Chapter 357

When the Beast Emperor made a move, Hongjun suddenly opened his eyes in Zixiao Palace, 33 days away, and after watching for three breaths, he was calm, and then closed his eyes again.

The boundary sign was closed, Qing Luo sighed, Lu Yue was also on the list!He used to think that destiny, destiny, there will always be many variables, and it will always change because of his disruption.

But he was wrong, most of the damn people are still dead!
The Four Saints of Kowloon Island are all dead.

Nine of the Ten Heavenly Lords died in the Ten Absolute Formation.

One of the four generals of the Mo family died.

Zhao Gongming, Hanzhi and Caiyun died.

Three heavens, two deaths and one transformation into demons.

Kong Xuan also went to the west.

The Madonna of Fire Spirit also died.

Lu Yue also died.

Qing Luo's eyebrows were heavy, and he felt sad.

In the future, in the destiny, there will be turtle spirits, golden spirits, and Fajies who will die. . . .

Many, many people, many, many immortals will usher in a catastrophe!

The Four Swords of Jade Immortals is approaching, and then the Great Formation of Ten Thousand Immortals is not far away. He has a lot of thoughts and plans, and his mind is very confused!

Just at that time, several lights in the north rose up, and the lamps came back!
Qing Luo's eyes gradually turned cold, he not only hated Ran Deng, but also admired and feared it!

Burning lamps, powerful in heaven and earth, quasi-sage in killing corpses, high in strength, deep in qualifications, and long-term experience, and such a powerful man is unscrupulous, willing to let go of his body, willing to give up his face, such an enemy, compared to a poisonous snake that chooses to eat Even more terrifying!
Qing Luo's eyes moved, and then looked at Qingluan Dou Que behind him, his eyes flickered slightly.

Qinglong closed a plague, 40 people died, and 20 people died in the battle. If the place is not cleaned up, it will become a Jedi!
The King of Thorns went there again and cleaned it up again.

Because there are 40 plague dead bodies there, no one dares to touch them!

Qinglongguan buried many people, including [-] warriors from Chentangguan, Mrs. Suzhi from Chentangguan, and Deng Jiugong.

In the Western Zhou camp, there was silence.

The return of Randeng cannot make people excited, even disgusted!

Because of him, Guang Chengzi died, Tu Xingsun died, Jiang Ziya painstakingly planned and gathered an army of 70, only 20 remained!

Although the responsibility is not entirely on him, it is still on him!
Moreover, all the immortals are tired of burning lamps.They even felt that Ran Deng was really insidious, so they shot Lu Yue.

Ran Deng walked into the camp with guilt on his face, perfunctory guilt!How could Ran Deng not know about their thoughts of elucidating and teaching the golden immortals?
But Ran Deng also laughed at them.

Under the protection of saints, a group of great Luo Jinxians who only know how to cultivate their minds and Qi, how do they know the real prehistoric?
Lu Yue's plague god's method was a great hindrance to the first battle of conferring the gods. Fuxi closed the door and no one could solve it.

If at a critical moment, Lu Yue launches an attack, then the mortal forces will undergo earth-shaking changes!The mortal power is closely related to the power of the immortal way, and it is even more closely related to the power of the gods.

He eradicated this danger in advance, and it would be of great benefit to the teaching, of course, if Qing Luo didn't intervene, it would be even better if Guang Chengzi died.

To explain and teach all the golden immortals to despise Randeng, so why does Randeng despise these Yuxu Jinxians in his heart!In the real ancient times, ancient times, and even the prehistoric times of the ancient times, countless chaotic fights, heaven and earth catastrophe, how many great powers died?In those monks, who dared to let a strange monk approach him without any precautions?
If you didn't watch out, you would have died long ago!

At that time, the monks could kill Dao and destroy their companions for a spiritual treasure, they could do all kinds of evil, and they would use any means to achieve their goals.

Only the winner is king, and the loser is perish!

Ran Deng doesn't care about these false names. He has been like this since ancient times, even in ancient times. He is a "sinister" person in the eyes of those monks.

But before Fengshenquanjie, few people knew about it.

Because, those who knew his insidiousness must have died long ago, and people of each era died, and no one knew about it.

There is also the existence of the mighty power of heaven and earth, and ordinary monks simply cannot touch those who have been in the past.

As long as he lives and boils those creatures to death, then he is victorious, and he will lose the reputation of those outsiders spreading rumors!
The army of the Western Zhou Dynasty gathered, once again formed 70 troops, and the army besieged the city!
And there are 50 troops in Jiepai Pass, 20 troops brought by Yin Jiao and Yin Hong, and 20 troops brought by Sishui Pass!

This time, Jiang Ziya didn't divide his troops into two groups. Jia Meng closed the seven Taoist priests who were sitting, just sitting was enough to shock people's hearts.

Moreover, Jiameng Pass is higher and more dangerous.Outside Jiamengguan, there is a perennial fog that stretches for thousands of miles, like a dream in the clouds, like a world in the clouds, a beautiful place in the world.Hence the name Jiamengguan!

Moreover, Jiang Ziya is very careful about the boundary card. Yuanshi Tianzun once said:

"I met Zhu Xian before Jiepai Pass, and suffered plague at Chuanyun Pass!"

He didn't know where the word "Zhu Xian" came from, but Jiang Ziya's heart was shaken by adding the word "Zhu Xian" before the word "Zhu Xian", and he didn't dare to act rashly.

Therefore, Jiang Ziya ordered the army to rest for ten days. After the soldiers are strong and strong, they will go to Jiepai Pass!
The lamp is in the middle, the Antarctic is on the left, Jiang Ziya is on the right, and Lu Ya is beside him.

The top ten golden immortals lined up on both sides, followed by a group of casual cultivators and three generations of disciples.

The boundary sign is closed, and the immortals will be taught to come out.

Duobao is in the middle, Jin Ling Wudang is on the left, Gui Ling's wings are on the right, Jiuyao Xingjun is behind, and 28 stars are guarding the side.There are two thousand golden fairy disciples standing in the rear, all of them are imposing and powerful!
After the immortals of Chanjiao saw the person coming, they were all shocked, not only surprised that Jiejiao had emerged again, but also surprised that Qingluo had disappeared!
A formidable opponent on the bright side will not be afraid if he has fought a lot.

But if an opponent hidden somewhere, feeds on the opportunity and strikes a fatal blow, it will be terrifying!

Ran Deng went up to Jishou and said: "Taoist Duobao, the Qinglong Pass has been broken, and the Sishui Pass has been broken. I teach in accordance with God's will and help Zhou conquer merchants. It is the heart of heaven above and the will of the people below!

Why do you have to stop it so hard, the two religions are fighting, hurting the friendship! "

Duobao snorted coldly, "Fellow Daoist Ran Deng, you and I are two sects, do you still have friendship now? When you killed my Interceptor disciple, did you have friendship? You Yuxu disciples offset the killing of my Interceptor disciple At the time of robbery, can you read friendship?
Even if you teach, I have no friendship with you!

Life and death catastrophe, life belongs to me.We cut off the orders of our disciples, even if they are frivolous, we are born with nature, we have received the grace of heaven, and we have received the virtues of the earth.Even if you take it if you need it, it belongs to heaven and earth. Why did you ever use your hand to explain and teach? "

The words of many treasures resounded throughout the world.Inspiring.

Ran Deng's face was slightly stiff, and Nanji Xianweng's face was slightly cold.In Yuxu Kunlun, Yuan Shi frowned slightly.

Bi travels to the sky, caresses Qingping with a light smile.

Jiang Ziya stepped forward and said: "Although the Taoist friends are sharp, they have lost the heart of the immortal family, lost benevolence, lost morality, lost the state, fell into the world of mortals, and fell into the murderous calamity.

The law of heaven is clear, what you say today, what you do in the future, there will be a time when you regret it.

Brother Daoist, please think twice, and then please think about it at the end of your thinking. Once you teach the life and death of all beings, they are all in one thought! "

 Thanks to the big master Invincible Big Tudou for the big reward!

(End of this chapter)

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