran Deng ran to Qinglong Pass!

Qing Luo was startled, he only found out not long ago that Huo Ling, a wayward girl, had also gone to Qinglong Pass!

After all, in the chaos of the catastrophe, it is impossible for Qing Luo to pay attention to everyone!Moreover, the Golden Cloud Crown of the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit can even conceal her whereabouts and conceal the secrets.

Qingluo didn't know, but Duobao didn't care.From his point of view, his disciples are extremely powerful, and the average big Luo is not life-threatening, but a powerful big Luo may not dare to touch his many treasured disciples!

But this time, it was different!At Qinglong Pass, the only one who can block the burning lamp is the Madonna of Wudang!Qinglongguan has great variables!
Where there is change, there is opportunity, but more is danger!

This time, the teaching staff obviously changed their tactics!

Xuandu did not fight against Duobao, but directly used the Taiji diagram to suppress the two of them together in the Taiji diagram!
A golden bridge rests on Xuandu at one end and Duobao at the other end.Both of them were immobilized by the power of the treasure, and they couldn't leave their bodies!

Lu Ya directly took out the Immortal Slaying Flying Knife, bowed to the gourd again and again, until the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit huddled in the clear sky of the blue sea, and did not dare to come out at all.

The three great men also showed their own means, trapping the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit tightly, making it difficult to escape.

As for the Antarctic fairy, he attracted the stars of the Antarctic to form a projection of the starry sky, and gathered Qing Luo and himself in the starry sky world, which was indescribable.Seeing this, Qing Luo stopped.

He sat upright in the starry sky, meditated with his eyes closed, and surveyed the entire battlefield!Since Chanjiao wanted to trap Da Neng, let them be trapped. Qing Luo wanted to see how many wandering immortals Chan Jiao would die without Da Neng blocking him.

Qingluo didn't move, neither did the Antarctic fairy, standing quietly in the starry sky, silent.

The eighth and ninth heavens were strangely quiet, and several powerful men were trapped quietly, waiting to see who could win against whom!

Qing Luo looked at the melee of the Loose Immortals below, and couldn't help laughing, the timing was just right!
He stretched out his hand and pointed, and a person walked out!
That man is a young man, a very dangerous young man!In his hand is also holding a five-foot long knife, the blade is simple and unsophisticated, and it is known as "transforming blood"!
He is the third generation disciple of Jiejiao, Yu Hua!

Qing Luo has never let him participate in the battle, and only keeps fighting when it is useful!
The Antarctic Immortal frowned greatly, this son only had Taiyi's early stage cultivation, but the saber in his hand and the saber intent on his body were very strong and bitter!

Yu Hua endured it for a long time, but today he can finally show his supernatural powers.

He grinned sinisterly, his smile was evil, with a kind of youthful and domineering arrogance, but more of a sword intent that soared into the sky!

An extremely domineering saber intent stood up behind him, condensing behind him, the law looks like a simple saber!

Yu Hua directly aimed at a casual cultivator in the late stage of Taiyi, and chopped it down!

The saber intent behind him merged with the divine saber in his hand instantly, and the saber came out, connecting the world!
There was a bang, like a bolt of lightning, but it was many times faster than lightning.

The immortal was cut through many protective magic weapons, and a bloodstain appeared.

The next moment, the body of this Taiyi Golden Immortal instantly rotted, and there was still a terrifying knife mark on the true spirit that flew out sadly!
All the immortals were shocked!

With just one blow, a Taiyi Golden Immortal is gone?

Yu Hua withdrew the knife, licked the hot blood on the blade, the murderous intent surged out of his eyes, and looked at the next immortal to be slaughtered again!

The blood-melting magic knife, sacrificed like lightning, leaves marks when the knife falls, and dies when it touches blood!

The knife is made from a highly poisonous beast.When the leader of the Tongtian Church built the Golden Turtle Island, he personally killed an ancient and ancient savage beast in the deep sea. Its strength requires the hands of a sage, as you can imagine!

After Yu Yuan obtained this beast, he practiced a peerless sword!Although the knife is extremely powerful, it is not something that ordinary people can control.Only a person like Yu Hua who specializes in the way of the sword and has condensed the supreme sword will can display the maximum strength of this sword!
Every time Yu Hua landed a knife, an immortal would fall on the Chongtian Realm!No one can stop his sword, no immortal can stop it!

Even if Da Luo Jinxian's loose cultivator can make a move, the Purple Blood Thorn King will soar into the sky, exuding an immortal aura that is more powerful than the blood-transforming sword, scaring away the immortals.

Every time an immortal falls, their corpses will be devoured by the Purple Blood Thorn King without leaving any trace, as if these immortals do not exist in this world!
One person, one knife and one thorn, roaming among the immortals!

The Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao wanted to make a move at this time, but they were blocked by all the immortals of Jiejiao!They can only look at a group of Taiyi Golden Immortals, afraid of a single Taiyi Golden Immortal!

If a group of scattered immortals came to attack, the Purple Blood Thorn King would pounce on it directly, swallowing everything including people and magic weapons, turning them into nourishment for the body!
If it is said that Yu Hua just killed one by one, it is not a cause for fear.Then the following things will make Wanxian frightened!
Qing Luo waved again, and the decree came out.

Surabaya closes up three people!

The three of them pinched together, and pieces of paper carts about the size of a chi appeared behind them.

The person in the middle holds a turntable, holds the middle rod with one hand, and pushes it around like a flying turntable; there are four flags on it, with talismans and seals on them, and the four characters "earth, water, fire, and wind" , named 'Million Blade Car'.

The three of them each held their swords in their hair, chanting words in their mouths, and saw the clouds and mist rising suddenly, the wind howling, the flames soaring into the sky, and millions of blades flying in midair!
These three people are also the disciples of Jiejiao, one of them is named Fa Jie, and the two on both sides are the sons of Han Rong, Han Sheng and Han Bian!
(End of this chapter)

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