Chapter 358

Duobao laughed and replied, "Jiang Ziya, since you have become the coach of the Western Zhou Dynasty, then you will fight against the general.

Then let the coach of Dashang come to confront you! "

As soon as the words fell, a person walked out from behind Taoist Duobao, it was Shen Gongbao!
Shen Gongbao Jishou said: "Poverty Shen Gongbao, a great merchant national teacher, is now temporarily serving as the commander-in-chief of the Shang army."

Jiang Ziya frowned, and before he could say anything, Nanji Xianweng said: "Shen Gongbao, you are in vain for being my Yuxu Kunlun disciple, and you actually help the evildoers. Now what you say and do is deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors!"

Shen Gongbao sighed: "Senior, Shen Gongbao is no longer a disciple of Yuxu, only a casual cultivator, how can you deceive the master and destroy the ancestor?"

Ran Deng's eyes flashed slightly, and he interrupted directly: "Since fellow Taoist Jiejiao is stubborn, then there is no need to say more, just fight!"

After all, his eyes met the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit!He has a feeling in his heart that he is the robber of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, since he wants to fight, he must fight against the robber!

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit was not afraid, and stepped forward to ascend to the ninth heaven.

Nanji Xianweng said to Taoist Duobao: "Fellow Taoist, please!"

Duobao should drink and get up to the cloud.

Taoist Lu Ya stepped forward with a smile, and said, "Fellow Daoist Guiling, the victory was not decided before, so are you willing to fight again now?"

But Wudang the Virgin came out and said: "This time, let the poor Taoist come to ask for advice!"

After all, Yunling shuttled back and forth to the sky in an instant.Lu Ya chuckled, and a long rainbow flew up to the sky.

Gui Ling watched the Madonna of Wudang go away, couldn't help but smiled, stretched out his hand and pointed at the sword, and the sword raised the clouds, blue seas, and a Taoist who had been sitting upright in the sky covering the clouds, the Great Master of Xuandu!
After these powerful players left the field, the rest of Da Luo also looked for their opponents and fought against the clouds again.

Immortals rise up one by one, the drums of war are raised with a sound, and the mortal battlefield is fought against the army.

After the gate was closed, Shen Gongbao sent an order to send out the army. This time, Shen Gongbao did not just defend but not attack like Han Rong.

He's facing off head-on!Dashang's 50 army vs. Western Zhou's 70 army!
As for why there were so few troops of the Great Merchants, it was because this was a city guarding the pass, and it was not attacked with all the power of the whole country like in the Western Zhou Dynasty.

Da Shang has many soldiers, but there are more places to guard.There are ten great passes, each of which must be guarded by many soldiers.There are other dangerous places that need to be heavily guarded.

Moreover, I heard that the grand master has once again gathered troops to form an army, raising 30 troops to attack the Beibohou Chongheihu who rebelled against the two hundred princes in the north!As long as the north is pacified again, all three parties in the world will be safe, and only Xiqi will be alone, so it will be difficult to support alone!

Jiang Ziya also knew this, so he was impatient to break through Jiepai Pass and Chuanyun Pass as soon as possible. As long as he passed these two passes, then Chentang Pass in the north and Sanshan Pass in the south would be like searching for something, and then gather the princes of the north and south of the world , Leveraging the power of the world, forming a large number of soldiers, breaking Tongguan and Lintong Pass is naturally easy!
The army below is facing each other, Shen Gongbao's plots and schemes are exhausted, and the marching formation is absolutely rational and rational, and never cares about the gains and losses of one person and one army!

Shen Gongbao can use 10 people as bait, 20 people as a cover, and [-] people to set up a suspicious formation.

Jiang Ziya used soldiers with extraordinary wisdom, fought for a long time on the battlefield, marched with momentum, surging, adapting to the weather, good at creating geographical advantages, and making people harmonious, the way of using soldiers, Jiang Ziya has reached the extreme of the world!

Therefore, as soon as the armies of the two sides were handed over, the Dashang army suffered heavy casualties, and the Western Zhou army was shattered.

The momentum was broken like a bamboo and went deep into the hinterland of the Shang army, but the momentum only stopped there. After the momentum and aura weakened, the Western Zhou army suddenly realized that this was a trap. Waiting for them to be trapped, they entered a dangerous place one by one!

The big merchant army started to kill, and it was easy to kill and defeat the army.

Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao, the fateful enemies, started a real contest.Lu Fei of the horse is fast, and the bow is like a thunderbolt.One by one, the soldiers risked their lives to fight, not to die, but to die!

And just when the big battle started under Jiepai Pass, Qing Luo finally came to Tianwaitian, entered Chaos again, and entered Wahuang Palace!
33 In the Wa Palace outside Chongtian, Qing Luo stood silently in the palace, waiting for the saint to meet.

Qing Luo came here not by accident, but also on a temporary basis.This was part of his original plan, but not now.But when he was thinking about the Zhuxian Formation and the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation, he suddenly had a sudden idea and made a plan!

Just as he was thinking, Empress Nuwa suddenly appeared in the hall.

Qing Luo hurriedly paid homage and said, "May the saint live forever! The little demon Qing Luo pays homage to the saint!"

Nuwa's eyes remained motionless and said, "What are you doing here at Wa Palace?"

Qing Luo respectfully said: "The little demon is here to ask the sage to help the little demon twice!"

"Twice?" Nuwa frowned, and said with a light smile, "What a big tone, I'm afraid you are the only one in the prehistoric world who dares to say that to me. Once you say it, it's twice! Let me tell you why!"

Qing Luo's heart was tense at first, but he was relieved when he heard Nuwa's chuckle. Although he knew that Nuwa Empress had some kind of plan for him, he was still a little nervous.

Qing Luo bent down and cupped his hands and said, "I'm reporting to the sage, the little demon hopes that the sage will be merciful, and he will be able to cover up the secrets for the little demon twice!"

"Oh? Now that the calamity is chaotic and the secret is unknown, why do you need to cover it up again?" Nuwa asked with a half-smile, "Could it be that you asked me to cover up the saint?"

"Sage, that's true!" Qing Luo replied honestly.

Nuwa raised her eyebrows and said, "How do you know that this sage has the ability to cover up the five sages? How can you repay me?"

Qing Luo said: "The little demon dare not lie. Among the saints, you are the earliest to become a saint, the first to open up the heavenly realm in the outer sky, and you are the pole of the two major races between heaven and earth. The little demon believes that your strength is absolutely Cover up a momentary secret in the chaos of calamity!
And in order to ask the saint to take action, the little demon is willing to provide a pure land world for the ancient and newborn monster clan to protect the monster clan and all the monsters!This matter has been planned for tens of thousands of years, if I can overcome the calamity in the calamity, it will be done immediately! "

Nuwa's expression was slightly gloomy, she couldn't think of Qingluo's thoughts, she knew that Qingluo also knew the causal chaos in a place that sheltered the monster clan, and the entanglement and entanglement of various forces, he,. . .

After contemplating for a moment, Nuwa chuckled lightly, and said in a magnificent manner, "Okay! Since I have already placed a bet on you, it doesn't matter if I do it twice for you!"

Qingluo was overjoyed and hurriedly thanked Nuwa!He has already grasped the turning point of conferring the gods!
. . .

After Qingluo left Wa Palace, she returned to Honghuang, but she didn't go back to Jiepai Pass, but went to the southwest of Honghuang, to the sea of ​​magic abyss!

Qing Luo went up to Tianwaitian and down to Jiuyou Demon Land, except for the person involved, no one knew what he did and what purpose he had!
The power of heaven and earth does not know, nor does the sage!

Qing fell into the deep demonic abyss, and saw the former Yunxiao, the ancestor of the current hatred demon!
Qing Luo also begged her for one thing, but it was not a begging, but a hand in hand!

With the hand of the enemy, with the hand of Qingluo, it is only for one person!
(End of this chapter)

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