Chapter 359

Just for one person, I want to kill him!Burn the lamp for chopping!
Qiu Mo, whether it was in the past or now, has a strong killing intent towards Ran Deng, but during the calamity, the secret of the sky is unknown, and the saint shelters her. , also assumed the responsibility of the Demon Ancestor!
Therefore, she didn't dare to take action lightly, now that Qingluo is looking for her, and borrowing her hand, combined with the power of Jiejiao, to kill Ran Deng, the timing is just right, and the shot is right!
Qing Luo has always regarded Ran Deng as an opponent that cannot be ignored. With such an unscrupulous and powerful existence, Jiejiao may weaken a lot of strength before the Zhuxian Sword Formation and Ten Thousand Immortal Formation!
Sometimes a difference in strength can be the difference between victory and defeat!
Qingluo came back stepping on the clouds, holding a three-color stone in his hand, if he needed to crush one layer, Nu Wa would cover it up.As for the third floor, it was also an opportunity to use the mobile phone, but it was just a cover-up for Nuwa to do business!

In the third layer of the three-color stone, there is a drop of essence blood, which comes from the ancient ancestor witch, the essence blood of the space ancestor Wu Dijiang!This may be the only drop of Emperor Jiangzu's witch blood that exists in the world!
He needs to go and put this drop of blood on a stone.

That's right, it is the last five-colored stone that mended the sky, the later Monkey King!This blood is a treasure that countless body refiners and witches risk their lives to find!Just give it to Monkey King!No wonder that monkey has a tyrannical body, 72 transformations, and somersaulting cloud, the space art, learned so quickly!
He laughed, this calamity has not yet passed, and the next calamity is slowly gestating!

Qingluo rises from the clouds in one step, and climbs up to the nine heavens in a steady pace, and reaches the nine heavens above Jiepaiguan!

When the Xianjiao immortals saw Qing Luo's figure, their expressions relaxed and their vigilance resumed.What's relaxing is that the hidden enemies are now in the clear, and the vigilant is that the enemies in the obvious need to be extremely careful again!
Qing Luo didn't pay attention to the others, and only saw Ran Deng at a glance among the figures of the immortals.

Ran Deng also took a look at Qing Luo, and the two looked at each other, their hearts aroused!

Qing Luo was vigilant, it seemed that Ran Deng might have prepared a big gift for herself!If you want to kill Ran Deng, I am afraid that Ran Deng will also want to kill me!

However, no matter how great his gift is, it cannot be bigger than his own!

Qing Luo cupped his hands to the Holy Mother of Jinling and said: "Please stop the Holy Mother, the poor Taoist desires to compete with Ran Deng!"

As soon as this remark came out, the Nanji Immortal was shocked, Taoist Lu Ya looked surprised, and the Great Master Xuandu also looked at Qingluo.

After hearing this, Jin Ling smiled and said, "I will give up myself!"

If other people asked her to give up her opponent, she would not smile at each other like this and compete for the opponent. This is also a kind of disrespect for her.

However, Duobao had warned them in advance, so they naturally knew the priority of the matter!
Qing Luo met Ran Deng!
Jin Ling was surrounded by three great masters again!
Qing Luo looked at Ran Deng with a smile, without any trace of murderous intent, just like an old friend.

Ran Deng was also laughing, he laughed and said: "Fellow Daoist said this, and the poor Taoist also wants to say it to Fellow Daoist!"

Qing Luo raised her eyebrows and said, "Really? If fellow Taoists are not enemies with me, it's okay to become close friends!"

Ran Deng shook his head and laughed and said, "It's a pity that you and I are at odds now, it won't be possible!"

Qing Luo nodded, laughing!

The next moment, a palm was taken across the air, like a boundless palm, the palm palmed the sky, and the palm turned over and covered the clouds!
There are four gates under the palm, and the earth, wind, water and fire rise to the majesty, and the four gates form four images, surrounded by south, east, north and west!

The Hunyuan Four Elephant Gate turned into four gates, enclosing Randeng in the middle, and also enclosing Qingluo.

Ran Deng did not escape, he entered this space, and Qing Luo also entered this space, which is what Ran Deng wanted to see!

A dead fire rose from under the lamp, and black ash and dead air floated in the sky, above the falling clouds, and spread all over the body.

Qing Luo's palm is thundering, each of the four gates comes out of Feng Shui Fire, and chaos is born!The four elephants are raging, the earth feng shui fire repeats, the space collapses, and the world is destroyed!

There are countless murderous intentions in the Sixiang Gate, all of which cover the lamps. Three flowers and five qi float out of the top of the lamps, and 24 acres of Qingyun are connected into the sky.

On the Qingyunmu, there is another alms bowl held up, a purple gold bowl, and the bowl emits infinite auspicious colors, connecting the three flowers on the top of Qingyun, forming a world of its own!
One day, the auspicious colorful light flickers, and the five-color auspicious clouds can't fly through;Such a beautiful world phenomenon came from the hands of Ran Deng, Qing Luo was somewhat unexpected, but he was not soft-hearted.

Qing Luo stands on the ground, Feng Shui Huo, surrounded by four elephants, and the space is in his hands.

Sleeves waved lightly, 28 thorns came out of chrysalis in an instant, turned into 28 purple pythons, and their hunger and thirst devoured everything, prompting them to entangle themselves madly. It even pierces through the boundary shadow and shoots at the burning lamp itself.

Ran Deng's complexion changed slightly, he took off the rosary string on his neck, and beat it towards the thorns. The rosary turned into [-] precious light beads and rushed towards the king of thorns.

Qingluo's eyes flickered, and he reached out his hand to touch the King of Thorns, 49 flowers bloomed, and each flower bloomed in parallel, blocking [-] rosary beads without being swallowed by them.

Because, in the original book, Ran Deng was designed to make Yu Yixian swallow the one hundred and eight rosary beads before subduing it.This bead can resist the power of silkworms released by Da Luo Jinxian's Golden Winged Roc, so he dare not perform this scene again!
Another ray of light came out from the burning lamp, and a figure emerged!
The aura of Da Luo Jinxian's peak state spread out, and at the same time, the corpse's aura soared into the sky!

The four ancestors of zombies, vampire zombies, generals!
Once when Dayu was controlling the flood, he made trouble with the Wuzhi Qi family, and finally escaped, unexpectedly appeared here!rise.

He frowned slightly, and then released You, who turned into hundreds of thousands of feet and fought against the general with his physical strength.

However, Qing Luo discovered that the general's physical body was much stronger, and his supernatural powers and corpse energy were all greatly increased, but his spirit was obviously dull and gloomy. Could it be that he was controlled by Taoist Ran Deng?
And Ran Deng silently counted in his heart how many cards Qing Luo had yet to reveal.

The coffin lamp under Ran Deng's body would not go out, even if it was swallowed by the purple blood thorns, it would take a lot of time to swallow it.

This coffin fire is the fire of the undead. Ordinary golden immortals will die when they touch it, and even the golden immortals of Daluo can deal with it with ease like Qingluo!

Light the lamp and then take the Qiankun ruler, and hit the Qiankun ruler one foot at a time, turning thousands of feet of light into Qingluo.

It's just a black and yellow ancient picture floating in the sky, countless dots of starlight flashed on the ancient picture, connecting the sky and the earth to form a sea of ​​stars.

Lighting the lamp and performing another method, the coffin will turn into thousands of lamps, and thousands of spiritual rulers will float on the thousands of lamps, the ruler determines the universe, and the lights are empty!

Thousands of light rulers surrounded the vast sea of ​​stars, burning through the sky.

The sea of ​​stars trembled, and the stars twinkled.

Just as it was flashing, a destructive five-color divine light turned into the darkness and hit the burning lamp!

Ran Deng was startled, and hurriedly opened his mouth to spit out a beam of precious light. In the precious light is the ghost fire that Ran Deng has bred for countless years. A fire needs to be bred for 49 years, which consumes a lot of effort and energy. Although it takes a long time, the price is not high Small, but extremely powerful!

(End of this chapter)

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